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Resource The Fanon Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by FanonSock, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Why is that so shocking. It is no different than consummating the marriage on earth.

    Sorry if this us getting into uncomfortable territory for some, but this isn't exactly explicit conversation, but it is a reality of most human romantic relationships.
    Ewok Poet likes this.

    DARTH_MU Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 9, 2005
    no, it's just that it's required, rather than able, or even encouraged.
  3. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    I said the same thing about Twi'lek marriages. Couples must assess if they are compatible, and that includes sexually, so sleeping together is considered a common sense premarital activity. If you haven't tried it then how will you know of the marriage is going to be satisfactory? In fact in the story I showed this custom in, the Twi'lek girl's father insists her boyfriend sleep with his daughter as a sign of his respect for her. Otherwise how will Daddy be assured that his lil' girl is going to be happy with this guy?
    Ewok Poet, Gamiel and Briannakin like this.
  4. FanonSock

    FanonSock Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 11, 2014
    OK, folks, it is now time for our new discussion topic, which has kindly been proposed for us by gizkaspice:

    Since summer vacation is still in full swing, it’s a wonderful time of year to go to the zoo, the aquarium, or out for a walk in nature. Have you come up with any fanon relating to zoos, aquariums, wildlife/nature sanctuaries, or parks in the GFFA? If you have places like this in your fanon universe, where are they located? Who or what lives there (canon fauna, fanon fauna, a mix of both)? Who or what likes to go visiting there? Tell us!

    EDIT: I am also noticing, to my immense chagrin, that the deadline for the Yours 'n' Mine Fanon Challenge was five days ago on the 24th, and I totally forgot about it! [face_blush] However, since there has only been one story entered for this challenge, Gamiel 's Watering the Jade Lotus, he is the default winner of the challenge and thus is invited to come up with the next challenge in this thread. Congratulations, Gamiell! =D= Just PM me at this sock with your idea, and I'll get things set up. :)

    DARTH_MU Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 9, 2005
    Regrettably I have not even written a zoo or parks in my fanfics.
    I will start thinking about this right away.
    Findswoman likes this.
  6. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Oh, not to worry! This is not to say that you HAVE to start putting these elements in OR ELSE :p —just asking in a conversational way if you have. I haven't written much in the way of zoos, aquariums, or parks myself; the closest I can think of is in "A Lesson under the Arboray Trees?," where I have Obi-Wan exploring a park surrounding an embassy on the boring planet he's on a mission on—though besides mentioning that the park has lots of trees and avians and is rich in the Living Force, I don't have much detail otherwise.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  7. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    Hmmm. That's a really interesting topic! I know that in one of her stories, Chyntuck included a cemetary that was so lovely that the residents treated it like a park/public open space, but I think by "park" you mean one that is more focused on nature, like an arboretum. I don't think I've ever done more than the generic "so they were walking in a park when X happened" and I've never focused on the setting specificially. I'm interested in seeing what others have done.
  8. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Indeed, I have a few such places. I borrowed the Holographic Zoo of Extinct Animals from Legends but it didn't appear on-screen in my fic, and now I'm working on a different story where several scenes will take place in the rooftop gardens of the Jedi Temple.

    Things I made up:
    • The Imperial Gardens, a place located on the combined rooftops of several tall buildings in Coruscant; I imagine it like the Jardin d'acclimatation in Paris where people like to spend their Sunday (okay, Benduday) afternoon to hang out on the lawns, take their children to the various attractions or visit an exhibition in one of the art galleries around it. This is around the time of ANH, but my idea was that the gardens already existed at the time of the Republic and simply changed names under the rule of the Empire.
    • In one of my stories that take place in the very distant past, Coruscant is already mostly built up but with low-rise buildings instead of skyscrapers. The Chancery's administrative offices are located underground and topped by the famed Chancery Gardens along the river (modelled on the Jardin des Tuileries in Paris again).
    • I added rooftop gardens to the Fortress of the Hand on Nirauan; they're Baron Fel's botanical playground because he's said to love gardening (that would be shortly before HTTE).
    • The old cemetery of Theed -- This is modelled on the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris or the First Cemetery of Athens, meaning that each grave/family vault is a work of art. Only people from families that have a vault there are still buried there as of the end of the Vong War; the cemetery is important to Naboo nobility because it's the place where they bring their children to teach them about their ancestors. Schools and universities also bring their students there to teach them about the history of Naboo.
    • In my distant past fic again I have the whole of Corellia as a nature reserve. The only city is Coronet City at that time; deforesting and logging are severely restricted on the rest of the planet and a task force of Nature Rangers monitors the preservation of nature and wildlife.
    I also used leiamoody 's fanon planet of Aeithera in one of my stories, she says in her description that the Shard memorial is located in the middle of an open expanse in the capital city but I'm pretty sure I made that a garden (if not explicitly in the fic, that's how I saw it in my head, similar to the Washington Monument and the Mall in DC or the Champ de Mars and the Eiffel Tower in Paris).
  9. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    I based one of my revenge stories, getting Anakin Solo back for killing Chewie, on that Coruscant skyhook that serves as a public gardens. So probably doesn't count as fanon, as it was using something introduced in the EU.
    Findswoman likes this.
  10. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I added many locations to Endor, and they would probably be nature preserves on any other planet. But parks or zoos per sé, not...yet.
    Findswoman likes this.
  11. leiamoody

    leiamoody Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2005
    Considering that my original inspiration for the park you mentioned (the Cita dav Ilo) was a cross between Central Park and the Ile de Saint Louis, your image of the Champ de Mars wasn't too far off. (Actually the capital of Krisoti was based upon Paris for the most part, particularly the way the bridges connect with the Cita dav Ilo).

