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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Same here. I'll definitely get it done by the Cuban Crisis Day. XD
    Findswoman likes this.
  2. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Entry complete. Night of Terror.

    I was posting it last night, but it got hit by some sort of known server issue that turned the post into a negative singularity.

    Grimsby(?) has been alerted to possibly reboot the server...
  3. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    That's great, Sith-I-5! Now if you could please provide a link to your story, so I can add it to the index, that would be fab. EDIT: I see what the issue is now—I guess as soon as it's fixed, please pass the link along. :)

    And Ewok Poet, I'm glad to hear that deadline will work well for you, too. :)
    Gamiel likes this.
  4. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Okay-dokey, the second attempt at posting seems to, in the first few moments of its completion, be stable.

    Night of, well, a fair bit of consternation.

    Changed the name a bit to avoid the wrong one being deleted.
    Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  5. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Hey guys this is my first fanon article and I´m a little nervous about it. :)
    I hope you find it intersting.

    The Athenar (The lost)
    The origin of the Athenar or the lost ones as they call themselves lays in the darkness of galactic history. The only information we have is based on the myths and believes of the Athenar themselves. They´re earliest history dates back into the time a million years before Yarvin to the age of the Celestials, the Athenar claim to be the Celestials favored race. The managers and guardians of their empire and so by extensions their heirs, but nothing of this has ever been proved, it might also entirely possible that they were a just slave race among many others. They also claim to be the first servants of the celestials before the other races were enslaved, as such they usually refer to most other species as younger races. When the celestial empire collapsed the Athenar fought beside their masters and even continued the fight longer than most other races. It became a long and brutal war during which the Athenar were driven to near extinction. In the end they gave up what remained of their realms and fled into the deeper parts of the Outer Rim. Not much is known about this time and the Athenar themselves don´t possess much knowledge of it, they usually refer to the Celestials reign as the golden age, the time after as the age of tears and the current as the exile.

    Biology and Psychology
    Superficially, the Athenar appear very similar to humans, though they are generally taller and slimmer, with sharp features and pointed ears. They are long-lived by human standards, and most will live around a thousand years unless they die from accident or disease. Athenar also have much faster metabolic rates than humans, and their cardiac and neurological systems are more advanced. These traits manifest in their vastly heightened reactions and agility compared to humans. To them humans seem to move in slow motion with a certain degree of awkwardness, while to humans the Athenar can move with distracting grace and can be blindingly fast in combat. Athenar are mentally superior to humans, and feel all emotions much more strongly, requiring the Athenar to exercise constant restraint to avoid mental breakdown.

    As a race, the sexes of Athenar seem to be very similar both psychologically and physically. Among such androgynous race telling the sexes apart can be difficult for humans. Athenar don´t differ between the sexes and all positions in society, military and leadership are open for males and females alike.

    On the backside Athenar are far more vulnerable than humans, to the point where a stab wound in the stomach means almost certain death for them. They also are unable to grow much in physical strength and even the strongest Athenar won´t reach the level of an average 16 year old human. In combat they rely on their speed and try to kill the enemy before he can strike back. Another difference to humans is the fact that the Athenar are more connected to their past and rarely change or move on. If for example a Athenar loses her husband she will stay the rest of her life, sometimes centuries, alone mourning him. That doesn´t mean she falls into complete depression but she probably won´t take another husband or lover. This is one of the reasons their race is slowly dying.
    Force potential is very rare among them, there is probably one sensitive child in a hundred years and even their children and siblings are more less likely to have the powers than not.

    The Athenar are related to several sub species who developed over thousands of years. Most of these races are extinct today but one, the Sephi still exist. The Sephi have a considerable shorter lifespan and a different appearance as result of frequent interbreeding with other humanoid races.

    The Athenar believe that they originally awoke on the world Athenaris but nobody knows where this world lays. In their exile they have established small colonizes on worlds near the edges of the galaxy. Most of their worlds are natural paradises, deliberately chosen by the Athenar after they fled to the outer rim. The Athenar tend to value a stable nature around them and not destroy their environment.

    The Athenar usually speak the so called Celestial language which they claim to be the one spoken by the creators themselves, although there is no proof for that. The language is very complicated and hard to learn. In addition to that most Athenar also knew basic.

