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The Comic Book Draft Episode IV: A New Mutant (Congratulations BartSimpson-SithLord)

Discussion in 'Archive: Census and Games' started by DarthIntegral, Jun 10, 2006.

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  1. MandaloreYak

    MandaloreYak Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 29, 2004
    Kyle as a low-tier PLer? Doesn't seem so low-tier to me but I guess I just have a higher opinion of GLs in general... And Flash lost to like every prepared person he faced. Did he beat one?
  2. EmpireForever

    EmpireForever Force Ghost star 8

    Mar 15, 2004
    The Flash got robbed a couple times in my opinion, though. He really did get some bad draws this draft.
  3. PrincessKenobi

    PrincessKenobi Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 12, 2000
    When will sign-ups start? I really want to do it but I have work tomorrow and I would hate to miss out cause I love this draft! I missed it when I lost my computer! And would love to get involved again. Be it a player or a judge. I don't care. I just love it so much it's awesome.
  4. Mikaboshi

    Mikaboshi Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 12, 2005
    Looks like it will be in the next day or so, I usually am on at night so I would probably make the thread around this time or so.

    Judge spots are filled up though, so GM slot's are all that we have left.

    PS: Judges will be Durron, Minch, and JANGO.

    PS again: Sometime tonight I will make up another draft list for everyone to look over, if all is good we can probably start the new draft Wednesday night.
  5. Shadow_of_Durron

    Shadow_of_Durron Jedi Knight star 6

    May 2, 2003
    Whose house?

    ... Run's house!
  6. The_Chim

    The_Chim Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jul 16, 2001
    Congrats on being the judges there...judges. :p Should make for some interesting verdicts.

    So that is a no on anyone from Gen-X? There are some really awesome characters that would make for some quality picks, I think.

  7. BartSimpson-SithLord

    BartSimpson-SithLord Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 24, 2002

    But then again she was my favorite Gen Xer.

    Oh, and Jubilee would be good...if she'd actually learn how to control her powers beyond sparkles..oh, wait...House of M. [face_plain]

    And Monet has been shining in X-Factor.

    The others I've sort of lost track of, except for Chamber. Another fallout of House of M. [face_plain]

  8. MarcusP2

    MarcusP2 Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 10, 2004
    Does this mean we get to find out what Durron really thinks about the characters he has drafted? :p
  9. Dubya_Scott

    Dubya_Scott Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 11, 2002
    A little late, but... Congrats, BSSL!

    Hey, nice icon. I wonder who made it... [face_whistling]

  10. Mikaboshi

    Mikaboshi Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 12, 2005
    Alrighty, here is a small write up of promotions/demotions, additions, and clarifications....

    Nothing here is set in stone, so if there are any thoughts or comments speak up.

    Adds to RL

    US Agent
    Molly Hayes
    Nico Minoru
    Vermin (just for you BEN :p)

    Adds to the PL

    Power Skrull (yes/no?)
    Sentry (yes/no?)

    Move from RL to PL

    Kyle Rayner

    Move from PL to RL

    Champion of the Universe
    She Hulk
    Charles Xavier
    Cassandra Nova Xavier (yes/no?)

    Remove from draft

    Jakeem Thunder

    Clarification needed

    Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr)
    Annihilus (pre-Annihilation version)

    PS: I am looking into those Gen X characters Chim, if there are any specific characters that you think would be valuable additions to the list let me know.

    Oh yeah, almost forgot. Do we want to add game bans to this draft? All GM's who don't make the playoffs would get a 24 hour ban, but can post under a sock. All GM's who make the playoffs would be safe from that ban regardless of how they do in the playoffs.

    OBI-BEN-KENOBI Jedi Knight star 6

    Mar 13, 2004
    I am personally against game bans, however I propose that we take a vote once the player list for the next draft is assembled.
  12. Shadow_of_Durron

    Shadow_of_Durron Jedi Knight star 6

    May 2, 2003
    Pitt for the PL? Really? It's been a while since I've read anything on him, but is he really that uber? I mean, even though he's got a couple other minor abilities, he's still just a brick in the end.

    Air-Walker is fine, I guess, even though he's a pretty obscure herald. May be tough to find stuff on him.

    Power Skrull? Nah.

    Sentry is fine with me.

    And demote CNX? I dunno. She does have powers Charles doesn't. TK, healing factor. I say keep her.

    And we may not need to promote and demote the same number of characters, but I would really suggest that we not promote more than we demote. There were already ten PL picks leftover from this last draft. How many good, powerful characters are we planning on stranding?

    And I don't have any problems with game bans. I just don't see what the big deal is. If you just have to post in those 24 hours, use a sock.

    Does this mean we get to find out what Durron really thinks about the characters he has drafted?

    Other than that Cap Atom/Spawn match, I don't think I made any significant arguments for a match I didn't think my characters had a legitimate shot at winning. Take that as you will. ;)
  13. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball/SWC Jedi Commish star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    I think game bans add another element to the contest as far as bragging rights go, and it'd be a nice little mini-reward for those who make the play-offs.

    All the additions, moves, subtractions look good except keep CNX on the power list and I think Power Skrull looks more like a regular list than a power list.
  14. MandaloreYak

    MandaloreYak Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 29, 2004
    I'm not really a fan of Sentry being on the list myself, nor of Air-Walker. I think Nova or even Stardust would be better to put on there, let's get a female herald on the list. And keep CNX there, that TK, phasing, AND healing are more than enough. Oh and um... If we're gonna keep Baron Mordo on there shouldn't we know more about him? I thought he lost a few matches he should've won myself. And is there any info besides Wiki on Dr. Polaris? Same deal with Mordo, in my estimation.

