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Challenge The Kessel Run 2024 | 12 Weeks, 11 Prompts, 1 Wild Fanfic Challenge | Thanks for a fantastic Run!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by ViariSkywalker, Jan 1, 2024.

  1. Force of Light

    Force of Light Jedi Master star 1

    Jan 5, 2016
    Depends on the prompt. I might be able to use my Star Wars character, I might not, we'll just have to wait and see.;)
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    I have to wait for the prompts also; it'll probably be a montage of various characters and timeframes. :cool:
  3. Pandora

    Pandora Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 13, 2005
    "Signing up," the madwoman typed, a stunning five days before the deadline.

    I don't have an overarching plan--as any such would almost certainly fall apart at the first prompt--but this is my aesthetic:

    Last edited: Jan 3, 2024
  4. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    Needless to say, I can't wait to see what everyone is ultimately inspired to write. :cool:


    Except bring it on. [face_batting] [face_devil] (I think? :p)

    Now I get to go:


    But I really want to know what sort of out there means now - especially as you've already done EtF meets Regency!AU before. [face_batting] [face_mischief]

    Aw, yeah! And I am so excited for more of your thank goodness canon never happened happy!AU, already! [face_love]

    My mind somehow jumbled these together, and instead of rightly interpreting [dark]:luke:[/dark] it went: single dad!Vader and quite literal Luke Skywalker's teenage goth phase blasting angsty metal music in his room. Knowing what I know about your writing, it still worked. :p

    [face_laugh] I know that I want to write for my Song!verse, and my "plot bunny hutch" document looks like a bit like a madwoman's scribblings for myself. 8-}

    [face_laugh] We'd expect nothing less! [face_love] [:D]
  5. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Oh gosh, I can’t promise anything in the way of an overarching theme either! For the last two I just went wherever the prompts led me and made the whole thing a miscellany. I almost certainly will take the same approach this time too. But once again, it seems probable that the long story at the end will, once again, be about the Rose Evergreen ladies. @};-

    You’ve got this, everyone! =D=
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2024
  6. vader_incarnate

    vader_incarnate Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 29, 2002
    I would [face_laugh]
  7. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    I literally am coming into this with no context in mind. I will read the prompt and go “oh geez. Now I HAVE to write about the time that Chewbacca was in a boy band.”
  8. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Not sure this is a good idea seeing how spotty my muse has been...but what the hey...

    Sign me up.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2024
  9. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    @vader_incarnate Please do put this on your list. Oh, and there's that story about Vader's secretary you mentioned last year that I'm eager to read too :D
  10. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Single!Dad Vader sounds as fascinating as Vader turned into a cat [face_laugh] [face_laugh]
  11. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    See, I could see Luke rebelling by finding the GFFA equivalent of Enya and playing it at ear-splitting levels whenever the Emperor calls.
  12. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    I want both of these stories, please. [face_batting]:D
  13. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Maybe some cats or about the High republic or whatever. It depends on the first prompt
  14. Theodore Hawkwood

    Theodore Hawkwood Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 17, 2014
    I’m willing to give this a whack.
  15. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    I've been thinking of having a milestones theme for various characters as to their storylines /relationships. :)
  16. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
    The participant list has been updated! I'm very excited to see several new participants this year. [face_mischief]

    Only three days to go! Anyone else want to take the plunge? [face_batting]

    And don't forget you can also use any of the existing SW characters from canon/Legends/wherever! ;)

    I just may end up going this route as well, if the right unifying narrative doesn't present itself. [face_thinking]

    Perfect [face_mischief] [face_devil]

    [face_rofl] I know better than to underestimate you. [face_beatup] :*

    And it worked out wonderfully both times. ;) [face_batting]

    Most Elli thing ever. [face_mischief]

    lol is it telling if I say there's probably at least a prompt or two that would work for that? [face_whistling] :p

    That's the spirit! So good to have you aboard. :D

    Very eager, iirc :p I'll happily read this one, too!

    Luckily we only have a few more days until that first prompt is revealed! [face_dancing]

    Welcome to the madness! [face_mischief]

    It's almost here, guys! Rest up this weekend if you can, because Monday we hit the ground running. :cool:
  17. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    @ViariSkywalker I’m the fanficcer who wrote Pink 5 stories. I’ve written a lot weirder than Chewie and the Woklings.
  18. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Sign me up for it! The last one was fun and allowed for some intresting short pieces.
  19. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004

    . . . because I just couldn't resist. :p

    WHO ELSE IS EXCITED?! [face_party] [face_devil] [face_dancing]
  20. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    “I haven’t been this excited since I CAN’T REMEMBER WHEN!”
  21. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    I was telling Mr Chyn about what I'm thinking of writing for the KR over coffee this morning while our kids were playing, and then I heard my son tell my daughter: "It's not fair, tomorrow we have to go back to school and Mama is going to be having fun with the Kessel Run!" (and trust me, you haven't heard anything until you hear the words Κέσελ Ραν out of the mouth of a 6-year-old with a Greek accent).
  22. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
  23. DarthIshtar

    DarthIshtar Chosen One star 10

    Mar 26, 2001
    Reminds me of learning who Esponbo Skehrpa was from a 4yo who knew who lived in a pineapple under the sea. Some things are just 100% more adorable in an accent and by a child.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
  24. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    Sneaking in under the wire to sign up, even though I figure my chances of finishing are somewhere between slim and none,8-}
  25. ViariSkywalker

    ViariSkywalker Chosen One star 4

    Aug 9, 2002
    Participant list has been updated! Do we have any other takers? [face_batting]

    (And don't worry if you're not sure yet or want to check out the prompts before committing - you can still join in after the challenge officially begins! ;))