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The Locked Thread Reading List (temporarily suspended)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Artemis_Silverbow, Aug 12, 2001.

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  1. Artemis_Silverbow

    Artemis_Silverbow Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 9, 2001
    Once again, it's time for a Locked Thread Reading List update :D Try to contain your excitement 8-} The 16th selection is The Hidden Message by Jedi Susie. This post-TPM short story ties up a loose end from the movie that, I'm sure, has bothered many people. Tissue alert is in effect ;) Enjoy!

    If you'd like PM notification of updates(and aren't already on the list), send a PM to Echo_of_Artemis, or post your desire to be added to the notification list on this thread.

    *EDIT* 100 posts! Yippee! :D 8-} ;)
  2. LordMoltar

    LordMoltar Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 25, 2001
    Oh, drat and double drat! Why are there never any hankies around when I need them? :) I really liked the latest story selection, Artemis. It's funny that I never really thought about the farewell between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan before, but this story did give it some better closure than "The Phantom Menace" did. Thank you once more, not only for the excellent story, but also for proving once more that even mighty lords like myself can be turned to mush in an instant due to deeply emotional stories. ;)
  3. Jane Jinn

    Jane Jinn Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 12, 2000
    Ahh, yes, that was sweet. I never liked that loose end, either. George Lucas is a typical male; he lingers over the pod racing scene and the battle scenes ad nauseum, but only has a minimum of patience for relationships between people, and all the words they speak to each other really only serve to further the plot, or so it seems. Good choice, Artemis!
  4. Artemis_Silverbow

    Artemis_Silverbow Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 9, 2001
    You can't say I didn't warn you, LordMoltar ;)

    I'm not sure being male has much to do with it, Jane. People expect to see action when they watch Star Wars. Lucas gave us what we wanted(or what most of us wanted). Still, I know what you mean. One thing that always bothers me about the movies is how seldom you hear anyone's name. I mean, it was about an hour into TPM before we found out that Qui-Gon even had a name! Talk about down playing the personal. At least we have our beloved fan fiction to cover where the "professionals" fail :)

    Expect the next update in a day or two.
  5. Artemis_Silverbow

    Artemis_Silverbow Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 9, 2001
    I'm SO sorry for the delay [face_blush] Perhaps I should stop reading the Fan Films board. Their definition of "soon" seems to be rubbing off on me! [face_laugh]

    It's late, but here's the 17th Locked Thread Reading List selection: Building Bridges, by KnightMara. It's a touching little story about Luke in his toddler years. I hope you like it :)
  6. Ginger_Jedi

    Ginger_Jedi Jedi Knight star 6

    Jun 4, 2001
    Awwwwww!!! That was a cute one Artemis! :D
  7. LordMoltar

    LordMoltar Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 25, 2001
    Let's see... in between smiling and getting a decent lump in the throat, I greatly enjoyed this story. :) It really was one of the most adorable stories I've read to date. Do keep up the always fine work, Artemis. ;)
  8. Amidala_Skywalker

    Amidala_Skywalker Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 4, 2001
    Thanks for digging that up Artemis, also wanted to see a toddler Luke. Babies are so sweet... :D

    Am [face_love]
  9. Jane Jinn

    Jane Jinn Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 12, 2000
    Awww, that was sweet. I remember that scene from Jaws well, in fact, that's one of my favourite movies. And this little vignette was just darling. There's not enough Beru in fan fic.
  10. Artemis_Silverbow

    Artemis_Silverbow Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 9, 2001
    I had no idea there were so many young Luke fans [face_shocked] Glad everyone liked it :) Hopefully, the next update won't take quite so long ;)
  11. Artemis_Silverbow

    Artemis_Silverbow Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 9, 2001
    OK, maybe it'll take longer than I thought [face_blush] Sorry everyone, but a combination of ISP problems and a busy schedule have conspired to delay my update to this list. I'll try(TRY)to have something up later this week, but no promises.
  12. Artemis_Silverbow

    Artemis_Silverbow Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 9, 2001
    Bet you thought this was gone for good ;) My apologies for the long delay [face_blush] Hopefully, I'll now be able to update this thread on something approaching a normal schedule. That said, here's the 18th Locked Thread Reading List selection: Mission to Tikus IV by Obi the Kid. I really wish I'd been able to put this one up around New Years [face_laugh] Ever wonder what Qui-Gon's like when drunk? Or hung over? Obi-Wan finds out when his Master has a run in with the local ale. Enjoy :)

    If you'd like PM notification of updates(and aren't already on the list), send a PM to Echo_of_Artemis, or post your desire to be added to the notification list on this thread.

  13. Jane Jinn

    Jane Jinn Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 12, 2000
    Glad to see you back!

    Hmm. I have trouble with fics that depict the Jedi acting in less-than-Jedi-like ways. No offense, but ... next fic please.
  14. Ginger_Jedi

    Ginger_Jedi Jedi Knight star 6

    Jun 4, 2001

    Oh that was SOOO Funny!!! :D

    Glad to see ya back Artemis!!! :) Thanks for the update!!!
  15. LordMoltar

    LordMoltar Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 25, 2001
    Welcome back, milady. :D

    Tis a pleasure to see the Locked Thread Reading List return. And what better way to ring in the, um, new phase, than with a story about Qui-Gon getting plastered! :D Great choice, and I doubt I need to mention keep up the good work. It's quite obvious you already have done that. ;)

  16. Artemis_Silverbow

    Artemis_Silverbow Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 9, 2001
    Thanks all :) It's good to be back :D

    No offense taken Jane Jinn. I can understand why you might feel that way, but I have hard time believing the Jedi are so serious ALL the time. Besides, it's not as if Qui-Gon MEANT to get that drunk ;) I'll see if I can find a fic with properly Jedi behavior next time-assuming my selection comes from that time period, of course.

