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Saga Stronger Than Death- Qui/Obi/Ani - AOTC -AU-

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by VaderLVR64, May 28, 2004.

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  1. AnakinsHeir

    AnakinsHeir Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 2, 2004
    You are ending each chapter on a sort of cliffie, very evil! This was quite interesting:

    To the utter shock of all three men, Anakin threw himself into Qui-Gon?s arms and began sobbing. They were the deep relieved sobs of one who has been rescued from certain death at the last possible moment.

    WHY is Anakin so relieved to see him? I mean, I know he's always loved him, but this is relief...very interesting. I wonder what you have in store for these three?
  2. Kynstar

    Kynstar Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 2, 2004
    That was juz great!!! hehehe the slight 'rubbing' between Obi & Anakin was great! It showed that the two are having difficulties. The reunion with Anakin was sweet!!! Heartwarming! I nearly teared up!!! Poor Anakin...Loving this!! Great job VaderLVR64!!! Totally rocking this week, eh? :D

    *Snrk* 'Still as ugly as you remember?' hehehehehehe
  3. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004
    I loved the interaction between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. I am so glad that you brought him back. I cried when he died! :(

    I see Qui-Gon expected Anakin to be in touch with his mom like he should have been. Good job!!!

  4. Bekah_K

    Bekah_K Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 3, 2002
    To the utter shock of all three men, Anakin threw himself into Qui-Gon?s arms and began sobbing. They were the deep relieved sobs of one who has been rescued from certain death at the last possible moment.

    Looks like a lot of confusion/pain/anger, etc... has built up inside of Anakin over the last ten years, and seeing Qui-Gon has broken the barrier that has kept it hidden for so long. Wonderful reunion. :)

    I'm not sure who Qui was sent back for exactly in being told that 'he needs you'. But, right now, it looks as if both the boys need their father figure.

    Eagerly awaiting the next post! :D

  5. obi_ew

    obi_ew Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 14, 2002
    I'm really troubled by Anakin's vastly different reactions to Obi and Qui. [face_worried]
  6. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    I really loved the different ways Anakin reacted to both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. Anakin pushing Obi-Wan away with the underlying resentment simmering under the surface - reminds me a lot of the scenes in Padme's apartment and the Tatooine garage. Anakin's reaction to Qui-Gon shows that he always thought of Qui as a father figure and was so happy to see him alive. What will he do once the shock and happiness has worn off?

    Good job.
  7. Jedi_Jessie_Anne

    Jedi_Jessie_Anne Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 4, 2004
    Borrowed my aunt's computer to play catch-up on the boards, and WOW!

    hope you think I'm doing this plot bunny justice!

    Of course!

  8. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    The council, in all its wise ignorance

    I loved this turn of words here. The Council is clearly very ignorant of some things, but they still possess the power to have wisdom. It's frustrating that they don't utilize it properly.

    Qui-Gon's frustration and not knowing what the mission is or why? it kind of reflects, to me, the situation that we all face in normal life, not knowing exactly how we are going to effect others, in a large or small way. I like that you?ve given the story that sense of realism instead of making Qui-Gon some sort of super-hero. He?s just back to being his old self. It allows for him to be in the story without having been in it for the last 10 years so it?s still in the place we see around AOTC. I love that idea! :)

    A decade of being the master had left him ill-equipped for the resumption of the subordinate role. His momentary flash of resentment made him smile, and a sense of empathy for Anakin touched him.

    I loved this, because I definitely think Obi-Wan would be a little pertrubed at being ordered around. However, the fact that this helps him empathise a little with Anakin is great. It gives me a possible glimpse of where you're heading with this (however, in all my darkness, I do hope there's still plenty of angst ;))

    here were quite a few of them; he had obviously been gambling again.

    Who could he have learned that from? *throws pointed glance at Qui-Gon* ;)

    He started to leave his room, eager to begin any mission that involved secrecy and rule breaking. Finally, a mission that sounded interesting.

    [face_laugh] So very mischeviously Anakin ;) I liked his amusement at Mr. By-the-Book Obi-Wan needing his help for a 'secret mission' he couldn't tell anyone about.

    But, I have to agree with Obi_ew when she says:
    I'm really troubled by Anakin's vastly different reactions to Obi and Qui.

    It seems to me that this could cause a different kind of tension amongst all three of them. Naturally Anakin favours Qui-Gon and probably doesn't care how that makes Obi-Wan feel.

    First off, as diane asked, What will he do once the shock and happiness has worn off? How will Anakin deal with the situation he's presented with now? Seems like an awfully easy way to get back at Obi-Wan somewhat. Which leads me to think that, really, the question is how will Qui-Gon handle this situation.

    Great work once again. You keep me wanting to read more!