    Living Space
    In their so called exile the Athenar have established colonizes at the edges of the known galaxy far away from the galactic core. Most of these colonizes are established on temperate planets and are not very large. The Athenar live in small communities and villages. They mostly try to stay hidden from the rest of the galaxy but their weakness often attracts slavers and other pirates. Part of the species also lives a nomadic lifestyle as Rangers and Scouts.

    Most Colonizes are rule separately by a ruling council of the oldest and most experienced Athenar. In times of crisis a military leader can be provided near absolute powers over the colony or even several colonies, giving him the rank of Praetor.

    More than any other race in the galaxy, the Athenar are focused on the distant past and the far future. They still use and recreate the technology given to them by the celestials and often think back to the glorious past of their race. Almost every Athenar studies the history of his people at some point in life. They are also interested in prophecy's and visions. The very few children who are born with force powers are usually given into the care of the more experienced force users, the so called seers, who train them in the Athenars way of using the force, mostly focusing on spiritual duties and the ability to see the future during mediations. Most of these visions are unclear but some are disturbingly clear and tend to be discussed and analyzed by the seers and the Athenar as a whole. Sometimes this visions lead the Athenar to go to war or colonize a new planet.

    Due to they´re long lifespan most Athenar follow several occupations in their life. An Athenar might come to the believe that he has learned everything about his current occupation. For example that he has written a poem about everything that´s important to him and there is nothing more to say. Then he would choose a new way in life for example as a space ship pilot or a farmer. There are no rules which way to choose and how long to stay. An Athenar might be a artist for a year, a decade or even a century. This leads to the point that the oldest Athenar have knowledge and experience in various different forms of life.

    Most Athenar are interested in arts, music and poetry, valuing it as the high of culture and focusing considerable parts of their lives on it. Due to their high intelligence and experience the Athenar look down on most other species art´s and consider them unrefined and tasteless. Their art usually focuses on two parts, portraying the past and dealing with emotions. As a race with very deep emotions most Athenar use arts to express them. A depressed Athenar might draw paintings expressing his pain, while an Athenar in love might express her love by writing poems about it. The other aspect is the portraying of the past, the Athenar often look back melancholic to the earlier days of their people and this finds expression in their art as well. An Athenar might create statues of the past Athenar heroes or write a theater play based on the myths of these times.

    Outside Relations
    The Athenar have since the first days of their exile tried to isolate themselves from the galaxy. They used see most younger races as brutish barbarians without any sense for culture and morals. Despite their isolation though they always had an eye on the galaxy, fearing that their greatest foe, the Rakata will rise again one day. They also hate the Sith and those who abuse the powers of the force for their own ends. Due to their relative weakness the Athenar have become a target for slavers and pirates in the vast regions of the outer rim. Being highly intelligent, physically weak and considered attractive by most humanoid races they are precious slaves. This has lead a certain group of Athenar become pirate hunters, they follow the pirates to their bases and home planets attacking them to free their people and prevent the slavers from attacking again.

    Next to this the Athenar have developed a certain relationship with the Jedi order, to the point where they gave some of their rare force sensitive children to the order in exchange for help against the slavers. After the fall of the old Jedi the Athenar were driven into a war against the empire, a war they never stood a chance in. Using hit and run tactics they managed to slow the empires offensive down but they were forced to give up most of their worlds and lived in hiding for the next decades. After the fragmentation of the empire the Athenar returned to their worlds, but the beautifully worlds of the Athenar had been replaced by imperial colonies and outposts. This had almost led to an open war between the colonists and the Athenar but the new Jedi order managed to solve the conflict. Most of the colonists left the worlds and the Athenar resettled their homes again. Grateful to the Jedi for their help the Athenar have started to slowly open themselves to the galaxy going even as far as start minor trade relations with the remaining humans and the new republic.

    The Athenar use mostly ancient technology given to them by the celestials themselves. Everything from their ships to weapons is hereby very advanced and above the usual galactic standards. Even though the Athenar themselves don´t understand how some of these things work. Their love for art is also found in nearly everything they create from buildings to armor.

