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ST The Death of Jar Jar Binks

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by DebonaireNerd, May 6, 2015.

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  1. JediKnightWax

    JediKnightWax Jedi Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    Jar Jar gave his life in the Battle of Jakku. What's the issue here?
  2. Lord D'arg

    Lord D'arg Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 29, 2013
    Leave his bones with a gun by the side and completely surrounded by a whole platoon of dead Stormtroopers. That way he dies but he dies as Jar Jar the Great.
  3. Rabs

    Rabs Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 15, 2014
    I strongly dislike Jar Jar and don't want this. It would be a weak move on JJ's part and quite petty.
    Darkslayer, Messi, acroyear7 and 3 others like this.
  4. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
    yeah I agree 100% and if you read the Vanity Fair they make it sound like it by killing Binks it would give the PT haters what they wanted or redeem some of the PT.:rolleyes:
  5. Seeher

    Seeher Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 8, 2003
    Don't know why everyone is so upset? Jar Jar is safe ... he will be safe ... he will always be safe ....


  6. Karl0413

    Karl0413 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 11, 2015

    Agreed, Filoni needs to do the deed on Rebels. Maybe have Kallus haul him away for 'interrogation'. [face_devil]
    Rabs likes this.
  7. Cyreides

    Cyreides Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 19, 2014
    What an unbelievably petty thing to even contemplate...

    stow your pretentious attitude pls
  8. DV75

    DV75 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 30, 2001
    Vader should do the deed.
    Karl0413 likes this.
  9. acroyear7

    acroyear7 Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 11, 2006
    Leave Binks out of this. I understand that 'everyone' hates him, but just let it go. I don't want any Easter Eggs in the movie, or at least, not something like the bones of Jar Jar buried in the sand.
  10. HugoWanKenobi

    HugoWanKenobi Jedi Knight star 2

    Aug 3, 2013
    Te movie might be great and JJ a masterful director, but will lose my respect if he does it. No need to elevate Jar Jar bashing to motion picture level.
  11. Chancellor Yoda

    Chancellor Yoda Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 25, 2014
    I'm pretty indifferent to Jar Jar, and to be honest I don't really care if he makes a small appearance in TFA as long as its tasteful.

    Its also clear to me that some are taking JJ's Jar Jar joke way to seriously.
  12. Hoggsquattle

    Hoggsquattle Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 7, 2009

    I actually don't know what to respond with, because I honestly can't tell if you are serious about Artoo-Dion.

    And now Han Solo is a point of contention? Is there anything that Abrams is allowed to do or say with this mov?

    Actually, you are arguing the point, because you are claiming that using the word "serious" that he stating that what he says is serious.

    "Not everything that is said or written is intended to be taken literally." - This isn't an opinion. It is a fact. It happens all the time.

    Thank you.

    Why is it a shame? Why does he have to love every aspect of Star Wars equally?

    You think Kershner did? You think Kasdan and Filoni agreed with Lucas on everything?

    And in fact, Lucas himself was quite capable of seeing the funny side of it all - he was big fan of Robot Chicken and commissioned Detours.

    I don't see anyone attacking Lucas for how those clips portrayed Obi-Wan and Leia. And those actually exist. They aren't just a comment to a journalist.

    My comment on "further melodrama" had nothing to do with a historical "discord" in the fandom nor was it personal in nature.

    I think it was fairly obvious that I was talking about this particular thread - people are already overly sensitive about Jar Jar, without claims that Abrams is "hating" on the whole trilogy.

    That isn't his job. No one in that position can cater to any one individual's personal needs. He only has to the deliver the movie he can and truly believe in it. And he has a right to express his opinion. It is not his concern that people are overly sensitive.


  13. ArchStanton1862

    ArchStanton1862 Jedi Knight star 3

    Oct 18, 2014
    Man, it's just a joke but people are taking it way too seriously. What he's talking about is just an easter egg. A joke. Like the way he put R2-D2 in Star Trek, Steven Speilberg put C-3PO and R2-D2 in Indiana Jones, or Ridley Scott put the Millennium Falcon in Blade Runner. If anyone played the Force Unleashed they'd see that that game did something similar, having Jar Jar show up frozen in carbonite on some imperial warlord's trophy wall.
  14. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    It's a joke people

    But if he had done it then I would have had no respected for him.
  15. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    What you did not know Jar Jar is JJ. It's all part of the plan.
  16. Luminous Beings Are We

    Luminous Beings Are We Jedi Knight star 3

    Jun 10, 2014
  17. Messi

    Messi Jedi Padawan star 2

    Jan 14, 2015
    There are a lot of things in the Prequels worse than Jar Jar.

