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Characters The A/P Databank 3.0 - Thead up for Adoption

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Ani_and_Ami_index, Nov 12, 2006.

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  1. Ani_and_Ami_index

    Ani_and_Ami_index Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 8, 2004

    Skywalker Babies! Do you think Padme and Anakin would have had children after Luke and Leia? If so, how many? Would they all be Mary Sues?

    ...What? It's too close to break for me to think of anything creative :p
  2. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    I think that Anakin and Padmé would have wanted a large family - at least, Padmé seemed to and Anakin didn't appear to object. I don't think they'd all be Mary sues *laughs*

    I think if Luke and Leia had grown up in a larger family they'd have turned out differently. Luke's "Farmboy charm" might not have happened - I can totally see him following in daddy's footsteps. ie: confidence, power but with his mother's tempering abilities he'd have had humility - something Anakin had to work hard on.

    Leia on the other hand, would have turned out, in my opinion, similar to how she did in the OT. Her strength of spirit is obviously inherited from her mother - though I'm certain Anakin would have had many a sleeplessnight over her antics growing up once she hit puberty. Would Leia have become politically minded? That's hard to say - I think her mother's influnce would have been greater than her father's and she'd have had a more "refreshing" view of the senate even if she'd been chosen to follow a Jedi's path.

    That's about it ;)
  3. Star_Angel

    Star_Angel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 18, 2006
    I honestly think that Anakin would want more children then Padmé, basically because he was an only child but also because he didn?t have a father (besides from Obi-Wan but you know what I mean) and the thought of being a father must be amazing.

    A - ?I think that we should have more children.?

    P ? ?More? How many more??

    A - ?Oh, eh, not so many, one, two?seven??

    P ? ?Seven??

    Or maybe it would be more like the Jesse/Becky conversation in ?Full House?

    P/B - ?See, this twin thing is going great (?) Next time I say we go for triplets.?

    A/J - ?Ah, you might have to go without me on that one.?

    I dunno, but I have no doubt that they would have more kids then Luke and Leia.

    And no, I don?t thin k that they would be Mary Sue?s, well, okay, so I guess that it depends on who comes up with them but?no. no. no. *shakes head* no mary sue?s. I think that they (Just like Luke and Leia is in the movies and books) a great mix of both their parents but still with their own personality.
  4. Anakin_Heartbreaker

    Anakin_Heartbreaker Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 24, 2004
    I totally agree with Jade_Max, that's exactly what I think. :)
  5. Ani_and_Ami_index

    Ani_and_Ami_index Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 8, 2004
    Happy New Year, everyone!

    [color=999966]Angel of Iego[/color]
    Title: Cloudy Symbols of High Romance
    Genre: Romance, Ep. II speculation
    Status: Complete
    Timeframe: AotC
    Summary: Ten years after the battle of Naboo, a celebration brings Anakin Skywalker and Queen Amidala together again.

    So, (Mary) Sue me!: Your dashing original character threatens Anakin and Padme's relationship.

    * To conform to this index's standards, the fic must end with the A/P pairing intact (and preferably with the Sue's ego in utter shambles).
    * Any time period, genre
    * >1,000 words
    * Your OC can be either male or female
    * Your OC must have a better vocabulary than the others, and therefore must say at some point:
    • distrait
    • lubricious
    • eldritch
    • turpitude

    helpful aids:
    *The Mary Sue Litmus test: This test is fairly forgiving and even the lowest scoring OCs are still obvious Sues, but it will show some common Sue traits.
    *The Trouble with Mary by Melyanna.
  6. Star_Angel

    Star_Angel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 18, 2006
    That?s sounds like an great new challenge, if I have a chance then I will do it.
  7. slow_dawn

    slow_dawn Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 18, 2006
    That does sound like a good challenge. Okay this may sound really stupid but is the >1000 greater than 1000 words?
  8. Star_Angel

    Star_Angel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 18, 2006
    Don?t worry about it, I asked the same question after the last challenge.

    >1,000 = 1,000 word or more.
  9. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    I clicked in here because the challenge idea looked pretty funny, and it's totally awesome :D I can't want to see what people come up with!! (And I might even tr it myself :) ).
  10. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    *laughs* I SO have to do this challenge ;)

    Edit - Er... won't have time to :oops: so ignore me *sighs*
  11. Ani_and_Ami_index

    Ani_and_Ami_index Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 8, 2004
    December Fic Update: 13 New Fics

    Title: The Permeation of Darkness
    Genre: AU, Drama, Angst, Romance
    Status: WIP
    Timeframe: RotS
    Summary: Anakin Skywalker, a present day New Yorker, strays from the Jedi Order and accepts a position under Palpatine who has declared himself the first American Emperor. Anakin risks everything he holds dear as a result of his misjudgment. Will Anakin discover his mistake before its too late?