    I know some of this has been looked at before but um... Has Dr. Strange really accomplished any feats that Thor hasn't? Thor beat Galactus, beat Thanos once and beat/stalemated Ego. Is Strange unprepped really so nice that he's off the list?
  15. EmpireForever

    EmpireForever Force Ghost star 8

    Mar 15, 2004
    I think they kept Strange off the list more for what he could do in teams.

    I really don't see the point of the game ban for such a long game, but if you must.

    And I agree with Durron; Pitt on the PL? It'll be hard enough to argue for him, who's gonna waste a PL pick on him?

    And how about Union Jack instead of U.S. Agent, since we already have Cap?
  16. The_Chim

    The_Chim Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jul 16, 2001
    Ok well before I can't make any of my own reocommendations...

    Husk- She has the ability to shed off injured tissues and make the skin underneath the layer that was shed into a bunch of stuff, Diamonds, Metals, Rubber, Glass,etc..

    Chamber- This guy has powerful psionic blasts, so powerful that they actually (IRRC) blew his jaw off and left a large gapping hole in his chest (that is where the energy escapes from. He doesn't need to eat or breath and has some TP. Possible Omega Level mutant.

    Synch- He can 'synchronize' with other mutants, copying their abilities for himself and displays a better control over those powers than most mutants he 'synchs' up with. Sounds confusing but it is actually pretty cool. With training (and assumingly prep) he can permanently retain these powers.

    M (Monet)- She is a female Superman, kinda.
    Has the super strength, speed and reflexes, endurance, healing factor, flight, invulnerability, and even some TP. She is bad ass.

    Penance- She is odd, but has red diamond hard skin. Her hands feet hair, ravor sharp tendrils. She has mild mental resistance and resistance to physical damage due to the increased density of her body form.

    Skin- He is sorta comic relief. He has approximately 6ft of extra skin that he can stretch and move and stuff.

    Mondo- Another comic relief type characters but his power is a little more impressive. He can absorb organic and inorganic materials and then he is able to take that form, on a molecular level, and retain that until the material is completely digested from his system.

    Gen-X has a couple other members, but most of them are already on the List. Emma Frost, Banshee, Blink... and some others that aren't really allowed or on the list or whatever. Gaia, Jubilee, Leech, Artie, Franklin Richards....
  17. MandaloreYak

    MandaloreYak Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 29, 2004
    Chamber showed Omega Red what time it was
  18. BartSimpson-SithLord

    BartSimpson-SithLord Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 24, 2002
    Molly threw "Chamber" into Julie Power, and both through a billboard. [face_whistling]

    EDIT: And it's too early for them at the moment, but today's Teen Titans has totally made me want to add some of the "OYL Titans" who appear in this arc for next draft. I'm especially excited to see where this arc takes Miss Martian and what exactly she can do.

  19. Mikaboshi

    Mikaboshi Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 12, 2005
    So it looks like most are against the game ban then eh? If so we will just skip it, I personally don't care either way.

    As for Pitt, here was my reasoning for why I put him on the PL, sure he is a brick but he is one that can hang with the Hulk...he is way better than She Hulk and Champion that's for sure...

    He can be moved down to the RL if everyone thinks that is best, but his showing here looked PL worthy IMO...either way.

    I am also not too invested in Air-Walker, I just figured I would throw him up there and see what happened. Same with adding CXN to the remove from PL list, she doesn't seem to be that great of a PL pick anyway.

    Here is another revised list...

    Adds to RL

    US Agent
    Union Jack
    Agent X
    Molly Hayes
    Nico Minoru
    Vermin (just for you BEN :p)
    M (Monet)

    Add to the PL or RL?


    Move from RL to PL

    Kyle Rayner

    Move from PL to RL

    Champion of the Universe
    She Hulk
    Charles Xavier

    Remove from draft

    Jakeem Thunder

    Clarification needed

    Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr)
    Annihilus (pre-Annihilation version)
  20. Shadow_of_Durron

    Shadow_of_Durron Jedi Knight star 6

    May 2, 2003
    That is a good fight, but for one thing, how official is that crossover? And for another, that was definitely Professor Hulk, who I think is probably one of the PL picks that should be left on the board. He's better for teams, of course, but as an individual, I think he qualifies for leftover status. So what does that say about Pitt? Put him on there and he'll probably just get stranded. Don't put him on there and he becomes a pretty sweet regular list pick.

    I'm cool with it either way.
  21. Mikaboshi

    Mikaboshi Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 12, 2005
    I couldn't tell you how valid that is, and it probably isn't canon. But it does appear to be Prof. Hulk, so maybe you are right about throwing him into the RL, if put on the PL he may end up like Abomination was and never see any draft action.
  22. Darthsuperbatpooh

    Darthsuperbatpooh Jedi Knight star 5

    Nov 29, 2002
    i vote for RL for Pitt
  23. EmpireForever

    EmpireForever Force Ghost star 8

    Mar 15, 2004
    It wasn't really much of a fight. It's not like anyone was owning the other, either. It was pretty stalemate, except that the Hulk got a nosebleed and Pitt didn't. I dunno, do whatever you want, except he probably won't get drafted on the PL.
  24. Mikaboshi

    Mikaboshi Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 12, 2005
    One other thought, concerning DI and Marcus. Do you guys want to GM in the next draft? IIRC you guys would get reserved spots and I just want to know before I open the next one so I can get your names on the GM list right off the bat.
  25. Darthsuperbatpooh

    Darthsuperbatpooh Jedi Knight star 5

    Nov 29, 2002
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