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Social The Cloud City Cantina 24.0: It's About Time

Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by TheSilentInfluence, Sep 15, 2022.

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  1. Dark Ferus

    Dark Ferus Chosen One star 8

    Jul 29, 2016
    Wish I could have too

    [:D] for you Dags, and anyone who wants

    I think ROTJ does have the best opening- in the saga too possibly, although the ROTS opener comes close.
  2. Jar-Jar Binks

    Jar-Jar Binks SWC Late Show With JJB Host star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 17, 2016

    drinking my smoothie but i forgot to pull frozen mixed berries out of the freezer. so i diced them but its really cold and thick.

    anyway got an interview for a job i applied to the other day. so fridays the interview. so packaging stuff. probably will have to take the job regardless.
    Iron_lord likes this.
  3. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    There will be a rewatch. Then you can join in my friend. [:D]
    Dagobahsystem and Emperor Ferus like this.
  4. Jar-Jar Binks

    Jar-Jar Binks SWC Late Show With JJB Host star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 17, 2016
    Ugh I'm so tired of not being good enough fml lol just complaining ignore me
    Emperor Ferus and DarthIshyZ like this.
  5. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
  6. Jar-Jar Binks

    Jar-Jar Binks SWC Late Show With JJB Host star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 17, 2016
    Thanks lb. Try telling that to the last job I didn't get lol :p.
  7. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    Keep your chin up JJB, I’m hoping you’ll find something you really enjoy doing.
  8. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    Tell me about it! Seven times I've applied for the same position. Seven times someone else has been given the job. Almost one time per year I've been here. They have my numbers. Consistently in the top 10-20% of all premium reps. Good reviews from clients, even emails saying "he helped me beyond what I wanted." WTF do you want!?!?

    @Dagobahsystem, I've heard Ashes to Ashes before. I can't say it's in my top 10. The criteria for me is: I see the title and the song pops into my head. Changes, for instance. "Ch-ch-ch-changes..." It's right there.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2022
    Dagobahsystem and Jar-Jar Binks like this.
  9. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    Pumpkin Spice and everything Nice.
  10. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    Puts fingers in ears

    LA LA LA LA LA!!! If I don't hear it it doesn't exist.
    PCCViking likes this.
  11. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    DarthIshyZ likes this.
  12. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    Vile sugary stuff that someone invented to be able to add an extra $2 per cup to a $1 cup of coffee. I object to anything that has no added value, but costs more anyway. Flowers on Valentines Day, for instance. Buy them on Feb 13 or Feb 15 and they're a quarter the price.
  13. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    I say buy flowers around 10:00pm Feb 13 and then wake up the lady of the manor with them in a vase. Save money and celebrate V-Day. :D

    As for pumpkin Spice, its the taste mostly, if you like nutmeg and etc.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2022
    DarthIshyZ likes this.
  14. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    I pity the fool that buys flowers on Valentine's day.

    Yes, I said it.
    PCCViking and Kato Sai like this.
  15. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    Its like food and drinks at amusement parks. Highway robbery; because they have you trapped.
  16. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    And airports, too.
    Dagobahsystem and Kato Sai like this.
  17. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    Paraphrasing Jerry Seinfeld:
    And what about these airports? What planet are they on that they think they can charge $14...for a tuna sandwich.
    Kato Sai and DarthIshyZ like this.
  18. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    Its not like they run out of Tuna:

    Last edited: Sep 28, 2022
    DarthIshyZ likes this.
  19. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    Well now, that's a different story mate.

    Maz: a story for another time. :p
    DarthIshyZ and Kato Sai like this.
  20. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    Which she never gets to. :p
    Dagobahsystem likes this.
  21. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    TFA lol.

    I've never had such a love/hate feeling about any other movie except that one.

    Finally it has settled into the like it category as it is a very fun movie. But I still get irritated about what they did to Luke Skywalker.

    Yoda would tell me: Let it go, you must.
  22. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    TFA was a fun ride but nothing new. I love TLJ, *ducks as tomatoes are thrown*
    TROS is my struggle.. its fun in moments, but ultimately a incoherent mess. Worse it undermines ROTJ!
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2022
    DarthIshyZ likes this.
  23. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    Glad you like it mate, but for me, TLJ is the worst.
    To be nice, I will say it looks pretty, the cinematography and it sounds terrific, John Williams.

    Otherwise it is trash. I may never watch that again lol.

    I like TROS because at least JJ tried to salvage what he could from RJ's dumpster fire and made an entertaining action quest picture.
    And by that point, after TLJ, anyone would be hard pressed to make something decent regarding story.

    Kurosawa and Kubrick working together couldn't have resolved that trilogy much better plot wise after TLJ.
    Moll, Emperor Ferus and PCCViking like this.
  24. PCCViking

    PCCViking 8X Wacky Wednesday Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 12, 2014
    TROS is the best of the sequel trilogy.


    DarthIshyZ and Dagobahsystem like this.
  25. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    I don't disagree @PCCViking
    It is at least creative and literally has an impossible job to do after TLJ.

    So I just enjoy it, as one might do when playing a decent video game. Just have fun with it, you know.
    DarthIshyZ and PCCViking like this.
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