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Saga - ST The First Knights of Ren (Speculation fic; canon characters) A/N (5.13.17)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by JediMaster_Jen, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Title: The First Knights of Ren

    Summary: Luke’s meets the first Knights of Ren. And becomes one of them?

    Disclaimer: George Lucas created Star Wars. Star Wars, LucasFilm Ltd. and all its content are currently owned and operated by the Walt Disney Company.



    Kaamor VI
    4 Years ABY

    Shortly after the rebel celebration on Endor had finished, Luke had given his sister and Han a quick goodbye and flown off in his X-wing. He’d had no real idea where he was going. He just knew that the Force was guiding him, and he was going to listen.

    Now, weeks later he found himself on Kaamor VI. He was cautiously wandering the capital city when he felt them; other force users. His hand fell subtly to the lightsaber at his waist. But before he could even grasp it, he was approached.

    “No need for the saber, Skywalker,” a deep voice said from behind him.

    Luke spun and saw two men standing before him. Both had dark hoods over their faces, obscuring their features. He could make out two pairs of blue eyes, but that was all.

    “Who are you?” Luke questioned.

    He senses told him that while they were both extremely force sensitive, neither man was a Jedi.

    Simultaneously the men lifted their hoods and revealed their faces as they spoke.

    “I am Kazic,” the first, older man spoke in a deep voice.

    “I am Elar,” said the younger of the two.

    The together came their final reply; the reply that would change the course of Luke Skywalker’s life once more.

    “We are the Knights of Ren.”
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2022
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  2. Jedi_Tyler

    Jedi_Tyler Jedi Master star 1

    Apr 11, 2005
    Are you telling me that Luke is/was a Knight of Ren??:eek: No, that can't be right. Right? I'm curious about Kazic and Elar, but I think I have an idea as to who they really are.

    Great start!=D= I'm definitely intrigued.
  3. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    I guess you're gonna have to wait to find out.;) Thanks for reading and replying.


    Chapter One

    “The Knights of…who or what is Ren?” Luke asked.

    Kazic held out his hand and Luke hesitantly took it. “Ren is the sun god of this planet. He’s worshiped above all else. The people on this world believe that when the sun is shining, they are safe from all evil.”

    “But when the sun goes down, or when it’s cloudy or raining, they become vulnerable,” Elar took over. “Evil takes over then and bad things happen.”

    Luke chuckled. “Well, it’s not the most outlandish theory I’ve ever heard.”

    “They take it very seriously here,” Elar informed Luke. “When we first came here, they…”

    “How did you get here?” Luke interrupted. “You’re both force sensitive. How is that you escaped the notice of Vader and the Emperor all these years?”

    Kazic and Elar shared a look before Kazic spoke. “Perhaps we should go somewhere else for that discussion. Too many ears listening out here.”


    “What is this place?” Luke asked several hours later as they were climbing massive steps towards the entrance to a temple.

    “It’s the Temple of Ren,” Elar said. “It’s where the ancients used to come and worship the sun god. It’s been here for millennia.”

    Luke looked around when they got inside. The Force called deeply to him. He could feel it’s vibrations.

    “I’ve never…the Force is so strong in here,” he commented.

    “Yes, it is,” Kazic agreed. “This temple drew Elar and I here…years ago. We came to investigate and…never left.”

    Luke turned to face them. “Why stay here and not join the Rebellion? We could have used your help.”

    Kazic smiled. “We knew the moment would come when we would meet. The Force urged us to wait, so we did. Now, here you are.”

    Luke nodded. “Yeah, here I am, but for what purpose?”

    The sliding open of a door behind them made Luke turn to face whoever was coming. He saw a female Togruta walking towards him. She was tall and sported white montrals and lekku with blue stripes. She was powerful in the Force.

    “I am Azalyn Ren,” she introduced herself. “We’ve been waiting for you, Luke Skywalker.”

    Luke looked around again. His eyes caught sight of many old paintings on the walls, relics tucked in corners and sitting pedestals.

    “Why me?” he wondered. “Who are the three of you, and why am I here?”

    Azalyn invited Luke to a table where the four of them sat down together.

