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Full Series Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Discussion (Spoilers Allowed)

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by DarthTalgus, Mar 3, 2015.


    DANNASUK Force Ghost star 7

    Nov 1, 2012
    wow, spoiler tags.
  2. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    That Old Snake was actually from Transformers...but yes....."They just don't make terrorists like they used to........."

    DANNASUK Force Ghost star 7

    Nov 1, 2012
    same height and build, from first glance.
  4. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    In the Trailer Rex is the last word spoken.

    I am official scared.
  5. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    Look at the model for this guy against one of the GI...they pretty much tweaked the outlines and made it white.
  6. Palpatine2016

    Palpatine2016 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 12, 2012
    I would have mocked myself for saying it. [face_laugh] But the crossguard saber is not a coincidence.
    Darth Valkyrus likes this.
  7. Jedi Master Scorpio

    Jedi Master Scorpio Star Wars Television star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 24, 2015

    Nope no coincidence at all.
    Darth Valkyrus and Palpatine2016 like this.
  8. TheRevanchist

    TheRevanchist Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 13, 2012
    The trailer was seriously awesome. Like really, really awesome.

    Old Master looks like Maul.
    thatotherjedi likes this.
  9. Zenwalker

    Zenwalker Jedi Knight star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    Serious question. If this is a spoilers allowed thread, why is everyone hiding their posts? Is that what you're supposed to do?
  10. Jedi Master Scorpio

    Jedi Master Scorpio Star Wars Television star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 24, 2015

    I'm just simply following suit. Plus I need the practice.
    Zenwalker likes this.

    DANNASUK Force Ghost star 7

    Nov 1, 2012

    Dave Filoni warned the trailer would contain major spoilers. We protecting other members, who avoided the trailer because of them.
  12. Darth Valkyrus

    Darth Valkyrus Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2013
    The thing that grabbed me by the throat right at the start:

    Ahsoka's voice, over the Lucasfilm logo no less: "There's always a bit of truth in legends."

    Dunno about you, but to me that was a brick-subtle line directed squarely at the fourth wall, referencing the EU/Legends.

    The fact that that line was then followed up by a trailer filled with a whole bunch of stuff that looks to be imported directly from the EU confirms it.

    Filoni brought the odd EU thing into TCW or Rebels before. But it seems like with the Disney trilogy unfolding, and taking this radical different direction... he has kicked his EU-salvaging effort into high gear. Rebels is going to be crammed with as much EU stuff as he can possibly get into it.
  13. vstarvan

    vstarvan Jedi Master star 2

    Aug 11, 2013
    I ripped pictures from all across the trailer:
    The Sith temple. The planet gives off Malachore~esque vibes (Though it's probably not Malachor).

    More Malachore vibes



    Beautiful hammerheads

    Zeb's mom and another Lasat


    More beautiful hammerheads

    My man Cham Syndulla wearing Clone Armor

    Inside of a frigate, I'm assuming it's the yellow one a few images down



    Stormtrooper and cadet helmets are enough to survive in space I guess

    Ketsu Onyo is back

    McQuarrie spiders!!

    Third Inquisitor

    Temple guards up against the Inquisitors. Are they real? Visions? We don't know.

    Frigate (Likely the exterior of the one from a few images up)

    Some sort of factory is a new TIE variant. Sabine seems to have gotten a hold of Kanan's stormtrooper helmet.

    We all know who this is
    SWITS, podjazd, Darth Krayt and 3 others like this.
  14. CT1138

    CT1138 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2013
    I think the better question is: why would a member who is avoiding spoilers be in the spoilers allowed threads? :p
    Darth Valkyrus likes this.
  15. Zenwalker

    Zenwalker Jedi Knight star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    I see. I just thought it was strange because the thread title says spoilers allowed. So the spoiler buttons are like an added measure?
  16. vstarvan

    vstarvan Jedi Master star 2

    Aug 11, 2013
    I know double posting is discouraged, but I maxed out the image-per-post limit:
    Blowing up the factory


    Geonosis??? Three McQuarrie habitation spheres???

    Some kind of Lasat stuff

    Are those... flash frozen bodies Pompeii style?


    Anakin freakin' Skywalker

    Jedi Temple, maybe the Lothal one?


    Kanan and a derobed Temple Guard

    His armor is extremely similar to a certain Pau'an [face_thinking]

    Classic Sith Holocron




    Dude who looks exactly like Darth Maul



    New TIE

    SWITS, podjazd, Jamie1001 and 3 others like this.
  17. vstarvan

    vstarvan Jedi Master star 2

    Aug 11, 2013
    Part 3. Last one I promise.

    New Inquisitor

    Same Lasat stuff from before





    Someone getting blown up and Ezra ducking behind them




    Looks like we're seeing Palpatine

    And the moment we're all been waiting for
    SWITS, Rauno, minnishe and 5 others like this.
  18. Zenwalker

    Zenwalker Jedi Knight star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    Right. Hiding the posts just seemed counterintuitive to me. But please, I am by no means trying to hijack or start something. I genuinely wanted to know. Personally, I like spoilers.
  19. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    Most of the stuff in the trailer is fine because a trailer is an official release, but things that are major like

    Requires tags.
  20. Jedi Master Scorpio

    Jedi Master Scorpio Star Wars Television star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 24, 2015

    I remember reading an article with Pablo Hidalgo that hinted at the possibility of grabbing information as well as characters that are in the now Legends portion. I don't believe it was ever said that they wouldn't do it. So it makes sense that they would retcon some of the EU Legends material. I actually am all for it since there was some good material in the old Eu.
  21. CT1138

    CT1138 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2013
    This place, is creepy. Like, some serious 90's era computer animation vibes coming from this one:
  22. Zenwalker

    Zenwalker Jedi Knight star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    Okay, thanks.;)
    TheSilentInfluence likes this.
  23. ImNotAStarWarsFanboy

    ImNotAStarWarsFanboy Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 25, 2011
  24. Jedi Master Scorpio

    Jedi Master Scorpio Star Wars Television star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 24, 2015
  25. Zenwalker

    Zenwalker Jedi Knight star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    First thing I thought too.