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The Bashers' Sanctuary Strikes Back

Discussion in 'Archive: The Phantom Menace' started by Binary_Sunset, Mar 23, 2002.

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  1. Punisher

    Punisher Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 20, 1998
    The sad thing is I can't access any Private Messages and almost every post is an error!
    It's nice to know we have a bureaucracy in place for these kind of things. ;)

    It will really be bad after the Basher's Sanctuary get locked (and probably deleted), just you wait and see... ;)

    BTW, when is this one supposed to get shut down?
    I want to witness it, I'll be able to tell my kids about it someday and they'll wonder what kind of ****y existence I had! 8-}
  2. Loco_for_Lucas

    Loco_for_Lucas Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 15, 2002
    You the mod

    Who da mod? Yo da Mod. Yoda da mod.
  3. JenX

    JenX Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 26, 2002
    I don't believe this!

    Uni ends for the summer, I turn my back on the internet for a few weeks, and when I get back I find out that the Bashers' Sanctuary thread is being locked!!

    But if the 600+ pages are scaring people, it's probably for the best.

    I have a half-drunk bottle of champagne in the fridge, which I will use to toast the end of this thread and greet the arrival of the new one.

    I hate sand. It's rough, and it gets in your eyes and makes it look like you're getting a bit weepy when you aren't...

    No,'s just sand...


  4. Durwood

    Durwood Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 18, 2002
    I sense an inconsistency in your reasoning. We SW fans HAVE TO like all the SW films and yet you don't HAVE to like all the Matrix films. What type of logic is that?

    The difference is, I've never claimed to be a Matrix fan. It just so happens that I find the first film enjoyable. Now if I claimed to be a fan of The Matrix yet despised two thirds (or maybe, half?) of the franchise then, I agree, there is a fallacy in my reasoning. But remember, you said it, not me! ;)
  5. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Chosen One star 6

    Mar 22, 2003
    If by "littered with trolls" you mean "occasionally visited by those with reasonable but differing opinions" then the answer to your question is most likely yes.

    You talk of differing opinions , let's look at what you think of differing opinions - this is what you said a couple of days ago :

    As for my desire to see it closed, I suppose I just fail to see the point of providing harbor for those who hate the very thing the forum is dedicated to. I mean, are there "basher sanctuaries" on The Matrix sites, or "basher sanctuaries" on The Lord Of The Rings sites? Of course not, as the whole concept of "basher sanctuaries" is nonsense. Those who don't like The Matrix or The Lord Of The Rings simply don't visit those sites, which seems perfectly reasonable to me. So why should a Star Wars fansite go out of its way to cater to those who don't like Star Wars? It's simply absurd!
    I think TF.n should start a new forum called "The Trash Compactor" with the instructions "All those who don't like Star Wars in whole or in part can dump their garbage here." That way, there'd be a place for all the crap to go leaving the rest of the forums uncluttered. An excellent idea, don't you think?

    "garbage" "crap" ?

    You've clearly demonstrated your lack of respect for differing opinions.

    personally, I think it's healthy to have differing opinions, but I imagine if I went into the Defense thread and described their opinions as "garbage" and "crap", and then suggested they be closed down and be put into a thread called the trash-compactor, it would not be looked upon too kindly.

    As for why the Matrix and LOTR boards don't have a Basher's Sanctuary -(thanks for pointing that out) maybe it's because their film series doesn't have a film that has generated so much negative reaction as TPM.


  6. Durwood

    Durwood Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 18, 2002
    Key word being "reasonable." ;)
  7. JenX

    JenX Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 26, 2002
    Errr, this post double posted, so this post isn't here anymore, if you see what I mean.
  8. George15

    George15 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 4, 2002
    "As for why the Matrix and LOTR boards don't have a Basher's Sanctuary -(thanks for pointing that out) maybe it's because their film series doesn't have a film that has generated so much negative reaction as TPM."

    I think TTT and MR(especially MR)would qualify.Maybe not to the degree of TPM but there is still alot of animosity felt towards MR(not so much TTT,I only mentioned it because we hates it.).
  9. JenX

    JenX Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 26, 2002
    Wait a second...


    So why should a Star Wars fansite go out of its way to cater to those who don't like Star Wars? It's simply absurd!

    ...but the very next sentence in that post says:

    I think TF.n should start a new forum called "The Trash Compactor"...

    So, you think that a Star Wars fansite catering to people who don't like Star Wars is absurd, so instead you suggest that TF.n should...cater to people who don't like Star Wars by creating a whole forum for them???

    An excellent idea, don't you think?

    [Durwood]It's simply absurd![/Durwood]

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]
  10. Patrick Russell

    Patrick Russell Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 9, 1998
    Just wanted to pop in and bid a final Sayonara to the ol' Sanctuary. I hope the new one manages to stay up once it goes live, but I have to say I kind of lean towards Stryphe's concerns... there are way too many people on these boards (admins as well, from what I've gleaned) who seem to truly believe that these boards should be little more than a daisy chain of gushers. While I can understand why some folks might not like to hear critical comments, it seems that all this would really do would be to stifle discussion.