    “Let me tell you a story,” Azalyn began. “You asked earlier why we did not join the Rebellion. The short answer, is we did. Almost a decade ago, when you were still tucked safely away on Tatooine, the three of us were fighting in the beginnings of what would become the Rebel Alliance.”

    Luke was skeptical, but h continued to listen.

    “I was not known as Azalyn then, neither were Kazic or Elar known by those names,” she continued. “When we came here, when we learned of Ren, the sun god of Kaamor VI, we unlocked the power of this temple. A power beyond…imagination, even for us.”

    “Well then, I’ll ask again, who are you?” Luke repeated.

    “I was once a Jedi, like you,” she revealed. “My name is, was Ahsoka Tano. Your father, Anakin Skywalker was my master for a time, before…”

    Luke was shocked. He’d never met anyone, other than Ben Kenobi who had known his father.

    He swallowed. “Before he became Vader?”

    Ahsoka nodded once. “Yes, but also before the Jedi betrayed me; before I left the Order. Kazic was also a Jedi, a student at the time of the purges.”

    Luke turned his gaze to Kazic, taking in the unusual look of his blue eyes.

    Kazic smiled, having sensed Luke’s thoughts. “Ocular implants. I was blinded years ago in a duel. I was born Caleb Dume. I managed to escape the purges and became Kanan Jarrus.”

    Elar grinned. “I guess that leaves me. I was born on Lothal and my parents named me Ezra, Ezra Bridger. That was Empire Day. I met Kanan when I was fourteen and Ahsoka shortly thereafter. They both trained me as a Jedi.”

    Luke was feeling overwhelmed. Three Jedi sitting before him who had survived the purge. It was amazing. He figured there might be more as well. Were they all here?

    “You mentioned the power of this temple,” Luke said. “What did you mean?”

    Ahsoka smiled. “This temple has nothing to do with the sun god of this planet. It shares the name, but that is all. You are actually sitting in an ancient Sith temple, Luke Skywalker. Its energy is drawn from several large, extremely powerful kyber crystals, powered just like your lightsaber.”

    The word Sith was not one Luke knew. When he questioned, Kanan shrugged. “Just another group of force users. It…it called to us. When we came here, we found many relics and artifacts. When some of the local settlers learned that we had arrived, they came in search of us.”

    Ezra picked up the story. “Our arrival had been foretold years before. Three knights would come as defenders and protectors of this world. It was us. They called us the Knights of Ren; anointed us with new names.”

    “Is that what you do?” Luke questioned. “Defend and protect?”

    “Yes, it is,” Ahsoka answered. “But we’ve been waiting for you before venturing out into the galaxy. It was also foretold here in this temple that one man would come, a man with the power to save the galaxy. That is you, Luke Skywalker. You’ve done what your father could not. You’ve brought balance to the Force. You are the next leader of the Knights of Ren.”
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  4. Child_of_a_Jedi

    Child_of_a_Jedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 11, 2015
    :eek::eek: Luke is a Knight of Ren?!?! :eek::eek: I love the Rebels tie-in with Kanan and Ezra. I can't wait to find out how this shakes out. If Ahsoka, Kanan, Ezra and Luke are the first Knights of Ren, I'm super excited to see how it goes from that to Ben Solo becoming Kylo Ren and....yeah, I just can't wait!!=D= Hurry up and post more, Mom!
    Findswoman likes this.
  5. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    Well, this is intriguing. The Knights of Ren as the acolytes and servants of a person called Ren. [face_thinking] Interesting! I had thought of "Ren" as an order or a community of sorts, not an individual.

    The idea that Ashoka and Ezra and Kanan wind up as the first KoR and that they have become followers of the Sith. Didn't see that one coming.

    I'll be following this for sure! Can't wait to see where this goes.
    Findswoman likes this.
  6. Jedi_Tyler

    Jedi_Tyler Jedi Master star 1

    Apr 11, 2005
    Is Ren really a person, or just a mythological figure, like Zeus? I think it's an interesting idea that they have become followers of anything so opposite of the Jedi. [face_thinking] I find it plausible that Luke might not immediately recognize the word "Sith". I don't believe that Yoda or Obi-Wan ever uttered that word in the OT, so he might not associate it with the dark side yet.

