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Beyond - Legends The Girl who Would be Queen - the Diary of Layne Djo-Solo - Completed Jan 14

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Jade_Max, Jan 13, 2007.

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  1. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    The nerve of the man!

    I cannot believe I have been given an ultimatum! Me! The Chume'Da of Hapes! And by a male no less!

    Really! I think he deserves to be executed! :eek:

    Great update! =D=
  2. SilSolo

    SilSolo Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004
    LOL I agree fully
  3. Emerald_Lady

    Emerald_Lady Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2006
    How preposterous! As if I, the Chume'Da of Hapes and daughter of Tenel Ka Djo-Solo would ever submit to such a pushy, self-righteous and gorgeous male simply because I am told! Ha!

    Oh, this is good. [face_mischief] Whatever Layne says, I think she secretly likes it...or she will soon. [face_devil]

    Where did he come up with this absurd idea? His perfectly shaped pectorals? Or perhaps the delicious curve of his buttocks?

    [face_laugh] I choked on my laughter at this point. :D
  4. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    JediAlly ? Karma indeed [face_laughing] Of course, Layne won?t let Cyris get away with it; it?s just a matter of time... And Tana and Gidden don?t hold a grudge, I figure they probably pity Layne and her view of the galaxy.

    VaderLVR64 - *laughs* executed? Nah, I think Layne enjoys the eye candy to waste it on an execution ? public humiliation maybe.

    SilSolo - *grin* glad you enjoyed it :D

    Emerald_Lady ? Secretly likes it, or secretly likes Cyris? That?s the thing though ? Layne is very much an arrogant little princess; very similar to Ta?a Chume in several ways. Can she bend enough to accept Cyris or will she push him away...

    [b]Layne Djo-Solo
    Entry 23 - A Path Not Taken[/b]

    Concern for mother's sanity drives me to write this night.

    Jarid, Kalen, Allana and I joined mother and father for dinner this evening and an announcement. Dinner was fabulous - our chef is unsurpassed - but mother's proclamation left it to sour in my stomach.

    Allana is being sent to acting school.

    My youngest sister has been admitted to the fine arts academy - with my parent's consent! - and will begin there in two weeks in lieu of the Jedi Academy

    Have they completely lost their minds? First, this past year has brought family upheaval in the form of Tana and Gidden's marriage, then Jarid's disastrous relationship with Jysella and their painful separation and now this. Allana, my darling little sister, will train to become a holo star.

    The injustice! The Hapan Royal family should not be brought to the levels of mere commoners! We are not common; our blood is noble, more noble than most with it holding the last of the Alderaanian line. And mother has decided it is [i]appropriate[/i] for it to be sullied by acting school!

    I admit to storming out of dinner, but was I not justified? Being a Jedi is a much more respected trade than being a holo-star. Holo-stars have been accused of loose morals, corruption, indecency and a myriad of other crimes and slanders of the worst sort.

    And mother [i]approves[/i] of this?

    Imagine what will happen when Allana's presence at the academy is discovered. Not only will her performance reflect on her, but on the entire Royal family! We'll be disgraced, slandered with the same titles and obscenities she is.

    Mother has lost any and all sense of propriety when it comes to our Family name and the image we must present to the people. Mother should be more cautious as Allana is too young to know. I, for one, hope she's thrown out as a nobody in the first week so we can move beyond this shameful chapter in our lives. Allana then, can focus on joining the Jedi Academy and move into something a little less reviled in the Galaxy.

    Imagine, a Djo-Solo as a holo-star. It's preposterous!
  5. JediAlly

    JediAlly Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 31, 2000
    I agree that someone has lost all sense of propriety and someone's sanity is in question. But whom: Tenel Ka or Layne? Personally, I think Layne's startig to lose it.
  6. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    And mother approves of this?

    Imagine what will happen when Allana's presence at the academy is discovered. Not only will her performance reflect on her, but on the entire Royal family! We'll be disgraced, slandered with the same titles and obscenities she is.

    Mother has lost any and all sense of propriety when it comes to our Family name and the image we must present to the people. Mother should be more cautious as Allana is too young to know. I, for one, hope she's thrown out as a nobody in the first week so we can move beyond this shameful chapter in our lives. Allana then, can focus on joining the Jedi Academy and move into something a little less reviled in the Galaxy.

