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Arena The Boxing Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Community' started by DarthSubZero, May 15, 2007.

  1. DarthSubZero

    DarthSubZero Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 10, 2006
    I am shocked by the lack of a boxing I, being the generous person I am, decided to make one.

    Upcoming Fights

    Jermain Taylor vs Cory Spinks

    Miguel Cotto vs Zab Judah

    Ricky Hatton vs Jose Luis Castillo

    Wladmir Klitschko vs Lamon Brewster

    Bernard Hopkins vs Winky Wright

    Recent Fights

    Oscar De La Hoya L vs Floyd Mayweather Jr W by Split Decision

  2. Eeth-my-Koth

    Eeth-my-Koth Jedi Grand Master star 9

    May 25, 2001
    Boxing died a long time ago my friend.
    I love it so much but it breaks my heart to watch.
    Someone really needs to do something with the Heavyweight ranks.
  3. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball/SWC Jedi Commish star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    I do honestly believe that without a captivating figure (or several, preferably) in the heavyweight division, boxing will never be popular again. It has taken a swan dive to the depths of niche sportsdom. I'd be shocked if it were more popular than swimming, gymnastics, or extreme sports.

    Which is a shame.

    Because Bernard Hopkins, over the last 10 years, rejuvenated my interest in boxing. He turned me into a boxing fan again. Well, actually, I just became a Hopkins fan. I never really took in boxing fully. I enjoyed The Contender series on TV, I follow fights. But I've never been willing to plunk down PPV money for a fight, and I don't get Showtime or HBO.

    There's a bunch of problems facing boxing right now. But the biggest one is finding a captivating heavyweight, and then finding him some rivals.
  4. DRHJ9

    DRHJ9 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2003
    The biggest problem with boxing has nothing to do with individuals. The biggest problem in boxing is that the sanctioning bodies make it virtually impossible for any one fighter to be recognized as the legitimate champion. These sanctioning bodies (WBA, IBF, WBC, WBO) penalize fighters for fighting against other beltholders.

    Another problem is the ranking system that is totally corrut. At one time a DEAD GUY!!!! moved up ion the WBA rankings!!!

    Boxing needs to dump the sanctioning bodies, and make one recognized belt as that being the champions. The best and most legitimate belt to date is The Ring Magazine belt that has a true set of criteria for determining champions.

    As for boxing being dead I disagree. Almost every night of the week fights can be found. FNF, WNF, ESPN Classic, Solo boxeo etc.. The problem is lack of network television fights.

    I love boxing, and hope the corruption of the governing bodies goes away.

    For real boxing fans, visit websites like for up to the minute info on the fight game. There are many good fight to be seen and read about.
  5. DarthSubZero

    DarthSubZero Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 10, 2006
    I don't think boxing is that bad...and there are other divisions in boxing as well. As a whole it is bad, but some divisions are quite the opposite.

    The Middleweight Division has Oscar De La Hoya, Floyd Mayweather, and Bernard Hopkins. The lightweights have Marco Antonio Barrera(or at least had), and Manny Pacquio. Fights with those name usually have big dont say boxing is dead, for it's big fights are bigger than perhaps even the big 4(football, soccer, basketball, hockey.) Although a needed captivating fighter I agree on.

    So please, let us discuss what's going on in boxing than it's supposed "death", which is far from the truth.
  6. DRHJ9

    DRHJ9 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2003
    Boxing will die, if the governing bodies continue with the corruption that is going on today. The rankings are crap , and fighters get penalized for not making mandatories against cream puffs.

    Can't use that acronym
  7. DarthSubZero

    DarthSubZero Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 10, 2006
    I never thought of that.

    LOL Dead Guy moves up on rankings....that is pretty messed up.
  8. Onoto

    Onoto Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 7, 2004
    Boxing is great, and I love to watch old fights, but I think it's had its day in the sun, and now it'd going to fade. The best American athletes aren't going to go into such a dangerous sport. It's sad watching the old boxers hobble about and and its even worse to hear their slurred speech. Americans are going to pick baseball, basketball, and football (a violent sport that won't stand the test of time, but it'll outlast boxing), and Americans don't care about Russian, German, and British champions. Much of boxing's history has been spent making different ethnicities hate each other and support their own, so it's only natural that we're selfish that way.
  9. DRHJ9

    DRHJ9 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2003

    That is because most European boxers show a reluctance to fight in the U.S. The Russian fighters are the exception. Wladamir and Vitali Klitchko are widely embraced by the U.S. boxing fans. Nicolai Valuev was watched, but he was not any good. Oleg Masgeav(Sp?) is another fighter embraced by U.S. fans, who recently won a belt.

