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~The Count's County - A Count Dooku in the EU Fan Club~

Discussion in 'EU Community' started by The Loyal Imperial, Aug 15, 2008.

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  1. Master_Keralys

    Master_Keralys VIP star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 8, 2003
    You think Dooku isn't elegant? Odd. [face_thinking] I see him as easily being the most refined Sith Lord we have.

    In a lot of ways, he's a really excellent counterpoint to the general picture we have of Bane's order - indeed, to Bane himself. It strikes me that Bane's order is very much a reflection of his own nature: sneaky, intelligent, but very much unrefined and not at all "civilized." The only respect Bane's order offers the Jedi is that they're dangerous. Dooku, by contrast, is the epitome of a cultured Sith Lord, and he absolutely respects the Jedi. He thinks them misguided and wrong, but he respects them. In some sense, it's very possible he still loves Yoda at the very least, as something of an erroneously-tending grandfather. He stands in stark opposition to Bane as we have him now in that regard. (Bane as of JvS is something else, of course. [face_plain])

    Dooku, like Jacen, had the potential to be a teribly unique and very compelling figure as a Sith Lord. That potential has, sadly, not been realized, but it remains, and a talented author could likely forge a masterpiece of of Dooku's life story.

    - Keralys
  2. Teegirloo

    Teegirloo Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 26, 2005
    I meant the name Dooku not the Sith. Yes Dooku is the most refined Sith of all, he does respect the jedi but understands what they are lacking. Which is why he left the order.

    Yes, his potential was not fully realized and I do hope there is a novel on him. I think we are more likely to see that then the Darth Plagueis any time soon.
  3. jedi_killeroak

    jedi_killeroak Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 16, 2005
    His potential was never realized. He was good, but he never really do anything "special". They should have done more with him, to fill out the character, like...maybe do some force action that no one has seen before. Like maybe use "Drain Force" on Kenobe. Then kick him around while Anakin was taking a little nap.
  4. The Loyal Imperial

    The Loyal Imperial Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 19, 2007
    Actually, I think Dooku was better portrayed with a minimal usage of the Force. The key difference between him and most other Jedi, where they fought with the Force first and their blades second, he fought with his blade first and the Force second.
  5. Darth-Vassago

    Darth-Vassago Jedi Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2004
    I won't say you're wrong, but Dooku did use the Force prior to his duel with Yoda in Episode II. He also seemed to use the Force to attempt to discourage Obi-Wan from beginning a duel with him after he dispatched Anakin with the lightning (also using the Force, prior to his blade).

    Dooku is, easily, the best of the Sith. An arguable point, of course...but a strong one, no less. His portrayals haven't all been horrible; his roles in the films were much too minimal for the responsibility he carried with him (rallying systems to the CIS cause, etc.) and for his history with the Jedi. I would have much preferred he had a significant screen time increase...none of his lines in the film were hard to swallow, as so many were, because Lee delivered them with absolute precision. He captured the role perfectly.

    In any event, his portrayals since have been hit and miss. But I have to say, I enjoyed the story "Dark Rendezvous". I felt it was well done and did Dooku some measure of justice.
  6. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I quite agree. Dooku's appearance in Dark Rendezvous did him justice, but I also have a soft spot for his actions in the Obsession arc, which saw him dispatch Mace Windu in a duel with surprising ease.

    It is also only one or two such moments when 2/3 of the High Jedi Council banded together and went after Dooku, only to fail miserably. The other time being at Geonosis. Lord Tyranus demonstrated considerable skill in splitting his opponents attention and engaging only those who made it through him, be it with Jango Fett, General Grievous, Asajj Ventress or with the droid army itself - something which is most delightful.

    I was very pleased by his appearance in the Clone Wars movie, where he engaged Anakin and clearly mastered him, all while manipulating Anakin and his Padawan into getting themselves killed, or in-fact killing Jabba. Pure elegance.

    Had Tyranus survived his final duel with Anakin somehow, he would clearly have been more powerful than Anakin with his potential capped and placed in a suit. Unfortunately Lord Tyranus did not.
  7. Master_Keralys

    Master_Keralys VIP star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 8, 2003
    The thing that seems to characterize Dooku is that, even in "tactical" battles, he's always thinking strategically, and that often puts him a step (or several steps) ahead of his opponents - especially someone like Anakin, who's tactically brilliant and constantly innovating, but might not see the large-scale maneuvers his opponent is using against him until it's too late. I'd like to believe that that's precisely what happened during the AotC duel, though it's not apparent onscreen, and I think it's definitely apparent in some of the other engagements. Even the way he plays Vos. It's all long-term and strategic. I suspect that this is the trait that made Palpatine pick him as his next apprentice: the ability not only to take, but to see the long view.
  8. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    It's the Makashi mindset - leverage, feints, and so forth.

    I quite hope that the Count gets to show off during the Clone Wars TV series. I consider Tyranus above Mace Windu, so I'd like to see him crush him, or any number of Jedi.

    I think I read that the doppleganger of Dooku in the New Droid Army game was equivalent to half of Dooku's true strength, which is curious. Anakin failing to defeat Dooku in AotC and TCW is more interesting with that in mind.
  9. CloneCaptainRex

    CloneCaptainRex Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 31, 2008
    Hey, cool club!
    I've always loved Dooku.
    Hopefully we'll more of him in action in TCW.
    Dooku vs. Mace would be ideal.
  10. The Loyal Imperial

    The Loyal Imperial Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 19, 2007
    Dooku vs. Mace? Interesting concept. Unfortunately, I rather think Mace would take it, since dark-side fueled anger and overpowering strength seem to be the best tools to utilize against Tyranus, and the story constraints would require that both escape relatively unscathed, so it might not be so interesting a match as one could hope.
  11. Master_Keralys

    Master_Keralys VIP star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 8, 2003
    Yeah, I would guess that in a protracted duel, Mace would probably win out. It'd probably take a while, but I think Vaapad might just be able to take Dooku's Makashi. Not least because it would ultimately reflect Dooku's darkness back at him.

    The one fight we've seen in the Clone Wars the first time around - how did it play out? I don't recall, and don't own the TPB and so don't have it handy to look at. [face_thinking]

    Side note: IT LIVES!
  12. Havac

    Havac Former Moderator star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 29, 2005
    Dooku and Mace fought in Obsession, and Dooku pretty much played him like a fiddle. The thing is that their styles are so incredibly mismatched -- Mace's hyperkinetic Vaapad vs. Dooku's much more controlled, precise Makashi that it's nearly impossible to guess how they'd stack up against each other. Would Mace overwhelm Dooku's defenses, however elegant? Would Dooku's swordsmanship turn aside Mace's attacks and leave him vulnerable to a more controlled style? We saw in AOTC that Dooku was able to keep up with Yoda's likewise viciously fast-paced assault, but Mace doesn't have the disadvantage of Yoda's limited reach. Ultimately, I have to believe that if Anakin was able to beat down Dooku's guard with his likewise aggressive but even simpler Djem So, Mace certainly could push through to take down Dooku as well . . . but I don't think the odds are highly in Mace's favor. In an extended fight, he probably has less stamina than Mace, though. If Mace can hang in, I think he's got the odds to take Dooku, but I don't think it ever passes an 80% chance, with the pair overall sitting somewhere closer to 50-50.
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