    If Luke becomes a KoR, does that mean he's the one who introduces his nephew to them as well? Does he sow the seeds of the downfall of his new Jedi Order by bringing Ben to this planet? :p

    So many questions!! Answers, please!!
  7. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Author Note

    Well, to everyone who is still interested in this story, it will be continued soon. I've been working on other projects as well as renewing my teaching credentials, so RL has weighed heavy the last few months. Hopefully soon I will post the next chapter.

    huge thanks to everyone who continues to read!!:)
    Findswoman likes this.
  8. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Well, it took much, much longer than I anticipated to get the next chapter of this done. I started and stopped at least a dozen times. I wasn't happy with anything I'd written. :( Still not completely happy with it, but if I don't post now, I never will.

    Of course, by now TLJ has come and gone, and we've seen the end of Rebels :(:_|). This story is now absolutely 100% AU (it pretty much was anyway despite my labeling it speculation fic), which is really where my heart lies in terms of writing SW fiction, so...:) I'm sort of in my happy place now with this fic. I make no promises, but my current plan is to finish it by next week.

    Please enjoy! I won't be tagging people, so if you want to keep up with updates, please just add the thread to your watch list. Thanks so much to my readers, and lurkers alike. I appreciate all of you. :D


    Chapter Two

    Luke was sure his shock was written all over his face. “What do you…I can’t be your leader. You’ve…all three of you have been Jedi far longer than I have.”

    Ahsoka smiled. “Yes, you can, Luke. It is your destiny. Together, with you in the lead, we will cleanse the galaxy of what remains of the Empire. You brought balance. We will all bring peace.”

    Luke could feel the vibrations of power in the temple. “What secrets does this place hold?”

    Kanan grinned. “it holds many secrets, Luke Skywalker. Venture deeper into the temple. Let the Force surround you. I promise, you’ll come out with greater understanding of the galaxy than you ever thought possible.”

    While still highly skeptical, Luke began his journey into the inner confines of the temple. He rested his hand on his lightsaber, not willing to be separated from it. His mind clearly recalled the cave on Dagobah as he descended into the lower levels.


    “Will he stay?” Ezra questioned. “He seems…he’s not what I expected. Snoke said…”

    Ahsoka glared at the young man. “I know what Snoke said, Ezra. I…I know he’s not what we expected him to be. Snoke promised us an eager leader. But one thing is certain, Luke Skywalker’s destiny runs alongside the Knights of Ren.”

    Kanan took a deep breath before he spoke. “What is…Snoke is wrong? What if Skywalker isn’t the one we’ve been waiting for?”

    “He destroyed Vader,” Ahsoka reminded them both. “He helped destroy the Emperor and bring the Empire to its knees. Who else could be the one?”

    Neither Kanan nor Ezra had an answer for her.


    It was dark. Luke could barely see where he was headed. The ground beneath his feet was uneven.

    “Ah, Skywalker, I’ve been waiting for you.”

    Luke’s green lightsaber was in his hand and ignited within seconds.

    “Who are you?” he demanded of the shadowy figure he could barely make out.

    A deep laugh followed the question. Slowly the figure stepped closer and into the glow of the saber.

    Luke could see a harshly disfigured creature before him.

    “This is my temple,” the figure stated. “I am Ren, the Sun God of Kaamor VI. I am Jedi. I am Sith. I am teacher. I am student. But you may call me…Snoke.”


    Kanan could hear an infant crying; a newborn. Flashes of a man and woman came and went. He saw dark hair and eyes, but nothing else.

    “There’s…I see a child,” he whispered. “He’s young and…powerful? Not yet, but…he will be.”

    “Who is he?” Ahsoka questioned. “Is it the future you see?”

    Kanan opened his eyes as the vision faded. “I don’t know, Ahsoka. I can’t really see him. It’s all just…impressions. But I get the feeling the boy is related to Skywalker somehow.”

    “A relative?” she wanted to know.

    Kanan shook his head. “I can’t tell. Maybe? But, not yet. It didn’t feel like he existed yet.”

    Ahsoka nodded. “Alert me when Skywalker returns.”

    Kanan and Ezra both nodded as Ahsoka pulled the hood of her cloak over her head and left the temple.

