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RPR Archive The Fool's Gamble Flies Again...

Discussion in 'Role Playing Resource Archive' started by R_Zion, Nov 4, 2008.

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  1. R_Zion

    R_Zion Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 23, 2004
    On the eve of inevitable change within the United States and general instability across our world, one old standard from these forums rises up from the ashes to rear its chaotic head once again. That's right, folks, for those who have long awaited it... Legacy: Fool's Gamble is returning!

    Now that I've gotten you all a-twitter with all of that, let me first be clear that its return will not be immediate, but it is coming. I'm currently involved in two RPGs and want to clear my plate a bit before I start GMing again, but I want to get started on planning the continuation of my novice endeavor on these forums now.

    For those not in the know, Fool's Gamble was a small-group RP following the mercenary crew of the hodge-podged VT-49 Decimator 'Fool's Gamble' in the year 130 ABY. This crew faced some of the worst luck in the long history of bad luck in the time span of only 1-2 months yet still manage to escape with their lives, a few credits in their pockets and themselves thankfully not in an Imperial holding cell. This game has the honor of being one of if not THE first Legacy-era game here on the RPF and had developed a highly creative player base and a loyal following during its run. The new game will pick up shortly after where the last game left off and will continue to pursue the same storyline we had begun, perhaps with some adjustments depending on people's interests.

    Interest has already been expressed by some of my former players on continuing the game yet I know full well I'll in no way be able to get everyone back. The game needs at the very least 8 players to fill the ship's crew and compliment, and I want to see if there's interest still out there amongst the current player base to revive this game once again. At the same time, I want to hear from all of you what exactly you want to see happen in such a game, what the previous installment got right and what needs to be improved on before it returns.

    Anyway, folks... I need your help! Take a look at the old game, give me your thoughts, and if you're interested in seeing the Fool's Gamble fly again, let me know!

    [color=white][hl=black][b]I_H Edit:[/b][/hl][/color] [b]Best of luck! You guys planned well![/b]
  2. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    It sounds interesting. :)
  3. TheManinBlack

    TheManinBlack Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 1, 2007
    I'd love to join this. Nuff said
  4. The Loyal Imperial

    The Loyal Imperial Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 19, 2007
    I like the sound of this. Definitely interested.
  5. sprintabm

    sprintabm Jedi Master star 3

    May 20, 2005
    Of course I'd play again! I'm gonna have to do some thinking about some of the questions you asked, what to improve, what was good etc.
  6. JediDingo

    JediDingo Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 27, 2005
    Oh you've got to count me in too!
  7. NickLitYouAFlame

    NickLitYouAFlame Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 27, 2007
    I'd love to give it a try. I missed out the first time around, sadly.

    I'm not sure how everything went at the end of the beginning, but perhaps, you could start the next run a year or so after the last, giving chance for changes to old characters and space for new characters to emerge onto the Fool's Gamble scene.
  8. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I. Want. To. Play!
  9. windu4

    windu4 Jedi Master star 4

    May 15, 2008
    Sounds cool I am definately in!
  10. R_Zion

    R_Zion Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 23, 2004
    Well, I was going to go anywhere from a week to a month after the close of the first FG (it ended in the middle of a huge combat situation on Tatooine), but a year is something to consider. If I do skip to a year, though, I'll probably make all of the new characters already part of the crew. My idea was to have the last mission go in such an atrocious way that it force a good many of the characters (those that aren't going to be killed off) to leave for their own safety.

    Take your time answering the questions. Good feedback cannot be rushed. ;)
  11. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    I can think of one thing - have a slightly longer period between a player joining the game and joining the ship so as to make sure they're consistent and reliable and, indeed, a decent enough roleplayer to make it aboard the ship. That's my primary bugbear.

    Aden Kya would like to come back, mind you, with his adopted son. :D
  12. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    ::smacks forehead::

    I knew Lord Kya's name was familiar!
  13. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Lord Garen Kya is his... great-grandfather?