    Imagine, a Djo-Solo as a holo-star. It's preposterous!

    Well, she's certainly gotten herself worked up over the issue! :p

    Great update. =D=
  7. SilSolo

    SilSolo Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004
    poor Layne, clinign to tradition
  8. Emerald_Lady

    Emerald_Lady Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2006
    Hmmm...I admit to being surprised that Allana isn't going to the Jedi Academy, but I'm glad that Tenel Ka is open-minded enough to realize that being Force-senstive doesn't necessarily make you cut out to be a Jedi. Maybe somewhere, deep down, Layne's jealous because Allana could be a Jedi if she wanted to, but isn't? Just a thought. [face_mischief]

    I like the aside about Jacen and Tenel Ka's children being the last of the Alderaanian line, from a royalty standpoint. I'd never thought about that before.
  9. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    JediAlly ? Oh, Layne?s lost something, that?s for sure. I think it?s her patience *laughs* But things are about to shift, so I can?t say I?m surprised.

    VaderLVR64 ? Of course she has ? she believes the family is a true noble line ? not one that should lower itself to the level of the masses ;)

    SilSolo ? I think she?s about to learn things can?t always be traditional...

    Emerald_Lady ? I think Tenel Ka realizes that being push into something you don?t like or don?t want doesn?t breed the kind of dedication people look for. One of her and Jacen?s choices is to let their children make their own choices. Allana wants to be a holo-vid star; they?ll support her.

    Maybe somewhere, deep down, Layne's jealous because Allana could be a Jedi if she wanted to, but isn't? Just a thought.

    Astute, very astute. A lot of Layne?s thoughts are fueled by jealousy. Allana?s turning down something that Layne herself never had and can never have. She doesn?t understand how her sister and turn her back on the path of their siblings without even attempting to walk it.

    [b]Layne Djo-Solo
    Entry 24 - Ever Changing[/b]

    Jarid has completely recovered and, after much debate, has decided to return to the Jedi academy. While I am disappointed he chose not to stay for longer, I can understand why he has chosen the path he has.

    He's no desire to be Chume'Da, or to train in the niceties of the Hapan court. He has become restless being painted, observed, and gossiped about. His visits to Allana - now in her second month at school - have become uncomfortable and a chore. He is chased, much as Gidden once was, hounded by females of all classes and universally revered among our people as the son of our mother.

    It is entertaining in a way; Jarid's injury did much to raise his esteem in the eyes of the Hapan people. Much to his dismay.

    Jarid, of all my siblings, has never had a problem accepting his fame. In fact, he has been known to take advantage of it and its perks. Especially the women. It is no secret that my brother has several illegitimate children by different women. Women who insisted they wanted a child of our bloodline and willingly, as per Hapan law, lay no claim to him. It has worked in his favor that Hapan children are tracked back through their mothers.

    It amazes me more that he has not accepted the offers of one of these women for a permanent attachment; of course, he's still hooked on Jysella.

    I have seen the way he's moped about since her leaving four months ago. I have seen the hurt and confusion he's been trying to hide. A ridiculous part of me thinks I can [i]feel[/i] it as if it were my own, but I know this not to be the case. I can simply see it. In his eyes. In his posture; in the fact he has been with no other woman since their break.

    I believe, absurd as it seems, that Jysella Horn may have taken my brother's heart with her when she left and he does not yet know what to do without it. Or perhaps he does and is simply going to retrieve it.

    Regardless, I wish him well and good luck; should he succeed in his quest, he could do much worse than Jysella Horn!
  10. JediAlly

    JediAlly Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 31, 2000
    Looks like Layne's closest to Jarid and is actually acting like a sister to him. But several illegitimate children? Is he sure they're his? You planning on having on the EU version of The Maury Show? Seems to me his parents should be angrier with him than with Gidden.
  11. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Hmmm....[face_thinking] Several children, huh? This will take some pondering. :p

  12. Emerald_Lady

    Emerald_Lady Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2006
    Whoa! :eek: How old is Jarid? And wouldn't Jacen and Tenel Ka disapprove? Let alone Jysella...I wonder if she knows about that. I know she loves him, but that could still be kind of a shock. Of course, if she is unhappy with him, I'm sure she'll find a way to let him know. [face_devil]
  13. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    JediAlly ? Layne is closest to Jarid, and the only sibling she really feels anything for all things considered. As for Jarid and his illegitimates ? it?s not like he?d proclaim it to his folks *laughs* Several implies three ? and there?s no proof they?re his ;) For all Layne knows they?re not, but the women could have bragged about it to be tied to the Royal family in some way...