    So I did create a huge public space in the center (and slightly to the left) of my capital city on Aeithera. It serves the function that most public parks were designed to serve on Earth, in that people (beings in the GFFA, because it's not just humans living there among the stars) go to a park for recreational enjoyment.

    My park, the aforementioned Cita dav Ilo (the name is supposed to be Old Alderaani, literally meaning "Island in the city"), doesn't function so much as a retreat from urban life, because my capital isn't that messy (more "refined urban" than "choking, polluted urban"). But it does function as a secondary space where the students from the various universities can go to either wander around among the greenery and varieties of plants and flowers, or jaunt over to the other side of the park and hang out among the little eateries and shops that dot the western half of the Ilo.

    There is a large compass rose sculpture at the entrance to the Ilo, which divides the park into four sections (north, south, east, west). In the northern half of the park is a structure called the Tiara Pavilion which is a popular destination for marriage ceremonies...and random acts of public drunknness. On the western side is one of my OC Zizi Pao's two restaurants (the other being up in the Northern Mountains). The Shard Memorial would lie in the center of the park.

    There is supposed to be another park on Aeithera that is modeled after the Postman's Park in London, but I haven't gotten around to developing the concept yet. It would feature the names of those Alderaani citizens who died in the destruction of Alderaan.
    Kahara, Gamiel, Findswoman and 2 others like this.
  12. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    I think I only ever mentioned one in passing, on Corellia, as a site where a memorial to Alderaan should have taken place, but didn't due to a riot.

    I have a historic cemetery too, Chyntuck, a cross between Pere LaChaise and #1, in New Orleans! One of those old, elaborate cemeteries, which is now a tourist attraction, complete with visitor center and gift ship. It's in an old, now-truncated story which I plan to repost. But you all have to wait until Halloween [face_pumpkin] , because it IS a ghost story. [face_nail_biting]
  13. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Oh, my first victory in a challenge, I'm getting teary eyed. First would I like to thank my mother for her encouragement then I would like to thank all who voted for me :p

    I have jet used anything like that in my fics but parks are important on my fanon world Lucia

    Kahara, leiamoody and Findswoman like this.
  14. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    FanonSock - Iskalon-specific gif added to "The Panic Vollok" article.
    Gamiel likes this.
  15. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Thanks for facilitating the discussion FanonSock

    here's a bunch of my stuff that may or may not be interesting (warning: really nerdy things below):

    Naboo Zoo: (there is a Naboo zoo, but here's my expansion )This zoo is a wildlife sanctuary which houses mostly native Naboo animals, including the very rare long-tailed kaadu which is currently an endangered species due to peko-peko preying on its eggs and destruction of its habitat. There is also a department which cares for injured wildlife.

    Aiwha Preserve: Located on Naboo, this wildlife preserve protects many species of rare Aiwha and the oceans they reside in. Citizens could visit the place and go on "aiwha watching" tours.

    Galactic Zoo (established zoo on Tatooine; here's some expansion): This zoo is a major attraction on Tatooine, has native animals, but also exotic ones. The zoo teaches about native fauna, but also raises awareness of conserving some endangered species, such as the miniature horned-dewback that lives in burrows. There is also a paleontology section where visitors can learn about the flora and fauna of Tatooine's past.

    Dantooine Zoological Research centre: researchers study the flight motions of the Brith and apply this for creating light-weight vehicles and transports. Another area of study is genetics and conservation of some native species.

    Coruscant Biodiversity Research centre: A really small, mostly unknown, and underfunded research centre that is trying to re-introduce lesser known animals into the few green spaces that exist on Coruscant.

    HB Wildlife Rehabilitation centre: on Coruscant, this centre is composed of volunteers that care for injured or abandoned hawkbats and Thrantcills, although any species is welcome here and citizens are encouraged to report any injured creatures. This centre is not funded by the Republic, so there is a reliance on donations from the public.

    Oaka Prime Wildlife Preserve: really obscure planet from Star Wars #20 (a comic issue). It was a wildlife preserve set up by the Infinite Empire which was later preserved by the Republic. Here's my expansion: the planet was used as a storage hold for rare and unique species found across conquered planets. Unique species would be collected as curiosities or sometimes used for experimental purposes. Thanks to the Republic discovering this world, wildlife continues to thrive, including wildlife extinct in other parts of the galaxy. Popular with visitors and in children's holonovels. Still deciding on the flora/fauna.