    “What if you’re right, Kanan?” Ezra asked softly. “What if Skywalker isn’t the one? What do we do then?”

    Kanan breathed deeply and let his breath out slowly.

    “Then we keep waiting.”
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2018
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  9. Child_of_a_Jedi

    Child_of_a_Jedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 11, 2015
    I didn't really care for the Rebels ending, so...I like this! Great job, Mom. Glad you decided to go back to it. =D=
    Findswoman likes this.
  10. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    This is such a fascinating look at who the Knights of Ren might have been! I love that you weave in other characters from the SW universe.
    Have the older Jedi been influenced by the dark side? Is Snoke different than we know? Were they really looking for Luke? So many questions! I'm really interested in seeing where this goes!
    JediMaster_Jen and Findswoman like this.
  11. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    I’m so glad I checked this out! Ahsoka, Kanan, and Ezra as the first Knights of Ren—what a very, very intriguing AU you’ve set up here, and what a cool way to bring the TV Force lore together with the film Force lore! And naturally Luke—and this unnamed child related to him (I have a guess, of course)—are right in the middle of it, right at the focal point of this order’s continued existence. And this is setting up to be a more interesting Snoke than I’ve ever seen before, too! Keep it coming—very glad you signed this up for WIPuary, and very eager to see where this will go. =D=
    JediMaster_Jen likes this.
  12. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    A very interesting story idea! I was always intrigued by the Knights of Ren and what made them different from the Sith in the ST. I was kind of disappointed that the ST never explored that much, so it was fascinating to see you delve into what makes the Knights of Ren unique in this story.

    Making Ren a sun god and the Knights his servants was very creative. I was somewhat reminded of the Ancient Egyptian sun god Ra, in fact.

    I also love how you revealed the identities of these Knights of Ren, and the idea of Luke being able to meet Ahsoka, his father's Padawan, was so awesome.

    Thanks for a very creative and original take on the Knights of Ren! I love how you took the concept of the Knights of Ren from the ST and spun it into this story. Thank you for sharing it:)
    JediMaster_Jen and Findswoman like this.
  13. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Thanks everyone for the reviews! I appreciate them. ^:)^ In the future I will be getting back to individual replies to each review. In the meantime, I hope one big thank you will be enough. [:D]Below is the next chapter. Hopefully it won't be another almost two years before the next one.

    Chapter Three

    Ahsoka watched as Luke exited the temple, lightsaber in hand. She watched him walk towards her and made a quick decision when she saw the look on his face.

    “You met Ren,” she commented. “What did you think?”

    Luke sat down next to the Togruta and sighed. “Yes, I did. He seems…dark. I can feel he…cares about you, Kanan and Ezra. Said his name is Snoke.”

    Ahsoka smiled. “Yes, he does care about us. I suppose you figured out that he’s not really the sun god Ren. He took the name years ago and the people…believed.”

    “Who is he?” Luke questioned.

    Ahsoka cleared her throat. “He’s a…mentor. He’s a teacher. He welcomed the three of us and has taught us to harness our powers. He taught us what it means to truly use the force.”

    Luke stood and walked around slowly, his blue eyes taking in all of his surroundings. When he turned back, he pinned Ahsoka with a hard stare.

    “Snoke, he…there’s something dark inside him,” Luke said to her. “I can sense it. He may be force-sensitive, but he’s no Jedi. Why do you stay here? What’s the point?”

    “The point, Luke Skywalker, is to grow our ranks,” she intoned. “You are the first, but many more force-sensitive beings will come. When they do, we will teach them. They will become Knights of Ren. Snoke wants many knights so that we may venture into the galaxy and…serve.”

    “A new Jedi order?” he questioned.

    Ahsoka shook her head. “No, not Jedi. The Jedi were possessed of such a narrow view of the force. Jedi like Masters Yoda and Windu and even Master Obi-Wan; such a limited understanding of the force. Such a limited understanding of their own power. Snoke has no limitations and neither do we. You won’t either once you begin your training here.”

    “I’ve seen power, Ahsoka,” Luke admitted. “Unrestrained and uncontrolled in the Emperor and in my own father. Power isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Power corrupts, it makes monsters of men.”

    Suddenly, Ahsoka had her lightsaber in her hand. It’s brilliant red blade spring to life casting a harsh glow.