    JJ's probably wast just kidding about Jar Jar. I won't take that serious.
  18. DarthInsidiousMongo

    DarthInsidiousMongo Jedi Knight star 1

    Apr 27, 2015
    An act like this would ruin the movie. Sci-fi Libel.
  19. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    It would be such fan service to the people who hate him

    Don't be a suck up JJ

    Just don't have him at all.
  20. Randwulf Crescentmoon

    Randwulf Crescentmoon Jedi Master star 4

    May 25, 2013

    I do apologize if you are Artoo-Dion's roommate and/or family member, as you obviously know a lot more about him/her than I do. I'll believe what I want and you can do the same.

    Yes and no. (Just kidding... it's ok you don't have to laugh. I'll roll my eyes for you :rolleyes:)

    You seem to have this misunderstanding of the point of what I'm trying to write, and it seems to be rooted in your desire to see that JJ's comments are not be taken with any hint of doubt whatsoever. 'Tis ok to have an opinion that is separate from liking everything JJ says.

    The character Han is more important to me as a fan than it has been for the past thirty years to Harrison Ford if his hatred of the role has been any indication in the past, so hearing the rumor that JJ wants to kill the character means a **** of a lot to me, and the comment on Jar Jar's death did nothing help that. He's allowed to say what he wants as I've no control over that, but I can decide for myself, whether or not, I care for what he says.

    I specifically stated numerous times that I think 'what he says is serious', yes... but I did not argue the point, as I've merely stated it in response to you in a very polite way. You were providing an example before about the term 'seriously', and as to how it could be interpreted in different ways, thereby giving that Artoo-Dion example. I was stating that I do not care about the different variations of the word 'seriously', and how THEY are used in a sentence depending on the person. My small beef (that seems to have, perhaps, been taken at overblown proportions, by the way... just throwing that out there, as a possibility) was with how JJ used the term.

    ... and that is your opinion.
    Why is it not a shame? Why doesn't he have to love every aspect of Star Wars equally? That's my mindset, and just because it contradicts yours doesn't make me wrong.

    Do you think that mattered, as 'twas Lucas who had final say in just about - if not - everything. He's no longer there, and JJ was serving as his replacement, so I'd like that same passion from George to be exhibited in the heir to the Star Wars franchise's next film and beyond. My opinion.

    He also was broken by fans consistently ripping apart his prequels (Jar Jar included, as previously he had a larger role written for the character before the fans complaints got him to rewrite some of his story).

    'Tis nice, though, that Lucas could still find humor in parodies and the like. Last I checked, though, JJ's interview wasn't that, so I don't know as to how funny Lucas would find it to be.

    Using the word 'attacking' to describe our civil discourse is a misrepresentation of facts, and if you're trying to make the point that that is what I'm doing and why don't I direct that venom towards Lucas instead, then I must say: I haven't called JJ names, I've not declared my hatred of the man nor have I stated he isn't suited for the job. I just didn't like a few comments he's made, and a rumor that I believe to be true about Han.

    Thank you for the clarification, but to me making reference to my comments having the potential toward 'further melodrama' nullifies their intent and feels like other prequel, Jar Jar, CGI remarks that dictate no one is allowed to have an opinion on such things.
    His job is to sell his product. If you're a talented salesperson it needn't matter if you're selling to one person or a million people. You do your best to remain unbiased, so as to widen prospective fan margins. My opinion.

    He has every right to have an opinion, as do I. Not being overly sensitive just incredibly astute imo.
    Jeff Zach and Darth Pwn like this.
  21. Count Zero

    Count Zero Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 20, 2014
    I actively dislike Jar Jar, and i think he should be left totally in the PT era. He was a comic relief character that wasn't even remotely funny.
  22. Hoggsquattle

    Hoggsquattle Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 7, 2009
    Randwulf Crescentmoon

    Too long a post to read at this hour of the night - plus I want to watch The Thick of It.

    I'll look at it come the 'morrow. ;)
  23. Randwulf Crescentmoon

    Randwulf Crescentmoon Jedi Master star 4

    May 25, 2013
    Hoggsquattle no problem. In the meantime I'll continue to cherish the times we've shared in this thread whilst I watch Seinfeld and suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome.
  24. Luke02

    Luke02 Chosen One star 6

    Sep 19, 2002

    Agreed but if JJ wanted to put his dead bones in it, who are we to judge? :D
  25. Njfritz

    Njfritz Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 2, 2014
    In this thread: Hyperbolic reaction.

    Guys, learn to take a joke. It's all in good fun.
    DaddlerTheDalek and Dewback like this.
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