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Beyond - Legends Saga Before - Legends The holocron of ultimate power, Summer Olympic pentathlon challenge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by earlybird-obi-wan, Jul 29, 2023.

  1. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    The holocron of ultimate power, Olympic pentathlon challenge
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: 250.000 BBY – 139 ABY
    Character: the holocron and various beings meeting it.
    Genre: challenge
    Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm belongs to Disney.

    1. 110 Word Hurdle: Exactly 110 word story. As an optional bonus challenge, don't mention the name or names of your character, family, friendship or couple aren’t mentioned.
    250000 BBY
    2. 100 Word Sprint: A 100 word drabble about your character, family, friendship or couple using any theme.
    66 BBY
    3. Single Sentence Shot Put: A story told in a single sentence about your character, family, friendship or couple.
    4. 200 Freestyle: An exactly 200 word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with a free choice of any theme.
    51 ABY
    5. Prime Time Coverage: Minimum 500 words of action, adventure, or excitement with your chosen character, friendship, family or couple as the star.
    139 ABY
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2023
    UltramassiveUbersue likes this.
  2. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    110 Word Hurdle: Exactly 110 word story. As an optional bonus challenge, don't mention the name or names of your character, family, friendship or couple aren’t mentioned.

    250000 BBY

    He was unlike his brother. Arguments about how to find a way to become one in the eternity had bored him to the extreme. Peaceful. Not to his liking. He was a dictator wanting to rule the universe. He had found the planet during his journeys through the galaxy and beyond. It was to his liking. A race of beings wanting to rule. A race with great technological findings. A race with knowledge of the Force. They would help him to forge the ultimate piece of power. It would stay here until discovered by the one to truly wield its power. He had to make a messenger for the one.

    100 Word Sprint: A 100 word drabble about your character, family, friendship or couple using any theme.

    66 BBY

    Aira Dorsetti was a wealthy art collector and merchant. She sold and bought pieces of art pleasing to her taste. She had a nice appartment in Coronet city. Recently she had found on a camping trip to Centerpoint station a beautiful piece. She had been pitching her tent when she found it burried in the soil. She had taken it home, had cleaned it and had posted a picture of it on the holonet. And the piece had returned to Centerpoint station, now the property of Koro Zavala. She had to celebrate the sale and went to the Raging Ronto.

    Single Sentence Shot Put: A story told in a single sentence about your character, family, friendship or couple.


    Ambassador Palpatine was very pleased when he saw the last twitches of the body signalling her death after she had revealed to him where she had brought the sought holocron that would give him the ultimate power to rule the universe.
    UltramassiveUbersue likes this.
  3. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    I like how Palps experiences a burst of ambition to not only rule the galaxy, but the entire universe. It's just so much like him!=D=
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  4. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Fascinating progression and one spanning great spans of years =D=
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  5. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    It is but the holocron will end up in another place
    thank you and it is ending with this

    200 Freestyle: An exactly 200 word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with a free choice of any theme.

    51 ABY

    Rostek Horn had been the one to hide the holocron, now named the Dorsetti holocron, after seeing the reactions of his mentor Steve Magaron and his Captain Jono Bel Hana.

    Captain Bel Hana's grandson Jono had been the one to find the holocron when he was investigating a case of theft from the CorSec archives. Rostek Horn's files were stolen, among them the one about the Dorsetti case. Jono had immediately suspected Sith. And the Sith had been there, ruining his life by killing his beloved wife Arina but unable to take the holocron because Ben Skywalker, Seha Dorvald, Valin and Jysella Horn and Kyp Durron had battled the Sith warriors and deceived the last one.

    Finding the holocron and files had Valin and Jysella with more knowledge about their real great grandfather, the Corellian Jedi Nejaa Halcyon and how Rostek Horn had been able to hide them after the great purge.

    Kyp Durron had given Jono and his son Jeb a GMK-seven transport after hearing that the two wanted to travel to Moniron.

    Luke and Ben Skywalker became the keepers of the holcron and took it to Ossus when a large group of Jedi wanted to leave Shedu Maad.