    I´ve created the Athenar toegther with a friend a while ago.
    At that point we had no idea of the Sephi so I rectoned them in now. We also have the headcanon that the Jedi Fay is an Athenar. (Her race was never classified)
    After I went over it again, I came across a few problems and contradictions with the timeline, so I removed it. I will rework and then repost it later.
    Findswoman , Gamiel and Sith-I-5 like this.
  6. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    It was interesting Anedon now for some questions:

    Is their ancient technology just better version of standard tech or do they have things that is beyond the technology of the rest of the galaxy? Is there a kind of technology/gadget/items that they don’t have/use or is unique to them? Do they manufacture new technology or are they just repairing their ancient technology? What kind of martial tradition do they have and what arms and armour do they use? How is their food? What do they do for entertainment? How do they dress? How do their architecture/s look like? Any unique superstitions? What about spaceship design? Do they have any servant species? Do you have any names for any of the planets they have colonised? Do they exist all across the galactic edge or just at certain part of it? Do they keep any animals?
    Findswoman , Sith-I-5 and Anedon like this.
  7. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    I´m glad you like it
    That´s a lot questions, but here we go:

    Is their ancient technology just better version of standard tech or do they have things that is beyond the technology of the rest of the galaxy?
    It´s not exactly better, it´s more a unique in some ways. For example their comnet works a bit different from the one the others races used so it can´t be blocked by usual means. Although it´s possible to create a blocker for it too.

    Is there a kind of technology/gadget/items that they don’t have/use or is unique to them?
    Well their armor is somewhat unique as it´s more flexible and adjusted to the wearer. It´s so called intelligent armor as it hardens by impact, while being flexible when the wearer moves.

    Do they manufacture new technology or are they just repairing their ancient technology?
    They are able to recreate some of their technology like armor and weapons but their most advanced is beyond their understandings, they are able to repair but can´t really recreate it. For example some of their computer systems are so complex the Athenar themselves don´t completely understand them. There is little to no technical advance, as the Athenar are mostly focused on conserving the past.

    What kind of martial tradition do they have and what arms and armor do they use?
    Almost every Athenar is trained as a soldier at one point in their lives. They are trained for decades which gives them a great deal of experience and skill. Also most units are working together with a trust and understanding that is in one league with elite regiments like the rouge squadron, as they are used fight at each other's side for decades. Their weapons are ultimately highly functional blasters, which have a higher fire rate than the usual. There are little to no tanks in their armies but speeders which are used to flank and surround the enemy. The Athenar also enjoy the art of melee combat but it´s not used very often.

    How is their food?
    The Athenar prefer fresh food, mostly grown vegetables and meat over the usual synht food in the galaxy. The more prideful Athenar would rather starve to death than even try the food that is eaten in most parts of the galaxy, they basically consider it extremely unhealthy.

    What do they do for entertainment?
    The Athenar enjoy theater plays, novels, music, art in general, conversations and speeder bike races. Also non lethal duels with swords or other melee weapons.

    How do they dress?
    Aside from the armor the Athenar have two types of clothing, while working they mostly wear skintight suits that allow them to move unhindered. On formal occasions they prefer long and complicated robes.

    How do their architecture/s look like?
    Like the Athenar themselves their architectures looks very fragile and slender, with towers and domes.

    Any unique superstitions?
    Well the Athenar are deep into prophecies and their interpretations in the present and future. I´m not sure if that really counts as superstitions.

    What about spaceship design?
    Similar to their architecture, long, slender and quiet fragile, with most canon as the front. Their ships mostly rely on speed to avoid being hit and on superior fighters. They don´t have any real battleships left though.

    Do they have any servant species?
    No, they stay pretty much completely among themselves.

    Do you have any names for any of the planets they have colonized?
    Arthenian, Tenerian, Neadian were some we used.

    Do they exist all across the galactic edge or just at certain part of it?
    They are fairly wide spread as they only accept certain worlds for their colonizes. They must have a solid temperature, no other sentient species, a certain degree of flora and fauna and so on. They are mostly in the galactic south though.

    Do they keep any animals?
    The Athenar have several domestic races of animals they keep around to for their flesh. Mostly they take a race from the planet they life on, so there is no general type. Some Athenar also have pets with bird like creatures being preferred.
    Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  8. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Here is the first installment of my challenge response, posted one minute before the deadline:
    The Map of the Dead.

    Just to clarify: the quote is in the story and the chapter with the quote, aka the last chapter, will be posted before the voting deadline.
    Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  9. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    I have some suggestions on tech they could have if you are interested.
    Suggestion: combat speeder bikes that is extremely fast and quick and can really only be maneuverer by people with as good reflexes as the athenar

    Force fields or some kind of tech that makes it harder to hit them* might also be useful.