    I'm glad you liked the selection Ginger, and LordMoltar :) Nice to see I haven't lost all of my touch 8-}
  17. Artemis_Silverbow

    Artemis_Silverbow Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 9, 2001
    Just so there's no confusion, my definition of a "normal" schedule is about once a week :) So, I present, the 19th Locked Thread Reading List selection: A Different View by Jaded. It's a post-OT fic this time, featuring a post-Calista Luke. But how long can the lovelorn Jedi Master can stay depressed with Mara Jade around? ;) Enjoy!

    If you'd like PM notification of updates(and aren't already on the list), send a PM to Echo_of_Artemis, or post your desire to be added to the notification list on this thread.

  18. LordMoltar

    LordMoltar Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 25, 2001
    You know, it's good to be reminded of what it's like to be turned into a mere bowl of mush so early in the day. :) Thank you for the wonderful selection, Artemis. Frankly put, it has to have been one of the most moving stories you've placed on the list. Chalk another one up for my goddess. :D
  19. Jane Jinn

    Jane Jinn Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 12, 2000
    Yes, that was very good. Almost turned me into a Mara Jade fan. I really admired her strength of mind that she didn't take advantage of Luke during his weakness, and could admit to him that she didn't want to be a substitute, but that she'd wait until he was ready. Excellent selection!
  20. Artemis_Silverbow

    Artemis_Silverbow Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 9, 2001
    Glad the two of you liked it :) I thought it a nice piece of characterization. After all, fan fiction can't be just Obi-torture, can it? (Don't answer that Jane Jinn ;))

    Ok folks, it's time for the next update :D The 20th Locked Thread Reading List selection is Introducing Sage Darkstar by Caddal. What happens when three strangers accidentally land on the roof of the Jedi temple? And one of them has unusual abilties? Read and find out ;)

    If you'd like PM notification of updates(and aren't already on the list), send a PM to Echo_of_Artemis, or post your desire to be added to the notification list on this thread.

  21. LordMoltar

    LordMoltar Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 25, 2001
    Hmmmmm... interesting story, this was. :) I do admit, it had a rushed feeling to it, but I liked the originality of the characters, and how they interacted with each other. (By the way, Rouge seemed to remind me of a character we're both fond of, Artemis. I wonder who that could be... ;)) I'd say it was still a good choice, even if the story seemed to take rather grand leaps in pacing. (I know, I know... "Whine, whine, whine". :))
  22. Jane Jinn

    Jane Jinn Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 12, 2000
    Well, if Jane Jinn can't answer that, maybe you'll allow another of her personalities to say something? "Actually, the older we get, and hopefully also the wiser we become, the more we appreciate excellent characterizations in fanfic, and just plain good stories. Hai Gan, Lilith Demodae, Mistress Renata, and Albion are some of our favourite authors now, and there's not an Obi-Torturer among them."

    This last story was fun. I liked this line the best: "The council was obviously NOT pleased about being called together in the middle of the night. Qui-Gon noticed that master Yoda's eyes shifted from his walking stick to him and back again."
  23. Artemis_Silverbow

    Artemis_Silverbow Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 9, 2001
    I was teasing you Jane Jinn. I didn't mean to say that Obi-torture was the only thing you liked. I apologize if it came out that way [face_blush] I have found much of what you said about your changing taste in fan fiction to be true of myself as well, though I seem to be devoting much less time to it than I used to.

    From what I understand, LordMoltar, this story was written "on the fly" so to speak, not written before hand and posted in sections, so the rather uneven pacing is more understandable. However, I still found the story fun by virture of the interesting characters. (And you wouldn't happen to have been thinking of a certain red-headed, cross-scarred rurouni when you mentioned Rogue, now were you? ;))

    On to the update! :D For the 21st Locked Thread Reading List selection, I present, The Sniper by Darth Muis. This is an extremely short story(only three short posts!)about a Rebel sniper on a mission gone wrong. Darth Muis says it's based on another short story of the same name by Liam O?Flaherty. Enjoy! :)
  24. Jane Jinn

    Jane Jinn Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 12, 2000
    I wasn't insulted, more amused, really. I'm sorry that didn't come through. I should use emoticons more often.

    That was a good story. I was hoping the sniper would get Tarkin anyway, but oh well. A very interesting, sad and happy ending. Sad because they had to die, but happy because they'd found each other in the first place, and because one wouldn't have to live with the guilt that he'd killed his own brother.

    You're really good at finding these little gems! It's a pity more people aren't reading this thread. Sometimes I think a lot of the readers don't care about quality, just about getting whatever element they like most; torture, angst, romance, or whatever.
  25. LordMoltar

    LordMoltar Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 25, 2001
    First off, you hit the nail right on the head with my comment on the character from the previous story, Artemis. ;) Rogue did remind me of a certain Mr. Himura, albeit with some of Yahiko's impulsiveness. But thanks for the explanation for why the story seemed so rushed. Of course, that is simply my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions. (I would say it here, but this is a place of family entertainment. :p)

    Now I should probably comment on your most recent story posting. You're right; it was rather short. However, the funny thing is, even though the story was short in length, it read like a complete, and well thought out, story. I really was impressed with it. I found it interesting how I grew so interested in the main character, yet I don't recall seeing his name, or anything truly identifiable, mentioned in the story. Congrats to you for finding yet another fine story. :D

    I have to agree with you, Jane Jinn. Especially now that I'm doing readings for some of my college classes. Variety is the spice of life, after all, and Artemis does provide that in spades here.
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