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Beyond - Legends The Keeper of Memories~ "Dear Diary chlg," (OCs, L/M ) ~*~ Complete

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by divapilot, Jan 4, 2007.

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  1. MirandaFair

    MirandaFair Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 13, 2005
    diva, this was the perfect thing to read to get me going for the day. I love how once Alida got to Luke and Mara's table she found herself calmer and forgetting why she went over there in the first place. He does have that effect on people. You writer first person so well. Everything flows so smoothly it's like Alida's talking to a a friend (in a sense her journal - but also us)! lol ;)

    The part I got such a big laugh out of was when her thoughts sidetracked to go on about her university experiences and then to come back to: "As I said before, I sometimes have a difficult time telling one human from another."

    Wonderful update!=D=

    edit: silly markups

  2. Star_Angel

    Star_Angel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 18, 2006
    That was sweet and amazing. I loved the update.

    I was not in the mood. ?That would be lovely,? I sniped. ?If you should find one, be sure to let me know.?

    Now that made me laugh.
  3. DancesWithBlasters

    DancesWithBlasters Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 22, 2006
    Oh My God! I love Bruno sooooooooooooo much! Yay for him and Alida! [face_love] [face_love] [face_love] [face_love] Awww! How cute are they?

    Anyway, I love how excited Alida gets over everything that happened, and how she's making big plans for the future while randomly back-tracking so we know a little about her life.
  4. Jedi-2B

    Jedi-2B Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 2, 2000
    I just happened to notice the title to this in your sig, and was so glad I did. I'm loving it! It's making me want to go back and reread Alliance at Alida's, just to mesh her memories with those chapters. I laughed at her naivety at University, and how she pictured that 'Luke Lars' fellow. [face_laugh]

    Mind adding me to your PM list?
  5. Jedi Trace

    Jedi Trace Former RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 15, 1999
    Sorry I missed a post. [face_blush]

    I am absolutely LOVING the tale of Bruno and Alida! How romantic... [face_love] I want to reserve a clone of Bruno for both my daughters. [:D]

    Can't wait to see what happens with Bruno and Daddy...

    More soon?


  6. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    Jade_eyes: Thank you! I?m glad you?re enjoying this.[:D]

    Alida's reminiscences about the class ... I bet she really distracted the prof!
    Yes, she did. And she didn?t even realize it![face_batting]

    Ginchy: Thank you! I?m so glad you like Alida. She?s been quite a chatterbox lately.:D

    I love the unfolding love-story between her and Bruno.
    Which parallels another unfolding love story, by the way.;)

    MirandaFair: Wonderful update! Thanks! Writing Alida is a lot of fun. She has a very different perspective, being a non-human, and she lets us poke fun at ourselves. [face_dancing]

    Star_Angel: That was sweet and amazing. Thanks! Alida is a sweetheart. I think that?s why I like her so much. There isn?t a mean bone in her curvy little body.O:)

    DancesWithBlasters: I love how excited Alida gets over everything that happened, and how she's making big plans for the future while randomly back-tracking so we know a little about her life.

    Thank you! Alida has a reason for all the back tracking. But in the meantime, it?s pretty entertaining. :)

    Jedi-2B: I laughed at her naivety at University, and how she pictured that 'Luke Lars' fellow. Mind adding me to your PM list?

    Alida has her own mind, that?s for sure. Thank you for stopping in to reply! And you are on the PM list.:cool:

    Jedi_Trace: How romantic... I want to reserve a clone of Bruno for both my daughters.

    LOL! Yes, Bruno is a catch. Good thing Alida recognizes it!:*

    Can't wait to see what happens with Bruno and Daddy... More soon?

    Yes! The meeting between the suitor and the father is coming on Friday. Thank you for reading and replying![face_dancing]

    (Updates to ?The Keeper of Memories: The Journal of Alida Maritin? will be posted on Fridays, for those out there keeping track.)[face_tongue]

    [b]PM list:[/b]

  7. Jade_Pilot

    Jade_Pilot Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2005
    Rats! I missed the last update. Would you please add me to your PM list, too?

