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Reviews Books The JC Lit Reviews Special: FORCE HERETIC I: REMNANT(REMNANT spoilers)

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Caine, Jan 28, 2003.

  1. Caine

    Caine Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 3, 2002

    Counting 53 reviews.

    JC Lit Average Rating of REMNANT = 439.01/53 ~ 8.28/10
  2. jaya02

    jaya02 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 12, 2002
    correction, one lightsaber fight.

    I don't consider cutting off someone's arm very quickly, and deflecting one blaster shot a lightsaber fight. Difference of opinion, I guess.
  3. The Gatherer

    The Gatherer Jedi Youngling star 6

    Aug 2, 1999
    Shane, thanks for the praise for the site!
  4. lightsaber_wielder

    lightsaber_wielder Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 24, 2002
    I'll review the book by sections:

    Sad. To see the Barabels wiped out like this was depressing. But I thought it was good to include this at the start because, although there was the recent victory at Ebaq 9, the Yuuzhan Vong are still a present and real threat. Saba killing off her own people by accident seemed weird, as she should have sensed them through the Force, despite what other emotions she was feeling.

    This was a great set up for the rest of the book. Lot's of nice references (like Kyle Katarn and Melida/Daan), as well as some interesting characters who normally don't get enough attention. The meeting of the Jedi was, for once, not another philosophical debate on the Force and in fact and interesting gathering of ideas on what to do next. Tahiri's story is really interesting here, especially her belief of Anakin wanting her dead and her whole inner conflict. Very well written indeed. Jaina is great. Jag is finally being handled well and becoming more interesting. Also, nice tidbits about the Unknown Regions! :D Nom Anor's plot is just being set up, but the NJO continuity errors are pretty dodgy.

    I must say I was disappointed in this section. It didn't seem to have the pace that the rest of the book did. Things slowed down a bit on Galantos and in the Remnant. Still, Tahiri's story maintains its appeal and so do some of the other characters. The telling of the Vua Rapuung story was really cool, as was Nom Anor. Jacen is cool here. I think it's awesome to see him recognise a calling in diplomacy. Saba is becoming more of a prominent character too, and I'm finding her a pretty interesting one at that.

    Not much to write here (mainly because I can't remember what happened - mental blank). The Yevetha being destroyed is another one of those reminders about the Vong's continuing power. The mystery man was cool. Pellaeon is great. I think it was this section where he had his 'the Empire will always strike back line.' Amazing. By the way, how does Tahiri know about the Ryn? I didn't care for Saba's mission into the slave ship very much.

    Interesting name for the section, as it doesn't seem to relate to it at all. Well, looks like everything's set for Refugee. The decision of Pellaeon to join the Galactic Alliance was cool, and it's good to see him out of the bacta tank. I've been wondering where the Imperial SSD was through all these battles? Anyway, Han and Leia heading off for Bakura should be very interesting and cool. Hopefully we'll find out more about the Ryn spy network. Nom Anor's decision was really appropriate. I like the name he chose. Yu'shaa, meaning 'The Prophet.'

    Great concluding chapter. Finally, an explanation as to why they are searching for Zonama Sekot in the Unknown Regions. Luke's stumbling upon Jacen and Danni just goes to show that the pair seem to be getting closer. Mara was really great in Remnant, by the way. The heroes are on their way again.

    All in all, a great book with obvious effot put into it. It's great to see authors who really research their EU and make references to it. The characterisations were really well done, and the improvement on Jaina was definitely handled well. Tahiri was really well written, and I can't wait to see what's happening with her. Her situation has actually been warming me up to the idea of Anakin returning.

    My rating: 8.5 out of 10.

    For comparison:

    Vector Prime: 8.5/10
    Onslaught: 8.5/10
    Ruin: 8/10
    Hero's Trial: 8/10
    Jedi Eclipse: 7.5/10
    Balance Point: 7/10
    Conquest: 9.5/10
    Rebirth: 9/10
    Star by Star: 10/10
    Dark Journey: 7.5/10
    Rebel Dream: 8.5/10
    Rebel Stand: 8/10
    Traitor: 9.5/10
    Destiny's Way: 9.75/10
  5. Caine

    Caine Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 3, 2002

    Counting 54 reviews.

    JC Lit Average Rating of REMNANT = 447.51/54 ~ 8.29/10
  6. Excellence

    Excellence Jedi Knight star 7

    Jul 28, 2002
    I've finally finished Remnant . . . and while it was a book you couldn't stop till the back cover was reached, I'm afraid I have to give a 7.

