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FF:NSW summer tv

Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by TheOzhaggis, Nov 24, 2005.

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  1. The_Scream_Man

    The_Scream_Man Jedi Knight star 5

    May 1, 2000
    The hit new show headland is my guilty pleasure. a friend of mine works in the script department (Not writing them) and her parents worked on the show for awhile after episode 10. They have something like 82 episodes filmed?

    Enjjoyed veronica Mars again this week. im still trying to figure out of Troy is a friend or someone screwing with her.
  2. TheOzhaggis

    TheOzhaggis Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 1, 2000
    Another new show on Ch10: THRESHOLD ("a female government contingency analyst who leads a team of scientists and military personnel who get in contact with a mysterious alien lifeform.")

    Starts Sunday 8.30 (after Smallville)

    Pilot episode is directed by David Goyer (writer/director of Blade), who produces the show, along with David Heyman (Harry Potter movies), and Brannon Braga (Star Trek) - so an interesting mix of scifi/fantasy folks behind the cameras ...

    And it has a viewer rating of 8.5/10, so maybe worth a look (believe it or not, I've never even heard of it before)

    EDIT: it must be good, because CBS has cancelled it....
  3. TheOzhaggis

    TheOzhaggis Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 1, 2000

    Well looky there - they've snuck in AMERICAN DAD under the radar (well, my radar anyway, which aint hard atm) ... tis on tonight (Thursday) at 10pm on Ch 7. I have nae really seen Family Guy, but it's made by the same folks, and I'm told it's very very similar ...

  4. The_Scream_Man

    The_Scream_Man Jedi Knight star 5

    May 1, 2000
    damn, Id have watched em both if i hadnt...totally...forgotten.


    Summer TV wise, Im hooked on Veronica Mars, Ghost whisperer and Third Watch remains a favourite. Smallville are all still episodes i can watch on DVD without ads, so I havent been watching that. Oh, and Im getting annoyingly hooked on The Hit New Show Headland. Katie is hot.
  5. Detonating-Rabbit

    Detonating-Rabbit Jedi Knight star 5

    May 23, 2003
    I didn't know there was TV in the summer... :p
    At least not over the Christmas period...
  6. Tyi-Maet_Nefer

    Tyi-Maet_Nefer Jedi Master star 6

    Jun 17, 2005
    No no, you must remember the cricket! It's probably the best show all season....

  7. Shadowfire

    Shadowfire Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 14, 1998
    I'm calling Joss out. Veronica Mars is NOT the best television ever.

    Way too much teen angst.
  8. The_Scream_Man

    The_Scream_Man Jedi Knight star 5

    May 1, 2000
    im ok with teen angst. And I can definitely deal with very well written teen angst
  9. Foxi

    Foxi Jedi Knight star 5

    Nov 29, 2004
    Only thing I watch is Third Watch if it's on when I am couching. Will Bosco be ok?!?! [face_worried]

    LANDO_ROCKS Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 28, 2002
    THE GOOD...

    American Dad - hilarious, I love the talking goldfish!

    Smallville - I've been hooked for a while, only problem is that some episodes are far better than others, for example the one where Kent found out that he was from Kypton etc - excellent! The one with the cloned little girl - Crap!

    Family Guy - Very funny of course

    ...THE BAD...

    Ghost Whisperer - the old "chick-who-talks-to-ghosts-to-help-them-pass-over-to-the-other-side" genre is getting a bit too crowded methinks.

    Surface - Sorry I ain't into it, dragon like things which swim in lava and shoot sparks? Count me out.

    ....AND THE UGLY

    Headland - how much crapper could this have been?

  11. TheOzhaggis

    TheOzhaggis Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 1, 2000

    re: surface

    the more i watch it, the more it seems like a cheap made-for-tv knock-off of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (right down to the 'encounterees' automatic art)
  12. The_Scream_Man

    The_Scream_Man Jedi Knight star 5

    May 1, 2000
    i quite like Headland Im sad to say. Im vaguely in love with katie...

    moving on, Ghost Whisperer is good, and tonight had a bit of a twist at the end that wa sa little creepy.