    -sj loves kevin spacey
  9. Marsa

    Marsa Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 23, 2004
    Oh Gosh!!

    That last part almost made me cry!!

    The disharmony between Obi-Wan and Ani, is one of the hardest things for me to read on these boards, but with Qui-gon here, it makes me think things should have turned out differently!!

    Bad Darth Maul, Bad!

    You have such a beautiful writing style.

    ~M [face_good_luck]
  10. Jedi_Nifet

    Jedi_Nifet Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 8, 2002
    Hmm... Now this is interesting. While Obi-Wan needs quite some persuasion to believe, Anakin seemingly accepts it in a moment.

    The question of who needs Qui most still remains to add to the mystery of the purpose of his return.

    Waiting for more. ;)
  11. Alixen

    Alixen Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 7, 2003
    Cool Post :)

    I liked Anakin's reaction to Qui :)

    The sad thing is, Anakin and Obi-Wans Master/Padawan relationship is almost exacly like this in the Jedi Quest books, despite liking Obi-Wan, he wasnt a very good Master to Anakin.

    He taught him the skills yes, but there were things missing, especially Trust, Obi-Wan constantly ranted about Anakin 'Not trusting him' but he didnt trust Anakin either.

    Then again Qui-Gon wasnt a Prize Master, what with Xanatos and the the mental state it put him in :(
    Though in TPM he seemed to have finally recovered and become a good Master.
    though there was lingerings of his former mental state though :(
  12. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Chapter 5 ?Old Wounds?

    ?No man is angry that feels not himself hurt.? Francis Bacon

    Anakin pulled back and wiped the tears from his face with an impatient hand. He remained kneeling in front of the man who had freed him from slavery, the one who had put him upon this path to become a Jedi Knight.

    ?It makes sense now,? he said earnestly as he grabbed Qui-Gon?s hands. ?What I saw in my vision makes more sense. I thought the vision was nonsense, or wishful thinking at best. But you?re here.?

    Obi-Wan looked at Anakin sharply. ?You mean you saw him come back??

    ?No,? Anakin shook his head. ?I saw Master Qui-Gon in a vision but I did not see him come back from the dead, he was just there with us.?

    Obi-Wan looked at his padawan in wonder. ?Why didn?t you tell me, Anakin??

    ?Would you have cared, Master?? Anakin turned to look at him with bitter eyes.

    Obi-Wan pulled away, taken aback by his anger he saw in Anakin?s face. ?Of course I would have cared! What kind of remark is that?? He felt his own anger rising despite his efforts to remain calm.

    ?I?ve always known you didn?t want me as your padawan, Master.? He shook his head. ?We don?t fit, we don?t get along, and we have totally different views on what the Jedi should be and do.?

    ?Anakin,? Obi-Wan attempted to put a soothing hand on Anakin?s shoulder but he jerked away.

    ?I remember you telling Master Qui-Gon I was dangerous.? He straightened his shoulders. ?That?s not the sort of thing a young boy ever forgets.?

    Obi-Wan closed his eyes and silently cursed his careless words. Gods, the trouble he could have avoided with this young man merely by holding his tongue.

    ?Anakin, I said things I should not have said. I didn?t KNOW you, Anakin.? Obi-Wan tried desperately to make the young man understand.

    Anakin shook his head. ?Well you know me now and I don?t see that it?s helped your opinion any.?

    Obi-Wan shook his head and shot a look at Qui-Gon. The older Jedi was staying silent, observing the interaction between his former padawan and the boy/man he had thrust upon him with his dying words.

    Obi-Wan looked at the young man who stood in front of him. He put a hand on his shoulder and this time Anakin let it remain.

    ?Since I took you as my apprentice, I have never doubted your abilities or your sincere desire to be a Jedi. I HAVE doubted my ability to be the Master you deserved and needed.? He paused and looked at Qui-Gon. ?I knew I couldn?t be the master you SHOULD have had. The one who would have trained you if I hadn?t been too slow in getting to him.?

    Qui-Gon winced; he had never imagined that his padawan felt guilt over his death. And he had added to that burden by giving him a half-grown, incredibly powerful, and yet uncontrollable boy to train. His broad shoulders slumped in dismay as he realized what his dying wish had wrought.

    Anakin swallowed hard at this very honest and painful answer. ?But you never would have trained me if Master Qui-Gon hadn?t made you promise,? he whispered as he nodded toward Qui-Gon.

    Obi-Wan sighed deeply, he had known that one day this issue would rear its ugly head and now that day had come. ?Anakin, I think perhaps you misunderstood some things.? He paused and looked once more at Qui-Gon. ?I had just watched my master struck down right in front of me, I had killed a Sith and touched the Dark Side to do so, and I was a freshly knighted Jedi.? He shook his head. ?Then I was presented with a boy who just might be the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy!?

