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Before - Legends The Dark Lady Cometh/ Revan/ DDC2009/ Companion"Statement: I Enjoy Killing"/ Updated 3-2

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by The Great No One, Jan 14, 2009.

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  1. The Great No One

    The Great No One Jedi Grand Master star 8

    Jun 4, 2005
    Title: The Dark Lady Cometh
    Author: Trimaj
    Timeframe: The KOTOR Era, AU (Almost diametrically from canon)
    Characters: Revan, others from the game KOTOR mentioned throughout
    Genre: Diary
    Summary: Revan as a Female deciding the dark path is the more fulfilling one. Starting at the point of just being rebuffed on Tatooine, which is the first place they have gone after the temple on Dantooine.
    Disclaimer: This isn't my world, I'm just playing in it.

    Note: This is a companion to the diary entry of HK-47 written by Qui-Gon_Reborn "Statement: I Enjoy Killing" for the Dear Diary Challenge 2009.

    Entry 1

    Stupid Tuskens. How dare they keep me, Tara Calindra, from following the path of Revan? They will be punished.

    Damn my weakness. This will not be allowed to continue, nearly dying at the hands of these barbarians is embarrassing. Oh, they will ALL pay.

    Damn those Jedi for weakening me like this. What use is being Force sensitive if I can't use my emotions for power? Surely they are merely being blind. They and their rules can burn. I follow my own path, the others can follow if the wish.

    Bastila would likely have my head for thoughts like this, but that arrogant fool knows nothing. I will teach her the true meaning of power before this journey is over. I will teach all of those morons on the council for weakening me with their foolish thoughts.

    I must admit, however, that they did teach me one thing that was useful. Peer beyond the obvious, otherwise I wouldn't have that Cathar to mold. She will be a useful tool in the days to come I think, seeing as she looks up to me. Odds are she will follow whatever path I choose, for she owes me her life.

    Carth, however, may need to be removed. Or relegated to pilot only. How can a soldier not see what is going on? All of his high and mighty morals mean nothing in this fight. Only the outcome. We can not allow Malak to crush the galaxy like this. Surely the ends justify whatever use of force is necessary. I never would have thought a soldier would be so blind. Or so argumentative.

    Ordo understands, but then the Mandalorians obviously did. They had no qualms about destroying entire worlds if it suited their purpose, their goals. That is the way to fight a war, which is what this is. If only these other fools could understand what I'm trying to do. But they merely harp on not slipping into the dark side. A foolish view of things. Very foolish.

    At least the Wookiee doesn?t bother me, having placed his life in my hands, Zaalbar has become the perfect servant. Unlike that simpering idiot Mission. She has her uses, getting through locks even I can?t manage, but she is weak and keeps complaining about her brother. I finally promised we would look for him if we had the time. Turns out the idiot got lost in the desert on Tatooine. That?s one problem I won?t have to hear about again.

    Bastila?s mother is another matter. Apparently she is on world, and wants to see her daughter even after having let her be taken by the Jedi. Unsurprisingly Bastila has no clue about her thoughts on this matter. I?m not sure I care, as it is likely just a waste of time. I doubt there will be anything worth pursuing there.

    Our newest "team member" seems to understand, and even enjoy killing. As much as a droid can enjoy anything. I must admit, I've started to acquire a taste for it as well. Maybe the time will come that the council will require killing? If they keep attempting to meddle, they WILL be dealt with.

    Somehow this droid, HK-47, seems familiar. An echo of a past that never existed. I know I've never seen this droid before. I can't have. I've never even been away from my homeworld before being conscripted by the Republic. How could I have met such an intriguingly designed droid? Whoever designed this and it?s programming was a genius. I will have to talk with him more.

    Now we go to Manaan. Civilized places are always easier to deal with.



    [b]PM LIS
  2. Jaidyn_Knightfall

    Jaidyn_Knightfall Jedi Youngling star 2

    Nov 18, 2008
    A Revan diary? Very cool.

    Somehow this droid, HK-47, seems familiar. An echo of a past that never existed. I know I've never seen this droid before. I can't have. I've never even been away from my homeworld before being conscripted by the Republic. How could I have met such an intriguingly designed droid?


