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Solo The Digital/Blu-Ray Release of Solo: A Star Wars Story - Sept.14/Sept. 25

Discussion in 'Anthology' started by Darth Chiznuk , Jul 18, 2018.

  1. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Speak for yourself, dude. I think it’s the 2nd best of the Disney LFL era, and it actually has a very strong and committed following in the fandom. I certainly don’t need a galaxy-defining story for every Star Wars movie. That would quickly get stale.
  2. MaciekRS

    MaciekRS Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 15, 2016
    In FANDOM. General public doesn't care about Solo at all.
    And if you want epic money, you need galaxy-defining story for every Star Wars movie. Solo would be GREAT as a Disney+ 10 ep series for fans. it was not great as a blockbuster.
    i LIKE Solo, for me it is better film then all prequels (better film, but much worst story), but when someone is asking me "should I watch it" (people know I am a SW fan) I can only say, you can, you may like it, but you dont have to.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2018
  3. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    You state things with absolute certainty, and yet you have no evidence. On what basis do you claim that the “general public don’t care about Solo at all”? The home sales alone utterly destroy the credibility of that assertion.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2018
    wobbits likes this.
  4. MaciekRS

    MaciekRS Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 15, 2016
    Show me the links to those sales.
    All I see for now is the US October Blu ray/DVD sales, which I posted on previous page, where Solo was loosing to Jumanji, Deadpool or Thor.
  5. Samuel Vimes

    Samuel Vimes Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 4, 2012
    But if consider the competition, like you said with people not having money after seeing DP2 and IW, this December is even worse.
    You have Aquaman, Bumblebee, Into the Spiderverse and Mary Poppins 2 and so on.
    This December is a shark tank.

    And doing double total BO, an increase of about 350-400 M.
    Look at the overseas gross, SOLO drooped to about a third of R1, that is very big.
    Would most of them come back just because December?
    I think that China would do no better even with more marketing or december release.
    And SOLO made about 16 M there.

    Yes SW has made a nice home for itself in December and I think SOLO might have made more with better marketing and a better release date. But this December? And doing double what it did?
    Don't think so.
    100-200 M more in total, no more than that.

    Old Stoneface
  6. Krueger

    Krueger Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2004
    I could see it getting up to 500 million WW if released in December. I don't think much more, though.
  7. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    I think it would’ve made a little less than Rogue One if released this holiday season. $800 million WW or so. Don’t see any specific reasons why it would’ve made substantially less, with all conditions being equal.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2018
  8. Siphonophore

    Siphonophore Chosen One star 4

    Nov 13, 2003
    I think it would've made as much as The Phantom Menace if cups and cup toppers were sold at KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut.
    Bor Mullet and BigAl6ft6 like this.
  9. Samuel Vimes

    Samuel Vimes Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 4, 2012
    But conditions are NOT equal.
    When R1 opened, the second highest gross for the other new releases was 7 M for Collateral Beauty.
    The total gross for the weekend was 210 M and R1 made about 155 M of that total.
    So R1 was responsible for about 75 % of the combined gross of ALL films that weekend.

    On it's second weekend, Sing had the highest gross of the new releases and it made about 35 M.
    R1 made about 65 M.

    If SOLO would open on dec 21, it will face a much harder competition.
    Aquaman, Bumblebee, Mary Poppins 2, the DP 2 re-release, Into the Spiderverse on it's second weekend.

    Unless most of those films bomb, SOLO's opening weekend is likely to be less than what it made in May.
    Yes the legs might be better due to Christmas holiday.

    So I don't think this December would be any better for SOLO.

    Old Stoneface
  10. Guidman

    Guidman Skywalker Saga Mod and Trivia Host star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 29, 2016
    If Solo was theoretically released in December, Disney would have moved Mary Poppins 2. They wouldn't release two big movies on the same weekend. Yes, it would still face a lot of competition but one of the major movies would not have been there as well.
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  11. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    I never said Solo had to open on Dec 21. The point was to give Solo another seven months of marketing. And place it at an optimal time during the holiday season. And if Dec 21 was the most optimal release date due to the holiday break? I'm sure Poppins could've been moved. Disney could've made it work.

    It's nearly undeniable that Solo would've made a lot more money if it was given another seven months of marketing, and was released during the holiday break. Even Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, has gone on the record to say that this was his mistake. That he should've gone with Kathleen's advice to wait until December.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2018
  12. MaciekRS

    MaciekRS Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 15, 2016
    Come on, be real for a moment :)
    Solo could make little more money in December, I dont think it would be more then 100-150 mln $ WW BUT there are few little things
    7 more months or marketing will propably eat that money
    some of that money could be taken away from Mary Poppins
    Disney would not test may release date for SW film
    and for me, most important thing. They knew Solo will not be a hit, MOST impotrant year for Disney is 2019 when they have Ep IX, new platform with live SW tv Series and theme park open. It better to separate Solo from those events. People will be more hungry for SW, there will be new marketing campaigns and THIS will be new real start for Disney SW era. Those 2019 thing are all MUCH more important for Disney then fate of a Solo.

    And Bob Iger is saying what he have to say as a good leader, :)
    Samuel Vimes likes this.
  13. Samuel Vimes

    Samuel Vimes Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 4, 2012
    The point is that this December is not optimal and Iger knew it.
    December 14? Now you have Into the Spiderverse, DP 2, the Mule and Mortal Engines. The last one will likely not do very well but the first one could do quite well.
    And next weekend you have Bumblebee, Aquaman etc.

    SOLO would be targeting pretty much the same audience group as Aquaman, Bumblebee, DP 2 and this will hurt it.

    Moving Mary Poppins? Sure but to where?
    How much earlier? May? Unlikely that the film was done by then.
    This November? They have WiR 2.