    Its page count and decent cover art gave readers a good purchase, though I'm curious to know who named the book. Arrrrgh, another one-worder!

    There's a major spoiler for Refuge thrown in, which is mighty ridicuous of Del Rey. By stating one plot is off to Bakura, and showing us the Refuge cover in advance, we know that's most definitely a Ssi-ruuk depicted. Coupled with the knowledge that the Vong are focusing of their enemy's old enemies, as seen in the Yevetha, and you know who the heros will be meeting in Refuge.

    It would have been nice to be surprised and not forewarned, which knowing Refuge's cover has somewhat spoiled . . .

    Um, the Yevetha had "thousands" of warships, right? Combined with their relentless ruthlessness, sheer technical efficiency and enhanced deflector shields, they were still obliterated? The Vong taskforce wasn't showed as too strong, and even surprised as the Yevetha were . . . still.

    Finally! We know how many invasion years it's been. If the Yevetha were said to be twelve years ago, then it's been three since the invasion began. Recent NJO novels have been too vague in that regard.

    Jaina and Jag's romance is just what was needed in their interpersonal relationship, and was great to see. It's time to show them moving forward, which was done well, while Jacen is getting a few lines with Danni here and there. That's okay; they only just reunited.

    Ah, suddenly Saba and Cilghal are Jedi Masters? They weren't a book ago . . . :D

    Will Luke and Mara ever get to see their baby Ben speak his first word, or start crawling?

    Okay, Walter Williams did say his New Republic Super Star Destroyer in the last pages of Destiny's Way was thrown in for the heck of it; but the Imperial one was there. Where was it? Forgotten, it seems. But there's still two more Force Heretic books to go! :D

    Was Barab 1 entirely in flames, as Ithor was? Surely not every Barabel was packed in that balloon? A planet has billions, yes?

    It seems as though every second book has to annhilate a planetary population and its species. Remnant gave us three more: Rutan, Belderone and N'zoth. That's horrific!

    There are two ways of writing---show or tell---and the use of telling the Battle of Borosk ending was a grievious mistake, I have to say. :D It was a pivotal moment that helped turn the table, and from Pellaeon's viewpoint it was simply "told" to us. Very undramatic and passive; I thought "showing" was always encouraged in writing?

    The scene where Defiant went for the yammosk vessel should have been shown in action. Simply telling what happens is an easy and "cheating" way to do something. Not fair!

    Flennic was a true Imperial, and Jacen was portrayed well as a mature, wiser than his age young man. The power plays between Pellaeon and his Mofflings were the best.

    Just one thing really annoyed me, and that was the writing of Remnant. Evergence and Orphans are magnificant books, so what happened with Remnant? Why was almost every character's name written in full? We know Luke is Jacen's uncle, we know who his parent's are. The book was very abundant with reminders of who was related to who.

    And finally, what was with Saba? She's thinking of Luke as Master Skywalker, then down the page as Master Luke. Everyone was thought of as formally by her. It was a gradual annoyance. Instead of his collegue as just Cilghal, for example, it had to be Master Cilghal every time.

    Overall . . . the plot was great, Refuge has to come out faster, but I found the writing halting and quite disappointing. I still have to read Orphans of Earth on my shelf . . . and that's a great trilogy so far!
  7. jaya02

    jaya02 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 12, 2002
    what's wrong with Jedi calling other Jedi by their titles? isn't it a sign of respect?
  8. Caine

    Caine Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 3, 2002

    Counting of 55 reviews.

    JC Lit Average Rating of REMNANT = 454.51/55 ~ 8.26/10
  9. Excellence

    Excellence Jedi Knight star 7

    Jul 28, 2002
    Jaya02, not when they've known each other for years. It's awkward and conspicuous, say, to call your classmate Mr Simpson, instead of Homer. Remnant seems to say both the names almost all the times, Homer Simpson, rather than just the first or second name. :D

    For example . . .
    "Yes," Luke Skywalker said.

    Rather than . . .
    "Yes," Luke said.
    "Yes," Skywalker said.
  10. jaya02

    jaya02 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 12, 2002
    Well, yeah, but the "Luke Skywalker said" part is a part of the narrative, not a character's point of view, necessarily.
  11. Excellence

    Excellence Jedi Knight star 7

    Jul 28, 2002
    Possibly. But it's still annoying to see a character's full name almost every single entry. I don't think they did that for the Evergence books, but for the Orphans books it was okay as there were many "duplicate" characters, to avoid confusion.