    “Not all power corrupts, Luke,” she told him. “Not all fear or hate or anger or love lead to the dark side. Power can be controlled; I promise you that. Here, with us, you can learn. When you were considering going out into he galaxy to search for those with the power to become Jedi, what were you going to teach them?”

    Luke shrugged. “I guess I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

    Ahsoka smiled. “I assumed as much. You’re headstrong and stubborn like my former master. Let me ask you this; had you considered that the arrogance of the Jedi had blinded them to much of what was happening right beneath their noses? Palpatine rose to power within a stones’ throw of the Jedi Temple. We met with him often and yet we didn’t see. We worked with him, took orders from him and yet we didn’t see. Now we see, Luke Skywalker. Snoke has taught us to see. We can teach you the same, and all those who come after you.”

    Luke admitted to himself that he hadn’t considered those things. He’d been so consumed by his mission to turn his father away from the darkness, he’d never questioned how the Jedi had let the emperor gain a foothold so strong in the first place.

    Ahsoka deactivated her saber and tossed it to Luke. He was startled but managed to catch it. The hilt was very different from the few sabers he’d seen and the only red blade he’d ever seen was his father’s. He pressed the activation stud and felt the blade come to life in his hand. The glowing, buzzing red blade felt powerful in his grasp.

    “Interesting design,” he quipped.

    “It’s an ancient design,” she told him. “Practitioners of a certain form of lightsaber combat often favored the crossguard lightsaber.”

    “Is there an advantage to it?” he wanted to know.

    Ahsoka shook her head. “Not to my knowledge. It was the form of lightsaber combat invented for duels against other force users.”

    “I didn’t know there were different forms of combat,” Luke remarked after a few moments. “So much I still don’t know.”

    Ahsoka stepped closer. “We can teach you. You’ll learn all you need to know and when you complete your training, you’ll be a Knight of Ren. Will you accept our invitation to stay and learn with us?”

    In the end, he made his decision quickly.

    “Yes. I’ll stay.”
    RX_Sith, Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  14. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Oh, oh, oh...! Very intriguing direction this has taken... this is a decidedly darker Ahsoka (and Kanan, and Ezra) than we often get to see. I'm getting a huge "Keep the company of those who seek the truth—run from those who have found it" vibe from these First Knights of Ren. And oh gosh, Luke—the thing is, he gets that vibe, too, at first but goes and second-guesses himself—and what's more it's precisely his get-along, trusting nature that leads him to second-guess himself ("I guess I hadn’t thought that far ahead"), especially when Ahsoka starts in with what is basically belittling and negging him. I almost want to reach into the story, grab Luke, and yell "Wait! Stop"—but I know there wouldn't be a story then. ;) :D So do keep it coming—I'm on the edge of my seat to find out what will become of Luke next!
  15. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Very fascinating that it is our dear Kanan and lovable Ezra and courageous Ahsoka who are at the forefront of these Knights of Wren. [face_thinking]

    The Jedi were possessed of such a narrow view of the force. Jedi like Masters Yoda and Windu and even Master Obi-Wan; such a limited understanding of the force. Such a limited understanding of their own power. Snoke has no limitations and neither do we. You won’t either once you begin your training here.”

    “I’ve seen power, Ahsoka,” Luke admitted. “Unrestrained and uncontrolled in the Emperor and in my own father. Power isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Power corrupts, it makes monsters of men.”

    Brilliant and very true. Unrestrained power is never a good thing. I will not deny that the Jedi had blind spots and philosophies that kept them from being adaptable and flexible, but the solution is not the force equivalent of a rampant forest fire. :eek:

    Yikes, her saber is red! [face_worried]
    I always associated that with crushing the kyber crystal's essence. :eek:
    Luke's decision is made totally in character, impulsively ;)
    Eager for more!
    JediMaster_Jen and Findswoman like this.
  16. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Oh, this is so very intriguing! [face_dancing] I'm really glad you brought it to the WIPuary challenge, as the index there was the first time I'd seen it. Rebels and Sequel Trilogy fusion... and the mystery here just builds and builds with every question answered. I'm really getting that sense of adventure that comes with an AU where things are changed enough that it really feels like nothing can be taken for granted.

