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The Hater Community

Discussion in 'Literature' started by barnsthefatjedi, Mar 21, 2001.

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  1. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    LOL! Sithflame, I hereby appoint you Chief Commedian of the HC!!!!

    Emperor Barns
  2. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    You know, I really HATE Han........ Just Kidding! ;)
  3. Sithflame

    Sithflame Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 28, 2001
    That rocks, Your Hatefulness! Thanks!

    LOL, Yanksfan! OK, so how about this:

    During the bar scene, Yu-Oweme's Wookie life-debt companion - Ballandchainacca, manages to get almost killed by a drunken bigot (against Wookies) wielding a blaster rifle. Han, who was rather hammered that evening, stumbles into the assailant accidentally and topples him, just as he fires at the trapped wookie. The man misses, and Yu-Oweme is able to apprehend him. When Han realizes that he just incurred a new life-debt, he curses silently to himself and vows to never drink again. Then he realizes that he not only inherited a Wookie, but also bound himself ridiculously to a Jedi and his growing entourage.

    "I have a really crappy feeling about this." he says.

    Han and Yu-Oweme's lives are ever after interwoven!

  4. Yanksfan

    Yanksfan Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 3, 2000
    All right. Now I'm hooked, sithflame :)

    Watch it Master.....I don't want to pull a Vader on you, and start recruiting my kids to help overthrow you. ;)
  5. KansasNavy

    KansasNavy Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 10, 2001
    added to the fanfic; wish more people would type in it :(
  6. Darth_Shadious

    Darth_Shadious Jedi Youngling

    Jan 15, 2001
    Fire_Ice_Death, just sent you a PM requesting membership. I will keep my opinions to myself until I am member.

    This thread is awesome !!!

  7. GrandAdmiralCaesar

    GrandAdmiralCaesar Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 10, 2000
    How would I be able to join?
  8. Ben_Solo

    Ben_Solo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 6, 2001
    Dart_Shadious and GrandAdmiralCeaser, if you want to join, the PM me or barnsthefatjedi
  9. ImperialGirl

    ImperialGirl Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 10, 2001
    I just added my own little contribution to the HC could I have forgotten that I hate Danni Quee?!? What did one of my friends call her...oh, yes, "A sci-fi author's wet dream." Can anyone GET more perfect?
  10. Fire_Ice_Death

    Fire_Ice_Death Force Ghost star 7

    Feb 15, 2001
    Yes, I'm still alive, I've been sick so I've kinda wanted to keep a loose eye on things here. I should be back to full capacity monday sorry if this inconviences any new members.

    ImperialGirl- totally agree with ya babe. ;) But then again aren't you too? LoL, j/k j/k honestly.
  11. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    Get well soon Grand Admiral :)
  12. Ben_Solo

    Ben_Solo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 6, 2001
    Imperial Girl, unless you have already said, who are your top three most hated characters in the EU? Give reasons.
  13. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    I've just added to the FanFic. Go check it out:

    Emperor Barns
  14. eclipse

    eclipse Jedi Youngling star 2

    Apr 18, 1999
    I found out recently that DR reduced MS's Onslaught/Ruin to a duo from a trilogy. What's that about? I knew there was a reason it seems a little . . . truncated. Don't get me wrong, I really liked those books, especially the part where *****

    Luke saves Jacen with a pair of lightsabers - that really was cool. (This scene wasn't on the audio tape, though. Whoever was responsible for that omission is not a SW fan and shouldn't come within a parsec of adapting SW audio tapes.)

    Anyway, MS's contribution was one of the authors I was looking forward to the most in NJO and to cut his books short was a terrible decision. I HATE THAT!!!!
  15. ImperialGirl

    ImperialGirl Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 10, 2001
    I mentioned somewhere....but just for review, I think I said...

    1. Callista
    2. Daala
    3. Bria

    with possibly Danni Quee as a tie for third. (Me? A mysogynist? Perish the thought...)
  16. Perator

    Perator Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 3, 2000
    Hmmm... So many to choose from...

    Top 3:

    Callista - Any page in this topic will provide plenty of reasoning

    Jacen Solo - Whiny brat, use the force, it makes the Jedi cool.

    Boba Fett - NOT the character, but the way he's been used... See my other post on Page 10


    Clone Emperor Palpatine - Is this technically EU? What a dumb idea, to clone the emperor, that whole series sucked. AND, all he does is make superweapons that don't really do anyhtign long lasting and important...

    AND, a new top three list: WORST EU AUTHORS:

    1. Barbara Hambly - I couldn't get through the first 20 pages of planet of twilight

    2. Michael P. Kube-McDowell - A lousy plot, it didn't capture my interest and went on WAY too long. This could have possibly worked as a single book, but NOT as a trilogy

    3. Kevin J. Anderson - Nothing origanal in his writing, just old stuff in a new setting... AND, Admiral Daala - lousy char.
  17. ImperialGirl

    ImperialGirl Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 10, 2001
    Oh, reasons...gave those a few pages back, but...