    *tries to remember*

    Garen and Lorelei had Cesca Kya, who had two sons, Aden and Matthias, both of which took their mothers name for various reasons (Cesca was very good at screwing up relationships and driving respective partners to their limits), and Matthias had his own Aden, an Imperial Knight. The other Aden went a bit screwy (blame the parents) and ended up a Sith, and a minor thorn in Krayt's hand, even beyond Krayt crushing him into dust (literally).

    So. Yeah. :p

    And, yes, every one of those characters has featured in at least one RPG. :p Garen has been in three. :D
  14. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    Huh, I missed this one the first time around. I'd definitely be interested in playing once it's up and running. ;)
  15. R_Zion

    R_Zion Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 23, 2004
    Well, it'll certainly be glad to have Aden and Li back, especially since we lost the kid factor with Ryelee.

    I do agree with your suggestion, however, and when the time comes to post the game, won't be selecting players on a first-come, first-serve basis. Instead, I will be doing it by a combination of their character sheet both being creative and fitting the theme of the game, and they have to have a track record of being a regular post in other games and a good player. I'll be looking at post-history and even be talking to some of the GMs they currently play under to see if I get a recommendation or not.

    If they're brand new, I'll require a sample post and, like you say, start them off somewhere else before having them join the crew. Then, if they don't cut the mustard, the character can simply be removed and the storyline dropped without giving the Fool's Gamble a revolving door again when it comes to employees.

    Sound good?

  16. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Intriguing, R_Zion. I'm looking very forward to this. The revolving employee thing was literally the only issue I had with the game. It was violently irritating for me during 128 ABY, when I had to carry whole NPC plotlines. Violently irritating.
  17. R_Zion

    R_Zion Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 23, 2004
    Tell me about it. Besides having to cover their exits, it made Jav look incompetent, which wasn't what I was going for obviously. Clumsy, maybe...but not incompetent.
  18. CmdrMitthrawnuruodo

    CmdrMitthrawnuruodo Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 1, 2000
    Count me in.

    I'll read the thread later. Gotta practice for a German oral test first. Eek.
  19. DarthXan318

    DarthXan318 Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 12, 2002
    I missed the first incarnation entirely, but I'm interested. :D
  20. CmdrMitthrawnuruodo

    CmdrMitthrawnuruodo Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 1, 2000
    Twould be fun to have you with us Xan!

    Zion, a little more interaction with our Sith and Imperial pursuers would have been nice. Considering you had Imperial saboteurs, an Imperial Knight, and a Jedi or two aboard? The ship should have been a top priority due to its threat factor to Krayt's empire.

    Man I forgot my characters whole name and the alias he was using. Even forgot my stormies names. :eek:
  21. bad_feeling_haver

    bad_feeling_haver Jedi Master star 1

    Oct 5, 2008
    ^ Same with me. It sounds like a great game! I always wanted to play RPG in the Legacy era...A good Legacy RPG, that is. The only problem from what I can see now is maybe too many prospective players.
  22. sprintabm

    sprintabm Jedi Master star 3

    May 20, 2005
    Yeah, I gotta agree with the dude with the really long name :D, more getting into trouble with those factions. Anything to make my character freak out even more. The fight we had on the space station, well, I guess that was actually fights, were pretty fun.

    And don't you dare throw remlochs at us again.
  23. R_Zion

    R_Zion Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 23, 2004
    Just wanted to let you guys know I posted my first copy of the opening post in the GDG. If you're curious, take a look and tell me what you think.
  24. sprintabm

    sprintabm Jedi Master star 3

    May 20, 2005
    Intriguing. I'm gonna have to redo my character sheet to make it up to par. And I guess I'll have to come up with a real good reason why my guy decided to stay on board after all that chaos, heh.

    But wait, if we dropped off Veers and his men off on Muunilist, how's Mitth going to continue on with the crew...
  25. R_Zion

    R_Zion Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 23, 2004

    <Joker> It's all....part of the plan...</Joker>
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