    The Knights of Ren seem nothing like what you'd expect from Kylo, though it's hard to read their true motives here. (Which is very well played; I really enjoyed "overhearing" just enough of their private conversation to wonder even now.) That the Knights are familiar faces, yet with new names and seemingly new allegiances, is delightfully unexpected. And we still don't really know why they decided to follow Snoke; just some vague stuff that sounds more like a recruitment pitch than an accounting of whatever really happened.

    All throughout, there are these little hints that something might be shady.

    Really, Kanan? o_O Ooookaaayy....

    See, this is the kind of thing gives me SO MANY QUESTIONS. And it's really fun, because I can't tell which part of my expectations the story is playing on. Am I giving characters that I normally would trust too much credit just because of who they once were (and might no longer be)? Or am I equating not-fearing-the-Sith and a different view of the Force with something being off? (Which is maybe a very Jedi-centric view! :p )

    Liked that Ahsoka has the red lightsaber with crossguard, hinting that it may be a Knights of Ren tradition and not just Kylo's personal taste. :kylosaber: Very cool, and I like how curious Luke is and that he realizes there is so much he doesn't know. :)

    There is something very ominous about it all, and like I said before -- should I be worried? I feel like I should be worried... or not... the suspense! :D
  17. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Wow! Just Wow! This is a truly unique story with the former Jedi being the beginning of the Knights of Ren. That is awesome beyond words. But, where is Ben Solo in all of this or is he nothing?
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  18. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    Luke is definitely second guessing himself, questioning if what he thinks he knows is actually the truth. Despite his success in staying true to his Jedi training during his confrontation with Vader, he still lacks a lot of training.

    Yes, Ahsoka, Kanan and Ezra are not the same characters we know from Rebels here. :)

    LOL-Knights of Wren? Interesting choice of name. Where is our dear Sabine in all of this? Stay tuned!:D No, that is definitely not the solution. But will it be Luke's solution anyway?;)

    Maybe she just likes the color red?:p Thanks for reading and commenting.

    Shady is a good word to use!:) All I can say is...nothing is what it seems. ;) Thank you for reading.

    Oh, he's something-or, he will be eventually. :D

    Thanks everyone for reading and commenting! I truly appreciate it. Kudos to you all.=D=

    Chapter Four

    Weeks later, Luke had delved headfirst into the teachings of Snoke. With the help of Ahsoka, Kanan and Ezra, Luke felt himself becoming more powerful. His skills were developing faster than he’d imagined they could. It seemed to him he’d been standing still in his lessons with Yoda and now he was sprinting at a rapid pace.

    Sweat was pouring off Luke as he and Kanan sparred. He’d yet to best the other man, but he was getting closer with every lesson. Kanan moved in closer and as he swung low, Luke launched himself into the air and landed behind Kanan. Before he could react, Luke had his green blade at Kanan’s neck.

    “Kill point,” Luke said with a grin. “I win. Finally.”

    Kanan deactivated his blade and turned around as Luke did the same. In his next movement he dropped down and swung his right leg out and swept Luke’s legs out from under him. As he was falling, Kanan reached out and stopped his fall with the force. He left Luke hanging in mid air.

    “Who wins?” he then asked. “Seems to me you’ve lost, Skywalker.”

    Luke took a deep breath as Kanan let him go, sending Luke crashing to the hard ground. He stood up and dusted himself off and shook his head.

    “Every time,” he said to himself.

    Kanan chuckled. “You keep forgetting that the battle isn’t over until someone can’t get up. Not everyone will be your father, Luke. Not every enemy will choose you over their baser desires. Whether you start the fight or not, you must finish it. It’s the only way you’ll survive. No quarter, no mercy.”

    Luke nodded, but didn’t speak.

    Kanan felt his student slipping away a bit. “Hey, listen, I know this is all new to you. It was to me too years ago when we first came here. It’s not the way my master taught me. She taught me mercy and honor and…and that everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt. But seeing the Jedi purge, seeing the aftermath taught me that not everything in the galaxy is so black and white. Coming here, meeting Snoke, I began to understand that some enemies just won’t ever stop. They’ll keep coming. They have no honor and to show mercy will only get you killed. Harsh reality, but it’s the truth.”