    I'm looking forward to more!
  3. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    That sounds promising! Count me in, Tri!

  4. DaenaBenjen42

    DaenaBenjen42 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 15, 2005
    Thissin Hissin verra interesting and I like the lady. Good work, Trimaj. :) (Echoes of a past she's forgotten? Hmmmm...)
  5. Qui-Gon_Reborn

    Qui-Gon_Reborn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 11, 2008
    How could I have met such an intriguingly designed droid? Whoever designed this and it?s programming was a genius. I will have to talk with him more.

    Yes, you will. :p

    Nice work, Tris!! I can still hear that young Kreia voice just uttering these words with the darkest of hatred...excellent job. =D= =D= =D=
  6. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Female Revan is evil, by the sound of it. :p

    This'll be interesting to see carry on. Love the HK-47 tidbits. [face_laugh]
  7. brodiew

    brodiew Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    Bastila?s mother is another matter. Apparently she is on world, and wants to see her daughter even after having let her be taken by the Jedi. Unsurprisingly Bastila has no clue about her thoughts on this matter. I?m not sure I care, as it is likely just a waste of time. I doubt there will be anything worth pursuing there.

    Good start, Trimaj. I like idea of a mother wanting to contact her Jedi daughter long after giving her up. Intriguing.

    So, is this brainwashed Revan turned from evil only to retun to the Dark Side?
  8. The Great No One

    The Great No One Jedi Grand Master star 8

    Jun 4, 2005
    First off, thanks all for reading. I have the next segement written, just waiting on the final beta.

    Jaidyn: yep, i've not seen anything to do with a female evil revan for whatever reason, so i figured doing one would prove interesting. glad i'm not alone.

    more's coming shortly.;)

    Azure: *smiles* again, always glad to have you around azure.

    Daena: *chuckles* goin' all jar jar now master? and danke.

    QGR: *chuckles* well, i'm not sure if a young kreia is a good thing or not... glad you're enjoying though.

    Sinre: really? whatever gave it away?

    *bows* hopefully i can keep you intrigued and amused.

    Brew: danke, but i honestly can't claim any credit for the idea as it's pretty much straight out of the game. this is more or less my annotations of a characters thoughts on the story and such.

    weeeelll... it would certainly appear that way, wouldn't it?:p

  9. The Great No One

    The Great No One Jedi Grand Master star 8

    Jun 4, 2005
    Here's the update, enjoy.

    [b]Entry 2[/b]
    [i]After Landing on Manaan and getting some meetings set[/i]

    For some reason my servants are not terribly thrilled with my decisions. Bastilla actually [i]wants[/i] to talk to her mother now, when she was railing against the unfairness of what had been done to her as a child. I finally told her to shut up, and that I would consider it when we returned. Were she not a Jedi, I would have expected her to try and rip my throat out. For some reason she still seems to think that she is in charge. Silly girl. She lost that the moment I regained the Force.

    Carth was displeased about being sentenced to the ship, but I can't have his moral high ground getting in the way on this. I think he finally understands, and what he will have to become for me to be willing to let him into the field. He thinks he has useful experience. Not as much as Ordo, not as much as Bastilla, although she is also staying on the ship, and definitely not as much as the Zaalbar. And the Wook will do what I tell him, so long as it doesn't require hurting Mission. I am nearly to the point that Carth is an utterly useless project, but I will talk to him and see if he can't be made to see reason. I do not hold much hope, although for some reason he seems to be vaguely smitten with me. That may be the lever I need.

    I somehow get the feeling that this droid is much more than he appears. So much so that I have started tinkering with him, as it seems that there are protocols and things that were locked by his original master. In some ways he seems to be a droid after my own heart, cold, ruthless and efficient. I will take him with me on all missions, as he is by far the most reliable shot that we have, and has no apparent qualms about killing anyone. Irritatingly I do not have the skills yet to restructure his memory, but that will only take more time on my part. It's not like there's much else to do on this ship. I can practice on that other droid. [i]Its[/i] only use is making computer spikes.

    Mission has proved a bit more useful than I had expected, especially after getting the mess with her brother sorted for the time being. He hasn't been mentioned again, and she has been working on security spikes, which we now have a very nice little stockpile of. It is unlikely that we will run out with her aboard. She gets to live. For now.