    Title: Answers
    Genre: vig
    Status: Complete
    Timeframe: ROTJ
    Summary: Vader makes an important decision

    Title: Proposal
    Genre: vig, missing scene
    Status: Complete
    Timeframe: AotC
    Summary: Anakin wants to make sure that Padme and he will always be together.

    Angel of Iego
    Title: Cloudy Symbols of High Romance
    Genre: Romance, Ep. II speculation
    Status: Complete
    Timeframe: AotC
    Summary: Ten years after the battle of Naboo, a celebration brings Anakin Skywalker and Queen Amidala together again.

    Title: How She Knew
    Genre: vig
    Status: Complete
    Timeframe: RotS
    Summary: This is my answer to why Padme tells Obi-Wan that she knows there is still good in Anakin, after all he said to her on Mustafar; as well as how, knowing her children needed her, she could just give up the will to live.

    [face_idea] Title: Snow Angels
    Genre: Vignette, romance
    Status: Complete
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Summary: This is a little bit different than what the challenge asks for, but I figure it's Anakin's first fun encounter with snow.

    Title: The One That Got Away
    Genre: Angst, AU, Songfic
    Status: Complete
    Timeframe: AotC
    Summary: Unwilling to risk his future in the Order, Padmé realizes she must let Anakin go.

    [face_idea] Title: Tainted Memories
    Genre: Vignette, Angst, Romance, Challenge Response
    Status: Complete
    Timeframe: Clone Wars

    [face_idea] Title: The Best Gift Ever
    Genre: Vignette, Holiday Fluff
    Status: Complete
    Timeframe: AU ? Post ROTS
    Summary: Will Anakin make it home in time to spend the holidays with Padme?

    Title: Dragonborn
    Genre: AU/Dark Drama/Romance
    Status: WIP
    Timeframe: PT (from TPM to ROTS)
    Summary: Several months after the Naboo crisis, experiencing dark and disturbing visions of the future, Obi-Wan Kenobi refuses to continue Anakin Skywalker?s training and the boy is sent to the AgriCorps. A decade later, old wounds will reopen, as the Galaxy is plunged into turmoil and a Senator finds unexpected protection from a dark savior.

    s a
    [face_idea] Title: The Way it?s Supposed to be
    Genre: AU, Mush and Romance
    Status: Complete
    Timeframe: Post RotJ
    Summary: Padmé?s only have one wish. Ben?s reality comes crashing down on him. The Solo children learn something important. And will Anakin Skywalker be home for the Holidays?

    Title: The Pleasure of a Thousand Deaths
    Genre: vignette
    Status: Complete
    Timeframe: PT

    Title: Cast upon a Dark Sea
    Genre: poetry
    Status: Complete
    Timeframe: RotS
  12. Ani_and_Ami_index

    Ani_and_Ami_index Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 8, 2004

    Favorite scene. What's your favorite A/P scene, dialogue exchange, etc? Why?

    An open and fun little topic for the post holiday funk. ;)
  13. SilSolo

    SilSolo Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004
    Shame on me for not coming into this thread before, but these challenge responses look like great reads and to answer the last topic, I've read several very good fics where Anakin and Padme had kids after Luke and Leia, both here and on FF.N.

    As for the current topic, I'd have to say it's any AOTC scene. I like ROTS as well, but AOTC was the one that I absolutely adored to teh point of memorizing line by line and watching 17+ times, and that goes double for all of the Ani/Ami scenes.
  14. CrazyAni

    CrazyAni Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2006
    My favourite scene is the balcony scene during the RotS. Many hate it, but for me it showed exactly their daily life, caught between war and love, young parents waiting for their baby to come. Everything was even more tragic when Anakin got that stupid dream.

    Other? When Padme wakes up in the medcenter, the first thing she says was "Anakin... is he alright?" That just broke my fan heart.

    Fan fiction... I could list thousands.
  15. Luna_Nightshade

    Luna_Nightshade Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 25, 2006
    Honestly? My favorite would be the wedding scene. Romantic, beautiful, gorgeous scenery, and you could feel their devotion and their nervousness. I loved it. :D
  16. JadeSolo

    JadeSolo Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 20, 2002
    I love the ROTS balcony scene as well. [face_love] Everyone laughs at it (yeah, Natalie looks really weird), but to me it was so real. To me, one of the most honest things a man can do in a love scene is just watch the woman he loves. And then some other stuff that happens later. :p

    I also like the dinner scene in AOTC, when Anakin makes the "aggressive negotiations" joke. What can I say, I like silly jokes. :p
  17. CrazyAni

    CrazyAni Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2006
    Aww, JadeSolo [:D] !!! It's so good to know that I'm not a weirdo! Many SW fans nearly spit at that scene.

