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Characters The Jedi Way - Jedi Discussion Thread - Jedi and the Force in The Clone Wars

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by The_Jedi_Index, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Robes are nice on a cold or hostile planet and should be quite useful for Jedi protecting them from the elements, for sleeping and more.


  2. FelsGoddess

    FelsGoddess Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 5, 2004
    I guess because robes blend in, as mentioned above. Or they are cheap to make and the Jedi aren't rolling in funds.

    But that doesn't explain all the skimpy dressed Jedi females.
  3. ardavenport

    ardavenport Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2004

    I kind of like that explanation.

    DON'T care for the Ahsoka in bondage idea. :rolleyes: Geeez, her outfit is impractical enough already. Lady Gaga wouldn't be caught dead in that.

    Jedi obviously make allowances for culture and simple anatomy in their very loose dress code. I suppose that could account for the variations. Even the skimpy ones. But I don't think that cost has anything to do with the robes -- as plain as they are Jedi robes are still made out of that miracle GFFA fabric that goes from sopping wet to perfectly dry in less than two minutes.

  4. Darthbane2007

    Darthbane2007 Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 31, 2007
    I assume that most Jedi seem to dress the same as their culture...
  5. ardavenport

    ardavenport Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2004
    Yes, Jedi are culturally sensitive. There are also probably physical reason for some species to wear or not wear some things. But I'm sure that even Aayla Secura has a robe.

    Yes! Finished that ATOC Anakin style robe for CV! looks nice in a lighter color. Aaaaaah, I do like my Jedi robes. :)

  6. Darthbane2007

    Darthbane2007 Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 31, 2007
    One thing I do wonder is why do Jedi wear their robes/clothing all the time? Why not wear something that's a little more functional?
  7. ardavenport

    ardavenport Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2004
    I suppose their clothes are traditional, though they can vary a bit.

    The style of Jedi clothes is fairly practical. Sturdy, plain fabric. Loose fit that allows for a full range of motion. Solid boots and accessories. The robes are probably meant to allow for Jedi to blend in a crowd in a one-size-fits-all kind of way.

    I also assume that Jedi clothes are made out of miracle GFFA fabric that is comfortable in all temperatures and goes from soaking wet to completely dry in less than 2 minutes. Like Luke, Leia and Han's clothes right after they got out of the trash compactor on the Death Star.

  8. Jedi_Master_Cazz

    Jedi_Master_Cazz Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 13, 2005
    Like in Back to the Future!

    Computerised Voice in Jacket: (v.o) Drying mode on. Jacket drying.

    There's a beep.

    Computerised Voice in Jacket: (v.o) Your jacket is now dry.
  9. The_Jedi_Index

    The_Jedi_Index Jedi Youngling

    May 28, 2006
    Well, this seems like a good time to bring this up......

    The Clone Wars cartoon is running a very Jedi-centric 3-part episode about balance in the Force, Anakin and the Chosen One prophecy. Any opinions?

    So far the highlight for me is Liam Neeson doing a cameo voice as a Qui-Gon vision for Obi-Wan. :D
  10. matt0812

    matt0812 Jedi Master star 1

    Jul 10, 2010
    Could someone tell me what punishment was like, say a Jedi made a careless move or something.
  11. ardavenport

    ardavenport Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2004
    I don't recall punishment ever being mentioned in the Saga or the Clone Wars cartoons. Don't know much about most of the EU books. Punishment isn't really mentioned in the Jedi Apprentice books.

    I seriously doubt that Jedi 'punish' in any conventional sense. I would expect that any action taken would be completely aimed at encouraging the perpetrator from doing whatever they did again. There would be a lot of talking and support from other Jedi and perhaps some significant deeds to do.

    In ROTS, Obi-Wan tells Anakin that he has failed him. I am sure that is part of Jedi ways, that if a padawan screws up, the master is considered to have failed as well.
  12. mrjop2

    mrjop2 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jun 6, 2007
    What about when Obi-Wan warns Anakin that he will be expelled from the Jedi Order if he allowed his feelings for Padme to interfere with their objective in capturing Count Dooku? That scene from AOTC at the very end after Padme fell off the ship while the persude the count.

    That tends to let me think that there is some form of punishment. I don't know what being expelled from the order details.
  13. matt0812

    matt0812 Jedi Master star 1

    Jul 10, 2010
    well in short, I'm writing a novel about a Jedi Sentinel that was careless and caused the death of two people. The council decides to assign him to a mission on Tatooine, where due to his regret from the previous mission and the experiance on Tatooine, he begins to border on the Dark Jedi path. Wasn't sure if that kind of story would be of interest with anyone.
  14. mrjop2

    mrjop2 Jedi Knight star 4

    Jun 6, 2007
    That sounds like a reasonable and believable Star Wars scenario.
  15. Corellian_Ale

    Corellian_Ale Manager Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 3, 2008
    sounds interesting matt0812.
  16. Luna_Nightshade

    Luna_Nightshade Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 25, 2006
    I don't recall any text that shows a definite list of prescribed punishments for certain things. I imagine they have a list of no-no's, and if what you did falls in a certain category the Council decides what to do about you. I'm guessing it works a lot like Supreme Court decisions on precedent--if people were expelled for x, y, or z in the past, you will be too, even if it isn't written down somewhere.