    * Ex. auto-camouflage; holographic projectors that makes it appear that they are more of them or they are at different place; force fields that makes it impossible to use high-tech targeting systems on them; etc.
    Just have to suggest: space-hobbits that help them with gardening and simple manual labour :p

    The south? Then they had some hard times around the Movies-era since not only do we have the usual Clone Wars and Empire stuff but also the nagai and the tof.
    Findswoman and Anedon like this.
  10. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Just a quick note as myself, since I'm on mobile: I had planned to log in as the sock to update the list of challenge stories and post the voting list today, but unforeseen technical difficulties at the office have unfortunately made that impossible. It will come as soon as I'm home and have a spare moment. Really sorry about that, and thanks to you all for bearing with me here! @};-
    Gamiel likes this.
  11. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Anedon - a great and creative fanon piece, and you are fielding the questions very well.
    Findswoman and Anedon like this.
  12. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Thanks Sith-I-5 I´m glad you like it.


    I have some suggestions on tech they could have if you are interested.

    I would like to hear them. :)

    Suggestion: combat speeder bikes that is extremely fast and quick and can really only be maneuverer by people with as good reflexes as the athenar

    Force fields or some kind of tech that makes it harder to hit them* might also be useful.

    * Ex. auto-camouflage; holographic projectors that makes it appear that they are more of them or they are at different place; force fields that makes it impossible to use high-tech targeting systems on them; etc.

    Sounds intersting maybe I add this.

    Just have to suggest: space-hobbits that help them with gardening and simple manual labour :p
    I`m not sure if you are making fun of me here. But no, I could imagine them having droids but their arroganz should turn away most other species.

    The south? Then they had some hard times around the Movies-era since not only do we have the usual Clone Wars and Empire stuff but also the nagai and the tof.

    They defenetly had, but they usually are quiet effective in hiding, their advanced ships aren´t big and can hide in asteriod feelds and space fogs. They can´t fight against most races in the galaxy so when they deem a colony lost the Athenar essentialy give it up and run. Interstingly they have a prophecy that speaks from a harsh time that will overcome them, before they may rise again, so that might fit.

    BTW: The Nagai have pointy ears too, maybe they are related to the Athenar like the Sephi.
    Findswoman and Gamiel like this.
  13. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Stargates (or what you would like to call them) on the oldest colonies, biggest ships and some of the now abounded worlds deeper in the galaxy, that makes it possible to quickly teleport between words; gigantic stargates hanging in the void that spaceships can use; mechas; power-armour*; power-armour specially built for flight (suggest movable wings); highly advanced holographic technology (not hard light); there are some more ideas in the back of my mind but they will come out later.

    * suggesting something along this look if you don't want to go basic athenar shape

    Not really, I have had this idea of a hobbit inspired spices (focusing more on their gardening aspect then the thieving or gourmand aspect that most other do) that believed themselves created by either the first people or one of the first peoples to act as guides and caretakers.

    A genetic relationship with the nagain could make for some interesting storytelling possibilities and there could be lost but still existing athenar colonies in their galaxy.
    Findswoman and Anedon like this.
  14. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016

    Stargates (or what you would like to call them) on the oldest colonies, biggest ships and some of the now abounded worlds deeper in the galaxy, that makes it possible to quickly teleport between words; gigantic stargates hanging in the void that spaceships can use; mechas; power-armour*; power-armour specially built for flight (suggest movable wings); highly advanced holographic technology (not hard light); there are some more ideas in the back of my mind but they will come out later.

    The portals sound quiet cool but is this possible in the SW universe? Does it make sense? I´m not sure how they would work. But it would be cool and these gates could be used in multiple stories.

    The power armor would make up for their lack of endurance but it could slow them down at their hit and run tactics. But maybe they have found a way around this. The pictures look really cool so it would be great to use the idea someway.

    Not really, I have had this idea of a hobbit inspired spices (focusing more on their gardening aspect then the thieving or gourmand aspect that most other do) that believed themselves created by either the first people or one of the first peoples to act as guides and caretakers.

    Well I had the idea of the Athenar themselves being quite fond of the nature themselves. Some of them actually live as normads or rangers in the wilderness. Interstingly is that these Athenar may not live their entire lives this way, a ranger might move into a village after half of his life to become an artist or scientist and a villager might decided to live a more nature related life.
    It combines both the high and wood elve ideas a bit. (And if we are bold we could add the Nagai as the dark elves;) ).