    For some reason Carth finds this planet beautiful. I suppose it could be found so, if you liked water everywhere and overly officious fish headed freaks walking around on their flippers and sounding watery every time they speak. I find myself hating the place. Civilization may be technically easier to work with, but it is also drastically more difficult to get anything that is disagreed with.


    I am really beginning to despise animals. Whoever put these gizka on the ship will wish they had never been born if I can find them. Having killed at least three dozen, how can there still be so many of these monstrosities? I will either need to find a poison to slow their reproduction, or some hapless fool to sell them to and then hope we find them all.

    Apparently the Sith here are rather moronic, which sadly I've started to expect everywhere. In some ways I would prefer a semi-competent enemy, but then I'm not doing this for the Republic. They are merely a useful means to an end. As fat and bloated as they have become the group as a whole needs to be purged. That will have to be considered after Malak is taken care of, but something to keep in mind. My goals are not the Republics, or the Councils, no matter how much they may coincide at the moment. The only reason I'm going to help these other incompetents is that I need into the Sith base, and they happen to have the information I need to do this in a semi-time efficient manner.

    There has been some fun, admittedly. A group of Sith accosted me and demanded credits. Some stupid rule kept me from simply killing them, HK wished to do me that se
  10. brodiew

    brodiew Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    Excellent update, trimaj, though I need a clarification. Is this pre-brainwash Revan or post brainwash Revan. She seems pretty e-vil for post-brain wash.

    I like how you have introduced the characters in the first two posts. I'm familiar with a couple of them, Carth and Mission, but it's HK that Revan seems to have taken a liking to. He's a droid after her own heart.

    What is their mission by the way? Kill Malak? If so, is this post brainwash?
  11. The Great No One

    The Great No One Jedi Grand Master star 8

    Jun 4, 2005
    Brodiew: aye, this is post brainwash. this is basically following the game, and giving the character i've played it as thoughts.

    as to the comment about her seeming e-vil, i'm approaching it as though it was something in revan that was bent or broken in the first place, and removing her memories didn't fix that problem. when she finds out about the brainwashing is gonna be a doozy of a post i think.

    right now they're trying to find the starforge and STOP malak, if killing is necessary then so be it. but the sith navy/army must be stopped first and foremost.

  12. DarthXan318

    DarthXan318 Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 12, 2002
    Ahah, nicely done! She's so Revan, yet doesn't realise it ... cold and heartless and everything. :D
  13. The Great No One

    The Great No One Jedi Grand Master star 8

    Jun 4, 2005
    Xan: yep, she really is. glad that it's coming across, as that's the whole goal.

    Smallish update now. Setting up the next large one.

    [b]Entry 3[/b]

    I'd laugh, but that is not terribly effective in a journal. Yet again the Republic shows it's sheer stupidity. Why Revan helped them against the Mandalorians I will never understand. Well, strike that. She was a Jedi patsy at that point, and as such couldn?t see exactly how much the Republic truly deserved to be destroyed. If I thought Malak would take a back seat to me, I might potentially let him live. His loss.

    Turns out I was right, the offer of help that the Republic?s officials had was laughable. Tomorrow we effectively go with the plan I had before, although they did give me the single bit of information I didn?t have before. The Hangar is easily the best way in, and now we know for a fact there is an outside way into the Sith embassy. The preprogrammed speeder will prove fairly useful, I must admit.

    Irksomely I can not plan beyond this raid, because we simply do not have enough information. I am getting tired of Bastilla bringing up the shared visions. She is getting immensely annoying. I have seen them, she does not need to go in depth on the details. Her pompousness has almost reached the point that it completely outweighs all use she actually provides. Juhani is just as capable in a fight at this point, and she is more than willing to let me mold her. Still, I do have to be subtle in this so far. But pretty much anything I say she eats up. It has begun twist her, and I fear that Bastilla may be picking up on it. But the arrogance she spouts will be her downfall.

    Now those who are coming with me need a good nights rest. There will be fighting in the morning.



