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The misconceptions you had about Star Wars, when you were a kid.

Discussion in 'Classic Trilogy' started by Darth_Reign, Apr 28, 2002.

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  1. robot717

    robot717 Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 31, 2001
    When I saw the Yoda puppet in the toy section of a local Krogers I thought he might be a bad guy.
    Remember,I wouldn't see my first Star Wars movie until I was a teenager.
  2. Corran_Horn_

    Corran_Horn_ Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 7, 2002
    "I remember I used to think that Vader wanted the Millenium falcon because it was faster than his ships and he was jealous."

    So I'm not the only idiot! LOL

    Actually, my first memory is to be scared of Ewoks. I had seen a special on the making of SW:ROTJ and I believed that Ewoks where created artificially for the movies and that they were real. So when I saw ROTJ in the theater, the Ewoks scared the beejeezus out of me! (Gimme a freaking break, I was three!)

    I also thought Threepio was a REAL robot. I also had the confusion with lightsabers, I thought the sabre given to Luke by Ben was the same one he used to fight Vader so I didn't understand how Luke had his lightsaber back in TESB.

    The Ben-Vader fight was kinda confusing since the lightsabers appear to shrink and expand during the scene. They also lost their glow in some shots, which REALLY confused me as a kid.

  3. thegarner

    thegarner Jedi Youngling

    Nov 11, 2001
    wow, i'm glad i'm not the only one that thought it was oysters too :)
  4. ElfStar

    ElfStar Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 24, 2001
    My bad. I meant to say I thought Leia said "Scruffy looking Nerve hurter"

    To be fair, that's a line that is easy to get wrong. I mean, nobody knows what a "Nerf Herder" is anyway.
  5. HighWiredSith

    HighWiredSith Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 25, 2001
    >I thought Vader's name was "Dark Vader"
    >I thought Ben's other name was O.B.1 Kenobi and that the OB stood for "Old Ben"
    >I thought Vader was a robot
    >Up until about a year ago, when watching ANH with the closed captioning on, I thought Red Leader was saying "Luck As Falls Attack Position" rather than "Lock S Foils In Attack Position."
    >I also noticed that Yoda says "Always in motion is future" and not "Always emotional is future" like I thought.
  6. milkchess

    milkchess Jedi Youngling

    Apr 24, 2002
    -SW=Star Trek
    -I was confused w/the whole Dantooine and tatooine thing.
    -I didn't get what was going on in ANH ben/vader fight. it looks like ben is struggling to control his saber or something and that he doesn't really know how to fight at all!
    -was scared of ewoks therefore the stuffed ewok stayed in my closet for years and years...
    -got confused w/palpy's hologram image and that energizer bunny commercial. "the bunny is in star wars???"
    -yeah, doesn't yoda sound like grover?
    -basically, the whole movie just scared the bejesus out of me w/all those evil looking characters.. so i couldn't watch it till i was a teen. bummer.
  7. UCLAJediMaster

    UCLAJediMaster Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 16, 2001
    i remember back in 85 when i was four and my parents first started forcing star wars onto me.... man i love my parents :)

    i thought that the titles went ANH, ROTJ, ESB. i knew the order of the films however i thought that the real title for the sixth movie was ESB and i never could understand why it was called the empire strikes back if the emperor dies at the end.

    it wasn't until i was like 6 and started working the VCR myself that i put the correct names to the correct footage.... hahaha
  8. Shadowsabre

    Shadowsabre Jedi Master

    Feb 8, 2002
    I used to think that Boba Fett knew/was related to Han. Specifically, I thought he was his brother. No clue as to why.
  9. pukearrhea

    pukearrhea Jedi Youngling

    May 9, 2002
    I always thought that the stormtrooper uniforms had the word "oil" on there backs (there is some design that is all like 0II).

    Whenever I was playing with my friends, I'd be like:

    "Quick, now's our chance to escape, the stormtroopers need more oil".
  10. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Sometime after ESB and just slightly before ROTJ, I happened upon a cover to a Marvel Comics version of ROTJ. On the cover was Admiral Ackbar.

    I had two misconceptions: One, this was going to be ROTJ's new bad guy, or two, this was going to be a new good guy to replace Luke Skywalker cuz Luke was going to be killed.

    Don't ask me how I came to these conclusions.
  11. Zooropa

    Zooropa Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 2, 2001
    I remember watching ANH on laser disc (the old kind that came out in the 70's and looked nothing like the early 90's versions.)
    about amillion times. I could have SWORN I remember Han shooting Greedo and Greedo never getting a shot off.
    Fast forward 20 years, and I buy the trilogy for myself, and to my amazement, Greedo actually shot at han before he was fried.

    Don't kids remeber things in the oddest way??
  12. Smuggler-of-Mos-Espa

    Smuggler-of-Mos-Espa Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jan 23, 2002
    Well, i honestly didn't have much, but i did have a few.

    For example, Once when my brother told me that one of Harrison Ford's first jobs was a carpenter, and i always thought Ford WAS Solo, and i watched ANH right after he told me that and on the death star scene right after they invader and started in a gun battle with guards right outside the detention block, i said "Woah! I wonder if he shoots carpet down." And at the time i thought carpenters only put down carpet.
  13. Ree Yees

    Ree Yees Jedi Youngling star 5

    Apr 6, 2000
    A lot of people not well-versed with Star Wars seem to think that AT-AT Walkers are droids, grown-ups too hihih.