    Callista--the bodysnatching.

    Daala--she's a moron.

    Bria--Mary Sue and annoying to boot.

    Danni--well, read the fic. She's just too perfect.

    And I frequently dare to insult KJA. Actually, not him (he's a very nice man, having met him once) per se, but his Star Wars stories. The prose is juvenile. At best.

    Worst EU Authors:

    1. KJA -- see above. Hasn't anyone ever told him, "Show, don't tell?" I KNOW he can do better...his story in a recent Realms of Fantasy is great!

    2. Kube-Mac -- what WAS BFC about, anyway? I really couldn't tell, and by the end of the second book I was so bored I didn't care. I wish he'd picked one major plot and stuck with that--it could have been interesting.

    3. Hambly -- Another case where I know she's capable of better. In this case it's not the writing, it was her inability to do what was dramatically appropriate--i.e. let Callista die a hero's death rather than snatch a body.
  18. KansasNavy

    KansasNavy Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 10, 2001
    The BFC 2/3 great. That Luke plot just gets in the way. The second book sucked, but if you could've endured it, the third is a real treat.
  19. sweetheart

    sweetheart Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 19, 2001
    Finally, someone who agrees Bria is a Mary Sue! I just hated her character from the beginning. It wasn't just that she was created to "out-do" Leia and that she was created to be "the love of Han's life", her character just sucked in general. And the whole idea of Han pining away for a loser like her for ten years and naming his ship after her was ridiculous.

    The most annoying thing about her was that she had to die so Han could go to Leia! Give me a break!

    Callista and Daala - hate them too, though not *as* much as Bria.
  20. Fire_Ice_Death

    Fire_Ice_Death Force Ghost star 7

    Feb 15, 2001
    Hello again people, Yay!!! You people are posting, okay. Well I hate Gary Stu's and Mary sues. It's like fulfilling a perverted fantasy in most cases, and usually detracts from the real characters of a book.
  21. ImperialGirl

    ImperialGirl Jedi Youngling star 3

    Feb 10, 2001
    ITA! Bria is just too perfect, and just not needed when we know Leia's coming. Remember Leia? Love of Han's life? And I don't care if there's a chance A.C. Crispin could read this--I hated Bria. Loathed her. And she was a complete Mary Sue.

    Callista could be construed as a Mary Sue, too--perfect, beautiful, noble, self-sacrificing (right up to the end when she turns into the ultimate selfish b*tch and body-snatches) everyone loves her, especially one of the heros. If she'd really died, she'd have been the prefect Mary Sue.

    What I never got is how anyone could argue Mara is a Mary Sue. For starters, she's not a self-insert by any stretch of the imagination. (If anyone in TTT is, I'd say Talon Karrde--just look at the Decipher card! ;) ) Second, she's not perfect, Luke doesn't immediately fall in love with her, for the longest time no one trusts her, she worked for the bad guys and had to work that out with herself and others (Mary Sues don't get that kind of development), she's not even supposed to be drop-dead gorgeous (comics notwithstanding--those are NOT good pix of Mara.) I mean, be realistic--a knockout spy? Please. Spies are supposed to BLEND.
  22. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    Funny, zahn said that he based thrawn off himself in some of his interviews. Then he gets a talon karrde card. Me thinks he is full of mary sues and gary stus.
  23. Ben_Solo

    Ben_Solo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 6, 2001
    Has any one elses colours gone to black and white, because mine has. Eclipse, you cannot copy spoliers by the way.
  24. Ben_Solo

    Ben_Solo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 6, 2001
    I think its some kind of wierd April Fools joke.
  25. Perator

    Perator Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 3, 2000
    I have no idea about the colors ?[face_plain]

    Somthign new to hate: WARU from the crystal star. Two words come to mind: STAR TREK!

    SW doesn't have different "dimensions" with different galaxies. AND, Waru cures some people, and sucks energy out of others? It doesn't really make sense.

    I don't see why so many people hate Mara Jade. She's certainly not a MarySue, and she is a character with some depth, not a shallow character like Kyp Durron. UGH!

    I HATE Kyp Durron. All he does is disagree with Luke, in every single NJO novel. It's not very interesting. Also, he destroyed Carida but he's still a Jedi.

    1 more thing: It seems to me that LUke Skywalker has almost become a Gary Stu. He is always calm and in control, and careful. He has lost most of his depth, and seems to be a scared old Jedi who doesn't take any action unless completely nessasary. he should either take some action in the next novel, or be killed.

    That's all

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