    VaderLVR64 - *laughs* Just what all 18 year old men want, eh? They?re not all his though, the women are just trying to claim it to get prestige. Layne doesn?t know that though ;)

    Emerald_Lady ? LOL! He?s 18 by now. Yeah, he?s a bit of a wild pistol, of course, that having been said, who?s to say he has any illegitimate children at all? Just the women, of course? and they all talk to Layne...

    [b]Layne Djo-Solo
    Entry 25 - Fame and Fortune[/b]

    I had not thought my baby sister to have the drive necessary to make it in the world of holo-stars, yet Allana has proven a tenacity and cut-throat nature I had not suspected. She has done everything possible, short of assassination - murder is such a dirty word - to get ahead of her peers.

    In the last months since she's been at the Academy of Fine Arts, we have heard rumors of her sabotaging the roles in which she's been a minor understudy. Rumors, not proof, indicating that she has been smart enough and devious enough not to get caught. Mother's Grandmother would have been proud - I know I am!

    Mother and Father have voiced concerns about allowing her to continue and, to my shock, I spoke out [i]against[/i] the idea. Me! Who had a problem with her entering the school to begin with! I do not know who was more shocked. Mother, Father or myself; it was a strange situation.

    Mother spoke of pulling Allana out of the school and bringing her back to the palace, saying she was too young to be put in roles of such pressure.

    Pressure? Allana? Mother must forget that we have all been under pressure. Each of us - especially Allana. As the youngest daughter, she has had to strive the hardest to make a niche for herself. I know; I have seen her struggling for recognition despite mother and father's attempts to ensure both she and Kalen have wanted for nothing.

    Perhaps in this she can succeed.

    I feel compelled to add that Allana's been cast in her first major understudy role and, shamefully, it's in a piece about mother. About her life before the Jedi Academy and her dutiful upbringing as a Hapan princess, trying to cull the wild Dathomirian side from her nature.

    Such lies! Mother should have the director shot! I know I would.
  14. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    That was great! :D

    She has done everything possible, short of assassination - murder is such a dirty word - to get ahead of her peers.

    Yes, let's keep it civilized! [face_mischief]

  15. SilSolo

    SilSolo Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004
    wow nice
  16. JediAlly

    JediAlly Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 31, 2000
    Are we seeing the beginnings of a real sisterly bond between Layne and Allana? If so, I think it's going to be cut short by their parents.

    Mother spoke of pulling Allana out of the school and bringing her back to the palace, saying she was too young to be put in roles of such pressure.

    Pressure? Allana? Mother must forget that we have all been under pressure.

    On that, I agree with Layne 100%. It's something the Solo kids know all about as well.

    Tenel Ka, trying to tame her wild Dathomirian side? I never saw any sign of that. A strong streak of independece, yes. But...

    Tenel Ka should have a very long and interesting talk with the director.
  17. Emerald_Lady

    Emerald_Lady Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2006
    [face_laugh] Layne sounds like a proud mother hen. If Allana doesn't watch out, she may find herself as Layne's understudy. ;)

    Such lies! Mother should have the director shot! I know I would.

    [face_laugh] I love this line! I take it there won't be a lot of holodramas about Layne if she becomes Queen Mother. ;)
  18. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002
    VaderLVR64 ? Thanks ;)

    SilSolo ? Thank you!

    JediAlly ? I don?t know about being cut short by their parents. I think Layne?s starting to realize what it is to be a family ? and Allana?s actions have endeared her to her sister ;)

    Tenel Ka, trying to tame her wild Dathomirian side? I never saw any sign of that. A strong streak of independece, yes. But...

    LOL! That?s the point. I think the Hapans are trying to deny the fact that Tenel Ka?s not completely Hapan...

    Emerald_Lady - *laughs* I think Allana?s already Layne?s understudy in some ways. She certainly didn?t get her devious side from her mother :D

    I take it there won't be a lot of holodramas about Layne if she becomes Queen Mother.