    A genetic Relationship with the nagain could make for some interesting storytelling possibilities and there could be lost but still existing athenar colonies in their galaxy.

    Defenetly, I could see them as some kind of uneasy allies or something like that. That would open intersting possiblities.
    Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  15. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Thank you, Anedon, for your fanon contribution on the Athenar, which I've now added to the main index. And welcome to the thread! :)

    Also, Gamiel has updated his posts on MacGuffins, Force Abilities, and Dark Side Abilities. EDIT: Last month he also added a new post, on Munto Codru's Wild Wizards.

    Aaaand nowwww... this is the official announcement of the end of the Fanon Quote Challenge. Thanks to all who participated. =D=

    This means, of course, that it's now time to vote on the winner of the challenge! We ended up with four stories in all, three of which are votable:

    The Map of the Dead by Ewok Poet
    "Something is shining like gold, but better," July 12 post by Pandora
    Night of, well, a fair bit of consternation by Sith-I-5

    and one of which is out of competition at its author's request:

    Sai-perimetry at Gleebaloola's, You Bet! by Findswoman

    To vote, please PM this sock (FanonSock) with the title and author by 11:59 PST on Thursday, October 27 (ten days from now). Anyone who wishes to may vote, and the usual rules apply:
    • only one vote per user;
    • vote for only one story;
    • make sure the story you're voting for is one of the votable ones; and
    • don't vote for yourself.
    The winner will (a) get to come up with the next challenge, (b) have his or her story announced in the thread title for a week, and (c) receive colors! (for which reason I shall now loop in Briannakin and mavjade as a heads-up).

    So, get those votes in! And of course feel free to ask if you have any questions.

    Thanks again to all! :)
    Anedon, Gamiel and Sith-I-5 like this.
  16. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Anedon you mentioned the athenars using droids; what kind of droids? And are they ancient-tech or new?
    In the comic storyline Infinite's End we saw the kwa using some kind of stargates and I think they have appeared in The Old Republic MMO controlled by the gree. I would use them as examples of now lost technology that only the most important (or once most important) athenar worlds and main ships have and in some cases they can not use them to full effect since they have lost knowledge how to do it.

    If we work with that their power-armour is created using ancient-tech they should most likely be as fast and quick as an non-armoured athenar and could possibly even enhance their speed

    When it comes to "power-armour specially built for flight (suggest movable wings)" do I suggest something like this or maybe something along the line of the Falcon's flight harness from the Marvel movies if more elegant and advanced

    I would suggest taking a look on the items used by the aesir and the dark elves in Marvel's Thor movies for inspiration.

    I can see philosophical/political conflicts between groups of athenars regarding the use of non-ancient-tech. One group that consider the use of any non-ancient-tech just plain wrong and they should only use ancient-tech and do their very best to repair and study it.
    Another that consider the use of non-ancient-tech something you do when there is not enough ancient-tech for that given task, like using modern blasters and ships when too many of the old have been destroyed.
    A third group could consider it better to use new-tech then put ancient-tech in harms way.
    Anedon likes this.
  17. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    You mentioned the athenars using droids; what kind of droids? And are they ancient-tech or new?
    I would say they are old tech, maybe they recived new progrmaings or parts were swapped but at the core from the celestials.

    If we work with that their power-armour is created using ancient-tech they should most likely be as fast and quick as an non-armoured athenar and could possibly even enhance their speed.
    When it comes to "power-armour specially built for flight (suggest movable wings)" do I suggest something like this or maybe something along the line of the Falcon's flight harness from the Marvel movies if more elegant and advanced.
    I would suggest taking a look on the items used by the aesir and the dark elves in Marvel's Thor movies for inspiration.
    Well that would really make them powerful, to the point were their could be able to slaughter Jedi in close combat by just being too fast to react. That fit´s for elves but could make them a bit overpowered. I´m recently watching the MCU movies again, when I´m at the Dark world I will have a closer look at the design. I remeber it was quiet cool though.just imagine their empire at is hight when thousands of winged armored Athenar fight against the Rakata(or BTW and OOT the spaceship battles with the Athenar have the superior ships but the Rataka have nearly unlimeted reserves through the Starforge.)