    That's why they have Yoda. :)
  17. matt0812

    matt0812 Jedi Master star 1

    Jul 10, 2010
    thanks for the support everyone, I'm not sure what the best era would be to put it in. I was thinking old republic, but I'm a little inexperianced with that era. or mabye about 20 years before the saga, but then I'm not sure if I would be stepping on feet making a dark jedi so close to those events.
  18. ardavenport

    ardavenport Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2004
    The earlier in time you go, the more freedom you have, I think. If you have a dark Jedi too close to the Saga era, it might look a little similar to the Saga.
  19. The_Jedi_Index

    The_Jedi_Index Jedi Youngling

    May 28, 2006
    The new season of 'The Clone Wars' will start up again next week, so I though I'd bring up my earlier question. Has any of the new Jedi stuff in The Clone Wars cartoon affected how you see the Jedi and the Force?

    They've had quite a lot of 'Force visions' in the last season, between light an dark -- Including a welcome flashback with Qui=Gon (and Liam Neeson's voice :) ). I do wonder if the Jedi weren't out (unintentionally) fighting the Sith's war, if they would prefer to be a bit more contemplative.

  20. The_Jedi_Index

    The_Jedi_Index Jedi Youngling

    May 28, 2006
    With the move upon us ..... hmmmmm where have heard that before?[face_whistling];) .... it seems to be a good idea to bump this.

    And with TPM 3D upon us as well, it seems a good time to point out that this is the movie where we all found out just how cool Jedi are. :cool:
  21. brodiew

    brodiew Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    Hello all. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this either, but it seems appropriate. How do the Jedi discipline those who do not have the 'dark side forever control their destiny?' More accurately, if you are not light, dark, or grey, what are you? What if you simply give in to the dark side on a few minor occasions and are not guilty of mass murder? Are you a light side Jedi that simply needs more instruction or accountability? How would the Council provide such accountability for Knights no longer attached to masters. Or, would such minor infractions be overlooked? Would the Council deal with such infractions harshly or would they have a more grace-filled approach?

    Not every Jedi that gives into the Dark Side has to stay their indefinitely. Do they?
    leiamoody likes this.
  22. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Interesting questions!

    I don't know that we've seen the answers to those questions in anything, at least I don't recall so. I would think a lot of meditation would be in order for a 'punishment', maybe not as a punishment, but as a way to find their way back. I think you could be inherently good and do something dark and not become dark.

    I've always thought that Yoda tells Luke the 'forever it will dominate your destiny' thing because Luke didn't have the training at that time to be able to resist. The Dark side is tempting, as Yoda tells him, it's easier and more seductive. For someone who is barely trained, that's really dangerous.

    I think for someone with more control it might not be as big of a deal, though I think it would depend on the individual for sure. Some people can gamble and then quit and not think anything of it, some people are addicted to gambling and once they start it's really hard to stop. I think using darker things might be along the same lines. Easier for some, really hard for others.

    And we know that people can come back from the Dark Side, Vader did, Luke did in Legends. It's not easy, but it can be done.
  23. darth aether

    darth aether Jedi Youngling

    Jan 18, 2016
    I have some (okay, a lot of) questions about Jedi protocol and authority for the sake of my own curiosity, and to help me write better fanfic. I'm sure there are many answers, interpretations, and contradiction between canon and EU material so any and all discussion is welcome.

    I have always wondered how the Jedi Order works on a technical and procedural level and I'd like to discuss this as well as hear different opinions. Canon answers and non-canon answers are fine (if you could state whether or not your answers come from canon or legends that'd be great). Also to clarify: this pertains to the Prequel era only. However if you want to refer to any other era that's fine, just please clarify to avoid confusion.
    • Where exactly does the Order fall within the hierarchy of the Republic?
    • What legal authority do they truly have?
    • Who has authority over the Jedi? I'm especially interested in this because sometimes the Chancellor has the authority to order them around, and other times the Jedi state that they only follow themselves.
    • Where do missions come from? I know the high council gives missions to Jedi, but where does the council get the missions? Do they get them from one source or many? Who sees to the veracity of these sources?
    • How do they choose who will take the mission and how many Jedi to send?
    • What kind of transport do the Jedi have at their disposal? Or do they get transport from elsewhere (judicial transport, local transport etc). Is it provided for them or are they expected to find their own way?
    • Are they given strict rules as how to go about getting there, how much time they spend there, etc? Or are Jedi trusted to make the right choices on their own?
    • How much authority does the council enforce over their Jedi?
    • Are they expected to stay in constant contact with someone on the council?
    • Are the objectives of the mission set in stone or are they dependent on the situation and whether or not the mission can be completed as desired?
    • How much of this changes with the start of the Clone Wars?
    I know, I know. I have a lot of questions, but not knowing these things is distracting for me and I'd like to hear what people have to say. And when I write fanfic I'm always spending so much time on correct protocol...

