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Census **The Apples to Apples Game** -- game has winners

Discussion in 'Archive: Census and Games' started by Rainbow Knight Star, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Red Apples Round 3 Choice Guesses:

    Bill Gates

    New Yorkers


    Judge Dafty?s Choice
    Bill Gates

    1 point awarded. Congrats, Jammy!

    1. NYCitygurl
    2. Hazel 1
    3. Daft-Vader 1
    4. wedge41388 1
    5. JediMaster1511 3
    6. Jade_eyes

    Congrats, Wedge!

    Round 4: Judge, Wedge.

    The rest of you have 24 hours to send me Red Cards for this
    Green Card.

    Disgusting - (sickening, horrible)


  2. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Red Apples Choices for Round 4:

    Skunks - Black and white striped mammals known for their offensive smelling defensive spray.

    Zombies - Undead ghouls that feed off of brains. So WE'RE safe . . .

    The First Day Of School - "Fear has many eyes." ?Cervantes

    Spit - Ladies and gentlemen, straight from the Salivary Glands ...

    Cockroaches - Annoying insects that can survive a nuclear war. Fortunately, they can't survive the heel of your shoe.

    Judge Wedge, please send me your Round 4 Choice.
    Players, please send me your Round 4 Guesses.
    You may not pick your own card.

    24 hours

    Have fun!


  3. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Red Apples Round 4 Guesses:




    Judge Wedge?s Choice

    0 points awarded.

    1. NYCitygurl
    2. Hazel 2
    3. Daft-Vader 1
    4. wedge41388 1
    5. JediMaster1511 3
    6. Jade_eyes

    Congrats, Hazel!

    Round 5: Judge, Jammy.

    The rest of you have 24 hours to send me Red Cards for this
    Green Card.

    Thoughtful - (caring, unselfish)


  4. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Red Apples Choices for Round 5:[/i]

    The Mounties - The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. They always get their man.

    Flowers & Candy - When "I'm sorry" is not enough.

    Computer Hackers - We didn't mean to shut down the entire government

    Chocolate ? Roasted, husked, and ground cacao seeds, often sweeten and flavored with vanilla.

    The Olympics - An international athletic competition held every four years. The thrill of victors and the agony of defeat.

    Judge Jammy, please send me your Round 5 Choice.
    Players, please send me your Round 5 Guesses.
    You may not pick your own card.

    24 hours

    Have fun!


  5. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Red Apples Round 5 Guesses:

    Flowers & Candy

    The Mounties

    Judge Jammy?s Choice
    The Mounties

    1 point awarded. Congrats, Jade!

    1. NYCitygurl
    2. Hazel 3
    3. Daft-Vader 1
    4. wedge41388 1
    5. JediMaster1511 3
    6. Jade_eyes 1

    Congrats, Hazel!

    Round 6: Judge, Jade.

    The rest of you have 24 hours to send me Red Cards for this
    Green Card.

    Cosmic - (limitless, planetary, far out)


  6. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Red Apples Choices for Round 6:

    Dragons - Pretend animals that look like giant lizards with wings. Sometimes they breathe fire!

    Moon & The Stars - You want what?

    Hollywood - Motion picture and television industry center of the world. Hooray for Hollywood!

    Science Fiction - In a galaxy far, far away ...

    Judge Jade, please send me your Round 6 Choice.
    Players, please send me your Round 6 Guesses.
    You may not pick your own card.

    24 hours

    Have fun!


  7. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Red Apples Round 6 Guesses:


    Moon & The Stars

    Judge Jade?s Choice
    Moon & The Stars

    3 points awarded. Congrats, Dafty, Hazel and Wedge!

    1. NYCitygurl
    1 missed round
    2. Hazel 4
    3. Daft-Vader 2
    4. wedge41388 2
    5. JediMaster1511 4
    6. Jade_eyes 1

    Congrats, Jammy!

    Round 7: Judge, Nat.

    The rest of you have 24 hours to send me Red Cards for this
    Green Card.

    Ordinary - (usual, common, plain)


  8. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Red Apples Choices for Round 7:

    Talk Radio - Talk about air pollution.

    Donuts - In 1993, a doughnut weighing over 3,700 pounds was made in Utica, N.Y.

    [/i]Electricity[/i] - The repulsive or attractive force between two stationary bodies. No problem unless one of those bodies is yours.

    Corn On The Cob - A grain native to the Americas, corn was a staple food for many centuries before corn holders were invented.

    Shave & A Haircut - Two bits.

    Judge Nat, please send me your Round 7 Choice.
    Players, please send me your Round 7 Guesses.
    You may not pick your own card.

    24 hours

    Have fun!


  9. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Red Apples Round 7 Choice Guesses:

    Shave & a Haircut

    Corn On The Cob


    Judge Nat?s Choice
    Shave & a Haircut

    1 point awarded. Congrats, Hazel!