    Love Love Love this story! I am so enthralled with Alida. What a great character! And the diary is really letting us get to know her better.

    I like the different POV we're getting here with the first meeting between Luke and Alida. I'm hoping Alida's dad doesn't give Bruno too hard a time.

    LOL Moment: ?How would you like to go out with a real man, pretty one?? he asked me one night. He looked at me as if I was made of honey cakes and he had not had a dessert in years.

    I was not in the mood. ?That would be lovely,? I sniped. ?If you should find one, be sure to let me know.?
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    Bravo Sister pilot! =D=
  8. MsLanna

    MsLanna Jedi Master star 6

    Jul 8, 2005
    I love this. It reads wonderfully and Alida makes me laugh.

    I was not in the mood. ?That would be lovely,? I sniped. ?If you should find one, be sure to let me know.?
    This cannot be quoted too often.:D

    I like the wayx past and present events mix. And if I didn't know the end of Alida and Bruno, I'd be rather worried about that huge father.[face_worried]

    Add me to the pm list?[face_batting]
  9. JadeLotus

    JadeLotus Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2005
    I've always thought Alida was spunky, but she shines through even more here! You've given her such depth - and love the little touches of Twi'lek-ness - her sensitive skin, her irritation at being objectified, all humans looking the same to her. She's such a great character. And Bruno! *swoon* I approve also ;)

    Can you please add me to the PM list - I don't want to miss any more.
  10. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    Jade_Pilot: I like the different POV we're getting here with the first meeting between Luke and Alida. I'm hoping Alida's dad doesn't give Bruno too hard a time.

    Thank you! Alida and Bruno can relate to Luke and Mara?s romance in many ways![face_love] Yes, it?s meet-the-parents time. If Daddy doesn?t approve, then no suitor for the lovely Alida will get too far. [face_worried]

    MsLanna: I like the way past and present events mix.
    Alida uses present events to ?fix? long-ago events in her memory. (She?ll explain more later.) Thank you for reading and replying. I?m happy you are enjoying this!;)

    JadeLotus: love the little touches of Twi'lek-ness - her sensitive skin, her irritation at being objectified, all humans looking the same to her. She's such a great character. And Bruno! *swoon* I approve also.

    Alida is what she is and she?s not going to apologize for it. Bruno knows a good catch when he sees one. And let?s face it, Bruno fell in love at first sight. Thanks for dropping in![face_dancing]

    PM list:

  11. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    (AN: This chapter is mod approved![face_dancing] )

    Entry 4

    There have been some interesting events that have happened since Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade dined at our restaurant. Firstly, Luke and Mara honored us by allowing us to use their core names. Among humans, this is not so unusual, but in Twi?leki culture, the use of a person?s core name indicates more than familiarity. It implies trust and affection. I even let Bruno use a nickname for me, ?Ali,? which would be unheard of among fellow Twi?leks. But I know that it is his special name for me, and when he says, ?Please come here, Ali,? what he is really saying is ?Please come here, beloved.?

    Secondly, I have a lot of construction to organize. Bruno rolls his eyes when I start to take out the blueprints and begin calculations. ?You enjoy this,? he teases. ?You complain about how much work you have, but really, you wouldn?t have it any other way.? He?s probably right. It is exciting to do something new.

    Thirdly, there is a secret that I know. Humans are wonderful people, very creative and at times even inspired, but when it comes to being able to understand each other?s emotions, well, they can be as dumb as deactivated droids. I?m not sure even Bruno knows this secret yet, but I would not be surprised if he suspects. And the secret is ?

    You know, the secret reminds me of a time when Bruno and I first began our courtship. Bruno was determined to win me over according to my own Twi?leki customs, so he had come to petition my father?s permission to court me. We were sitting right there on that very same bench in the corner when Father appeared in the doorway.