    Not a lot of them where she doesn?t have complete control anyway, lol!

    Note: I had intended to do a separate vig for the MMM today, but some sad news of a death in the family and being kidnapped by another fandom for the last few weeks made it next to impossible. This was written ahead of time, so I hope you all enjoy.

    [b]Layne Djo-Solo
    Entry 26 - Like Father, Like Son[/b]

    Jarid has done it!

    I am delighted, diary, to note that I received a coded message from my brother today that was only addressed to me; and it said that Jarid had asked Jysella to marry him! My brother, [i]Jarid[/i] the playboy, has asked a woman to marry him!

    I should not be shocked, but I am. I am recording the message down from the holo footage here so not to lose it:

    [i]Hey Layne,

    Long time no talk. I hope you're good and, frankly, that you've by now gotten over Tana and Gidden's marriage; it's been well past time. Time to let the grudge go, don't you think?

    Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a note for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted to say thanks. Thanks for seeing me off the day I left and encouraging me to go after what I wanted. I may not have looked it, but my pride had taken a blow and I really needed that talk. Something tells me you knew that though.

    Second, I wanted you to be the first to know that I asked Jys to marry me today - and she said yes!

    I hope, no... I know you're happy for us - or rather will be when you get this. Don't tell mom and dad yet; we want to break it to the Horns first and then we'll come by for a visit and share the good news.

    Knowing how you love a good intrigue, and knowing more than everyone around you, I don't see that keeping this a secret is going to be difficult.

    Thanks again, sis; without that talk this never would have happened. Stay out of trouble.


    Jarid is a touch sentimental at times, but his message means well. I cannot believe he is telling the Horns first! It must be Jysella's influence. Of course, Jarid probably hopes to ensure he has their blessing before coming to see mother and father.

    As if the Horns would tell him no! If Jysella has said yes, her parents would be foolish not to give their blessing! Especially since I have never known Jysella to take no for an answer - at least, according to Jarid, that is how she is.

    With Allana gone and only Kalen around, the Palace feels suspiciously empty at times and I will be looking forward to their visit with an almost eager anticipation. I cannot wait to tell him - to tell [i]them[/i] - congratulations in person!
  19. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Loved it! :D

    I am delighted, diary, to note that I received a coded message from my brother today that was only addressed to me; and it said that Jarid had asked Jysella to marry him! My brother, Jarid the playboy, has asked a woman to marry him!

    Good news! =D=
  20. SilSolo

    SilSolo Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 5, 2004
    good to know Layne finally found a couple they could support

    and she misses her sibs? that was unexpected
  21. Emerald_Lady

    Emerald_Lady Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2006
    :D Jarid and Jysella! I hereby do a happy dance at the news of their wedding. [face_dancing]

    I hope you're good and, frankly, that you've by now gotten over Tana and Gidden's marriage; it's been well over a year. Time to let the grudge go, don't you think?

    Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a note for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted to say thanks. Thanks for seeing me off the day I left and encouraging me to go after what I wanted. I may not have looked it, but my pride had taken a blow and I really needed that talk. Something tells me you knew that though.

    lol I like Jarid a lot. First he smacks Layne upside the head as probably only he can, and then he's man enough to admit that he owes her. :D

    Knowing how you love a good intrigue, and knowing more than everyone around you, I don't see that keeping this a secret is going to be difficult.

    [face_laugh] I'd say Jarid knows his sister. ;) It's good to see her showing some filial affection, too. :)
  22. JediAlly

    JediAlly Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 31, 2000
    Hi, Jade_Max. My computer crapped out on the 19th. I got a new one this past Monday, but for some reason I can't log in to the boards here. I sent a PM to dp4m, hoping he might be able to find the problem. Anyway, I'm at the library right now, so I can make a response to your latest post.

    I thought Jarid and Jysella broke up. Happy to see those two are back together and are getting married. Now those two will have something in common: in-laws who have been scoundrels at one point. As in Han, Booster, and to a much lesser degree Mirax.