    ?It was a bit much too handle all at one time, young padawan.? He looked directly into Anakin?s blue eyes. ?Anakin, I do care about you. I?m sorry if I made you feel unwanted. I was grieving for the man I considered my father and I was trying desperately to adjust to being a Jedi in my own right.?

    It was clear that Anakin regretted bringing up the topic and only the shock of Qui-Gon?s appearance had prompted him to speak so bluntly. Anakin gave a jerky nod of his head, hoping to put the subj
  13. Kynstar

    Kynstar Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 2, 2004
    Ack!!!! Cliffy! *Grrrr* hehehe
    Great post! Ummm this dream sounds like the fall of the Jedi and the birth of the Empire and then the Empire's falling then the birth of the Jedi once more.

    Cooooool vision! Thought it was great!! :D

    Poor Anakin and Obi-Wan... the two sure hit head on at times, eh? Great work!!! :D :D Can't wait for more

    Love the spat with Birdsong and Qui hehehe that was funny.

    Ummm Qui ain't gonna be too pleased if he finds out his Master has gone all Sithly... ummm

    OK back to this cliffy... *grrrrr!* hehehe ;)

    (Edit: Ohhhh! had a thought on Dooku... wonder how he would react in knowing Qui is back? Ummm wonder if he'd turn back to the light for that one? ;) oh well... sorry to edit hehehe this thought kind'a waylayed me as soon as I hit 'post' hehehe)
  14. Shaindl

    Shaindl Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 18, 2002
    Don't think that it's Anakin that yelled in the middle of the night. Which leaves Obi or Qui. Or maybe Anakin. :p

    Loved Qui's conversation with Birdsong - very amusing. Anakin's vision was telling...

    Looking forward to more!

  15. Jedikma

    Jedikma Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2004
    Great post!

    I did like Anakin's dream. Very interesting.

    As for who is doing the screaming, ummm. It can't be Anakin, that would be too obvoius. I think..... ;)

    ~ Jedikma :)
  16. jedimommie2

    jedimommie2 Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 3, 2004
    Great post! You just had to leave us hanging though, didn't you? ;) Loved the heart to heart that Anakin and Obi-Wan had. So when's the next post? Soon I hope!
  17. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004
    Another great chapter. I wish Anakin and Obi-Wan were getting along better, but I guess they have some issues to work out.

    ?You are, but there are rules! The ?Rules and Regulations for Dealing with Affairs of the Galaxy? to be precise.? Birdsong answered triumphantly.

    ?There are rules for that sort of thing?? he asked incredulously.

    ?There are rules for everything. I would think that as Jedi you would know that. Don?t the Jedi have rules for everything?? Birdsong?s voice became sly. ?Even for love??

    This was hilarious! Can't wait for more...

  18. AnakinsHeir

    AnakinsHeir Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 2, 2004
    Yes, Anakin and Obi-Wan have some issues to deal with. But will Qui-Gon's presence make them better or worse?

    Anakin?s face was so full of hurt and guilt right now that Obi-Wan didn?t know what to say or do. Anakin sank down on the bed. ?I?ve heard the whispers, how could I not? They whispered when I arrived at the Temple and every time I did something unusual the whispers would start again. They say I?m too reckless, too impatient, too much of everything that a Jedi is not supposed to be.?

    Loved this, although it is actually very sad. I liked the quote at the beginning, because that described Anakin very well. Great job.

  19. Marsa

    Marsa Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 23, 2004
    Great job.

    I love Birdsong, and the banter that her and Qui-gon share.

    I think Ani and Obi are making a little progress.

    It looks like Obi-wan has been going with the "tough-love" method, but often forgetting the love part.

    They both have some baggage to deal with.

    I hope they get to Shmi intime!!!!

  20. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    I love the fact that Qui-Gon is so annoyed with Birdsong. Most would be glad to have an angel around them, bringing them back from the dead and whatnot, but she clearly gets on his nerves ;)

    What time exactly does this take place? The title says prior to CW, but is it also prior to AOTC?

    In any case, more interesting things have been put in motion. I'm interested in seeing how Dooku might play into this as Qui-Gon thought about finding out about him. I'm also wondering about that cliffhanger ending :(

    -sj loves kevin spacey
  21. Bekah_K

    Bekah_K Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 3, 2002
    Qui's visit from Birdsong was entertaining. Poor Qui, she just leaves him with more questions unanswered. :)

    And Obi's idea of setting Qui loose on the council would be very interesting indeed! :D

    Wonder who Anakin was suppose to meet with. [face_thinking]


  22. PadawanKitara

    PadawanKitara Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 31, 2001
    How come it took me a week to find this?