    Yes, some characters like Pellaeon would see Luke as Skywalker, others as more familiar Luke; but to think of someone as Master Skywalker each time? They all know each other, you know. :D
  12. jaya02

    jaya02 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 12, 2002
    Yes, but you're still not getting what I'm saying! The "Luke Skywalker said" part is narrative, not a character's point of view or mind set.
  13. Excellence

    Excellence Jedi Knight star 7

    Jul 28, 2002
    I know, Jaya. But be that as it may, the full names are used nearly every single time.
  14. DarthLeia

    DarthLeia Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 15, 2002
    I liked it. Jacen is showing some maturity
    and letting other people have their own opions.
    I give it a 9/10
  15. Danny_Quee

    Danny_Quee Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 14, 2002
    Yay! I finally finished Remnant.

    Overall I thought it was good, but it had some problems holding my attention, in fact, I started reading another book while reading Remnant. I feel it could have used some more action and suspense. The only moments I found particularly exciting or suspenseful were Danni and Saba's mission on the slaveship and Han, Leia, and Tahiri's escape from Galantos.

    But don't get me wrong, I thought the Nom Anor and Tahiri storylines were very interesting and I can't wait to see how they go, but within Remnant itself they don't have that much action or suspense.

    I enjoyed the characterizations for the most part. I really like the way Dix and William's write from the different characters' perspectives, the characters all feel different one another. Especially with Tahiri and Saba, I really felt like I was in their heads, and they're very different from the other characters (the Anakin's mother, etc, stuff from Tahiri is a small example of this).

    But I didn't enjoy all the characters. Jag Fel seems to have won over a number of fans with Remnant, but I still can't get into him. I also didn't like reading the parts from Pellaeon's point of view, especially the battle of Borosk from the bacta tank, that didn't work for me. I loved Pellaeon with the Moff Council at the end though.

    I wish Han had more scenes in Remnant. I also would have liked more Jacen scenes, though I thought the parts with him were done well. As you may know or guess I'm a big fan of a Jacen/Danni relationship, and I thought it was handled well in Remnant, but I would have liked more scenes with those two together. I hope that their relationship develops in a meaningful, intelligent way in the rest of the books. I'd be disappointed if they just turn into goofy teenagers who makeout in a conference room whenever they can. And, on a kinda related note, I liked Danni in Remnant but I wished we could have had some scenes from her perspective. I think that would make her a more developed character and develop her relationship with Jacen better.

    I was also bothered by some of the continuity problems in the book.

    I liked the length, even if it took me a while to finish. I hope the final two books of the trilogy are as long. I liked how Remnant felt like the first book of a trilogy, with storylines that will continue throughout the Force Heretic books. I found the duologies disappointing in that respect, the books always seemed kinda unrelated to me.

    So, I'm definately looking forward to the remainder of the trilogy, and I think Remnant was a pretty good start.

    I'll give it a 7.9/10.

    I haven't done any previous reviews like this and I'm not good at giving a number rating to stuff, so I'll just say it ranks below RD and Traitor, above RS and DJ, and about equal with DW, maybe a bit higher.
  16. JacenHornSolo

    JacenHornSolo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 29, 2002
    Oh. I didn't see this thread before.

    I'll start off at the very beginning (a very good place to start...)

    The opening scenario with Saba just didn't feel right for me.
    Very true. I didn't understand Shane, and Sean's love of her. They focused on one person, and ignored some other's.
    Although, I have to admit the character development for Pellaeon was fantastic.

    They're pushing the classic characters (Luke, Leia, Han) off to the side, as well. The book wouldn't have been any different had any of them remained on Mon Cal.
    Also, I'm upset with how Han is turning out. He's becoming this super-predictable, whitewashed, ruffien (buy yours today!), and it's almost unejoyable.
    Leia, is Leia. And that will hopefully never change.

    I like the missions both of the teams are on.

    Jag and Jania are cool.

    I worry about Tahiri. As a believer of Anakin's return I will say that her condition is only going to get worse in this trilogy.

    As for the Ryn being involved. Is there any other novel that mentions them greatly? (Or even partly?) Aside from the NJO books. Mystery Man didn't say it was just the Ryn. Just that the Ryn were involved. Mystery Man? No idea. I don't care, either. I can wait til the last book to find out.
    btw, has anyone else ever noticed that Droma's (Han's temporary copilot) name is the same as the "last" name of Ulic-Quel Droma, the long deceased Jedi Master? Just a random thought, kinda like Antilles..