    LANDO_ROCKS Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 28, 2002
    Did anyone realise that the cyclist who died on Ghost Whisperer was the good doctor from Firefly/Serenity?


  14. TheOzhaggis

    TheOzhaggis Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 1, 2000

    Lando, I think you might be watching GW han solo ...

    Meanwhile, just saw an ad for Supernatural, starting in January. So there's some more summer scifi tv on its way.
  15. Ki-Bara-Mundi

    Ki-Bara-Mundi Jedi Master star 6

    Nov 27, 2000
    I saw American Dad. It felt like Family Guy all over again, but I liked it. Kinda like comparing Futurama to The Simpsons.
  16. The_Scream_Man

    The_Scream_Man Jedi Knight star 5

    May 1, 2000
    Threshhold is pretty cool. Shame it got cnacelled.

    And the girl whos dog gt eaten in Surface was hot as hell. rowr.

  17. TheOzhaggis

    TheOzhaggis Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 1, 2000

    And now I've just seen an ad for ROME, coming soon to CH9.

    Gonna be innaresting to see how they handle the sex scenes...

    And Carnivale season 2 is soon on ABC. W00t!
  18. Darth_Punk

    Darth_Punk Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 12, 2002
    I have to say that supernatural and Invasion have caught my eye, but I will either download them or wait until DVD, because I refuse to watch another TV series where they either re schedule the show all over the place or spoil the future episodes with the advertising trying to get you to watch the next episode, for instance "one of these 3 characters will die" and showing you 3 characters in a trailer.:mad:
  19. TheOzhaggis

    TheOzhaggis Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 1, 2000

    Supernatural and Invasion are completely different styles of show, but both are worth the effort imho. Supernatural is like a younger, rock'n'roll x-files (it's made by x-files veterans) - looks like an urban-legend-of-the-week show, more style than substance (but the style is so purrrrdy you won't care), and it doesn't take itself too seriously - so it's all good fun. What you see in the ads is what you get in the show (including the music). Invasion on the other hand is a slow boiling psychological thriller, not nearly as action packed as the ads make out (except for the pilot). It's all about mystery and tension and paranoia. All that good stuff. :)

    And if you haven't seen Carnivale, well .. you just do NOT know what you're missing out on. :)
  20. Shadowfire

    Shadowfire Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 14, 1998
    I caught a cute little show called Wonderfalls on afternoon TV (9 from memory) today. It was definitely suited to a mature audience and am surprised it was shown at 4:30.

    Kind of the show where I was baffled by the characters so much that I didn't realise I was realy enjoying the show till it ended.

    Cute but insane girl with troubled family must fulfil quests set by talking inanimate objects (usually animals such as stuffed bears or the eagle on coins) in the lush surrounds of Niagara Falls.
  21. TheOzhaggis

    TheOzhaggis Jedi Master star 5

    Nov 1, 2000

    Carnivale in fact starts up again tonight: Sunday 8.30 ABC. :)

  22. HawkNC

    HawkNC Former RSA: Oceania star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 23, 2001
    Shara and I are both new fans of Wonderfalls after watching the first episode. It'll be interesting to see how many episodes they actually show, considering they made about thirteen but only aired four in the US.

    LANDO_ROCKS Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 28, 2002
    I came in here to talk about 'Wonderfalls' too, what a great show!

    It seemed intelligent and offbeat, that's probably why it's on at 4:30pm on Saturday - the networks hate original programming.

    I'll definately watch it again..I loved the main character, a sort of anti-hero of sorts.
  24. eclips

    eclips Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 6, 2004
    Kinda on topic, I have just been advised that the only other TV show I watch (apart from Veronica Mars) is going to start here:

    How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) is going to start in February on channel 7 here in Oz. A TV Guide stated

    "That Charming and witty Actress Alyson Hannigan from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and American Pie Movies is coming back to grace Aussie TV screens in her brand new TV Series How I Met Your Mother. We are loooking forward to see this talented and Beautiful Actress Again on our Television sets."

  25. Sith Magician

    Sith Magician Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 14, 1999
    Shane, they could put a show on that has a character who just mentions Alyson Hannigan's name every few minutes and you'd still watch it :p
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