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[SWD-10] Jedi Religion ...

Discussion in 'Archive: Fan Audio' started by Uilmuteiz, Jan 18, 2004.

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  1. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    Well that's still a bit hot on the table, so we will be discussing it at our next show, you can leave your comments here, and feel free to tell what you think about it.

    thank you.
  2. cinemafreak

    cinemafreak Jedi Master star 4

    May 13, 2002
    I have a friend that truly believes in the Force. PM me if your interested in her being on. I could ask her if she would.
  3. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    It's very kind of your friend to share her thoughts with us.

    I PMed you
  4. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    don't forget that if you guys have any toughts about the Jedi Religion, you can post them here and we will read them during the show.
  5. masterkithsyn

    masterkithsyn Jedi Youngling

    Jan 15, 2004
    While sometimes I let my imagination run wild, this should not be a religion. Something that was created in the mind of a man is not something that is created in the Mind of God. Therefore, it should stay an idea based on fantasy...not truth based on reality.

    It's just a lot of fun to imagine.:)

  6. Orion_Verasuul

    Orion_Verasuul Jedi Youngling

    Jan 10, 2004
    Only complete morons would believe the Force is real, its a MOVIE people, a MOVIE. It should not be a religion because one, it's fake, two, it's made up with ideas from other religions for the purposes of the movies, three, there is no way you could levitate anything with your mind, because the Force isn't REAL. So this show shouldn't be even happening because while being a major Star Wars fan, I know it's all imagination and not REAL....morons.
  7. SithLoungeLizard

    SithLoungeLizard Jedi Youngling

    Sep 28, 2003
    If someone wishes to base their personal beliefs off of a series of "rules" laid down in a piece of fiction, why not? It wouldn't be the first time. Scientology, anyone?

    As well, there are many tales within the Bible that are, realistically, beyond belief and probably more fiction than fact. But a devout Christian might argue that those tales are ones to be "taken on faith." So, is living your life by the Jedi Code any less legitimate than the basis of most religious teachings?
  8. SithedMyPants

    SithedMyPants Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 24, 2004
    As far as Religious movements based on known fictional sources being prevelant, one has to look no further than the Church of Mormon or "The Church" of Scientology to find noteworthy examples. So it's not like it's a completely radical concept.

    However- I feel that no self respecting Star Wars fan could possibly embrace such a concept.

    The spiritual and mythic qualities in Star Wars reference ideas and beliefs already laid down in the world's most prominent mainstream religions- claiming that one follows the "Jedi Religion" is as ridiculous as those who believe the Simpsons originated every plotline in existence. Don't confuse homage with the real thing.

    Finally- you know those "tech guys" who talk about the technology in Star Trek as if it were real? They lie awake at night, waiting for a Federation ship to slingshot around the sun (which for some reason causes you to inexplicably travel back in time) and liberate their minds from the prison of 21st century culture...

    Yeah, those guys are dorks. But they pale compared to the moronitude (I'm trademarking that) of anyone who would seriously claim to follow the force.

    They're movies. Right?
  9. Chancellor_Palpster

    Chancellor_Palpster Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 12, 2003
    quite simply, I think people should follow whatever makes them NOT a bast-rd (an ignorant, self-righteous individual -- if you wont swear on the show). Sometimes our pre-set religions don't dont work in that respect, so if Jediism is what it takes, then... "so be it, Jedi".

  10. Sereana_Nightstar

    Sereana_Nightstar Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 20, 2002
    Well this can bea touchy subject...I do not wish to insult anyone...this is my opinion only....I for one do believe in some of the concepts of the Jedi philosphy. I do believe that there is an energy created by all living things, especially if living in harmony. There is an energy that we cannot see or even explain. I feel that if you live your life as a good person and do what you believe in...well, it will come back to you. There is nothing unusual about this, as many people follow the teachings or ideas or fantasys of a man, supposedly that was on earth a long time ago....and this still going on why not the Jedi Knight concept. It is better then not believing in anything...and what is it truely...beleiving in yourself and how you live life??
  11. boggeyb

    boggeyb Jedi Youngling

    Dec 25, 2003
    "Only complete morons would believe the Force is real, its a MOVIE people, a MOVIE. It should not be a religion because one, it's fake, two, it's made up with ideas from other religions for the purposes of the movies, three, there is no way you could levitate anything with your mind, because the Force isn't REAL. So this show shouldn't be even happening because while being a major Star Wars fan, I know it's all imagination and not REAL....morons."

    Well, first of all --- many, many, MANY people would argue that all religions are not REAL. That they are MADE-UP. That they are fantastical, mythical, etc...etc...

    When was the last time I saw waters part? Or someone walking on it for that matter? Hmmm. Nope. Just read about it.

    So what if people can't levitate rocks? No one is walking on water or parting seas either these days. It's about the guidelines and if someone chooses to base their lives on the "guidelines" of "Jedihood" then more power to them. That's all a religion is anyway.

    What on earth should make a legitimate religion and what not? How are we going to draw that line?

