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The Jedi Trials - A Welsh Fan-Film

Discussion in 'Archive: FF:UK - Wales' started by Welshguy, Jan 19, 2003.

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  1. Welshguy

    Welshguy Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 2, 2002
    Ok people, here it is. For many months now, myself and Fall-on-Jin have been secretly working on a possible Welsh fan-film. After what seems like years slaving away in front of a hot computer I have managed to come up with what we believe to be one of the most original, story/character driven and compelling scripts that has ever been written in relation to a Star Wars fan-film. We feel that its strength are that it manages to go beyond the usuall forest/Jedi Master/two Padawan's/Darth Maul a-typical fan-film story and bring something new and exciting to the Fan-Film universe (like a plot and actual spoken words!!!).

    Currently the pre-production of the fan-film is going amazing well. I have all the hardware and software that will be needed for a porject of this kind (Sony VX-1000 camera, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects) and I even shot some test footage last weekend.

    If anyone out there is interested in the story, then please allow me to expand a little for you. It follows the mission of two Padawan learners who are nearing the end of their training and are undertaking the Jedi trials. These two wannabe Jedi's are Anakin Skywalker and Dai Champ (we really need some suggestions on the name of that character....). The basic story is one of slaves, betrayal, destiny, evil and anger. I can't really go into any more detail here without giving too much of the story away, but if anyone is interested and would like to read more just drop me an e and I will be happy to send you a script.

    Now we come to the real point of this post.

    We need good men and women who can help in this production of what I believe is the first ever Welsh fan-film. The two main parts (Anakin and Dai) have already been cast and Tantiv has agreed to bring his amazing combat knowledge on board (Thank you God!). So what we really need are people who would like to be part of this (hopefully) fun project, people who would like to be part of this movie. So if you have any experience in actin, makeup, camera use, sound, lighting, set design etc then please gt in touch with me and we can sort something out. Even if you don't have any experience then you are still more than welcome to be part of the team. We really need as many people on board as possible if we are to show the world that no-one makes movies quite as good the WELSH!

    So come on my fellow Welsh posters, together we can create something truly special.

    What do you say?
  2. TK_Four_Two_One

    TK_Four_Two_One Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 17, 2002
    I would love to- though I live in Northern Ireland! :(
  3. Fall-on-Jin

    Fall-on-Jin Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 22, 2001
    Welshguy has pretty much explained everything we want known at the moment, and after reading this script I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this is something completely origional, And if the right amount of work is put in we should have a fanfilm like no other. However, there are a few minor glitches we need straightened out, but otherwise we are on track. I've listed what we need below, and if you could help please drop me or Welshguy an e.


    CG artist - We need someone who can animate space ships, and possibly a building or two.

    Extras (slaves) - We do need a lot of extras (at least 20 slaves), however, costumes for these should be simple enough, torn, old, dirty clothes with no labels or brand names visible.

    Masks - As the star wars universe is large and filled with many species, we will need more than just humans as the slaves. If anyone has a don post mask or has access to coloured make up, or perhaps even a custom design, again please drop us an email.

    That is all at this time, Again we Galdly appreciate any help and may the force be with you all.

    **NOTE TO 501ST MEMBERS: Unfortunately, we do not need costumes from you guys as this is a prequel era film, however we may seek your assistance in a possible future projec.t

  4. death-sticks

    death-sticks Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 15, 2002
    that's a really good idea! [face_laugh]

    i wish i could help, but the shipping would cost too much.... :(
  5. Welshguy

    Welshguy Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 2, 2002
    Ok, first off a big thank you to Fall-on-Jin for taking my mad ramblings and translating them into English. From his post you will see the kind of skills and people that we badly need for this fan-film.

    If there is anyone out there that would like to be a part of this exciting project (several main acting parts still up for grabs!) then please do drop either myself or Fall-on-Jin a line.

    A quick note though. If you don't live in this country and have no intention of travelling here, I would prefer it if we could get some replies other than "live far away - Don't ever want to go to Wales". While we appreatiate your honesty, its not really the kind of positive feedback we had been banking on.
  6. odj_310388

    odj_310388 Jedi Knight star 5

    May 30, 2002
    CG artist - Get in contact with Lone_Padawan. I am friends with him and he will be able to help you out in that area. Seccond, is there going to be a lightsaber fight in it? If so, then you will need a rotoscopist. I can help out there. Even if you have already got someone to do it. I can take a bit of strain off their shoulders.