    Next year?
    Again when?
    It is quite likely that moving Mary Poppins could have cost that film money and so Disney has to choose.
    And as MaciekRS said, more marketing means more money spent on SOLO.

    As for "nearly undeniable", what you and others are doing is speculating and guesswork.
    What Solo MIGHT have grossed at a different date and with more marketing.
    This far from exact, it is more or less educated guesses and assumptions.
    And I likewise do not know for sure.
    What we do KNOW is how SOLO really fared at the BO in May and it did badly.
    What we also KNOW is that the competition this december is MUCH harder than what R1 faced.

    So while I think SOLO might have done better at a different day and with more/better marketing.
    I don't think that this december would be any better and I also don't think it would somehow make double what it did in May. 100-150 M, that is about it.

    Blackboard Monitor
  14. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    So was doing some 6 days before Christmas shopping, fully intending to pick up Solo Blu Ray as a gift. In my neck of the woods locally, basically the only places for Blu Ray releases are Best Buy and Walmart at this point (sigh, I miss, y'know, stores). But I figured, big box chain stores, easy peasy.

    All Solo blu rays sold out at Best buy. Even asked the guy, said there was one in the computer but couldn't find it. buncha UHD discs (that comes with a blu ray) but nobody really has UHD players. So I trek out to Wal-Mart ... again, empty racks, no Solo blu rays. Until I found a off centre rack, in a corner, at the bottom corner, hanging sideways, the last Solo: A Star Wars Story Blu Ray. In the entire town.

    Really, what box office bomb, c'mon now. But I do think that Solo definitely will have a much longer post-box office secondary shelf life that most noxious under performers. I mean, there's a whole lotta Rampage blu rays available everywhere, y'know what I mean?
  15. Anakin's Daddy

    Anakin's Daddy Force Ghost star 4

    Aug 13, 2002
    Watched this last night. It was my third time seeing Solo and I just love it!! Such a shame it didn’t do better in theaters because of The Last Rian Johnson film. I’d love to see a sequel including Darth Maul. Here’s hoping Disney can turn this thing around to continue with the spinoffs. EVERYTHING depends on the quality of Episode 9 now. It will determine wether more spinnofs will be made.
  16. Oissan

    Oissan Chosen One star 7

    Mar 9, 2001
    Yeah no, that has very little to do with anything. If it was about TLJ, you would still have the people who liked the movie (which even per all hardly scientific polls is still very much the majority) and those who didn't like TLJ but wanted something to get over that movie go and watch Solo. Since Solo made less than one third of TLJ, that obviously isn't the reason for it.

    Solo suffered because it never created much interest to begin with, had Solo not being played by the actor who is known for that role, had tons of issue during production, had a much shorter marketing campaign than usual and ran into heavy competition. TLJ may have kept some people from going, but at best it's quite a bit down the list in terms of reasons.

    IX won't determine much at all. In the end, they will still make movies afterwards, they already announced some they are working on. Those will come, and their impact will define how the future will go. After all, IX itself won't tell you anything about how non-Episodic movies will do.

    Even if the quality of IX would turn out to be bad, that wouldn't tell you much about the future at all. DC ran into quite a few reception issues, causing their prime heroes to fall short of what you would expect from them, and now friggin Aquaman is on course to become the most successful movie of that franchise (counting just the modern DC-EU not Nolan's Batman, which isn't connected to that).
  17. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Yup. “Solo failed because of TLJ” is unsubstantiated BS. But we live in a world where unsubstantiated BS is held up as just as legitimate as substantiated information. Like Solo’s three-month marketing campaign being the most likely and most prominent culprit. That’s the most significant difference between it and previous SW films, and yet so many fans choose to ignore it.
    Ody_Mandrell and MaciekRS like this.
  18. Ricardo Funes

    Ricardo Funes Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    People who liked TLJ most likely had a larger amount of viewings than people who did not like it.

    A very conservative estimate could be that at least 700M from TLJ's 1.3B Box Office came from people who are happy with that movie.

    If the explanation for Solo making less than 400M is TLJ, then I would expect Solo to make at least 700M, split between some TLJ's fans and some people who did not like TLJ but were curious to watch Solo.

    So yeah, I am firmly in the camp that believes that poor scheduling and a movie that was based on a weak hype were the main causes.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
    Ody_Mandrell likes this.
  19. Rodney-2187

    Rodney-2187 Jedi Knight star 1

    Apr 6, 2015
    I usually go for the steelbook, but this time I liked the Target exclusive packaging better.
  20. TsmHedorah

    TsmHedorah Jedi Padawan star 1

    Nov 7, 2022
    Normally I buy all my movies physically because I'm a collector and an obsessive one at that, but I loved Solo so much that I ended up buying it digitally when it was released and then I turned around and bought all the different versions of Solo released in the USA.
    BigAl6ft6 likes this.
  21. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    I'm definitely double dipping myself on some movies where the blu ray is like a month later but I want to watch it when it releases digitally so I end up buying it twice. You are not alone hahah at least I tend to buy the digital on Amazon and when I get the disc the digital copy is on google movies
  22. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    I am an old man and don't trust newfangled technology enough to not own physical copies. If a film pauses to buffer for a millisecond, it is evidence enough that downloads and clouds are a rubbish system. Also, get off my lawn.
  23. EHT

    EHT Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 13, 2007
    Pausing to buffer for a millisecond could mean only one thing: invasion.
    BigAl6ft6, Riv_Shiel, Sarge and 6 others like this.
  24. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    A real lawn, I bet.
  25. Siphonophore

    Siphonophore Chosen One star 4

    Nov 13, 2003
    Or is it deep-raked?