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Index The All New Beta Readers Index - Need a beta? Want to beta? Come on In!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Beta Index, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. ZV-83

    ZV-83 Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 7, 2020
    User name: ZV-83
    Area of Interest: PT, OT, ST, EU, NJO, AU, etc...
    Era: Any
    Strong points: I am new to beta reading so... will find out if I have any lol :cool:
    Other Info: I prefer to work via email. Message me first via these boards though. Please no attachments via email, just copy and paste the story into the body of the email. Turn around time depends on length of story. Guessing at least a week.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
  2. PlanetSmasher

    PlanetSmasher Jedi Master star 2

    Mar 14, 2017
    Hello all!

    I'm looking for woman a beta reader. I need a woman's perspective on a chapter in my book. It's eight word processor single sided pages long; a short chapter. There's adult content in this chapter. I need to know how believable the scene is, and that sort of thing.
  3. ZV-83

    ZV-83 Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 7, 2020
    Hello! I am in need of a Beta :clone::bluesaber:

    Era: The Clone Wars
    Story Type: AU story with a mix of TCW canon, legends, and original characters.
    Length: Separated into chapters that are around 2000-3000 words long (if this is too long, please let me know and I will shorten them).
    Summary: Amidst the Clone Wars burning across the galaxy for over two years, Kuat Drive Yards and its subsidiaries have been continually producing new starships and equipment for the Jedi and the Republic's clone army so that they can maintain an advantage over the Separatist Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Secretly part of the Republic Center for Military Operations, Senca Kuat, the youngest of the Kuat family, helps test and develop the latest technology. After putting on a prototype of the Zillo Beast armor; however, she is thrust into a life she never expected.
    Type of Beta intervention wanted: Any opinions, characterization, grammar help, plot, anything... Would greatly appreciate it if someone would read my chapters before I post them.
    Other info: In progress, I have chapter 1 and 2 completed (1 is already posted). 3, 4, 5, and 6 are near completion.
  4. StarWarsTrueSqueals

    StarWarsTrueSqueals Jedi Youngling

    Jan 16, 2020
    I need help with this fan fiction. I got a concept but I need help with the rest.

    far away....



    Episode VII


    The Debt collectors captured Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon as theirs. They took it as Han Solo's debt is paid. They dumped him off the closest planet. When the Millennium Falcon came outdated for travel. They dumped it on Jakku.

    Mara Jade the wife of Luke Skywalker. A Hooded figure killed her in front of Ben Solo. The Hooded Figure destroyed Luke's Family expect for the Solos family.

    After Luke failed to save his nephew from the Darkside. He went to an island to think and get away from the force.

    After there are no more Jedi Knights or Jedi Masters due to Luke refusing to create a new Jedi. The Republic fell into the New Order.

    A long time ago in a galaxy far,

    far away....



    Episode IX


    The deaths of Han Solo and Leia. Rey found out she's Force Ghost Great Grandaughter of Obi-wan's master. Qui-Gon Jinn and Great Great Great-granddaughter of the Emperor.

    Kylo Ren is the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia. Fin The great-grandson of both Lando and Mace Windu. Mace Windu was Snoke.

    Now the true battles begins cause the Hooded figure who been manipulated all of the events from the first Death star to the Star Killer.

    The fate of the Universe weights in this battle. Will the Resistance come out on top? Even with the Force Ghost helping them?
    A long time ago in a galaxy far,

    far away....



    Episode IX


    The deaths of Han Solo and Leia. Rey found out she's Force Ghost Great Grandaughter of Obi-wan's master. Qui-Gon Jinn and Great Great Great-granddaughter of the Emperor.

    Kylo Ren is the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia. Fin The great-grandson of both Lando and Mace Windu. Mace Windu was Snoke.

    Now the true battles begins cause the Hooded figure who been manipulated all of the events from the first Death star to the Star Killer.

    The fate of the Universe weights in this battle. Will the Resistance come out on top? Even with the Force Ghost helping them?

    A long time ago in a galaxy far,​
  5. DLR001

    DLR001 Jedi Knight star 1

    Feb 9, 2023
    Let me perform some Sith Alchemy and bring this thread back from the dead.

    Being as it hasn't been updated in some years, instead of PMing folks who may or may not be interested in betaing anymore, or who may not even come on the site any longer, I figured I would simply throw my request out in the thread and see if I got any bites. I know there aren't many betas around anymore, but it's worth a shot, right?

    Looking for a beta!