    At first Father was a bit stern. There have been many men, mostly human, who have tried to win my attention. He understood that I do not always appreciate that, especially when I am trying to get work done. But after a moment, Father could tell that Bruno was not just some stranger. ?Alidan?avarth, you have a friend to introduce, yes?? Father asked, his thin blue hands clasped lightly together. (He used my formal clan name because we were in front of Bruno, and he was not of our clan.)

    Bruno and I stood up. Even without lekku, I could tell he was nervous.

    ?Yes, Father,? I said. ?This is Bruno Maritin. He wishes to petition you.?

    Father?s eyes grew wide, then a small smile began in the corner of his mouth. ?Is this true, Bruno Maritin?? he asked, inclining his head so that his strong lekku looked even larger.

    ?Yes sir,? Bruno said. He held his head high and spoke respectfully. I was pleased. Father would note that.

    In fact, Father did note it well. He drew his hands back into his overcloak and nodded in reply. ?Then please come into my office,? he said to us. ?We have much to discuss.?

    The three of us went into Father?s office. (It is my office now.) He called for three cups of Calming Tea, and we waited until it was placed on the desk. Father generously handed one cup to me and one to Bruno. Once Father had taken his cup and sipped, I smiled at Bruno and lifted my own cup. Bruno followed my lead perfectly.

    Father placed the cup on his desk. ?You wish to petition me, Bruno Maritin. For what reason??

    Now, we all knew the reason. This was said simply to fulfill the courting ritual. It appeared that Bruno had done some research, because he answered correctly. He took a deep breath and said, ?Honored clan father, I wish to petition for your permission to court your daughter, Alidan?avarth.? (Of course, without the lekku, it lacked the richness of language, but we were all speaking Basic anyway. This was my father?s way of honoring Bruno, by conducting the interview in Basic.)

    Father tilted his head, his lekku rippling pleasantly. I was excited because I could tell that Father already liked Bruno. I held my eyes low and my lekku politely still. ?For what reason do you wish to court her?? Father asked.

    ?Sir?? Bruno seemed confused. I peeked at him and pursed my lips. [i]?For what reason?? You know this answer, Bruno, [/i] I tried to communicate to him through my
    Twilek_Aide likes this.
  12. MsLanna

    MsLanna Jedi Master star 6

    Jul 8, 2005
    Among humans, this is not so unusual, but in Twi?leki culture, the use of a person?s core name indicates more than familiarity. It implies trust and affection. I even let Bruno use a nickname for me, ?Ali,? which would be unheard of among fellow Twi?leks. But I know that it is his special name for me, and when he says, ?Please come here, Ali,? what he is really saying is ?Please come here, beloved.?
    Aw, how sweet![face_love]

    but when it comes to being able to understand each other?s emotions, well, they can be as dumb as deactivated droids.
    [face_laugh] Very sharp observation. the woman is a treasure.

    Ooooo, I love the peititoning. Strange customs are nice to hear about and this is all so -- sweet. I can see it as clearly as if you had drwan a picture.:D
    And her father is taking him to pieces. *lol* But indeed, how could he miss such an obvioulsy obvious answer?:p

    I have decided that you may court our clan daughter Alidan?avarth on one condition. You must spend a night with her.
    :eek: =P~ :D
    Now that is an attitude I like.

    That, dear daughter, is a sign of love from a human. They cut the blossom away from its life-giving stem and bring the flower to their favored one. It is important that they present the dying plant before the petals begin to decay. I am not sure why, but humans are very pleased by the sacrificial offering of a severed plant.?
    OMG, you want to kill me through laughter right. That is such a quirky way to see the custome. Sacrifice of flowers. *lol* Maybe Brumo will also remember to sacrifice some chocolates.[face_laugh]

    ?He is a very religious man, Father,? I said. ?Many times during the evening he cried out, ?Oh gods, Alida!??
    TMI? I don't think so. hilarious.[face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    I can't wait to see Alida 'help' Luke and Mara. *Imagines farmboy blushing with some suggestions*:p
    I just hope Mara will take it easy on her.