    TANTIV Jedi Knight star 6

    May 2, 2001
    Of course there is thats what i`ve been brought in for :D Stunt man/Swords man
  8. Welshguy

    Welshguy Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 2, 2002
    odj_310388 - Thanks for the heads up. There will be quite a few shots that will require CG. Planets (from space) spcae ships, buildings, Jedi Tenmple, etc. If you could do me a big favour and post Lone_Padawan's email to me I would be very grateful.

    There will be lightsabers in this movie (hey, this is Star Wars!) but I've seen that the lightsaber has become the subsitute for a decent story in most fan-films, so I have taken the unusuall step of only having a few (essential) scenes that feature a lightsaber, allowing us and the viewer to concentrate more on the story, rather than the pretty special effects. However Some input and help with the lightsaber scenes we do have would be a BIG bonus, so i'm going to have to take up up on your very kind offer. Where abouts in Wales do you live?

    Tantiv - With your skills with a lightsaber i'm pretty sure that even Count Dooku himself would wet his pants like a little girl. How good are you with stunts by the way? Theres one scene where Anakin is required to do a double sommersault off a small building, ending with him landing on his feet, having slived two guards in half. Would love to hear your input on that one!
  9. Fall-on-Jin

    Fall-on-Jin Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 22, 2001
    my guess that there will have to be a CG replacement involved in the ani-jump-slicey-guard scene, allthough this can be done well if it is made blurry perhaps.

    aslo, how good is the CG? sometimes ive seen stuff that would easily fit into the special edition in terms of quality, and others ive seen are like floating boxes with horrible colour scemes and no attention to lighting, or worse still humungous shadows that blacken everything
  10. TANTIV

    TANTIV Jedi Knight star 6

    May 2, 2001
    Thats easy enough trampet into sommersalt onto Crash mat then cut in the scene of you landing on you feet typical movie cut.

    a long time since i did a sommersalt
  11. odj_310388

    odj_310388 Jedi Knight star 5

    May 30, 2002
    so i'm going to have to take up up on your very kind offer. Where abouts in Wales do you live?

    I live in Carmarthen, south wales. Where are you situated?
  12. Welshguy

    Welshguy Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 2, 2002
    ODJ - I live in the Rhondda Valley, but work (which basicly means live) in Pontypridd. How much experience have you had with the old lightsaber rotoscoping stuff?

    Tantiv - Thats a good idea with the sommerssault and cut away to Anakin landing on his feet. Idealy I would want to have as little CG as possible in the movie, as it means a much more straight forward and easy shoot for everyone involved. I believe that if we can do something with real people and camera trickery instead of CG, then thats the way we should do it.

    Why do I have the feeling that George Lucas is about to strike me down with a CG ILM lightning bolt????

  13. odj_310388

    odj_310388 Jedi Knight star 5

    May 30, 2002
    How much experience have you had with the old lightsaber rotoscoping stuff?

    Well I would love to show you a clip of something, but I have no good fottage to work with, here is a small clip I made, its with my crappy 15 fps camera. And here is a recent picture of one of my lightsaber techniques.
  14. Terra

    Terra Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 25, 2000
    I can act and I can organise ;)

    I live in Penarth, near Cardiff - count me in.
  15. Welshguy

    Welshguy Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 2, 2002
    Tarra - Good to have you on the team. Looks like were getting a nice little group together here, though we still need as many people as possible, so don't be shy everyone. I sent you an e containing the script so after you read it I hope you will still be part of this project ;)
    Any particular role grab your eye in this movie? I'll grant you, there arnt that many (only 3 main characters and around 4 secondary characters - 2 main characters already cast), but what are are vital to the story and could be quite fun to play.

    OBJ - I'll send you a copy of the script also. Let me know what you think of the scenes that will need CGI.

    Tantiv - I can sense how cool the combat scenes are going to be already! Can you feel that???? Thats the thrill of anticipation man.

    Fall-On-Jin - Once we got a few more "core" members of the group together, we shall have to organise some kind of meet up to discuss this project. Probably in Cardiff, as its the easiest place to get to. What do you think?
  16. Fall-on-Jin

    Fall-on-Jin Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 22, 2001
    A meetup sounds cool, Allthough there is one *slight* problem. As i am 16, my GCSEs are coming up so i might not have much free time utill the end of May (but of course I can attend meet ups and stuff). Come on people! Im sure there are plenty of people itching to be in a star wars film! tell your friends, family and neighbours!
  17. toochilled

    toochilled Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 17, 2000
    Put me down as an extra!

    Look's like my sisters moving to Swansea soon so I'll have a place to crash too :D

    Plus, I gotta see Tantiv and his legendary swordsmanship! :p

    CGI-BOBAFENT Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 5, 2002
    I live in Somerset Engaland so not that far away if I go across the bridge.