    Before-Legends, Post-KotOR I/II specifically
    Story Type:
    AU, with a healthy mix of several genres but angst and drama are going to be the big ones.
    Length: Multi-chapter, with parts that can range from 2k upwards per each section. I'm going to try to keep the length down but sometimes I can't help it.
    Summary: Briefly (and badly) summarized, an AU where the DS endings of K1/K2 came to pass - though with some small changes for the sake of creative liberty - set some ten years after K2 where (eventually) a group of ECs and OCs coalesce into a force to challenge the reigning wickedness of the galaxy, and perhaps (again, eventually) the threat implied to lurk within the Unknown Regions, if they can keep from killing each other.
    Type of Beta intervention wanted:
    In truth, there are four separate areas of concern I have. I don't expect someone to cover all four(but if you do, then fantastic!) so if you only want to help in one area, that's perfectly fine!

    • Firstly, despite my english degree, I know my grammar leaves a lot to be desired at times - my sentences can go on for way too long, I have a bad habit of run-ons and fragments, and boy do I like em dashes. Someone more familiar with the intricacies of the written word may be able to help me refine my work into something a bit more presentable.
    • Secondly, I worry that my pacing, both for specific scenes and for the story as a whole, may not be great. So I would love it if someone could look over either specific works or the plotline as a whole and give me some feedback, to see if how I handle scenes and how I have things planned will actually work and not just bore people to death.
    • Thirdly, I'm a Legends/KotOR/Old Sith Wars nut, but I know there are people who know all of this far better than I ever will - and may have been writing and reading in the arena of this era long before I ever considered it - and I would love the chance to bounce ideas off of them and make sure that my ideas, my handling of established characters, and my own crazy departures from the canon storylines of the games and the era make sense. I have a decent portion of the plot already mapped, but there's still more to go, and I'd love to spitball and discuss ideas with anyone who might be interested. Which, I should also say, even if you're not one of the aforementioned people who know more than I, if you've a familiarity with the era, I'd love your input regardless!
    • Fourthly, dreams - prophetic dreams specifically - are going to play a large role in the story, and dreams are always a tricky thing to put to page in any kind of good way. I don't trust myself with dream logic, so having someone who's a bit more experienced with dreams and visions and the like would be a tremendous help.

    Other info:

    I won't dare ask for a full-time beta as I'm not a full-time writer. It's a spare time thing for me to have fun with, and so I don't ever want things to get to the point they feel like work or a chore. I will freely admit I work at a slow pace as Darth Real Life is a very demanding master, just as they are for everyone, so just know that I know we all have lives and things come up.

    But, if any of this has piqued your interest, feel free to shoot me a PM! I'd love to discuss further.
  6. Intoomanyfandoms

    Intoomanyfandoms Jedi Youngling

    Feb 27, 2023
    Beta reader needed! :)

    Era: Saga ST

    Story Type: AU, romance, some action, angst

    Length: This is still a work in progress so I’m not really quite sure how long I’m going to want it to go on.

    Summary: You have felt a pull to the dark side, it hasn’t been a steady thing however. You’ve only had them once before and now again. The first few chapters will take place at Luke Skywalker’s Jedi academy and then there will be a time jump of about 6 years to bring us to TFA. Your character is one of the only survivors from the devastating events and you’re still unsure why. In the time between that happening, you’ve found your way to Canto Bight as a bartender and more recently, a private chef to the more affluent clientele.

    Type of Beta intervention wanted: My grammar (punctuation mainly) isn’t as great as I would like to think. It would be great to have someone to bounce some ideas off of to make sure I haven’t completely lost my mind.

    Other information: I only have the first like 5 chapters written and would love to see it if you think the story has any potential. This will be a Y/N and Ben Solo/Kylo Ren fanfic. :kylosaber:
  7. Malthael

    Malthael Jedi Master star 1

    Sep 27, 2012
    I have completed a rough draft of an original fantasy/adventure novel called Grace Fisk of Caliphee. It’s just shy of 100K words (so it’s a full length novel). It's in a similar vein as Chronicles of Narnia, The Wizard of Oz, etc. and has elements of Harry Potter as well.

    I'm looking for a beta reader to read a snippet of my work. I have everything saved in a .DocX format. I'll be sure to provide credit and a complimentary copy of the novel should it get published.

    If you're not interested or don't have time, I understand.

    The premise is about a 12 year old girl (the eponymous Grace Fisk) who moves to Dubuque, Iowa the summer before she starts seventh grade. She's a very studious and reserved, yet otherwise ordinary girl that has no idea that she's the prophesied Chosen One in the world of Caliphee, a fantastic world with dragons, demons, ettins, and other such legendary beasts and beings.