    I'm an atheist, but if someone wants to start a religion based on Star Wars, I don't see the problem (or relevant criticisms regarding "real" religions).
  12. Bowen

    Bowen Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 6, 1999
    "So, is living your life by the Jedi Code any less legitimate than the basis of most religious teachings?"

    No, it isn't.

    A lot of people seem to think that believing in Star Wars as a religion, or believing in the Jedi religion, somehow is this moronic fantasy make-believe nonsense, but that's not what the real adherents would be saying.

    Star Wars is a religion already, at least for a lot of people, because it meets all of the basic qualifications that make up any organized religion.

    First of all, most religions, or really all religions, have an element of community in them. They gather for worship or for Bible study, as a Christian example, or they go to churches for other purposes like social gatherings, too. Youth leagues, Easter egg hunts for the kids, etc.

    Star Wars also has this element. We have Fan Forces all over the nation, like Churches, and we gather with our fellow fans to discuss the movies in the same way that Christians discuss the Bible.

    I live life according to my own rules, because I think most organized religions are full of sheep, personally, and as a philosophy major I can't buy the BS kind of reasons given for the existence of "God." Nonetheless, I often think about the truths of the Star Wars films and the value of the Jedi Code, for instance. There are many great values in the SW Saga that you can model your life after and do quite well. The entire saga is fiction, gee, what else is that like? THE BIBLE! The entire Bible is fiction, except for the most basic facts like the existence of a guy named Jesus, which is pretty certain. But the stories in the Bible are no more real than the stories in the Star Wars Saga.

    Religion, by the way, does not require any believe in the supernatural (see: Taoism). A lot of religions are only concerned with life here on Earth. To be part of the Star Wars religion, you need not believe in the Force as it is shown in the Star Wars Saga, levitating objects and whatnot. You don't have to believe that there really is a galaxy "long ago" and "far, far away." That kind of thing is not required at all and if someone says those ideas are "moronic," well they are probably right, but they are misunderstanding the movement.

    Going back to philosophy, it's very plausible that there is some sort of "force" in the universe, an overriding energy that binds all things. It doesn't allow us to tap into it in the way that Luke Skywalker can or some nonsense, but I find it a lot more believable that there is some sort of greater "force" than a God. The idea of a Force can be explained a lot easier than the Christian God.

    I would also, for the record, liken movie theaters to churches for Star Wars fans, when a SW film is already playing in a theater.

    Star Wars is uplifting and provides meaning for a lot of people in their lives. That isn't pathetic, either, because hobbies are meant to provide meaning. If someone can find meaning in an old book of fairy tales like the Bible that claims the existence of an absolutely unprovable "God" and a guy getting resurrected, "Jesus," then there's no reason people shouldn't be able to find meaning in a wonderful mythology like Star Wars, which has the same types of important values conveyed. You just have to look for them. I guarantee that any moral dilemma can be solved through looking at the Star Wars Saga. And, guess what? Those moral dilemmas are often answered several ways, depending on how you read into the Saga, JUST LIKE moral dilemmas resolved using the Bible. Think of all the terrible things that have been justified using the Bible and you'll see that maybe it's not such a great moral source, after all. Or maybe it's just people who have it all wrong throughout the ages, which is likely, too.

    But let's say you ask a hard question, like, "Why is adultery wrong?"

    I could find an answer to that, but I'd have to search harder. I'd personally use an example rather than a quote. What happens when one person betrays another? Then you have Lando betraying Han and Leia. This is clearly a bad thing and led to Han b
  13. SithedMyPants

    SithedMyPants Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 24, 2004
    Bowen- you are officially the funniest person on the Earth. To see you cite Star Wars scenes as a pastor would look to guidance in the Bible is hilarious. I applaud your bravado and encourage that sort of creative justification....but to see it in print is priceless. Really.

    Sesame Street is pretty moral as well- plus every year thousands of people gather for "Sesame Street Live" (which is alot more like church than Fan force bowling night or JediCon) and, AND, for every moral dilemma you face, there is most likely a catchy song that will solve it for you!

    Sign me up!

    Reverend SithedMyPants

    (This spiritual message has been brought to you by the letter L, the number 7, and the Children's Televangelical Workshop for tools like you.)

  14. Kyp_Athlon

    Kyp_Athlon Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 17, 2002
    Um, I kind of figured that the people who put "Jedi Knight" as their religion were just being funny. I'm sure there were plently of "Satanist" and so on...

    I think George Lucas said himself that there is no way the "Force" could or should be thought of as a real world religion because it doesn't provide enough answers.

    As far as being a follower of the Jedi Code, there are worse things one could do, but you shouldn't consider yourself a "Jedi knight" you're just someone who is relatively decent (albeit, boring-No passion,only peace) . You would eventually want to read some books on Taoism, as it would provide more direction. Everything written about "Jedi" that didn't come from the movies (Which isnt much) is the product of authors with "ok's" given by underlings and GL himself.