    My big misconception has to be because of my uncle. I remember waiting for 'RETURN OF THE JEDI' to come to the cinemas, and my uncle told me he had seen it. He told me how the movie opened with Darth Vader aboard a giant starship shooting at Luke who was running across a big field.
    Of course, when the movie finally arrivred, it didn't open like this at all. But I *still* imagine my uncle's SW scene as if I have seen it, somewhere, someplace. :)
  14. ObiJohnKenobi

    ObiJohnKenobi Jedi Youngling star 4

    Aug 30, 2001
    For ages I thought that when Obi Wan said there was no such thing as luck, Han got all offended because that was how he made his living:

    BEN: In my experience, there's no such thing as luck.

    HAN: Look, going against remotes is one thing. But going against a living? That's something else.

    I had little or no idea what "remotes" were ... possibly something to do with remote possibilities.
  15. jendiggity

    jendiggity Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 26, 2001
    <<<I could have SWORN I remember Han shooting Greedo and Greedo never getting a shot off. Fast forward 20 years, and I buy the trilogy for myself, and to my amazement, Greedo actually shot at han before he was fried. >>>

    actually, han DID shoot first. it's only in the special edition that greedo shoots first. it's a huge thing that a lot of people have a problem with this change. there's a bunch of threads on this board about it....somewhere.
  16. lono

    lono Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 2, 2002
    Yeah, I saw a comedian on tv a long time ago making fun of the SW names, like hand solo and princess lay-ya.

    When I first saw a pic of the death star in ROTJ I also thought it was the original just damaged.

    I misheard lots of lines too (maybe we can make a thread for SW mishearings?)

    In ANH I though luke said "I can take you to anchorhead, most I see, or where ever it is you're going" instead of Mos Eisly.

    and I thought Obi-Wan said:
    "who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool of politics?"

  17. lono

    lono Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 2, 2002
    That part in ANH when Obi-wan's lightsaber starts to crap out I thought either his saber's battery was dying or the special effect didn't work at that camera angle.

    I went to the SE thinking it would finally be fixed but it wasn't. never could figure that out.

  18. Evet_Frost

    Evet_Frost Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 9, 2002
    I used to think Stormtroopers were robots and that Luke's sabre was yellow. (Darn Hasbro!) All of the ANH toys had luke with a yellow sabre.
  19. Jayk-Moonstray

    Jayk-Moonstray Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 2, 2002
    Wow... I was blessed to first see ANH when I was old enough to understand. But before that my bro bought me some SW toys and I had Darth Vader, Pilot Luke and the X-Wing and I always pretended Luke ran over Darth in his X-Wing and that was all. Oh yeah, and when I saw ANH the first time it was SE in the theatres and me and my Dad made it in maybe 5 minutes into the movie and I saw the sandtroopers and I was thinkin' "***?"

    y'all are funny
  20. Dack812

    Dack812 Jedi Master

    Apr 24, 2002
    I can remember seeing commercials on tv for ANH and thinking that the big scary hairy creature (Chewbacca) had to be a villian. Something that intimidating HAD to be bad.
  21. CrAsHcHaOs

    CrAsHcHaOs Jedi Grand Master star 2

    May 7, 1999
    I have no clue why, but I used to be scared of Yoda! He was this weird looking alien to me when I was a kid and was an ugly little sod, and I had nightmares of him. Now, I think he's a cute little guy, but I would DEFINITELY not want to mess with him, especially after seeing him in action in Episode 2. Hey, I was also scared of E.T. when I was little!

    OH YEAH, also, before I read the captioning for it, in Episode 1, when Qui-Gon tells Obi-Wan, "Don't center on your anxieties Obi-Wan, focus on the here and now where you belong," at the beginning of the movie, I always thought he said something like, "Down-syndrome your anxieties Obi-Wan, focus on the here and now where you belong." Thank goodness for captioning!
    Ambervikings91 likes this.
  22. flyingseal

    flyingseal Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 20, 2002
    I always thought that whenever Jabba fed a person 2 the rancor they would turn into frogs and Jabba would eat those :p I thought that because right after the Rancor eats Oola you see Jabba grabbing a forg and eat I thought that frog was Oola and that's why he goes crazy with his tongue right before he throws her down to the rancor, I thought he was hungry and wanted to eat her :p [face_laugh]
  23. TallChewie

    TallChewie Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 6, 2002
    I was 7 when I saw ANH in 1977.

    Darth Vader=Dark Vader

    I had a Star Wars poster that you could color in with markers. I labelled the characters on it. I labelled the Tusken Raider as "monster", C-3PO as "3-CPO" and Chewbacca as "Bigfoot".

  24. BruinJedi

    BruinJedi Jedi Youngling

    Mar 13, 2002
    Many of the previous posts have mentioned many of the misconceptions I had about Star Wars (i.e, Life-Savers, Dark Vader, etc.) But one I haven't seen mentioned yet...

    I remember seeing ROTJ in the theatres. After Luke cuts off Vader's hand and we see the wiring hanging out then Luke looks at his own hand, I thought that Luke's hand transformed into Vader's hand. Furthermore, if he had decided to kill Vader he would have actually physically transformed into him. I know it sounds kinda weird, but I guess that's what I thought it meant for his journey toward the dark side to be complete.
  25. Hatter

    Hatter Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 16, 2001
    Some of these sound pretty made-up...

    Anyways, I used to think that Yoda lived with the Ewoks, in these weird underground-type caverns. They were kinda like a mix of the inside of Yoda's hut, the darkside cave, and the Ewok buildings.

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