    When Grace is assigned two partners (Melody Ingersoll, an affable, athletic girl and Tyrone Warfield, a somewhat unmotivated, but easygoing boy) for an upcoming American History report, they decide to do their research at the local public library. Next to the library is an old house that has been vacant for several years; in the backyard is an old treehouse that would probably break into ten thousand pieces with a strong gust of wind.

    The three classmates decide to explore the treehouse just before they start their research, and Grace finds an inscription that's etched on one of the planks. Unbeknownst to her, the inscription is more than just a mere poem - it's an incantation that activates a rift once read aloud! The three are then magically teleported to the mythical world of Caliphee, where the apocalypse is nigh: There are several plagues afflicting the kingdom - drought, sickness, starvation and the like... the last plague is invasion.

    The wise and powerful leader of the Conclave (the formal organization to which all practitioners of magic belong), Archmage Aloysius, tells Grace of the prophecy and says that Queen Imogen and all of Caliphee depend on her to fulfill the prophecy by defeating the loathsome warlord, Belphegor, and his legion of despicable minions.

    Being the prophesied Chosen One, Grace is uniquely talented in that she can harness elemental magic - the power to summon mighty thunderstorms, earthquakes, blizzards, and can make it rain fire and brimstone. She can also command beings made of rock, water/ice, fire, and wind.

    She is initially skeptical (this has to be a joke, I'm just Grace from Dubuque) but when the Archmage shows her how to summon a little whirlwind, she slowly begins to believe.

    Although her friends do not share her gift of elemental magic, they have their own talents which will prove to be most valuable for certain situations (Melody's athleticism, optimism, and persistence and Ty's courage and knack for stepping up when the stak. Grace clearly needs her friends because she will despair at times and she needs the occasional reminder that she's not just Grace Fisk of Dubuque, but she's Grace Fisk of Caliphee - the most powerful shaman Caliphee has ever seen.

    Magic works a bit differently in Caliphee in that it draws upon an energy source called mana. So there is a bit of a power limitation - a mage or a shaman must rest, or drink from certain sources (i.e. bottled potions, or from a spring). There is also an object which grants the beholder unlimited mana called the Orb of Exuberance, which Archmage Aloysius does task Grace to retrieve as she'll need to use it to face Belphegor (it also enhances the potency of her spells), but it's very well-protected and just obtaining the orb is nearly as dangerous as facing Belphegor himself.

    Of course, Grace goes on to defeat Belphegor, and Caliphee gradually returns to normal. She and her friends are summoned to the Alabaster Sanctuary (Queen Imogen's palace) for a very special award ceremony where Grace and her friends are all wearing fancy ball-type regalia, and the Queen personally presents Grace with a special pendant that allows her to return home to Dubuque (of course, the several weeks that have passed in Caliphee equate to mere hours back on Earth). She's asleep in her own bed and when she wakes up the next morning, she finds the pendant hanging from her neck... so it was more than just a dream, and it's a bit of an open ending, leaving plenty of room for another adventure!
    Tarsier likes this.
  8. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018
    User name: Vek Talis
    Era: Before & Saga (Excluding the Sequel trilogy)
    Area of Interest: KotORs I & II, PT & OT
    Strong points: Humor, Angst, drama, action, adventure, mush, romance, military, etc. — Yes, all of the above. :D
    Focus of Correction Areas: I'm focused mostly on proofreading (Grammar mistakes, typos, etc.)
    Word Limit: 2,000~ words at any one time, please.
    Happy Sando, Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  9. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Are you offering a beta or seeking a beta, @Vek Talis?
    Vek Talis likes this.
  10. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018
    Offering proofreading (beta) services. :D
    Happy Sando and DarthIshtar like this.
  11. Bishop7707

    Bishop7707 Jedi Youngling

    May 7, 2024
    looking for a beta reader!
  12. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Hi and welcome, @Bishop7707 ! Here’s what to do if you’re looking for a beta: read the instructions in the OP, then find the “Need a Beta Form,” copy it into your post, and fill it out accordingly. Then people will know what your story is about and will be able to decide whether they can take it on. :)
  13. TherenAdarni

    TherenAdarni Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 4, 2020
    Era: Before Legends / Before Saga
    Story Type: OCs, exploration, adventure
    Length: Just for one chapter right now, ~2600 words
    Summary: Jedi from temples across the galaxy come together on a newly colonised planet
    Type of Beta intervention wanted: Things like pacing, plot development... essentially I want to know if the chapter is actually interesting or enjoyable to read
    Other info: Wanting some fresh (more experienced) eyes on the next chapter of my first fic and some constructive criticism :)

    Edit: Chapter posted, but would always appreciate a beta reader
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2024
    Kahara and Mira_Jade like this.