    Such a wonderful update. i can't wait to read more. this is so funny!
    =D= [face_love] =D=
  13. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    Goodness, everytime I think I just can't love Alida... excuse me, Alidan?avarth, more, you one-up yourself and I do! I love her voice, and how you weave in her customs to the story. The bit with her father was wonderful!! [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] Poor Bruno, yet--very lucky Bruno. ;) hee!

    Awwww, and she can tell that Luke and Mara are falling in love. So sweet. I love both love-stories! [face_love]

    Now I can't wait for next Friday's update!! :D Great job, lady! =D=
  14. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    This whole thing was a delight. :) Bruno's respect of Alida's customs, the fascinating glimpse into Twi'Lek culture, and Bruno's honesty. :D And... that definitely is a new one on me--the test for physical compatibility. [face_laugh] [face_laugh] Good thing they both passed it! ;)
    Alida's emotional perceptiveness and gentle guidance ... no couple could ask for a better ally. [face_love] :) [face_dancing]
  15. tasujad

    tasujad Jedi Knight star 1

    Jun 16, 2005
    Bruno cleared his throat again. ?Alidan?avarth is a kind, compassionate woman. She is intelligent and clever. She honors you and the clan.?
    Father harrumphed. My lekku wilted in disappointment. How could he have missed such an obvious answer? Father?s ears flattened a bit. ?Is there anything else?? he asked. I looked at Bruno, my eyes pleading.
    Bruno bit his lip. ?She?s beautiful,? he said.
    Father nodded. ?Does her form please you?? he asked.

    [face_laugh][face_laugh]Let's just say that at least in western wold suitors probably NEVER will be having that conversation LOL [face_laugh]=P~[face_laugh]

    Father nodded approvingly. ?That, dear daughter, is a sign of love from a human. They cut the blossom away from its life-giving stem and bring the flower to their favored one. It is important that they present the dying plant before the petals begin to decay. I am not sure why, but humans are very pleased by the sacrificial offering of a severed plant.?

    LOL, as Obi Wan would say "its all in a point of view" =D==D=[face_laugh]

    I knew there was one more thing that would guarantee Father?s approval. ?He is a very religious man, Father,? I said. ?Many times during the evening he cried out, ?Oh gods, Alida!??
    Father?s eyes twinkled proudly. ?He speaks your name with the same reverence that he reserves for his gods. Yes, Alida, I give Bruno Maritin permission to court you.?

    [face_laugh][face_laugh][face_laugh] [face_laugh][face_laugh][face_laugh]
    *coworkers think i went looney

    the weekend can't begin any better
    will wait next update
  16. Star_Angel

    Star_Angel Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 18, 2006
    I knew there was one more thing that would guarantee Father?s approval. ?He is a very religious man, Father,? I said. ?Many times during the evening he cried out, ?Oh gods, Alida!??

    Father?s eyes twinkled proudly. ?He speaks your name with the same reverence that he reserves for his gods. Yes, Alida, I give Bruno Maritin permission to court you.?

    *lmao* I?m glad that they past the ?test? although, I don?t think that it was that hard ;)

    Here is the secret that I keep in my memory. As I watched Luke and Mara that evening, I saw how she looked at him. Mara yearned for him in her eyes. And as for Luke, if it were possible, I think he would have never removed his hand from hers. That night at my restaurant, I could tell that Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade had started to fall in love.

    I loved that part, very sweet and I think that she?s right.

    Amazing update, I loved it so much, and thanks for the pm.

  17. Jedi-2B

    Jedi-2B Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 2, 2000
    Funny, and sweet! I laughed at the part about the severed flowers. And can't wait till Luke's meeting with Alida. She isn't one to hold back.
  18. Jade_Pilot

    Jade_Pilot Jedi Master star 5

    Dec 10, 2005
    This is priceless! The best update yet, sister pilot! I love all the Twi'lek customs and culture you've written about. The scene with the father was fantastic! I LOL many times throughout. The matter of fact way father and daughter talked about her physical encounter with Bruno was hysterical.