    Again, I seriously doubt that even .1% percent of those people who marked it were serious.
  15. Porkins_Dietician

    Porkins_Dietician Jedi Master star 1

    Jan 16, 2002
    masterkithsyn said.....

    While sometimes I let my imagination run wild, this should not be a religion. Something that was created in the mind of a man is not something that is created in the Mind of God. Therefore, it should stay an idea based on fantasy...not truth based on reality.

    It's just a lot of fun to imagine.:)

    I won't tell my personal belief but.....
    Some would argue that God is as much based on fantasy as star wars itself.

    And Kyp....... Lying on the census isn't there some sort of law against that? :D
  16. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    whatever your thougts are on the subject, I would appreciate everyone keeping a respectfull approach to their post in here. Thank you.

    As taken from the JC Terms of Service
    Also, as a general guideline, all users here should respect one another's opinions and beliefs.

    -> don't call people names or post a remark on what somebody else posted.
  17. Porkins_Dietician

    Porkins_Dietician Jedi Master star 1

    Jan 16, 2002
    My fault I thought this was a "Discussion" about this subject kind of hard to have one of those without interacting.

    I didn't notice you just wanted us to post our ideas.

    I say to each his own. Religion is what is within yourself only you should decide what you believe in. If the Force or Jedi-ism makes you a better person because you believe in it then by all means believe it. If you make the world a better place for yourself and others by sacraficing goats then have at it.

    I do however believe that the majority of those who put Jedi on the census were joking.
  18. Nathan_P_Butler

    Nathan_P_Butler Author, Star Wars Tales #21 star 4 VIP

    May 23, 2003
    "-> don't call people names or post a remark on what somebody else posted."

    Calling names = bad.

    Posting remarks on what someone else has posted, in other words replying to people and interacting = bad?

    What the hell?
  19. SithedMyPants

    SithedMyPants Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 24, 2004
    don't call people names or post a remark on what somebody else posted.

    Yeah, I guess that's my fault guys for commenting on Bowen's defense of SW Religion with my finely tuned Sesame Street analogy. (which was in noooooo way meant as a personal dig at Bowen or his reasoning- it's sound, but hilarious nonetheless)

    Thanks for the warning Uilmuteiz. I'll take it to heart and pass it swiftly through my colon.

  20. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    This is not a thread in which discuss the matters of "Jediism" but indeed a place for our listeners to post their thoughts.

    This is what this thread was created for in the first place.

    It's just like sending us an E-mail at

    I hope you understand that the goal of this thread is not to either say if "Jediism" is good or bad or if it should be a religion.

    And it certainly is not for some users to call other users names (which yes is bad Nathan).

    Now the earlier warning was for a general purpose, and I contacted the people I thinked needed to be warned more than others.

    I hope you can understand better the goal of this thread now and that if you have posted your toughts about the subject = Jedi Religion that's all is needed. thank you
  21. Bowen

    Bowen Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 6, 1999
    Hehe, nonetheless I'm glad someone found my post amusing ;)

    I am sure a lot of people were "joking" about what they put, but it's not just a joke either. Star Wars is more important to many people than religious is, and why shouldn't it be? I'm not religious. No religion is whatsoever important to me. Having a fresh bar of soap and a full roll of toilet paper means more to me than having a Bible anywhere near. So obviously The Holy Trilogy and the New Testament Trilogy (haha, j/k) are more important, too.
  22. Sith_Messenger

    Sith_Messenger Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 27, 2002
    Like Uilmuteiz said, this thread is to be considered the same as sending an e-mail to us.

    We're here to collect your "personnal" thoughts on a particular subject and not your comments on somebody elses thoughts. This simplifies thing when we're reading your messages on the air.

    It will be clearly explain in the first post of our future subjects threads.

    If you want to discuss and react actively about the Jedi Religion, there's probably already a thread somewhere in the JC for that.

    BTW our thread are closed after the shows are over.

  23. Jauhzmynn

    Jauhzmynn Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 16, 2002
    Well at first the jedi 'religion' was a prank for the census but someone took it seriously and it's gone off like gang busters.

    Personaly I'd rather not use a movie(Or set of movies) as a basis for a belief system.

    Star Wars movies are good for entertainment. Good for costume and prop constrution study. Even studing various types of cinemagraphic styles not as a belief system. That is my opion.

    Although the attitudes of the Jedi are good things to practice. Realistically, we can't move items with the mind, although it'd be a nice ability to have for opening doors when my hands are full. :) ;)

    Compassion, Loyalty, self control etc. Some tend to forget that the Jedi had a very high set of morals which guided their lives. Without that compass, it's bascially usless.
    That's my two cents. :)
  24. Janz_Walker

    Janz_Walker Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 9, 2000
    Joseph Campbell is turning over in his grave, right about now. :p
  25. Uilmuteiz

    Uilmuteiz RSA Emeritus star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    Funny thing I heard about him is that he inspired himself in part of the scroll of the dead sea.

    particularly the two brothers story
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