    Feel free to add anything not related to the above questions too, if it would be helpful!
  24. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    For most of your questions, I don't think we've had specific answers. You can probably gain some from just observation, but most of it I think is going to be personal opinion. So the following answers are mostly my personal thoughts on your questions.

    Where exactly does the Order fall within the hierarchy of the Republic?
    I've always thought they were an autonomous group that served the Republic. So they were separate, but helped out when asked. Even with that, I think what they did do for the Republic would fall under the Judicial Branch since that was the peacekeeping branch of government. (??)

    What legal authority do they truly have?
    For the Republic they were peacekeepers and negotiators, and when doing so for the Republic they were given whatever authority they needed to get the job done. They had their own authority for their own issues.

    Who has authority over the Jedi? I'm especially interested in this because sometimes the Chancellor has the authority to order them around, and other times the Jedi state that they only follow themselves.
    The Chancellor only did because he was making a power grab/trying to get rid of the Jedi and it wasn't supposed to be that way. They served the Republic as a whole, not the Chancellor. They did only follow themselves since they were separate from the Republic.

    Where do missions come from? I know the high council gives missions to Jedi, but where does the council get the missions? Do they get them from one source or many? Who sees to the veracity of these sources?
    Beings/groups/causes/The Republic asking for their help. I would assume it could be anyone in the Republic to ask for the help and the Jedi would make the decision if it was something they wanted to be involved in. I guess they could also go where they thought their help might be needed.

    How do they choose who will take the mission and how many Jedi to send?
    I would assume the council has a process. They would send the best Jedi available for the job and the amount of Jedi they thought they would need to accomplish the job. So if there was a very difficult negotiation, they might send several of their best negotiators. They might also decide to send someone that needs experience to something with someone that has more, even if that mission didn't require that many Jedi. Just like the police (and I'm hesitant to compare them) would send two officers to a noise complaint, several officers to a possible armed robbery and a large amount of officers to a protest, it just depends on what might be needed.

    What kind of transport do the Jedi have at their disposal? Or do they get transport from elsewhere (judicial transport, local transport etc). Is it provided for them or are they expected to find their own way?
    At least from what we've seen, they hired transport or took public transport (Anakin and Padme hiding). If on business for the Republic, I think they took Republic transport. I would think that the Jedi Order might have a few ships at their disposal for use, but I don't think they would have a fleet of ships.

    Are they given strict rules as how to go about getting there, how much time they spend there, etc? Or are Jedi trusted to make the right choices on their own?
    I'm sure there was some means of tracking, but given the autonomy to do what needed to be done. I doubt anyone was saying, "This should only take you two days," but if someone had been gone longer than was suspected without checking in, I think someone might be looking to see what was going on, if only for the safety of the Jedi.

    How much authority does the council enforce over their Jedi?
    We know the Council discussed at least some of the Jedi in the Order, so they were seemingly observing constantly. I think they would watch to make sure the Jedi were upholding the Jedi ways, but weren't micro managers of their ongoings. They would have the authority to not promote or punish if need be. I think as a group, the Jedi probably kept in contact with their Master, who was their guide as to what should and shouldn't be done. The Council was like the CEO of the Jedi, the group at the top who made the final decisions when need be.

    Are they expected to stay in constant contact with someone on the council?
    I don't think so. I think it was a chain of 'command'. There were thousands of Jedi, there's no way the Council was keeping track of them all individually. We know there was a ranking, Padawan, Knight, Master, Council. I'd assume certain Jedi would be accountable for others.

    Are the objectives of the mission set in stone or are they dependent on the situation and whether or not the mission can be completed as desired?
    It depends? If it's something that absolutely has to be, then I would think they would do their best to get it done. If it could be fluid, then other outcomes would be possible. If they were trying to keep the peace between two races, that goal would probably be set in stone, but how they got there could change within the negotiation.

    How much of this changes with the start of the Clone Wars?
    While the Jedi kinda became an arm of the Republic rather than an autonomous entity, I don't know that a lot of what I've said would change. By the time major changes would have been made to the Order, they were almost all dead.

    With all that being said, the beauty of fanfic is you can always make it up! A lot of things, we'll never have a specific answer for, so just do what you want. (Even if we do have a specific answer, do what you want!) If you think there's a way the Jedi Order would have reacted to a situation in your fic, do it!