    The only thing I don't understand is how a person can sleep in that nightgown--the one Padme wore during the scene.
  18. leia_naberrie

    leia_naberrie Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 10, 2002
    and not leave sleep marks. I've wondered too. ;)

    Hi everyone! I ended up lurking on this thread because I was too distracted to get involved when it started, then too shy when I wasn't distracted. ( [face_laugh] Yes even an oldbie like me gets shy on occasion...). Anyway, I think this thread is great! So pretty and professional looking with the buttons and the index. Superb job, Pallas Athena =D=

    As for the discussion, I think my favourite AP moment in fandom will be the one in your signature. [face_laugh] To me Fern's story will always be the definitive Proposal Scene.

    In the 'canon', my favourite scene is the Padmé Ruminations Scene in RotS. Is there a face_awe icon on ign? Because that's how I feel Everytime I watch that scene. It's a scene that literalizes 'feelings too powerful for words'.
  19. Quill_of_Molliemon

    Quill_of_Molliemon Jedi Youngling

    Jan 24, 2007
    (Although Misunderstood by Quill of Molliemon on ff.n is rather close to crack, imho.)

    Misunderstood=Crack? *blinks* Really?

    I'm flattered...and slightly worried. I don't want people ODing on it...

    Heh, of all the things I could've found when Googling my name, I never expected to find this. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :D
  20. Quill_of_Molliemon

    Quill_of_Molliemon Jedi Youngling

    Jan 24, 2007
    Okay, lemme get on topic and see if I can?t catch up here?


    Me! Quill_of_Molliemon!

    ?Not much else to say about that, so let?s move on.

    What draws you to the A/P pairing and fics?

    Hmm, lemme see?

    They just fit together. There is no other female character that I can see Anakin paired with and happy, and there is no other male character that I can see Padmé paired with and happy. Their relationship is interesting and complicated by their chosen careers, not to mention the whole element of the forbidden. Really, what?s not to like about them?

    Do you like to write A/P, read it, or both?

    Definitely both.

    What?s your favorite A/P fic that you?ve read? Why?

    I have to pick one? ?I don?t think I can.

    What fic are you most proud of? Why?

    Heh, not too much to choose from here. I?ll have to go with Misunderstood seeing as that?s the only one that I?ve gotten finished.

    Why do I like it? Because it?s insane and insanely long! :D

    Watching AotC again after seeing RotS (or even remembering it), how do you think not only Anakin and Padmé?s relationship in general but also the portrayal of that relationship has changed? In your opinion which movie is better (A/P-wise)? Why (is one truer, more realistic, more honest, better acted, etc ?)?

    How has their relationship changed between movies? It?s matured some, but with the war thrown in and all the long, tense separations, there are still little problems and patches that need work. If they hadn?t fallen apart (*shakes fist at Palpatine*) I think they would?ve gone the distance and stayed together for the rest of their days and been happy.

    I think both movies portray their relationship fairly realistically. Attack of the Clones has the early awkwardness, strong attraction and infatuation, and Revenge of the Sith has them comfortably together though slightly strained from the war and outside manipulations. As far as the acting goes, I won?t comment since I?m a terrible judge of acting?

    Were Anakin and Padmé destined to be together? The will of the Force? Or was it simply chance? How much of a role did their free will play in starting their relationship? And how much of a role did destiny, chance, and/or free will play in the relationship?s destruction? Was it all meant to be?

    Were they destined for each other? Well, only in the sense that George Lucas decided it. :D

    The Force may have played a role in their coming together, but it was free will that kept them there. When they first met each other, they liked each other. When they met up again, they were attracted to each other, attempted to resist it, and then just went with it. And when things fell apart, it was Anakin?s desperate and impulsive choices that doomed them.

    Destiny/the Force put them in close physical proximity to each other, but it was free will, their own decisions and feelings, that made them a couple.

    Do you think Padmé and Anakin would have had children after Luke and Leia? If so, how many? Would they all be Mary Sues?

    Oh definitely. How many, I can?t say, but at least one or two more. Padmé said she always wanted children (plural!) and Anakin never said no to that idea. And since family is such an important thing to Anakin, it?s easy to see him with a bunch of kids.

    Would they be Mary Sues? Good God, I hope not?

    What's your favorite A/P scene, dialogue exchange, etc? Why?

    Again, I have to pick one? I?m terrible at picking one favorite?

