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Beyond - Legends Students DDC 2013 complete

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by earlybird-obi-wan, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Title: Students
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: beyond
    Characters: Marhin Adin, Aaqu Maerhin and Jehna Er-San
    Genre: diary
    Summary: Three students of the Force write a diary
    Star Wars belongs to Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm belongs to Disney.

    Entry 1
    I have a new diary and have named it ‘students.’ I will explain that later. Lynne brought it to me after cleaning the covers of my bed. Yes, I will explain that but first; getting a new diary took more days than expected. Marhin was having fun because he was busy planning. Among thos plans were a bachelor party for Aradan and Dian and Jim and Akina. And of course the plans for the wedding day but with something added for me.

    The bachelor party was nice with a little wizard party to have Jehna sending Aradan – dressed as a grey wizard – away with Lionel to the next part of his party. That was taking place on the husan farm of Aidan and Lionel Keranan where children staying in the hospital got their riding therapy.

    The party ended for me on the beach and hearing Ivano telling about his injury – sustained all those years ago saving padawan Setiquiyak and giving him a stay in the Jedi-temple healers’ ward – to the Guyets. It was a nice surprise to hear that Jedi healer Alco Bel Kais had survived the purge and became stranded on Lingala where he was one of the teachers of Jason Guyet. Alco and his wife lived a long life on Lingala.

    The wedding was yesterday with first the ceremony with the nine husans and the Dunai elder vows. Aradan and Dian were beautiful in their white gear. Jehna was there and I see that he will want to write the next part.

    - - -

    I am Jehna Er-San and like Aaqu and Marhin, who will write the next part, a student.

    I am a fully graded surgeon and anaesthetist but an accident happening twelve days ago has me with only a little amount of midi-chlorians. They were given to me by my father donating stemcells.

    Aaqu and Marhin have written in their previous diary about my accident. I will be a student of the Force and there are many more things I have to learn anew. I could attend little parts of the wedding day because I need lots and lots of sleep.

    The ceremony was nice seeing my great friend and mentor Aradan marrying his beloved Dian. The formal signing of the papers was a short visit for me to the restaurant.

    I am tiring rapidly you know being on a ventilator to support me and writing with my left hand is very awkward for me. I am righthanded and to make it even more difficult there is that pesky IV tube in my hand. I am glad we have the scanning thingy to make my scribbles readable. Getting tired was very convenient to ask Aaqu to guide me back to my room where we had his surprise planned. He had to be with an empty stomach because thingy-removal was today and he was noisy.

    - - -

    Noisy; yes Jehna I was noisy and ah Marhin wants to write. The explaining will come later.

    - - -

    Oops was my pager alerting me for an emergency. I had to go and Aaqu wrote in the previous diary until he could put no more words in it.

    We had to get a new one. That new one – you are seeing our first page of scribbles transferred into readable words because doctor’s scribbles are always horrible to read – came as a present from Lynne. And that was days after the emergency.

    We have had a lot of celebrations. Aaqu celebrated his 185th birthday. Jehna is now in a medium care room after receiving the stemcells with midi-chlorians. And those thingies are multiplying. Jehna will be a student too. And that brings me to the title of this new diary. Aaqu has named it ‘students’ and…
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Cool stuff with a tri-part diary ;) :) Almost like having a convo with 3 people trying to all talk over and around each other [face_laugh]
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  3. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    And the fun continues, now as a threesome. :D
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  4. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    A threesome with a diary! You naught girl, bird! :p
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  5. Alexis_Wingstar

    Alexis_Wingstar Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2006
    Geesh! And I thought I was crazy to do a two-part diary! [face_laugh] This is great.
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  6. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    It is fun to do this diary and continuing the Inferno story

    Entry 2

    Yup that was another emergency but I am back.
    Yesterday was great fun after a beautiful ceremony where Jehna got a medal from the president. He will write about that. I will tell you more about the first Noranan hospital run and the fun we all had.
    The first run was for the guys – Aaqu, Jadin, Kaagi and Jeffrey – in their wheelchairs. They did a short run through the large corridors of the hospital. And guess who won?
    Jeffrey won with help from astromech Iffy who was towing his wheelchair. Dad and Jadin made it a close finish and Aaqu was last.
    The big run had Tarmenel Eled-Hir winning before Timo, Ludo and Galin. And that made a big water fight possible for the healers and all of them dripping wet when they came to see the last ceremony.

    - - -

    I saw the wheelchair race and the start of the big run for children and parents and all who wanted to run for the children staying in the hospital. And that was after the ceremony where I got a medal from the president.
    The rescued children came to thank me and had a very nice present. One doll out of a large bag of dolls was placed on my bed.
    I have a nice use for them. They will be given as present to the young patients.
    The run will raise more funds for presents. And yes after the last run I was asked by the president if I could compete in this run and the big Monir memorial run. I will work on my recovery and try to be there.
    My parents left today but will come back when Aragin is visiting his family.