    “I understand,” Luke finally decided. “You’re right, it is…new to me. Obi-Wan didn’t teach this way. Neither did Yoda.”

    Kanan shrugged as the two men headed back to the temple. “They weren’t wrong in their teachings, just…incomplete and somewhat narrowminded in their thinking.”

    The two continued to chat as they walked back. Luke never noticed Snoke watching them from afar.


    “We have to find Luke,” Leia insisted as she entered the quarters she shared with Han on Chandrila.

    The Alliance to Restore the Republic had left Endor a few days after their defeat of the Empire. Their destination had been Chandrila. The work to form a new government had begum immediately and Leia was a leading figure in that work. She spent long days in meetings and found herself getting more and more tired as the days and weeks wore on.

    “Why do we have to find Luke, Your Worship?” Han wanted to know as he took a seat next to her.

    “You’re not concerned about his disappearance?” she questioned skeptically. “Just a few days ago you were grumbling to yourself about how much easier something would be if Luke were here.”

    “Yes, I was,” he confessed. “But I don’t think that means we have to go off and find him. He’s not a kid, Leia. Your brother can take care of himself.”

    “I know he can,” she admitted. “I just…miss him. I want him here for our wedding. I want him here when we have children.”

    Han pulled her close and sighed. “I think Luke just…needs to find himself. He has the same type of burden on his shoulders as you do. He has a near impossible task ahead; rebuilding the Jedi. Maybe he just needs space.”

    Leia nodded slowly. “I suppose you’re right. Imagine that.”

    Han chuckled. “It happens occasionally. Now, what’s this about having children?”


    “Close your eyes,” Snoke instructed. “Deep breaths, in an out. Cast out with your mind. Tell me what you see.”

    Luke did as he was told. It wasn’t long before visions began to dance across his consciousness. He caught glimpses of things; the past, old friends long gone. But then the future came into focus. Always in motion is the future. Or is it?


    Leia couldn’t stop gazing at her newborn son. The boy was small with a head full of dark hair and the same brown eyes as his parents.

    “He’s beautiful,” Leia said as she drew her finger down his soft cheek.

    Han smiled from his place next to his wife. “Like his mother.”

    Leia returned the smile. She was exhausted after nineteen hours of labor, but nothing could overshadow the happiness she felt in that moment.

    A cry from the bassinet next to the bed drew Leia’s attention. She reached out a hand and felt the infant within grip her finger.

    “I think this little man is hungry,” Han said as he reached into the bassinet and lifted the first of their two newborn sons into his arms. “Wanna trade?”

    Leia nodded and the new parents managed to switch off. Leia snuggled her other son close as he nursed at her breast. Like his brother, he had dark hair but his eyes were a light, ice-blue. A genetic gift from their grandfather and uncle.

    “Any thoughts on what you want to name them?” Han asked from the chair next to the bed where he sat rocking his younger son.

    Leia looked up and nodded. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately about Ben Kenobi. My father always told me that if I ever needed help, to seek him out. Told me his real name and where to find him. When I had to do just that, he didn’t hesitate. He was responsible for Luke and I meeting, for you and I meeting.”

    “You want to name him Obi-Wan?” Han questioned, a playful grin on his face.

    Leia chuckled. “No. I want to name him Ben. The little guy you’re holding will be Ben Solo.”

    Han looked down at his second-born son and their eyes met. “What do you think, little guy? Can you live with the name Ben?”

    The tiny boy shifted slightly in his father’s arms, stretched, and then snuggled into the warm embrace.

    “I think he likes it,” Han commented. “What about him?”

    “I thought you could pick,” she told him. “Seems fair that if I get to pick one name you should get to pick the other.”

    Han thought for several long moments before he spoke. “When I was a kid, getting into trouble was…well, common. But I never got into trouble alone. It was always me and my best friend, Kieran. Kieran Volsh.”

    Leia looked down at the boy in her arms. “Hi, Kieran. Kieran Solo. I like it. It suits him.”


    ”Kieran!” Leia yelled for her son. She’d turned her back for a second and Kieran was gone when she turned back. “Kieran!”

    Han came running when he heard his wife’s panicked cries.