    Bust a gut line: ?Was his form attractive to you?? Father asked.

    I hesitated. ?He had more hair than I expected. He reminded me a little of a short Wookiee.?

    The man must definitely have some hair going on there.

    Bravo!! =D=
  19. DancesWithBlasters

    DancesWithBlasters Jedi Knight star 4

    Jan 22, 2006
    ROTFL! That was sooo great! I love all the memory, especially Alida's father. There were so many wonderful, completely funny bits in there, I wouldn't know what to quote, even! But the religious man part, and the scarificial dead flowers had me amused to no end!
  20. JadeLotus

    JadeLotus Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2005
    Among humans, this is not so unusual, but in Twi?leki culture, the use of a person?s core name indicates more than familiarity. It implies trust and affection. I even let Bruno use a nickname for me, ?Ali,? which would be unheard of among fellow Twi?leks. But I know that it is his special name for me, and when he says, ?Please come here, Ali,? what he is really saying is ?Please come here, beloved.?

    [face_love] [face_love]

    Father nodded approvingly. ?That, dear daughter, is a sign of love from a human. They cut the blossom away from its life-giving stem and bring the flower to their favored one. It is important that they present the dying plant before the petals begin to decay. I am not sure why, but humans are very pleased by the sacrificial offering of a severed plant.?

    [face_laugh] I never thought of it that way - but it would seem like a very stange custom to a non-human!

    It is unfortunate that Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade have no parents to guide them in their courtship.

    :D Yes, I can imagine all the 'help and advice' Vader could have given the couple! I think Alida and Bruno are much more suited to guiding them.

    Brilliant as always - the richness of the Tei'lek culture really comes across so strongly. Thank you for introducing us to these wonderful characters!
  21. Blue_Milkshake

    Blue_Milkshake Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 18, 2005
    Yikes, I'm way behind! Sorry [face_blush]

    ?How would you like to go out with a real man, pretty one?? he asked me one night. He looked at me as if I was made of honey cakes and he had not had a dessert in years.
    I was not in the mood. ?That would be lovely,? I sniped. ?If you should find one, be sure to let me know.?

    I so loved Alida's simile about the honey cakes. What a spitfire!

    And the secret is ?
    You know, the secret reminds me of a time when Bruno and I first began our courtship.

    This transition actually made me squeal with delight and clap my hands!

    Father nodded approvingly. ?That, dear daughter, is a sign of love from a human. They cut the blossom away from its life-giving stem and bring the flower to their favored one. It is important that they present the dying plant before the petals begin to decay. I am not sure why, but humans are very pleased by the sacrificial offering of a severed plant.?
    I nodded in understanding.

    I love the cultural insights you include, like the use of lekku in language and the confusion over flowers here. (My husband made very effective use of the dying plants during our courtship.@};-)

    ?They were beautiful and they had the sweetest scent. Not unlike a sauce made with a reduction of pashola essence,? I noted.

    That was just the perfect response!

    It is unfortunate that Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade have no parents to guide them in their courtship. Imagine how difficult it would have been for me if my dear father had not been there to help us. I treasure all those times Father spoke encouragingly to me, all the advice and support that Father was there to give us. Perhaps Bruno and I can help Luke and Mara, if they desire it.

    Awww! Now I simply must go re-read An Alliance at Alida's...

  22. Jedi Trace

    Jedi Trace Former RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 15, 1999
    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    Oh stars, that was glorious!! :D I love all the insights into the Twi'lek culture. And I can't even TELL you how many times I laughed out loud in this chapter! Things are - quite different - between the two cultures, that's for sure. Though I doubt either Bruno or Alida minded. [face_mischief] (Who would? ;) )

    Fantastic update!! =D= =D= =D=

  23. MirandaFair

    MirandaFair Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 13, 2005
    Oh, Diva! You've done it again! [face_laugh] I laughed so many times while reading this. I love how your OCs are so real, they basically jump off the page. I can tell you know them (especially Alida) inside and out. It's great seeing you explore the difference between the Twi'lek and Human cultures.