    She definitely gets along better with Jarid than with any of her other siblings. But Jarid's right in that she should get over what happened with Gidden and Tana.
  23. Jade_Max

    Jade_Max Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 28, 2002

    VaderLVR64 ? Thanks :D

    SilSolo ? I think Layne?s realizing the value of her family now that it?s gone. Though, Jarid is the only sibling she?s ever really been close to ;)

    Emerald_Lady - *grin* Maybe, if you?re lucky, I?ll do their wedding piece for the next MMM, lol!

    lol I like Jarid a lot. First he smacks Layne upside the head as probably only he can, and then he's man enough to admit that he owes her.
    *laughs* Jarid?s a good kid *grin* But he also has the advantage on Layne. The twin bond on her side is fairly weak ? on Jarid?s it?s fairly strong. That will come into play later I think.

    JediAlly ? Sorry to hear about your computer; I?ve been there, and it sucks. Good luck with the new one.

    I thought Jarid and Jysella broke up. Happy to see those two are back together and are getting married. Now those two will have something in common: in-laws who have been scoundrels at one point. As in Han, Booster, and to a much lesser degree Mirax.

    LOL! You know, I hadn?t really thought about it that way. But they do make a good colorful set for a family reunion ? and for a wedding party lol!

    Jarid's right in that she should get over what happened with Gidden and Tana.

    I agree ? and Layne, while she holds a grudge, also knows when to call it quits. Of course, her acceptance of them isn?t going to be easy ? just fun ;)

    [b]Layne Djo-Solo
    Entry 27 - Humility [/b]

    My luck, as my grandfather would say, appears to be changing.

    With news of Jarid's engagement yesterday, I found today the perfect opportunity to speak with Cyris and snub his intentions publicly. It was delightful!

    Mother and father had been planning this garden party now that the gardeners have been rehired and Tana's garden pruned. They invited all of the noble families, including Cyris and his parents. Imagines my delight when they made a public issue of what they claimed was a broken betrothal contract and demanded restitution - in the form of my hand!

    Father appeared as if he were going to throw them out - he has been known to do so when people are rude - but Mother insisted I handle the matter. I could not believe my luck! I readily stood and turned to face them, absolutely ecstatic with my audience.

    I asked them two questions. How is it a broken betrothal when the contract has not been signed by both parties and how could they expect [i]me[/i] the Chume'Da of Hapes to honor such an informal binding between myself and a lesser male.

    I have never seen Cyris' face turn that peculiar shade of purple before, nor seen his mother, a woman of some note, turn with such rage on one of her children!

    Mother insisted I was cruel after the fact and I admit I felt a slight twinge of conscience in turning him and his family down so blatantly in such a final matter, but he deserved it! That will teach him to think he can best me in my arena; he may be good looking but [i]I[/i] will not be manipulated so blatantly by anyone!

    I just hope he's learned his lesson. I will honor no a contract in Tana's name - unsigned and unsealed - now or in the future. I am not Tana; I will do as I please with whom I please and it does not please me to be Cyris' trophy wife.

    No, I will select a more suitable and malleable male for my consort when the time arrives. He must, however, have the same perfect muscular structure as Cyris or he would never please me.
  24. JediAlly

    JediAlly Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 31, 2000
    Got the computer problem solved. The firewall was set too high.

    As the saying goes: Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. Well that definitely applies to Layne. About the only thing worse than a woman's scorn is a Force-sensitive woman who has been scorned.

    I don't think Layne's going to find someone if she's going to insist he's as built as Cyris.
  25. Emerald_Lady

    Emerald_Lady Jedi Master star 3

    Dec 18, 2006
    With news of Jarid's engagement yesterday, I found today the perfect opportunity to speak with Cyris and snub his intentions publicly. It was delightful!

    [face_laugh] This is priceless.

    Mother and father had been planning this garden party now that the gardeners have been rehired and Tana's garden pruned.

    Aww, I'm glad Tana's garden isn't being neglected anymore. :)

    I asked them two questions. How is it a broken betrothal when the contract has not been signed by both parties and how could they expect me the Chume'Da of Hapes to honor such an informal binding between myself and a lesser male.

    Ooh. Snap, as they say. [face_mischief]

    No, I will select a more suitable and malleable male for my consort when the time arrives. He must, however, have the same perfect muscular structure as Cyris or he would never please me.

    *snicker* Two thoughts occur to me: First, no matter what she thinks now, I can't see Layne being truly satisfied with a "malleable" male, and second, she really does not listen to herself, does she? [face_mischief]
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