    “Han, he’s gone!” she gasped. “Kieran’s gone! Where…I only turned for a…”

    “He’s got to be here somewhere,” he said. “Let’s start looking. We’ll find him. I promise.”

    The two parents scoured the beach for hours. They called security services who also mounted a search for the toddler. As the hours passed, Leia became more hysterical with worry for her elder son.

    “Mama,” Ben said when he saw his parents walk into their home. “Where Kier?”

    Tears gathered in her eyes and poured down her cheeks as she picked Ben up and held him tightly to her chest. She didn’t know how to answer the boy. She didn’t know where Kieran was. He was simply…gone.


    Luke’s blue eyes snapped open. His breathing was erratic. Sweat was pouring down off him. He stood on shaky legs and wiped his hands over his face.

    “What did you see?” Snoke demanded. “Tell me.”

    Luke didn’t want to admit that his vision had shaken him. “Always in motion.”

    “What?!” Snoke snapped.

    Luke looked up at the disfigured man. “Master Yoda said always in motion is the future. I…what I saw…I can only hope it isn’t a future that comes to pass.”

    “What did you see, Skywalker?”

    “I saw my sister,” he answered. “Her…her son was missing.”

    Snoke was quiet and contemplative. He knew that the daughter of Darth Vader was powerful; as powerful as her twin brother. But untrained. Now, he knew she would have a son. Perhaps the boy would be just as powerful. Time would tell.

    “Perhaps you should…rest,” Snoke suggested. “Today has been long. We will resume lessons tomorrow.”

    Luke nodded tiredly and walked from the temple out into the bright sunshine. He turned his face towards the sun, soaking up it’s energy. His worry for his sister was threatening to overwhelm him. He felt as if he needed to leave Kaamor VI and return to Chandrila. But the one thing that kept him from leaving was the idea that doing just that is what would bring his vison to fruition. He couldn’t live with himself if he was the cause of his future nephew going missing.

    “Are you okay, Luke?” Ezra suddenly asked as he appeared next to the Jedi. “You look a little…”

    Luke nodded. “Yeah, I’m…I’m fine, Ezra. Just had an experience that…unsettled me a little bit.”

    “Can I help?” Ezra asked. “I’m a pretty good listener.”

    For a moment, Luke considered confiding in the other man, but ultimately decided against it. For all he had learned, Luke still was not certain he trusted his new acquaintances.

    “No, really, I’m fine,” he reassured the other man.

    Ezra nodded. “We’re going on patrol this evening. Do you want to join us?”

    Luke frowned. “Patrol?

    “We patrol the nearby towns, make sure the residents aren’t causing trouble,” Ezra explained. “Things can get a bit…unruly on Kaamor at times. We do our best to…keep the peace as Snoke wants.”

    “These people believe that Snoke is a god?” Luke inquired as he and Ezra made their way towards their quarters.

    Ezra nodded. “He is a god, Luke. Perhaps not in the traditional sense, but…he rules Kaamor. The people trust him. We trust him. He hasn’t led us astray yet.”

    The two said their good nights and Luke retired to his room. He sat down on the meditation pad Kanan had given him and took several deep, calming breaths. He closed his eyes and fell easily into another meditation, hoping to see another, better future.
    Findswoman and Kahara like this.
  19. Child_of_a_Jedi

    Child_of_a_Jedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 11, 2015
    Didn't know you were still writing this, Mom. :) Lots of cool things in this chapter. I don't like that Kanan is teaching Luke a "no mercy" style of fighting or that Luke seems to be eating it up. [face_nail_biting]Makes me nervous.

    Luke's vision was frightening! Can't wait to see what happens with this other child. Great work, Mama!^:)^
  20. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Sorry to be late in catching up with this, especially with so much going on in this chapter! Definitely lots to digest here, for us readers as well as for Luke. Not one but two sons for Han and Leia, and one going missing at such a young age—very disturbing indeed, and it’s even more disturbing to consider what Snoke might or might not do with this knowledge. I’ll be very curious to see how Kieran fits into everything. And once again Kanan and Ezra are very much inverses of their canon counterparts. Once again, color me very, very intrigued, and keep it coming! =D=
    Kahara and JediMaster_Jen like this.