    Other random things:
    Whale firaxan: this large shark-creature is native to the seas of Manaan and lives in a nature reserve, but unlike other firaxan sharks, it's completely harmless and lives off the tiny creatures which it filters through its gills.

    Spirit peko peko: a pure-white peko-peko due to a genetic mutation. Extremely rare and often regarded as magical in Gungan religion. There is only one on display in the Naboo zoo.

    Probably will add more later if anyone is interested or needs some inspiration.
    Kahara, Ewok Poet, Sith-I-5 and 3 others like this.
  16. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I love this post, especially the Naboo zoo. If I am ever inspired again, I am definitely going to borrow that, thank you. :)
    Kahara, Findswoman and gizkaspice like this.
  17. gizkaspice

    gizkaspice Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 27, 2013
    Glad you found this useful! It would be cool if people used some of these in their stories as I will probably never really get to them anyways. And if you (or anyone else) needs some further zoology-related ideas or such I'll be happy to help as well.
  18. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    FanonSock I have added some new planets to The Lahara Sector: Getjiro (capital world of the sector), Kenklucky, Killian and Tilley.

    Also regarding parks, my fanon is that the painting Green Coruscant is not some fantasy landscape but depicts a real part of Coruscant.

    Keeping the British end up, I see

    EDIT: Venator77 the pictures in your Soviet Union of Planetary Republics post have been photobucketed.
  19. Venator77

    Venator77 Jedi Master star 2

    May 2, 2013

    You can't be serious... I'll go fix it.
  20. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    Okay here's a shot.

    The Coruscanti Ecological Society.

    A society of coruscantis concerned with the environmental welfare of various world's throughout the Galaxy, saving endangered species, regulating exploitative economic activities, creating free world's-no economic development.

    The CES has a large complex of zoos, aquariums, arboretums, etc... on Coruscant. About oh an hour's fly from the senate rotunda building north by speeder craft.

    This facility has animals from world's as close as Coruscant's own solar system and as far as the borders of the unknown regions. Total size of the complex- 2,500 miles across.

    Total visitors-nearly half a trillion annually. Multiple schools have field trips here, university students conduct their studies here as well as sightseers, vacationists, and so on. The facility has been around oh since 200 BBY or so after hundreds of world's were irreparably polluted by various megacorporations.

    The facility has aquariums as well with all sorts of fish and even sailing boats.

    The CES was run by a board of directors numbering 36 members.

    The ecological complex has survived many of the wars and battles that involved Coruscant.

    Interestingly during the Yuuzhan Vong war-the director pleaded with the occupying Vong explaining his love of life and disdain for industry. After much wrangling the Vong allowed the facility to remain with minimal maintence as most of its staff and management had fled or were killed.

    After the war it picked up steam and by the Legacy era had not lost or gained any new space.

    The complex even had habitats for space dwelling creatures with empty vacuums for their habitation.

    During Krayt's empire it was guarded by multiple GA security and stormtroopers but was one the lighter areas on Coruscant in terms of security presence.

    In 140 ABY it is going strong yet expenses have been rising steadily.

    The directors hope to mitigate this issue with more droid staff.
    Kahara, Findswoman and Anedon like this.
  21. Daneira

    Daneira Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 30, 2016
    I think it's interesting a lot of people are tackling Coruscant in terms of nature. My take on this involves skyhooks, which were first introduced in Shadows of the Empire, basically giant satellites tethered to the ground and owned by the extremely wealthy, such as Palpatine and Xizor. One of my characters is an Imperial advisor who owns a skyhook that's basically a giant floating park, but when she's not using it for events it's open to the public.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. DARTH_MU

    DARTH_MU Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 9, 2005

    Have you thought about the process of how other planet/systems might join the Planetary Republic?

    Also, might I suggest renaming the vehicles with Russian names rather than German?

    I want to apologize in advance.... It is your fanon, after all.
    Venator77 and Findswoman like this.
  23. Venator77

    Venator77 Jedi Master star 2

    May 2, 2013

    No need to apologize, suggestions and constructive criticism is always welcome.

    So far in my story, no one really knows about the Soviet Union, since it just started. I planned to have the Soviet Union take over empty, resource rich systems and if other people want to join the Soviet Union, they would have to sign a treaty that turns them into satellites. They would make some decisions themselves while other things would be handled by the central government. I plan to go into more detail at the Soviet Union post later, as I'm writing a chapter now.

    As for the vehicles, I'm not sure about renaming them. On one hand, all of the characters speak German, even though all my chapters are in English. On the other hand, using non-German names would be a final defiance against the Nazis. I might post a poll about that later.
  24. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Well, the Elven end, at least!
  25. Gamiel

    Gamiel Chosen One star 9

    Dec 16, 2012
    Question: I fill my fanon with references to books, cartoons, RPGs and similar that I like, do other people also do that and is there anybody who have noticed what I have been referring to?

    It's a quote of the last line in the movie from where the I understood the gif was from :p