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The it's a loooooong story thread: Support group for epic fan fic writers - poll 6/14 (red)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by spiritgurl, Aug 11, 2004.

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  1. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Hmm...just saw some questions up ahead and thought i'd answer them both right now. lol

    Do you make your story also available in Word for readers to download or do you not think that's necessary?

    Hmm...I never thought about that possibility. lol But I think here is a good enough place to read. :p

    Do you have a website housing your fan fiction saga? If so, do you have any tips or tricks to share? Have you found it helpful having a website as well as posting here?

    Nope, I don't. Not very good at making websites to do that anyway. :p No tips or tricks to share here. Like I said, here is a good enough place. ;)

    edit: And Klis, ADD was written by Agent_Jaid. *raises eyebrow* ...unless you're a sock?
  2. Klis

    Klis Jedi Youngling

    Jan 20, 2004

    Dammit Patrick!! I said I had to log out of the stupid sock!! :p

    ....*looks around guiltily* *slinks off to actually LOG OFF..... hopefully*


  3. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Ah...sorry. [face_blush]
  4. Agent_Jaid

    Agent_Jaid Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 21, 2003

    *messes up your hair* 'Eh, don't take it too hard bro... ;) :p

  5. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    Woohoo, 2,400+ words and done for the night :cool: This thread really is great support :D

    -sj loves kevin spacey
  6. Spike2002

    Spike2002 Former FF-UK RSA and Arena Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 4, 2002
    I have to take a break from writing as I have exam resits to do. It really sucks because I'm overwhelmed with ideas and I'll end up forgetting them by the time I go to write.
  7. spiritgurl

    spiritgurl Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 6, 2003
    The Bothan Jedi asked: What is your epic story about? And please, only go into enough detail to get the point across.

    I meant to say earlier TBJ, that I liked both the titles that you mentiond you had for your fics, "Paladin Squadron" and "War of the Ancients." :)

    To Answer the question: "The Force That Binds" as a saga is going to cover Obi-Wan's life from just prior to The Phantom Menace to sometime before A New Hope... I hope. [face_blush]. The main story of the beginning two "episodes" has revolved around a relationship Obi-Wan rather hesitantly begins with a Coruscant waitress in Episode I, and him very much struggling with his feelings for her. How this is going to go after the first two episodes I cannot yet reveal. ;)

    Along with the romance, I have created some pretty intricate plots going and include a good mix of humor, angst, mystery, action. There are also lots of OCs, occational canon "special guest" appearances, and canon supporting cast (Qui-Gon in Episode I and Ani in Episode II and beyond).

    Darth Elu yeah, I know this is a perfectly good place to read it, but I've also seen here and there people mention that they didn't like going through all the replies, so I thought that could be another option to make things easier for readers.

    solojones woo-hoo! I'll check it out and post sometime today.

    Spike2002 Try making some notes on a pad of paper and putting it aside until you have more time. :)
  8. TheBothanJedi

    TheBothanJedi Jedi Master star 2

    May 16, 2004
    I meant to say earlier TBJ, that I liked both the titles that you mentiond you had for your fics, "Paladin Squadron" and "War of the Ancients."

    Thanks spiritgurl!

    I like idea behind "The Force That Binds", but in general I'm not a huge fan of epic romance fics. I guess I'll just have to look it up and see.

    Eventually I plan to look at all the fics mentioned here, but that will take some time...

    I didn't post this earlyer since it's not a Star Wars fic, but since spiritgurl mantioned an interest I guess I'll give a brief description of "The War of the Ancients".

    "The War of the Ancients" is a Stargate fic I plan to write sometime after I have completed "Paladin Squadron". For those of you not familiar with the Stargate universe, the Ancients are a race of advanced humans that predates modern man by at least a billion years. They explored and colonized this galaxy and several others for thausands of years. They created the Stargates as a way to travel almost instantaniosly beteen their worlds. Despite their advanced technology the ancients soon discovered an enemy even they could not defeat. The Ancients were forced to abandon world after world untill only their homeplanet in the Pagusus galaxy remained. "The War of the Ancients" will deal with their epic struggle to survive against an enemy that was unbeatable and how the survivors finaly found their way back to their most ancient of homeworlds, Earth.
  9. RK_Striker_JK_5

    RK_Striker_JK_5 Force Ghost star 7

    Jul 2, 2003
    That sounds cool, TheBothanJedi.