    1. NYCitygurl
    1 missed round
    2. Hazel 5
    3. Daft-Vader 2
    4. wedge41388 3
    5. JediMaster1511 4
    6. Jade_eyes 1

    Congrats, Wedge!

    Round 8: Judge, Hazel.

    The rest of you have 24 hours to send me Red Cards for this
    Green Card.

    Valuable - (expensive, important)


  10. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Red Apples Choices for Round 8:

    Harvard & Yale - "What? Like it's hard?" - Reese Witherspoon, Legally Blond

    The Indy 500 - Contestants must drive the full 500 miles. Bathroom breaks ARE allowed.

    Food & Shelter - Gotta have it.

    Having A Baby - "Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree top ..." Who would put a kid on a tree top?

    Corvettes - In 1953, Chevrolet introduced the Corverre, the first mass-produced sports car with a fiberglass body. The perfect cure for a midlife crisis.

    Judge Hazel, please send me your Round 8 Choice.
    Players, please send me your Round 8 Guesses.
    You may not pick your own card.

    24 hours

    Have fun!


  11. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    My cousin died unexpectedly this morning. The cause of her death was a heart aneurysm. This is both shocking and sad. Because of this aweful RL event, my update to this game will be delayed for a short while. So sorry, everyone.

  12. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    prj1- hugs! and roses!

    I sent you a private PM but wanted to say we'll be here whenever you'rea ready [face_batting]

  13. Daft-Vader

    Daft-Vader Chosen One star 8

    Aug 6, 2008
    No worries prj [:D]
  14. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    I'm sorry to hear that, prj. @};-

    We'll be here when you're ready.
  15. JediMaster1511

    JediMaster1511 Jedi Grand Master star 10

    Jul 15, 2010
    The game takes a backseat to RL things. I am sorry for your loss.

  16. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that [:D] Take all the time you need!
  17. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    I plan for Apples to resume tomorrow, so watch your PM boxes.

  18. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Sorry I didn't restart the game yesterday, but it was quite a long one. Here we go!

    Red Apples Round 8 Choice Guesses:

    Harvard & Yale

    Food & Shelter


    Having A Baby

    Judge Hazel?s Choice[/b
    Harvard & Yale

    2 points awarded. Congrats, Dafty and Jade!

    ]1. NYCitygurl
    1 missed round
    2. Hazel 5
    3. Daft-Vader 3
    4. wedge41388 3
    5. JediMaster1511 5
    6. Jade_eyes 2

    Congrats, Jammy!

    Round 9: Judge, Dafty.

    The rest of you have 24 hours to send me Red Cards for this
    Green Card.

    Boisterous - (loud, rambunctious, rowdy)


  19. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Red Apples Choices for Round 9:

    Day Care Centers - Preschool for preschool.

    Bells & Whistles - It's got everything!

    Parade - I love a parade.

    Tyrannosaurus Rex - Large carnivorous dinosaur of the latter part of the Mesozoic era. My, what big teeth you have!

    Motorcycles - The air in your hair and bugs in your teeth.

    Judge Dafty, please send me your Round 9 Choice.
    Players, please send me your Round 9 Guesses.
    You may not pick your own card.

    24 hours

    Have fun!


  20. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    Red Apples Round 9 Choice Guesses

    Tyrannosaurus Rex



    Judge Dafty?s Choice
    Tyrannosaurus Rex

    1 point awarded. Congrats, Jammy!

    ]1. NYCitygurl
    1 missed round
    2. Hazel 6
    3. Daft-Vader 3
    4. wedge41388 3
    5. JediMaster1511 6
    6. Jade_eyes 2

    Congrats, Hazel!

    We have quite an unusual situation here, thanks to Dafty.

    As you can see from the scores, we have a tie. I hadn?t planned for this, but since both have reach 6 points, and I need to put this game on hiatus asap to catch up on my school work, I am going to say that we have two winners, and ask thatJammy and Hazel both be awarded colors by Moddess Nat.
    They both deserve it.


    Congrats, Hazel and Jammy!


    Apples will return soon. Thanks to all dedicated players for signing up each game. You are all winners to me.
    See you around the JC.




  21. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Congratulations to the winners! =D= @};-

    Sweet prj1- thank you for such a wonderful and entertaining game each time. You make it very easy to keep up with the rounds in the absence of the ATN. ;) @};-

    Big huggles!

  22. Daft-Vader

    Daft-Vader Chosen One star 8

    Aug 6, 2008
    Congratulations guys :)
  23. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    Congrats to both of you!!
  24. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Thanks and congratulations Jammy!

    Good luck on your school work, prj. @};-
  25. JediMaster1511

    JediMaster1511 Jedi Grand Master star 10

    Jul 15, 2010
    Thank you.

    Congrats to Hazel as well. :D