    This part still has me laughing:

    Father nodded approvingly. ?That, dear daughter, is a sign of love from a human. They cut the blossom away from its life-giving stem and bring the flower to their favored one. It is important that they present the dying plant before the petals begin to decay. I am not sure why, but humans are very pleased by the sacrificial offering of a severed plant.?

    I'm sure Alida's father would have had a field day if he knew the color of the flower (rose) could be significant also. ;)

    And I love how you held Alida's secret until the very end...

    That night at my restaurant, I could tell that Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade had started to fall in love.

    What an excellent secret this is! I'm glad she shared it with us. ;) [face_shhh] Fabulous addition. :D
  24. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    MsLanna: Strange customs are nice to hear about and this is all so -- sweet.

    Thank you for reading! Alida and her father are attached to their traditions. Some of the traditions, however, don?t necessarily translate well! :p

    I can't wait to see Alida 'help' Luke and Mara. * Imagines farmboy blushing with some suggestions * I just hope Mara will take it easy on her.

    Luke and Mara will definitely see things in a different way when the see them from Alida?s perspective. O:)

    Such a wonderful update. i can't wait to read more.

    Thank you very much. [face_dancing]

    Ginchy: I love her voice, and how you weave in her customs to the story. The bit with her father was wonderful!!

    Thanks! Alida?s dad is a big reason why she is the way she is. He left Ryloth for a reason, you see.o_O

    Poor Bruno, yet--very lucky Bruno.


    and she can tell that Luke and Mara are falling in love. So sweet. I love both love-stories!

    Thank you! As you know, sometimes love is grand and sometimes love ? hurts. We?ll have to see how these romances go. [face_love]

    Jade_Eyes: This whole thing was a delight.

    Thank you! I?m glad you like this. I know that anything that brings you away from L/M romance must have something going for it!:D

    Bruno's respect of Alida's customs, the fascinating glimpse into Twi'Lek culture, and Bruno's honesty. And... that definitely is a new one on me--the test for physical compatibility. Alida's emotional perceptiveness and gentle guidance ... no couple could ask for a better ally.

    Bruno wants to win her over with her own customs. And as for the compatibility test ? it?s a tough task, but Bruno persevered.[face_laugh] Luke and Mara have a loyal friend in Alida![:D]

    Tasujad: Thank you! I appreciate it. The severed plant bit is, as you say, another point of view. Seeing as Ryloth is such a harsh world, I think that Twi?leks would view any potential food source that was simply cut down to be eventually thrown away as being a pretty weird custom.:confused:

    Glad you thought that was funny! Thanks for reading and replying.:)

    Star_Angel: I?m glad that they past the ?test? although, I don?t think that it was that hard

    They did their duty. It was tough, but it was a job that had to be done! [face_whistling]

    I loved that part, very sweet and I think that she?s right.

    Alida?s pretty bright. And she?s a romantic at heart! Thank you for your reply.[face_love]

    Jedi-2B: Can?t wait till Luke's meeting with Alida. She isn't one to hold back.

    Alida will set him straight. Nicely, but without any doubt that she?s in charge.;) Thanks for reading along!

    Jade_Pilot: I love all the Twi'lek customs and culture you've written about. The scene with the father was fantastic! I LOL many times throughout. The matter of fact way father and daughter talked about her physical encounter with Bruno was hysterical.