    For the questions...hmm. I've never made my fic available for anyone in word, and there is a website a friend of mine runs. It's got all my fics, long or short, SW or otherwise.

    And my epic is Three New Sailor Senshi. It's a crossover between the anime Sailor Moon and Star Wars. Specifically, the YJK period.

    And I just usually listen to some hard rocking music to get myself psyched up to write my fic. That, and I do the Dew.
  10. kayladie97

    kayladie97 Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 6, 2003
    TheBothanJedi: What is your epic story about? And please, only go into enough detail to get the point across.

    Well, Sleight of Hand is an AU of ESB and RoTJ, where I pose the question "What would have happened if the Emperor had found Leia as a child and trained her rather than Mara to be his Hand?" I'm exploring how this would have changed Luke's relationship to his sister (although he doesn't know that yet) and to the woman that he falls in love with (Mara).

    The thing is, I'm really struggling with this story right now. I have no intention of abandoning it (not after all this effort!) but I really can't get the inspiration to write on it right now. I'm just stuck at this part that's not really exciting me and I want to get past it so I can get to the stuff that I am excited about, but I don't want to feel like I'm shortchanging this part of the story!

    Any advice for this? It would be much appreciated.

    Oh, and I don't have my own website...I'm not nearly computer savvy enough to do that. I don't even know how to make a link to a Word document. But I do post at also and I usually send RL friends and family there as it's easier to read chapter by chapter. Me, I kind of like all the comments. I was almost as interested in reading the commentary between solojones and Ophelia on her story, Spirit Warriors of Angharad as I was reading the actual story! :p
  11. TheBothanJedi

    TheBothanJedi Jedi Master star 2

    May 16, 2004
    That sounds cool, TheBothanJedi.

    Thanks RK_Striker_JK_5.

    I'm glad that people actually seem to be interested in my ideas. Hopefully that will inspire me to write faster. :D
  12. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    My epic story with MerryWLukefan is "The Inversions Saga." We are on part 1, called The Enemy Within. It's going to be a very long saga.

    It is the story of Luke who has been taught during his Imperial captivity that his sister is the enemy, learning what and who his enemies really are and what he does about it. It will span all three movies of the OT, including parts of the years between.
  13. flowerbee

    flowerbee Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 29, 2004
    Hmm, TKeira_Lea ought to try here.
  14. Arin_Atona

    Arin_Atona Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 10, 2004
    Heh. I think she more needs a support group for dealing with so many insatiable readers [face_laugh]
  15. spiritgurl

    spiritgurl Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 6, 2003
    I'm sure more than a few of us would LOVE to have that problem. :p

  16. Agent_Jaid

    Agent_Jaid Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 21, 2003

    ..and end up feeling guilty? :eek: :p no thanks, I'll pass. ;)

    ...although if I *HAD* to pick a problem... that would probably be it. :p

  17. kristeh

    kristeh Jedi Youngling star 3

    May 24, 2003
    Hi, everyone,

    What is your epic story about? And please, only go into enough detail to get the point across.

    Well, my series, which actually does have a name-the Starting Over series, is another of the "Anakin survives RotJ" fics. It describes how Anakin and the twins struggle to accept the past, how Anakin tries to atone, how he and Luke begin the new Jedi Order in the face of anti-Jedi terrorists, and various missions they take on.

    My new story is called Lost and Found, and it's an intertrilogy AU where Anakin never turned, but joined the Rebellion. After ten years, he returns to his family, but discovers that Padme and Leia are presumed dead and Luke has never been told about him. He and Luke are beginning a quest to find out more about the Padme's and Leia's fate, only to discover a dangerous and hidden enemy with his own plans for the Skywalkers.

    The links to all my stories are in my profile.

    And my stories are on several other sites, but I wouldn't have a clue how to set one up myself. I'm very technically-challenged! :p

  18. Mjsullivan

    Mjsullivan Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 8, 2003
    What is your epic story about? And please, only go into enough detail to get the point across.