    I've mainly kept to the Sanctuary of late, because it's clear that a great many of my opinions on the PT are not welcome elsewhere on these boards. I've loved SW since 1977, still love the OT for the most part, dig a few things about the PT, but overall am decidely underwhelmed by what Lucas has settled for story-wise in his last two films. I hope that tomorrow morning we still have a little corner of the JC where we can discuss this sort of thing honestly without whizzing in everyone else's Cheerios.

    If so, great. If not... well, it's been fun.

    Yippee-Tie-One-On, Pardners! ;)
  11. JenX

    JenX Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 26, 2002
    I don't think TMR or TTT have generated nearly as much of a negative backlash as TPM.

    But you still have Donnie Darko as your number 10 favorite movie of all time, so I'm still not going to argue with you :)

  12. Durwood

    Durwood Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 18, 2002
    O.K., look, that post got me banned for 24 hours for "baiting" other forum members. Perhaps continually bringing it up and asking me to defend it could also be seen as baiting?

    So since I got in trouble last time I went down that road, you'll have to forgive me for steering clear of it this time around. K?
  13. Durwood

    Durwood Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 18, 2002
    I've mainly kept to the Sanctuary of late, because it's clear that a great many of my opinions on the PT are not welcome elsewhere on these boards.

    Remember, it's not necessarily what you say but how you say.
  14. JenX

    JenX Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 26, 2002
    Errr, hope you aren't refering to me Durwood, as I haven't posted on here for weeks (thus I can't be continually bringing it up) and I haven't asked you to defend anything.

    But I'll forgive you anyway. Want some champagne?


  15. Lady_Sami_J_Kenobi

    Lady_Sami_J_Kenobi Jedi Master star 6

    Jul 31, 2002
    Lady Sami have champagne, too. Just needed a good reason to drink it.

    Jen-X, we're on the same wavelength. :)


    I, too, would like to offer you some champagne.

    Let's have a toast!

    To the new Sanctuary!

    Lady Sami
  16. Punisher

    Punisher Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 20, 1998
    I'm tempted to go to these Matrix and LOTR boards just so I could start a "Bashers' Sanctuary".
    Sure, they will probably be locked and I'd get banned, but at least no one could say that it never happened. ;)
    I actually wouldn't do a very good job, I haven't seen those films enough to be a "credible" basher. :(

    I'd love to invite some LOTR and Matrix forum folks over here, I'm sure we'd all have a grand old time! ;)
    Too bad the "Which trilogy will stand the test of time?" thread is gone, it would have been perrrfect!

  17. Lady_Sami_J_Kenobi

    Lady_Sami_J_Kenobi Jedi Master star 6

    Jul 31, 2002

    I think Elfstar restarted that thread in SW Community.

    LOTR fans do post here, I'm one of them. Ditto Matrix fans.

    And the LOTR fans are divided into two groups, purists and non-purists.

    Lady Sami
  18. Durwood

    Durwood Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 18, 2002
    Then I guess I would fall into the purist category, because while I enjoy what PJ is doing with the films, I do not consider them definitive by any means. I like to refer to them as "Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings, based in part on J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord Of The Rings."
  19. Binary_Sunset

    Binary_Sunset Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 28, 2000
    I'm starting to get impatient for the new Sanctuary. C'mon [insert name of the secret person who will start it within hours here], get that baby rolling!

    This place is simply falling apart. We need new digs!

    I wonder whose double-post will end up being the last post of this, the Sanctuary 2.0.
  20. Durwood

    Durwood Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 18, 2002
    Wouldn't it be ironic if it was mine?
  21. DrEvazan

    DrEvazan Jedi Youngling star 4

    Jun 19, 2002
    cheers Durwood!
  22. JenX

    JenX Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jul 26, 2002
    <----LOTR and Matrix fan (I've seen MR four times now, love it to pieces...)

    ...what time does this place shut down at, anyway? I wouldn't mind being here to see the new thread start up...

    **waves bottle of Piper-Heidsieck champagne at Lady_Sami_J_Kenobi and Durwood and Binary_Sunset, who just turned up as she was typing this**

    Editted so that JenX could hit DrEvazan on the head with her quater-full bottle of champagne for that awful pun.

  23. Durwood

    Durwood Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 18, 2002
    Dr. E:

    That was uncalled for. [face_plain]
  24. Patrick Russell

    Patrick Russell Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 9, 1998
    Yeah, don't go waving champagne around. What the devil's the matter with you? ;)
  25. Punisher

    Punisher Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 20, 1998

    As the bad guy from the Crow said.. "Son, you've brought a smile to my face." (Or something like that!)

    I wonder if we can have a JJC contest for that title! ;)

    I'm afraid of what the official icon would be! ;)
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