    - - -

    Jehna has explained the title sufficiently in the first entry I see but I have some more explaining to do. After the surgery for thingy removal I was quite hungry and eating porridge when Jehna began to mutter about a noisy me. That had me dropping my spoon in the porridge and soiling the sheets. Lynne cleaned the mess and came with the new diary and ordered me to write the first entry.
    Jehna asked me if he could write in the diary and he did and now…
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  7. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
  8. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Hi, thanks for the tag. :) Glad to see an update, but it appears with an interruption at the end ;)
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  9. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    They sure don't stop, do they? ;)
    earlybird-obi-wan and Jade_eyes like this.
  10. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    The wheel chair race sounds fun. With you around things usually are fun. :D
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  11. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    They will continue but with their duties;)


    Entry 3
    Jehna’s husan Andar was messy. I had to stop writing yesterday because Andar came to the porch where I was sitting in my wheelchair writing the previous entry and smudged first my hair and after that my clothes. And he tried to grab the diary with his teeth. Missed it of course and that’s why you see this diary again.
    And with Andar being messy the other husans tried to follow his example. I became covered with dirt, husan hair and more until Lynne called them after entering the stable to feed them. Aronia was the first to canter away and of course the rest followed after spattering me with more dirt.

    - - -

    Aaqu sure was dirty yesterday when I came to take Dewali for a ride. Today I accompanied Aaqu to Jehna’s room where we had our first lesson together as the three students.
    Aaqu had brought his lightsaber and that got us nice comments when Lionel and Ivano came for an unexpected visit.

    - - -

    Yes you should have seen Ivano’s face when he saw that lightsaber.
    Ivano began to tell us when he had seen a lightsaber for the first time and that was during the years now known as the clone wars. He was responding to a call to the Glyvos factory and had to search the south tower of that building for possible victims when he heard – to him – strange sounds of electrical discharges and blaster fire. The roof collapsed. Ivano got injured without knowing that he was because he saw a trapped girl that was being freed by a woman wielding a green beam. His mate Roland Kadecek recognised that beam being a lightsaber and …
    AzureAngel2 and Jade_eyes like this.
  12. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Busy busy healers! ;)
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  13. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    Yes you should have seen Ivano’s face when he saw that lightsaber.
    Ivano began to tell us when he had seen a lightsaber for the first time and that was during the years now known as the clone wars. He was responding to a call to the Glyvos factory and had to search the south tower of that building for possible victims when he heard – to him – strange sounds of electrical discharges and blaster fire. The roof collapsed. Ivano got injured without knowing that he was because he saw a trapped girl that was being freed by a woman wielding a green beam. His mate Roland Kadecek recognised that beam being a lightsaber and …

    Why do you stop this update with an "and...". This is so frustrating! I hope you have another update soon.
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  14. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Healers are busy;) and sometimes unable to continue their writing

    Entry 4
    Yes that was Aaqu dropping the diary because a beeping alert had him going to change the IV-bag for a new one. And colleagues; beware of another wheelchair racer. Aaqu likes to guide his wheelchair at top speed to whatever emergency is there for him.
    Yes on with the lightsaber story. Ivano saw two more beings wearing beige and brown clothes jumping down and wielding blue lightsabers when the place got interesting with battle droids. Ivano and Roland were pushed out of harms way by the Jedi and could again rush to the aid of the two women when the other two Jedi – Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi – jumped back to the roof to continue their mission.
    Ivano and Roland brought the two women outside and Ivano was in the medevac that rushed to the Jedi temple. I have to stop. Kaagi and Aradan are here to give me therapy.

    - - -

    That wheelchair will be gone in three days. I can write about what happened there in the Jedi temple healers’ ward. I had finished a procedure with Kaagi as the anaesthetist and was leaving the ward when I saw drops of blood after slipping on them. I rushed back and there was Ivano asking for help to get from the big stretcher where padawan Setiquiyak was receiving aid from Enga Mariss.
    I saw his bleeding right leg and helped him from the stretcher to another one. And did he comply? No, he started to protest, tried to leave, wanted to be busy with his BA-gear when that started to give an ear-splitting sound and didn’t like Kaagi’s air-show at all. We got him sedated and treated his leg. His thigh got more surgical procedures after we discovered a nasty infection. We had to place beads that delivered antibiotics directly to the place of infection in his thigh. And he appreciated Kaagi’s last air-show when we removed the beads. I will…

    - - -

    I found the diary in a changing cubicle in the scrub room. Aaqu and Jehna should be glad that I found it.
    Dad’s air-shows are fun for the patient that’s going under the anaesthesia. The show distracts them entirely from what is happening. For some beings he does it in the prep-room where they are comfortable in their bed. And…
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  15. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Ivano has resourceful vigilant healers looking out for him :)
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  16. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Air-shows would be fun... ;)
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  17. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    I found the diary in a changing cubicle in the scrub room. Aaqu and Jehna should be glad that I found it.