    Meh, I skip this question, there is no one single favorite for me.
  21. AnakinsFavorite

    AnakinsFavorite Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 10, 2006
    Hello! I am currently wrapping up the lastest interview- with VA_Parky!

    If you all have any embrarrasing questions that you always wanted to know the answers to, just PM and I'll ask her [face_mischief]

    Oh, and I suppose traditional questions will be accepted also :p

  22. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Favorite scene. What's your favorite A/P scene, dialogue exchange, etc? Why?

    My favorite scene is the scene on the balcony where Anakin kisses Padme for the first time. Besides being very romantic, it showed the love between Anakin and Padme was too much for either of them to resist...for very long.

    Looking forward to the interview with VA_Parky :D
  23. AnakinsFavorite

    AnakinsFavorite Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 10, 2006
    Swinging her formidable red purse, AnakinsFavorite rushes up to a woman fastidiously typing in an office.

    AnakinsFavorite: I'm sorry I was late! You ready to begin??!

    Tell us a little bit about yourself.

    I?m 29 years old and live in Virginia, as evidenced by my user name. I?m married to my high school sweetheart (5 years in May) and hold him completely responsible for sparking my Star Wars obsession. We don?t have any kids yet, but we do have a very spoiled Westie who thinks she's a baby. When I'm not haunting the Boards, I work as an Executive Assistant.

    I guessed the Virginia part! *pats own back* That is so sweet you married your high school sweetheart. Do you like your job, or do you sometimes feel like Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada?

    For the most part, my job is interesting and challenging, but there are other times where it can get a little The Devil Wears Prada-ish. I don't like those times!

    I don?t think anyone really likes those! So, did you always dream of being an ?Executive Assistant?? Did you ever sit down and think, ?Oh! Being a writer would be nice.?

    I definitely did not dream about being an Executive Assistant, I can assure you! But yes, if I could have any job in the world, being a novelist would top the list.

    Did you write alot growing up? What were your first dabbles about?

    I did write a lot when I was young - mostly my own versions of fairy tales or whatever cartoon/show I was obsessed with at the moment.

    The first 'serious' piece that I wrote (i.e., let anyone else see) was for a creative writing class my senior year in high school. It was a romance set during the Civil War - I actually just saw it the other day when I was reorganizing my closet. (Makes mental note to burn it the next time Mr. VA_Parky builds a fire).

    Anyway, my schedule was really hectic throughout college (I played soccer in addition to being a full-time student). Graduating didn't bring much relief either - I moved to Virginia / got a full-time job / got married / bought a house / etc. So, for several years my writing was put on the backburner....... that is, until I saw "Revenge of the Sith."

    Let me guess- it was all downhill from there! How did you stumble upon this site? Did you join immediately or stand there lurking for a long time before gathering the courage to post? Why Star Wars fanfiction?

    I found this site in my quest for RotS fanfiction and lurked for several months before getting up the nerve to post. Looking back, I don't know why I was so nervous because this site has some of the nicest people on the 'net!

    Why Star Wars? Well, I've always been a fan, but something about RotS really struck me. To see Anakin fall so hard and so fast - and for what seemed to be a well-intentioned reason (initially, at least) - it just took my breath away. I wanted to explore the ramifications, the possible AU's, etc. Needless to say, I found it all here and more!

    Well, being faced with such greatness is intimidating- remember how I was all but worshiping you when I realized you were the author of my favorite stories? Good times? So, are you proud or ashamed of your first works? The beginning is often a time of experimentation? and something many of us would like to forget!

    Aw, you are so sweet! I was so flattered when you contacted me and I'm so glad you did because we've had a lot of fun the past year.

    As for my earlier fanfictions, they hold a special place in my heart because they made me remember how fun it was to write - and I will always be grateful for that. I do wish I would have edited them a bit further though - sometimes the flow isn't as smooth as I would like.

    Tell me about it! I guess that?s one way of looking back on old works! Moving on? which ?ship intrigues you the most- Obi-Wan and Sabe or Anakin and Padmé?

    As you probably guessed, I'd have to go with Anakin / Padme. Well, except during "The Phantom Menace" when their age difference seemed to be about fifteen years ins
  24. CrazyAni

    CrazyAni Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 23, 2006
    Wonderrific and amaziful interview!

    It's always so nice to learn more about a writer whose work you like and respect. :)
  25. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    That was such a wonderful interview! Nice job AnakinsFavorite.

    I loved the humor sprinkled in with the serious questions and answers. :D

    Did my eyes deceive me or did I read there's going to be a follow-up to Skating with the Stars?

    [face_dancing] [face_dancing] [face_dancing] [face_dancing]
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