    Saba, she did some cool stuff, and she's learning more as she goes along. Oh, but wait, didn't she already learn that? Remembering an old lesson hardly counts for learning something.
    Hunt the moment... And while you're at it, "Hunt the past.." to find the Jedi you were months ago.
    (Sorry, I must not like Saba..)

    Tekli. She did a good job. When has it mentioned before, that she wasn't strong in the force?

    Mara. Awesome as always.
    Does anyone know where I can find a picture of Jade Shadow? Whoever it's drawn/created by.

    Jacen. (I didn't mean to go into a character listing, but it happened anyway... oh well.)
    I'm sorry to say I'm upset that he's falling for Danni. (again)
    Jacen is still my favorite character, anyway. I love him! (in a platonic way, I assure you)
    The Jacen Solo Fan Club

    Wow! The Empire. They still kick butt!
    I remember someone saying, though, if we ever need a bad guy, there's always the Imps. Well not anymore my friends. Excuse me, this coming from a non-writer (no imagination up here *knocks on head, hallow sound resonates*), but what are we going to do for a villian once the New Jedi Order series is over?! The Yuuzhan Vong are the Greatest threat the galaxy has ever faced. On anybody's part. I understand there will be plenty of books around prequel time, and prior. But personally, I don't care. I want post ROTJ stuff! I want to see the New Jedi Order become established! Maybe have a Jedi Apprentice series, when Jacen is Qui-Gon's age. I don't know. Something.. something that will keep them alive.

    I don't remember the Moff council being in such disarry.
    Also, Gilad said they'd be leaving some defense at each of their planets. Now, I don't know anything about war. But why leave any defense at all (except for planetary defenses, that is defenses based on the planet), when you can just take your whole navy, and wipe out somebody elses? By the time you finish, (which would be quick for the Empire) nobody would have had a chance to come onto your turf.

    Luke and Mara are being flakey parents. Leaving Ben on the far side of the galaxy. What is the pressing danger that he couldn't be on Mon Calimari?! And why couldn't he have come on their mission?! Gah! (as if my ranting will change anything. anywhere.)

    (Side Note: You know, I was worried that I wouldn't have a lot to type...)

    No lightsaber action! Except for Tahiri running across a parking lot, and Jacen testing his to see if it still works.. it was pathetic.

    Everything else was grea
  17. Kyp_

    Kyp_ Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 17, 2002
    You forgot the rating, JacenHornSolo(sorry if i made a mistake in your nick)
  18. jaya02

    jaya02 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 12, 2002
    I know, Jaya. But be that as it may, the full names are used nearly every single time.

    Nope. I remember reading a full page without any full names. Would you like me to post it so that I can prove you wrong?
  19. Caine

    Caine Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 3, 2002

    Counting 57 reviews.

    JC Lit Average Rating of REMNANT = 471.41/57 ~ 8.27/10
  20. JacenHornSolo

    JacenHornSolo Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jan 29, 2002
    Sorry, I did forget.

    Anywho. I give it 7.4

    EDIT: Typo
  21. Excellence

    Excellence Jedi Knight star 7

    Jul 28, 2002
    I know, Jaya. But be that as it may, the full names are used nearly every single time.

    Nope. I remember reading a full page without any full names. Would you like me to post it so that I can prove you wrong?

    Why not just say the page number, rather than post it? No, just kidding! I said "nearly" every single time. :D
  22. Kyp_

    Kyp_ Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 17, 2002
    Anywho. I give it 7.4

    How exactly did you arrive at the .4?
  23. The Gatherer

    The Gatherer Jedi Youngling star 6

    Aug 2, 1999
    TF.N Books have posted their review of 'NJO: Force Heretic I - Remnant'.

    Listening to the Sean Williams / Shane Dix interview over at last night... they mention that someone in the TFN Literature Forums has acurately predicted the future storyline for Tahiri, but they won't say who (for obvious reasons). Pretty funky! :)
  24. J_K_DART

    J_K_DART Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 31, 2001
    Hmm, wonder if it'll be me! :D
  25. Excellence

    Excellence Jedi Knight star 7

    Jul 28, 2002
    You're kidding? Someone did? Walter also said that for speculating the new Jedi Council membership, someone got it right, too.

    I wonder who got Tahiri right here? Okay, calling all bounty hunter scum: 5000 Republic credits to the one who finds this person or persons, dead or alive.

    I prefer . . . alive.