    I'm trying [desperately!]to get into prop making - just wondered what exactly you'll need because providing I can get my art course done at the same time I'll be totally willing to help in that department or even set construction - plus it'll be a nice extra to go in my portfolio.

  19. odj_310388

    odj_310388 Jedi Knight star 5

    May 30, 2002
    I'll send you a copy of the script also. Let me know what you think of the scenes that will need CGI.

    Thanks. Its and I am no good at CGI its Lone_Padawan that is good at it, but he is a bit shy. Here is his user.

    Oh and by the way its. ODJ not OBJ. Lots of people get that wrong. But its ok. ;)
  20. Welshguy

    Welshguy Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 2, 2002
    Ok, now were really starting to get somewhere. Good to see that the word is spreading and we got some good people willing to help out.

    ODJ - Sorry about the mix up. I think I sent the script to Lone_Padawan anyway? But i'll send you both one, just to be sure.

    CGI-BOBAFENT - Very interesting, very interesting indeed. Well first off we would need two lightsabers of course, after all, a Jedi without a lightsaber is just David Blane in a tunic. Theres some other stuff that we will need, there's a "cattle-prod" type weapon that the guards use on the slaves. Kind of like a stun/restraint type device. Then theres a computer teminal that Ani and Dai use on the space ship. Actualy, thinking about it, theres quite a few things that if done well could grately enhance the visual impact of the movie. I tell you what, i'll just send you the script and you can read through it and see if it gets your creative juices flowing.

    Toochilled - Excellent. I'll put your name down on my little database and look forward to working with you soon. Have you had any experience in acting before?

    Fall-On-Jin - Things are progressing well, the force is indeed with us. Soon we will have a film crew the likes of which have never been seen! Role on Spring/Summer thats what I say.
    I shouldn't worry too much about the meet up if I were you. It would probably only be for a couple of hours on a weekend some time.
  21. Terra

    Terra Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 25, 2000
    Script looks good but some of the dialogue could use a bit of rewording, in my opinion.

    Just to give you a little background on myself, as requested in the E-mail...

    I'm 17 (Acting age is much older) with a fair amount of acting experience - I'm also an English A level student ad I've written a few scripts myself, so I'd volunteer to head up a small group to give the script a look-over.

    I hope this does go ahead - you'll forgive me for being cynical but I've seen many such projects here fall by the way-side :(
  22. Welshguy

    Welshguy Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 2, 2002
    Terra - I agree you with on the script, it does need a little ironing out. Its by no means perfect, after all there is no real subsitute for a read through by actors or the input of someone impartial. What may look like a really cool and powerful piece of dialog on paper often sounds boring and long winded when spoken out loud. But thats why i'm sending sout the script to people and asking them to submit any comments they may have, so if anyone has any, then please do tell.

    But the big question has to be the story itself. Do you think its any good and is it strong enough to be made into a movie? Honest opinions please :)

    Terra - I read your alternative take on the second chapter. I think there are deffinatly some bits in there we can use, such as the fight scene between Dai and Ani/Vader (some excellent dialog by the way), but Ani being Vader doesn't fit in with the "Jedi Trails" time line/story arch. However it has given me alot of ideas regarding the slaves and Anakin's return to Cairis. Any other thoughts on the second chapter?
  23. GrandMoffTarkin

    GrandMoffTarkin Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 22, 2001
    Hey. I posted in the thread on the general discussion board and I've talked to Fall-on-Jin and Welshguy over email. Just thought I'd poke my head round this door and say hello. I'm hoping to do (some of) the CGI. :D

    While I'd also love to do some acting in it too, distance and lack of transport mean that's a wee bit unlikely.
  24. TANTIV

    TANTIV Jedi Knight star 6

    May 2, 2001
    all i need now are some dates and what you want and im ready to rock and roll
  25. Welshguy

    Welshguy Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 2, 2002
    Tantiv - We are hoping to beging shooting around May/June, which given the Welsh weather is the only time we could shoot it. From the script you can probably see the kind of stuff we need, there's the obvious lightsaber skills that myself and Fall-on-Jin will need to learn. Then theres a couple of jumps and roles that will need your expert input as well as the general combat scenes. But what I really need from you to make this movie rock is to make myself and Fall-on-Jin "appear" experts with the lightsabers, although their not in there much, where they are I want the viewer to think "God damn, those guys can swing a man laser sword". Can it be done?

    GrandMoffTarkin - Hi man, good to see you here. If theres any chance that you can get up here aroun May or June time then i'm sure that i'll be able to find a part for you in the movie.
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