  14. Qui-Gon_Reborn

    Qui-Gon_Reborn Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 11, 2008
    Irksomely I can not plan beyond this raid, because we simply do not have enough information. I am getting tired of Bastilla bringing up the shared visions. She is getting immensely annoying.

    First of all, I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds Bastila annoying. :p Second of all, great sentence.

    There will be fighting in the morning.

    And I can't wait.

    Very nice, Tris! You write a good evil woman...[face_devil]
  15. KithuraVess

    KithuraVess Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 19, 2008
    Well, this is only totally awesome. [face_dancing]
    Please add me to the PM list! :D

    Also, I agree with Revan. I hate Manaan. [face_frustrated] And the fish-headed freaks. :p
  16. DarthXan318

    DarthXan318 Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 12, 2002
    Poor Juhani - she's getting manipulated by Revan. [face_worried] (But not Poor Bastila, because she's annoying.)
  17. The Great No One

    The Great No One Jedi Grand Master star 8

    Jun 4, 2005
    Snips: bastilla is SUCH a snot/snob... but it does fit a young jedi who is a bit too powerful for her own good. *bows*

    *laughs* you can't huh?:p

    hmm... not sure if being able to write a good evil woman is a good thing or not...[face_thinking]

    KithuraVess: thanks, and you have been added.

    yes... the fishead's got EXTREMELY annoying. although i do love the crazy scientist who locked himself in locker. bloody hilarious. he will DEFINITELY be making an appearance.

    Xan: yea, juhani was always the pawn. regardless of being light or dark, and then toss in her past and she's an immensely sad story.

    thanks for reading all. soonish we'll go and wipe out some sith.[face_devil]

  18. The Great No One

    The Great No One Jedi Grand Master star 8

    Jun 4, 2005
    yay for being sick... been a really bad last two weeks for me. hopefully i can get caught up pretty quickly.

    well... ended up being another shortish one, although i did try for length. just didn't want to right now. i think the next one will be more substantial. anyhoo, without farther ado...

    [b]Entry 4[/b]

    Prison. How dare this officious fish put me in prison. I just saved their youth from the Force knows what and this is how they thank me? And the republic does nothing, despite the fact that my entering the Sith base was partly at their behest. See if I help them out right again. I have the data module, but I may make them sweat. Money. Not that I need it, but the principle in this case must be observed.

    At least the Sith presence here has been rather decimated. Anything that hurts them is a bonus, at this point. It is useful to know that I am beyond one of their supposed Masters at this point. Very few of them will provide a challenge from this point out, I'm sure. Only the true leaders I think. Time will tell.

    What I do not believe is that none of my companions have come to check on me. Surely Carth at least would have tried. That will require looking into when I am released. Juhani will not speak to me, preferring to meditate and HK is currently shut down. Thankfully I was given a datapad to write this on, otherwise this would be utterly intolerable.

    I must admit, HK was right about his effectiveness. If I didn't know better, it would be readily apparent it was enjoying itself. But droids can't enjoy things, can the? Even so, it's a pretty fair approximation.

    Oh, here comes the bailiff. Time to get this farce over with.



  19. DarthXan318

    DarthXan318 Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 12, 2002
    Haha, I forgot about the Manaan trial! I thought taking HK and Juhani along was an odd combination at first, but it makes perfect sense - both are beings that follow her without question. HK's a droid and Juhani laps up everything she says. Nicely done. :D
  20. KithuraVess

    KithuraVess Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 19, 2008
    I had to do the trial over three times until it dawned on me that I was supposed to lie. :p

    I hope Revan has better luck than I did. [face_plain]
  21. AzureAngel2

    AzureAngel2 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 14, 2005
    Oh, thanks for all the recent up-dates. I like interesting characters that are torn inside and between extremes. Thanks. I can wait to read on Tristan.
  22. DaenaBenjen42

    DaenaBenjen42 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 15, 2005
    Am enjoying, though the setting confuses me.

    Good entry, Tri. :)

  23. tjace

    tjace Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2008
    =D= This is very good, Trimaj. I like how well you write a female, darkside Revan in the face of my expectations of the character based on the canon ending. I'm also interested to see if your Revan turns Juhani or not (something I never managed to pull off in the game.)
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