    Thanks, Sister! This is a culture that?s completely comfortable discussing intimacy. And her dad loves her, and he wants her to be happy. O:)

    The man must definitely have some hair going on there.
    Well, any hair at all is a lot to a hairless Twi?lek. [face_laugh]

    DancesWithBlasters: Thank you! I?m so tickled that you keep coming back to the Beyond boards to visit. Glad you liked this! [face_dancing]

    JadeLotus: I can imagine all the 'help and advice' Vader could have given the couple! I think Alida and Bruno are much more suited to guiding them. Brilliant as always - the richness of the Tei'lek culture really comes across so strongly. Thank you for introducing us to these wonderful characters!

    Aw, thank you so much! Yes, can you imagine Luke getting relationship advice from Vader? Wrong, wrong in so many ways? [face_hypnotized]

    I?m making a lot of the Twi?lek
  25. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005

    Entry 5.

    Bruno says that I thrive on over-extending myself. I not only run this restaurant, handling all the accounting and the purchases myself, but I also work very closely with our chef, Sharai. It?s not enough that I decide the way that the new room will be constructed, I also constantly supervise what the contractors are up to. And now, so he tells me, I?m not happy just to provide a place for Luke and Mara to visit, I have to actively support their relationships.

    Tomorrow afternoon Luke is coming to meet with me. I am very glad, and not because he is famous. I actually feel sorry for him. It must be hard for him to have any privacy at all, with all the demands on him. How fortunate that he has come to my restaurant! I am able to give him my time and consideration.

    I was curious, so I looked up Luke?s name on the HoloNet the other day. There were so many entries! (Of course, there were many other entries about him, entries that were mostly rumor and supposition. I did not waste my time on those.) I did not know that he had lost both parents at a very early age. I did not know that he had wanted to continue his education.

    Then I looked up Mara Jade on the HoloNet. There was not much to be found, and what I did find dealt mostly with her record as a trader with Talon Karrde. It appears Miss Jade suddenly appeared around the age of 20. I wonder what her childhood was like?

    Such different people, such different backgrounds. Luke comes from a stable, loving home, and Mara?s home is a mystery. Luke spent time in the military while Mara was working as a smuggler. Yet, they manage to find each other and see beyond their differences.

    Bruno and I certainly had our differences. Once we started our courtship, things progressed the way such relationships usually go. We went out to concerts, we shared meals together, those sort of things. But our best times were when we were alone together and we could just talk to each other.

    Bruno was still practicing psychotherapy at the time, although he had moved and was working hard to set up a new practice here at Government Center. He loved his job. He said it made him proud to be able to help a person regain a sense of dignity and confidence. I was working with Father at the restaurant. By that time, I had pretty much abandoned my idea of getting an economics degree, and I had switched to culinary arts. (I was the only Twi?lek in the school. Even though I have multiple stomachs and I can literally eat just about anything, that doesn?t mean that I want to.)

    I was a very good student. I used to make food for Bruno and bring them to him. Bruno would always set aside one day a week for the two of us to share a midday meal. We would laugh and he would tell me about his day, and I would tell him about mine. Silly things, really, now that I look back on it. But the joy didn?t come from what we were eating or saying, it was the fact that we had decided to spend the time together.

    One time I brought some meat pies. We shut the door, sat on the floor of his small office, and ate them together. I remember that as he was talking, I noticed a little smudge of sauce on his chin. I reached over to wipe it off, and Bruno caught my hand.

    ?What are you doing?? he asked.

    I stopped, afraid that I had offended him. Perhaps on his homeworld of Fondor this was considered inappropriate. ?Cleaning you up. See?? I said. I showed him the finger with the sauce on it.

    He turned my hand around and looked at it. ?But now you?re messy. I?ll have to clean that for you,? he said. He kissed the sauce off my fingers.

    I scooted closer. ?Now you have sauce on your mouth. I guess I?ll have to clean that up, too,? I said. I leaned forward and kissed his mouth. As I recall, a lot of cleaning up was done that afternoon.

    After that day, on the times we met for midmeal, Bruno would make it a practice to clear his appointments for the rest of the afternoon. We would eat together and chat away, and then, after midmeal, we would lock the office door and stop talking.

    I wa
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