    Prime Time Coverage: Minimum 500 words of action, adventure, or excitement with your chosen character, friendship, family or couple as the star.
    139 ABY

    'Return home.' Tarkan Er-Veridan opened his eyes and remembered the last words of his dream. “I can with my freighter. Lingala here I come.” He made some calls to the authorities and began to pack his meagre belongings. Being a pilot on Pangona he didn't own much and was soon headed to the space-port where his freighter was in one of the berths.

    “You are leaving?” Anga saw him walking to the berth.

    “Yes Anga and you can keep my cottage. Settle there with your husband and son Jon. That rental appartment is not suited to bring up a son. I am returning to my home.”

    Anga as one of the technicians of the space-port had been his friend since he had asked her to help to repair the freighter. She had done that and had even visited him in his cottage. Now she was the owner. “Get home safe Tarkan.”

    “I will and my first stop will be Coruscant to get new supplies.”

    - - -

    Now this case and I will be gone. Tarkan was guiding hovercart with supplies to his freighter when he saw a blonde haired man sporting tattoos tangling with three police officers. Something fell from the pocket of the blonde and skittered away coming to a stop near the hovercart. Tarkan observed it.

    “Cade why?”

    “It was my party scumbag.”

    “Yes, yes. Come with use peacefully or...”


    “Don't use those skills on us. We have this.”

    “Allright I will come and tell you more. I have been celebrating with my friends.”

    “Hey.” Tarkan picked the object up. “You lost something.”

    The blonde and the three officers didn't hear and boarded the police-speeder.

    'Maybe it isn't valuable at all but it is giving me the creeps.' Tarkan put the red object in his pocket and continued his walk to the freighter where the object was stashed in a locker.

    - - -

    “I have met Cade Skywalker, the hero who defeated Darth Krayt and his gang?” Tarkan had listened to his old teacher Peter Sloan.

    “Yes you have Tarkan.” Peter Sloan smiled. “And now you have to show me what you have found.”

    “It's this.” Tarkan was in his freighter and had opened the locker. “And it gives me an uneasy feeling.”

    “You are right and I am urging you to take it to my son on Moniron. I know.”

    “The planet isn't anywhere on the galactic charts.” Tarkan added. “But I know where to find it. Your son?”

    “He is living there with his friends in Noranan after his wife died in a speeder crash during a thunderstorm in Ifaan national park.” Peter got a sad look in his eyes. “Kim was with her friend Glenda when it happened. My son and Rene and Rob Dalara went to the rescue. Kim was gone and Glenda died in Rene's arms after getting a promise that her ashes would be given to the sea on Moniron.”

    “And you?”

    “I am staying here with my friends. You go Tarkan and deliver that evil holocron to Peter. He will know to hide it.”

    - - -

    Tarkan was smiling. After his arrival and seeing Peter he had been visiting with him Steve Magaron and Jono Bel Hana. The two had shouted 'moirani englara darrin' when they saw the evil holocron and had told about the Dorsetti case.

    Aaqu Maerhin had been the one knowing where to keep it safe. He had transported it to the valley of Eled-Hir. Criminals had tried to steal it.

    Tarkan had been there to prevent it with Steve, Aaqu, Tarhin and Ivano.

    He was visiting Tarmenel Eled-Hir again and had seen the completed new vault of the healers' academy and the holocron in that place. Tarmenel had told him about their ancestors the Sheir-Irel.

    Tarmenel ended “A Sheir-Irel made the holocron. It came to rest in Centerpoint station where it was found by a merchant. It became involved in a murder and was named the Dorsetti holocron. Hidden again by Rostek Horn, found by Jono Bel Hana and given to Ben Skywalker.”

    “And the Skywalkers didn't use it. Even Cade and he lost it.” Tarkan smiled. “Only a Dunai or a Dunai elder could handle the evil holocron to keep it safe from beings wanting to rule the universe.”
  6. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Pithy end to the story of the holocron ...
    ... and we get to see Cade! Yay!=D=

    Thank goodness for that, at least. The Dunai "clause" to the Dorsetti holocron tale makes for an interesting story, thanks for writing it!
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2023
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Ultimate Drableteer and Guess Which Mod Winner star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Nice to see those who can keep the Holocron from exerting its evil influence. =D=
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  8. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    The history of the Jedi has Skywalkers and before that the Rakata and more like Abeloth and the celestials.
    Thank you for your reviews
    They have had great teachers in the Sheir-Irel