    My epic Working in Darkness is an OC-centric story about a young smuggler, and his run ins with the Empire during the post-ANH era. It follows the story of Clip Argentsson, and how he comes to understand the division between loyalty and allegience when his friend is captured by Darth Vader (though we arent up to there yet ;)).

    The story features several OC's, Wedge Antilles & the first ever Rogues, Luke Skywalker, Talon Karrde, Darth Vader, and Airen Cracken, and is currently on a temporary hiatus while i try to find the motivation to keep writing :( It isnt that i've lost faith in my story, just that i havent been in a mood to physically sit down and bash it out in a few weeks. But these things come in waves, i find :)
  19. TheBothanJedi

    TheBothanJedi Jedi Master star 2

    May 16, 2004
    It isnt that i've lost faith in my story, just that i havent been in a mood to physically sit down and bash it out in a few weeks. But these things come in waves, i find

    Ain't it the truth?

    I tend to find I can go weeks between actually sitting down and writing parts of "Paladin Squadron". But when I actually get inspired and start writing I don't want to stop.
  20. flowerbee

    flowerbee Jedi Knight star 5

    Apr 29, 2004
    AA, we are very patient, thank you. We haven't ever, say, threatened to kill her, she obviously has alot to do! Not that we're above posting UPs endlessly or something!
  21. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    My other epic story, Wayward Beings, is based on an original character created by Ophelia. Waqkemé Noori starts out as a spice prospector who is discovered by Qui-Gon Jinn and becomes his first apprentice. This follows her story from her rescue to her death in the Purges.
  22. TheBothanJedi

    TheBothanJedi Jedi Master star 2

    May 16, 2004
    "Starting Over" sounds like a cool story. I'll have to go check it out.
  23. Dev_Binks

    Dev_Binks Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 7, 2003
    What my story's about...

    Well my favorite is about how Anakin and Tahiri get thrown back into TPM, and screw up a lot of stuff... It's fun to write!
  24. poor yorick

    poor yorick Ex-Mod star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jun 25, 2002
    "Spirit Warriors of Angharad" is basically a ripoff of "The Seven Samurai." I've used two down-on-their-luck Jedi instead of seven down-on-their-luck samurai, and instead of defending a village in the middle of nowhere they're defending a planet in the middle of nowhere, and instead of raiding bandits I've got genocidal mercenaries of a corporate conglomerate. Oh--also, it's not the youg, innocent warrior who falls in love and complicates things. ;)

    So, there you have it . . . exactly the same . . . just different. Kinda.


    Heh . . . the characters who are Obi-Wan and Anakin . . . almost. The text at the bottom says, "He who thinks only about himself will destroy himself, too." :cool:

  25. spiritgurl

    spiritgurl Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 6, 2003

    here's a compilation of most of the general questions asked by different posters so far in this thread for those just coming in here now or even those who have been here and may have missed a question or two. ;)

    The Bothan Jedi asked:
    What is your epic story about? And please, only go into enough detail to get the point across.

    dianethx asked:
    So, since we're all here, do you ever feel guilty that you haven't posted often or soon enough?

    ophelia asked:
    How do you guys force/bribe/mind trick yourselves into sitting down to an epic length fic when you really don't feel like it?

    solojones asked:
    How long have you been writing your current long story? How many words is it currently? How much left to go? How many words/posts do you write a week? Do you stay ahead a few posts? What's your favourite thing to do when you get frustrated/go insane from long fic stress?

    spiritgurl asked:
    So, that being said, anybody want to chat about the trials and tribulations of writing a long story? Or tell us about a story you're working on right now, in the future, or in the past?

    Have you finished a particularly long fan fic? If so, how long? Please post about it so that those of us in the middle of a massive, gigantic, enormous, gargantuan hunk of fan fic will know that we're not crazy and it can be done.

    Do you make your story also available in Word for readers to download or do you not think that's necessary?

    Do you have a website housing your fan fiction saga? If so, do you have any tips or tricks to share? Have you found it helpful having a website as well as posting here?

    I'm reposting this in the first post as well to help get people started. Let me know if I missed any you think I should add. :)


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