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Saga - Legends Tale As Old As Time (L/M, AU) Update 5/10/16

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by aleja2, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
  2. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    @aleja2 whenever you read this: it was the 2024 Reading Challenge that brought me here. One of the categories is "a WIP you wish would start again", and I immediately thought of this one. But then, since I'd been away from the boards for a while, I thought I'd come and check – and lo and behold, there was a chapter I hadn't read! So, having re-read the whole lot, here I am for a review, up to and including the latest entry.

    To begin with a general comment on what I'd already read in the past, this was just as good on this second read as it was the first time around. You've done an amazing job at keeping the essence of the original fairy tale while exploiting the SW 'verse to, well, starwars-ify it, both in terms of worldbuilding elements like the ysalamiri and in terms of plot points from the movies that we revisit here with a twist. On the whole, this is such an enjoyable read, and a very suspenseful one at that!

    Which brings me to the latest entry, and, seriously, woman, what were you thinking leaving us hanging like this?!?!? :p You've set the stage for the big showdown, with the Rebel crew infiltrating Endor Diswalt, the Beast trying to escape the Emperor's grip but not quite managing yet, and the dialogue from that scene of RotJ repurposed for a scene between Luke and Mara. And then... :_| More! I want more! Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

    Anyway, I really hope you'll come back to give us your vision for the end of this story at some point, and more generally to keep us company on the boards. We miss you! At any rate, I'm watching this thread, so you can be sure that I'll pounce on a new post as soon as you put it up.
    Kahara and WarmNyota_SweetAyesha like this.