    The problem is with European fighters that are protected and coddled in their home countries. Joe Calzaghe and Rickey Hatton come to mind. Hatton is at least making an attempt to stage fights in Vegas. I give him credit for taking a fight with some risk FINALLY with Castillo. Kostya Tzu was past his prime and had not fought in a year and a half, when Hatton beat him. Calzaghe is overrated and has not fought any stiff competition, not even the washed up American former champions. Roy Jones Jr. recently called him out, and got no response. Prince Naseem Hamed was exposed, but at least he fought all over and tried to fight the best out there.

    American fans embrace anyone willing to give their all for the sport, like Marco Antonio Barrera, Eric Morales, Manny Pacquiao, Miguel Cotto, The Klitchko's, and now I have to say, if he puts up a good fight Hatton.

  10. DarthGreene

    DarthGreene Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 15, 2005
    It's sad to see boxing doing so bad. However Mixed Martial Arts is taking over.
  11. DarthSubZero

    DarthSubZero Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 10, 2006
    I think it's doing bad...just not dead.

    And on a public level, yeah MMA is taking over...but there are WAY more PPV buys on big prize fights than in UFC or etc.
  12. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    PPV is lucrative for the participants, but bad for boxing fandom in general. The sport also has a problem with oversite. Sometimes you are forced to fight a number one contender, otherwise you just fight when you want ahainst anyone you want.

    My favorite fight of all time is Hagler/Hearns...3 rounds of ass kicking. Next would be Hearns/Leonard II; I just thought the rematch was far better with the two seasoned pros going at it like fencers. I had Hearns win by two when I scored it.
  13. Spike2002

    Spike2002 Former FF-UK RSA and Arena Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 4, 2002
    Finally. An official boxing thread :D :D

    Kudos to you for starting one, SubZero.

    In response to DRHJ9, I do have to point out that Calzaghe is after a fight with either Taylor (middle-weight champ) and/or Kessler (super-middleweight no. 2). Whether he gets those fights is still tbc at the moment, but pursuing both of those fighters is at least a sign he wants to fight decent opposition before he retires, and not nomarks like Manfredo.

    Hatton is also a good fighter, very tough. I've heard he's trying to negotiate with De La Hoya for a fight, but I'd rather see him go up against Mayweather, who is more in his weight range than De La Hoya.

    When it comes to Heavyweight boxing, the Klitchskos are going to dominate for some time once they get hold of the top 4 belts. And, contrary to what Frank Warren would like to think, no British Heavyweight is ever going to challenge them at the moment. (And I say that with a heavy heart as I'm an avid viewer of British boxing)
  14. DarthSubZero

    DarthSubZero Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 10, 2006
    But I think Hatton/De La Hoya would bring much more buys...although Mayweather does have a title, so maybe Hatto can go for him too...I'd buy either way.

    Taylor rejected Calzaghe, because the terms were that fight would take place in Europe, but an American ref would be offered. Taylor said it would cost $10 M for Cazalghe's camp. That's why Taylor gets Spinks and Cazalghe gets Jones Jr.
  15. DarthSubZero

    DarthSubZero Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 10, 2006
    Sorry for Double posting.


    Main Event
    Jermain Taylor(26-0) vs Cory Spinks(36-3) for Undisputed Middleweight Title

    Edison Miranda(28-1) vs Kelly Pavlik(30-0)

    I'm watching as we speak...HBO packages are awesome. :cool:

  16. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    I'm having a look at the replay right now. If there is one thing that has always bugged me about non-heavyweights is the need that has been created to dehydrate and weigh in at say 160 pounds then the next day step on a scale and weigh over 170 pounds.
  17. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Taylor vs Spinks....YAWN.

    The first fight was what boxing fans like, rock 'em sock 'em action and a knock out FTW. I have enjoyed many a good boxing match but nothing is sbetter than two fighters just beating the hell out of each other.

    If this sets up a Taylor vs Pavlik fight then Taylor will really have to do what he did in this fight, keep back and box or else Pavlik will kill him. Although, I could see Taylor out speeding him, Pavlik was a tad ponderous though active and consistant.
  18. DarthSubZero

    DarthSubZero Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 10, 2006
    The first fight was good, but the main event made me want to gouge my eyes out...or at least sleep.
  19. DRHJ9

    DRHJ9 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2003

    Calzaghe will never get those fight unless he comes back down to earth. He has shown a clear reluctance to fight outside of his home base, that being in Europe. He had a chance to fight Hopkins, Tarver, and Jones, but wanted the fights on his terms. There is no way a Hopkins, Tarver or Jones, would accept Calzaghe's terms. These guys are champions that have fought much better quality of opponents than Calzaghe. When Calzaghe fights opponents like Glen Johnson, Winky Wright, James Toney, Felix Trinidad, Oscar De La Hoya etc...Then he can dictate terms.