    Hope to read more of those air-shows...
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  18. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    You will in a coming update


    Entry 5

    That was me grabbing the diary. I was glad that Marhin has found the diary. But I could barely save it from the teeth of Dewali. Marhin will read this and I hope he will never write again in the diary when he is caring for his husan. And my interruption? Yes that was in the changing cubicle and my pager warning me that another emergency was coming my way. I wheeled to the ER-room and helped to treat a girl.

    - - -

    Husans. I was lucky when Aaqu came into the stable. He was on his crutches but could distract Dewali and grab it before the rascal could get it. Aaqu saved the diary now two times. We have to find a safe place for the diary. I have a great idea. This afternoon we have our next lesson from dad.

    - - -

    My room of course is the perfect place to have the diary safe from husans, scrub rooms and more. We had our lesson from Kaagi Adin. A meditating lesson and when I concentrated enough I could feel the presence of him.
    After the lesson he began to tell us about a real funny event that happened years ago in the Jedi temple.

    Crime passionel; never heard about that but it happens everywhere in the galaxy. But droids?
    Kaagi was called to an emergency by a feminine speaking voice and coming to the scene he saw the user of that voice – a nanny droid with a scalpel in its appendage – standing next to the dismantled pieces of a second nanny droid. And it was reciting the last lines of ‘good times, bad times’ and asking Kaagi if he would conduct the autopsy. He declined and called the techs to fix the droids.
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  19. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Glad they rescued ;) the diary & [face_laugh] on the nanny droids.
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  20. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Nanny-droids are never boring. ;)
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  21. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    Crime passionel; never heard about that but it happens everywhere in the galaxy. But droids?
    Kaagi was called to an emergency by a feminine speaking voice and coming to the scene he saw the user of that voice – a nanny droid with a scalpel in its appendage – standing next to the dismantled pieces of a second nanny droid. And it was reciting the last lines of ‘good times, bad times’ and asking Kaagi if he would conduct the autopsy. He declined and called the techs to fix the droids.

    And I thought I just left the party! ;)
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  22. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    They have to;)
    Inspired by your diary[face_dancing]

    Entry 6

    Ivano visited me again and read the entries about him in the diary. And he began to tell me more about his long recovery and the first one to visit him after he left the IC-ward. He had seen the acrobatic moves of a green elf and called him that never knowing that he heard that. That was Master Yoda who said that green elf he was not. A book belonging to Ivano had Master Yoda remembering his visit to Moniron where he saved Fay Ere-Dun and took her – after getting permission from her brother Jasir and Ghari Adin – to the Jedi to be trained in the ways of the Jedi. Fay is remembered fondly by all of us. She became a great Jedi knight. During her last mission to Queyta to obtain an antidote to a hideous disease that killed a colony of Gungans she gave her life-forces to save Obi-Wan Kenobi. And Ivano naming the title of the book had me of course recognising it. Master Eled-Hir had used it to teach me.

    - - -

    It was my book too to learn more about the Dunai elder. I saw it during my stay at Master Jasir Ere-Dun’s place after my escape from the cabin. And Ghari Adin – Kaagi’s uncle – had of course one in his library. Ghari and Kaagi were my teachers. And now I have one in my library. Lynne brought her book.

    - - -

    Dad, Aaqu and Master Eled-Hir were my teachers in the ways of the Dunai elder. For us the power of the engwa eiaala or what the Jedi called the midi-chlorians is a natural part of our being. We don’t have that many engwa eiaala now but they will multiply and enable us to do things with more ease. Things like enduring treatment.
    Dad is busy now to give Jehna exercises. And Jehna will write the next part.
    AzureAngel2 likes this.
  23. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Inspired by your diary

    :D [:D]

    Fay seems nice. I like her. :)

    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  24. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_laugh] Always enjoy Fay and more about the Dunai :cool: @};-
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  25. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    Yepp, was nice to read that before marching to bed. I try to read more in the weekend, but I have lots of things to do in the house.

    One can really see that I was knocked out for an entire week. My husband is blind against the chaos. Only "Dungeons and dragons" on-line counts for him and now the blasted motor sport season starts again. So I am completely left on my own with all the unwashed laundry, dust and washing up. Great! I need a clone army or I fall seriously ill again...

    Dus AUB niet boos zijn als het even iets langer kan duren, oké? Ik weet echt niet waar ik moet beginnen... en er zijn nog steeds sollicitaties die ik moet versturen. Het is een 50/ 50 kans dat mijn collega terug komt. Ik wil op alles voorbereid zijn.
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.