    I love the conversations between Qui-Gon and Birdsong. They fit in very well with my warped sense of humor.
  23. Keeper_of_Swords

    Keeper_of_Swords Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 20, 2003
    Good work on Chapter 4 and 5. Liked the part when Anakin met Qui-Gon and the tense dialogue at the beginning of the 5th chapter.

    From those two stars emerged a saber and after a long time other sabers formed here and there in space, until the galaxy was illuminated as it had been in the first part of the vision.??.this was an interesting concept.
  24. red rose knight

    red rose knight Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 3, 2001
    Okay, that vision was interesting...

    I loved the conversation between Qui-Gonand Birdsong. At least, now he knows what it feels like to deal with someone like himself. Although, I doubt he would consider himself obstinate or frustrating. :p

    It would be too easy to be Anakin screaming, so I bet it will be Obi-Wan. Of course, you would make it Anakin just to screw me up. [face_laugh]
  25. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    A/N: This takes place just before AOTC, so Anakin has not been reunited with Padme, although it was imminent. There has been no mission to Ansion for the purposes of this story.

    Chapter 6 ?Silent No Longer?

    ?Beware the fury of a patient man.? John Dryden

    Obi-Wan rushed toward the sound of the cry, meeting Qui-Gon in the hallway. There was no sound to be heard coming from the living area, it was once again silent and still. Both came to an abrupt halt in the doorway.

    Anakin was lying on the couch, still asleep. But his feet were kicking in jerky and frantic motions, and Obi-Wan could see the gleam of sweat on his face and chest. Suddenly, Anakin reached up and gave one more loud cry before his arms fell back. Then he woke up; his eyes looking about wildly and his breathing labored.

    Obi-Wan approached him first and knelt down beside him. ?Anakin, what is it??

    Anakin gulped and shook his head. Obi-Wan placed a steadying hand on his shoulder. ?Anakin, what happened?? his voice was gentle but insistent.

    Anakin shook his head once more before giving a groan of despair. ?My mother?? He took a deep breath and shuddered. ?My mother is in pain, horrible pain.? His squeezed his eyes shut as if to deny what his dream had revealed to him.

    Qui-Gon approached the pair and sat down on the couch next to him. ?Anakin, what exactly did you see??

    Anakin didn?t open his eyes but answered in a low whisper. ?She was being tortured, held prisoner somewhere. I couldn?t see who had her, or where she was exactly. But it seemed to be Tatooine; at least I guess it was.? He gave a low moan of despair as he realized how little useful information he had.

    Qui-Gon nodded thoughtfully and placed a large hand under his chin as he considered the problem. He looked at Obi-Wan and said carefully. ?If we?re going to give credence to his first vision then we must heed what this one is telling us. We need to go there and find out what is happening.?

    Anakin held his breath, expecting an argument from his master, the familiar bitterness lurking behind his eyes. But Obi-Wan simply nodded and then looked at Anakin once more. ?Can you tell if this already happened or is a warning about a future event??

    The younger man felt a rush of surprised gratitude that Obi-Wan seemed to be taking his dream seriously. ?I think it?s already happened because I can feel her pain. She is hurting, Master.? Obi-Wan gave him a nod of acknowledgement and rose to his feet.

    ?So, what do we do now, Master?? Obi-Wan asked Qui-Gon.

    ?Well, he?s your padawan so perhaps you should make the decision, Master Obi-Wan,? Qui-Gon placed a slight emphasis on Obi-Wan?s title.

    He acknowledged the courtesy with a small smile and then turned to meet the gaze of his very concerned apprentice. ?I guess we?ll be making a trip to Tatooine.?

    Anakin grinned widely and stood up quickly to give Obi-Wan a crushing hug. Obi-Wan pushed him away after a few moments. ?All right, enough! We must prepare for our journey.? He turned to go to his room and gather what he would need, but he stopped suddenly and turned around to look at Qui-Gon and Anakin.

    ?Uh, we?ve got one problem,? he said reluctantly.

    ?Only one? We?re doing better than I expected then, ?Qui-Gon observed dryly.

    ?Well, the first problem is the most important then. We?ve got no ship; all of the ships belong to the Jedi and I can?t see them loaning us one based on Anakin?s dream.? Obi-Wan said with a nod to the young man.

    Anakin?s face fell as he realized that Obi-Wan was right. Qui-Gon merely chuckled and shook his head.

    ?Well, we will simply borrow one then,? he advised.

    Obi-Wan groaned and threw back his head in frustration. Obviously being dead had not made Qui-Gon any more cautious. ?We can?t do that, Master, it would be wrong.?

    ?Well the ships are for the use of the Jedi, are they not? And are we not Jedi? Surely TWO Jedi Masters and The Chosen One will have enough sense to take good care of one little ship, won?t they?? Qui-Gon insisted. ?A
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