    The problem is that he makes good money selling out European venues. He does not have to come and fight tougher opponents in the U.S. that pose a bigger risk. Calzaghe might be THAT good, but we will never know unless he accepts fights with bigger names on equal terms.

    Also, the Hatton V. De La Hoya news is very old. It was reported on months ago after Oscar fought Mayorga. That fight holds no appeal for Oscar, since he will be bringing in all of the money.

    The Taylor V. Spinks fight was a boring fight. Pavlic, Miranda was a much better fight as was expected by most fans, and ringside observers.
  20. Spike2002

    Spike2002 Former FF-UK RSA and Arena Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 4, 2002
    Well, this report thinks that the Calzaghe - Taylor fight will happen.

    And you're right about Calzaghe not venturing out of Europe much, but he's close to retirement now and desperate for something good to leave as his legacy. I'd prefer him to fight Kessler, so they can solve the dispute as to who really is "The Best" at super-middleweight, but a fight against Taylor would still be a good one.

    As for the fighters you've listed, Hopkins is too much of a lazy counterpuncher to deal with Joe's workrate, Winky is the same, and too small, Tarver is past it, Johnson, Toney and Trinidad aren't champions at the moment. I would like to see De La Hoya versus Calzaghe, but at light middleweight, De La Hoya may be way too small.

    Ideally, if Joe wants to retire on a high, he can either unify the super-middleweight belts, or move up to light-heavy and take on some stronger fighters. I don't think he'd get much competition from smaller fighters.

    Hatton...well, he needs to get Castillo out of the way, first before he looks at future fights.

    Haven't caught the Taylor-Spinks fight yet (didn't air it over here in England) but from what I hear it wasn't that interesting.
  21. DarthSubZero

    DarthSubZero Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 10, 2006
    Be glad...the fight sucked.
  22. DarthSubZero

    DarthSubZero Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 10, 2006
    Updated List
    Upcoming Fights

    Miguel Cotto vs Zab Judah

    Ricky Hatton vs Jose Luis Castillo

    Wladmir Klitschko vs Lamon Brewster

    Bernard Hopkins vs Winky Wright

    Recent Fights

    Cory Spinks L vs Jermain Taylor W by Split Decision

    Did you hear about the Zab/Cotto fight? They're making a show similar to De La Hoya/Mayweather 24/7 for it.
  23. Spike2002

    Spike2002 Former FF-UK RSA and Arena Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 4, 2002

    Miguel Cotto vs Zab Judah

    Cotto for this one.

    Ricky Hatton vs Jose Luis Castillo

    Hatton to win this one. He's back in shape, and very up for this fight. And Castillo had a very lacklustre fight last time round.

    Wladmir Klitschko vs Lamon Brewster

    Klitschko definitely for this one.

    Bernard Hopkins vs Winky Wright

    This is a tough one. Pound for pound, I'd say Wright is better, but Hopkins is a light heavyweight fighter, which means he could prove too tough for Wright's natural middleweight when it comes down to it.
  24. DRHJ9

    DRHJ9 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2003

    Let me first say, that it is good to talk to someone with knowledge of the sport for a change! Very refreshing.

    Not to say anyone on this thread does not, but Spike2002 and I have had a short, but ongoing chat.

    Calzaghe does not have to fight all of the fighters I mentioned, or even beat them. Just fight fighters of that caliber, before he dictates terms of fights with some of the big name fighters. If he fought any of the fighters mentioned, it should not be in Europe, in his backyard. He has not fought the compitition they have, which was my point.

    I agree with your picks, but don't sleep on Castillo, who gave Floyd all he could handle.

  25. Spike2002

    Spike2002 Former FF-UK RSA and Arena Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 4, 2002
    First things first:


    Let me first say, that it is good to talk to someone with knowledge of the sport for a change! Very refreshing.

    Thanks for the compliment :) I was brought up in "boxing country" in the north-east of England, so that kicked off my love for the sport from a young age. :)

    Calzaghe does not have to fight all of the fighters I mentioned, or even beat them. Just fight fighters of that caliber, before he dictates terms of fights with some of the big name fighters. If he fought any of the fighters mentioned, it should not be in Europe, in his backyard. He has not fought the compitition they have, which was my point.

    I can see your point. However, Calzaghe has had some tough fights. He earned his first belt by beating Chris Eubank, one of the legends of the 90's super-middle/middle scene (I don't count his cruiserweight comeback), and has hung on for dear life since :p

    I'd say his toughest challenge so far was Jeff Lacy (and you have to admit, he was built up by the experts as the man who would finally beat Joe with pressure and hard punching power). It would have been nice had he fought Hopkins and Johnson, but with the former demanding twice the cash he had initially accepted, and the latter fight having to be called off because of Joe's hand injury, those couldn't really be helped IMO.

    I think Castillo will give Hatton the biggest challenge of his career so far, but in the end I think Ricky will prevail.