    I can see philosophical/political conflicts between groups of athenars regarding the use of non-ancient-tech. One group that consider the use of any non-ancient-tech just plain wrong and they should only use ancient-tech and do their very best to repair and study it.
    Another that consider the use of non-ancient-tech something you do when there is not enough ancient-tech for that given task, like using modern blasters and ships when too many of the old have been destroyed.
    A third group could consider it better to use new-tech then put ancient-tech in harms way.
    Well I think they can replaces blasters and at least the lighter armor though. It´s more the high level tech like maybe the power armor and the droids they can´t acually replace, so yeah they try to save them. Remeber they are masters in avoiding confrontations and open war. I think some would defenetly refuse to even use a standart blaster while others defenetly would. So the conflict is there as I said some would also refuse to eat the usual food in the galaxy.
    Gamiel and Findswoman like this.
  18. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Only if the armour is working 100%, I can see most of the power-armours being under that or having some kind of energy problem and most groups of athenars probably only have a handful of those suits, if that.

    Also speed is not all, have you read Modesty Blase: I, Lucifer? In that there is a precog that is able to instinctively block all of the heroines attacks, and she is fast, by seeing the attack before they happen and having his hand just in the right place. I can see a Jedi do something like that.

    Do you know of the RPG TORG? Their Star Gods supplement might have some ideas that you could find interesting. You did not hear it from me, but last time I checked so could you find an PDF of it just by googling.
    Anedon likes this.
  19. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    While I haven´t read those books but yeah that makes sense for a Jedi to do this countering the attacks. There would defenetly not much of this suits exsisting, a handfull per clan I would say, some might have more some none. Maybe there could be more on the lost worlds.
    No I don´t know this RPG what is this idea you mentioned?
  20. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Relatively short version: TORG is a game that take place in the near now (of when it was published) after our planet have been invaded by other realities who have changed the natural laws of large swaths of Earth to reflect those of their home dimensions. For example GB have turned into a high fantasy kingdom; Indonesia is gothic horror reality with 'white man's burden' believing colonial Victorians; Big parts of USA are covered by mist-filled jungles where technology above stone-age don't work and dinosaurs and lizardmen live; etc.

    Later in the game more realms are introduced, one of those are the Space Gods one which cover large parts of Mesoamerica. The Space Gods take the idea of benevolent aliens helping the Mesoamerican high civilizations and run with it.

    I can not really point out any specific idea that might be interesting in that book because I am not certain what you want and I don't want to feel like I am trying to enforce my, or somebody else ideas of "space elves" on your idea - one of the reasosn why I mentioned TORG: Space Gods was that that they where not, well, "space elves", unlike f.ex. WH40k's Eldar.

    But if you do take a look on it I suggest at least skimming through Chapter One (explaining who the Space Gods are and such) and Chapter Ten (the tech chapter: they have both "normal" high-tech, bio-tech and combinations of them both). And take a good look at all the artwork in the book.

    If you are interested I can suggest some more works that could possibly be inspiring.
    Anedon likes this.
  21. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Hello all!

    There are just two days left to vote on the stories of the Fanon Quote Challenge, and thus far only two (2) votes have come in.

    Thus I would like to wholeheartedly—earnestly—ardently encourage you to get your votes in to this sock by this Thursday the 27th! Let's see if we can make it up to at least five (5) or six (6) votes in all.

    I can't emphasize enough that anyone may vote in this challenge. It's not limited only to the writers who took part, or to people who have contributed to the Fanon Thread, or even to people in Fanfic. Anyone who's a bona-fide, nonsock member of the JCF may vote.

    So come on and support your friendly local Fanon thread—we can do it! [/cue Rosie the Riveter poster]

    Sith-I-5 likes this.
  22. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Gamiel, I will go over it and might add something of it to the Athenar.
    Thanks for your efforts. :)
  23. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    Kahara likes this.
  24. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    So… the votes are in, and I am pleased to announce that the Fanon Quote Challenge has a winner:

    The Map of the Dead by @Ewok Poet

    Congratulations, EP! =D= Note that your story title is now in the title of the thread, and will be there for a week. I’ll eagerly await whatever challenge idea you come up with (send it to this sock), and I’ll get in touch with the mods concerning those colors. :D

    And many thanks to all who participated in this challenge. I enjoyed all your stories, and without you, the Fanon Thread wouldn’t be what it is! :)
  25. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Well done, Ewok Poet, and all the writers, eligible or not.
    Ewok Poet, Kahara and Findswoman like this.