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The misconceptions you had about Star Wars, when you were a kid.

Discussion in 'Classic Trilogy' started by Darth_Reign, Apr 28, 2002.

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  1. Darth_Reign

    Darth_Reign Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 7, 2001
    "C-3PO as 3-CPO"

    Yeah I used to make that mistake as well.

    I remember thinking that Luke could only use the froce when he was upside down.

    The cave on Hoth.

    The chair on Endor

    THe rocks on Dagobah.
  2. KypDuron

    KypDuron Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 21, 2001
    What a GREAT thread!!!....Thank GOD I'm not as stupid as I thought :) I read a few other people that thought stormtroopers were droids. I even remember thinking "How did Luke and Han get all the wires and stuff out to get into the robots"!!! Also I thought the backs of the troopers had the word "OIL" on them too.
    Dark Vader
    Hand Solo
    Aunt Veru
    OB1(like droids initials)
    "Lock in spoils(instead of S-foils)in attack position"--I won't admit how recently I realized that :)
    Boba and Han related (where DID we get that??)
    how could someone eject in space??
    Tatooine was pronounced tatoony
    many others that I'm too embarassed to tell :)
  3. Darth_Reign

    Darth_Reign Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 7, 2001
    Until just recently I thought that the Anoat system was called the No'oid system.

    "The No'oid system theres not much there".

    It doesn't sound like Leia or Han are saying Anoat.
  4. ShadowDragon

    ShadowDragon Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 25, 2002
    When Vader tells Luke, "It is pointless to resist, my son," I thought he was telling the Emperor, "It is pointless to resist my son." I always thought that line was so out of place.

    When Obi-Wan's saber blade disappeared, I thought he somehow ran out of Force...

    I thought there were different emperors in ESB and RotJ.

    A friend of mine, when seeing ANH:SE in a theater, had the most annoying kid behind him. For Tatooine, Alderaan, and Yavin IV, he would say "Daddy! Is that earth, Daddy? Is it earth?" Finally, he got a "Yes" at Yavin IV. (!)

    EDIT: And I also thought that that Anakin (Sebastian Shaw) said "Tell your sister you've arrived."
  5. Radiohead

    Radiohead Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 31, 2002
    I thought it was Dark Vader, instead of Darth Vader when I was younger. Simple mistake, I think.
  6. ElfStar

    ElfStar Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 24, 2001
    I also used to think Luke was turning into Vader in RotJ. For some reason I didn't remember Luke getting the robot arm in ESB, so I thought when he cut uff Vader's hand it suddenly appeared on luke, and if he cut off more of Vader he would get those parts too. :) Kids imagine such stupid things.
  7. Kriare

    Kriare Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 31, 1998
    I watched them in this order ROTJ, ANH, ESB.
    I was like 13 before I finally figured out how Han got into the carbonite! I remember thinking who is this guy and how did he get in there?
    When I was *really* little I didn't realize that aliens were actors in costumes. Don't ask me why, the thought just didn't cross my mind. [face_blush]
  8. strat2k2

    strat2k2 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 20, 2002
    My brother says that I told him that Yoda was a real human, just really really old and wrinkly.

    When I saw "Episode IV" I actually got my dad to phone the video store to make sure we had the right one. I guess it had been a long time since he had seen it...
  9. Mace_Windo

    Mace_Windo Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 31, 2001
    i used to call C-3PO, 3-Cpo.
    i used to think that Luke came back to the cantina in ROTJ(Jabbas plalce)to kill the big slug :p
  10. Keggy728

    Keggy728 Jedi Youngling

    May 7, 2002
    I had them all on tape, and when i was little i thought that return of the jedi was the first one.. then it was the "emporer strikes back" and palp was angry at vader so he made vader try to kill luke, then ANH was the end becuase vader went flying away hahaha
  11. coporalclegg13

    coporalclegg13 Jedi Youngling

    May 19, 2002
    Dark Vader
    Light Saver
    I used to think that all stormtroopers were called Han Solos b/c on the commercial for the SE it showed Han Solo as a stromtrooper and said his name
    i thought the battery ran out on Obi-Wan's lightsaver
  12. pkloa

    pkloa Jedi Master star 4

    May 8, 2002
    when i first saw luke cut off vader's head in the cave, i never made the connection that it was luke's face :)

    ok, i didn't make the connection until my wife told me that it was luke.

    so i'm not the sharpest guy out there? so what ;)
  13. Devlo_Masan

    Devlo_Masan Jedi Youngling

    May 20, 2002
    I'm just one of the scores of people who also said "Dark Vader" and "lifesaver." But also, when I was little (around 4 or 5) I guess either I couldn't pronounce Obi Wan Kenobi or I just misheard it, so I thought it was Kaneyvo Kaneyvo. I thought it was the funniest thing in the world and I'd always make my cousin say "Kaneyvo Kaneyvo" and I'd get a big laugh out of it.
  14. Grand_Moff_Lebowski

    Grand_Moff_Lebowski Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 21, 2001
    A friend of mine used to think that Darth Vader really hated C-3PO, don't ask me why. I also used to think that the ghost with Ben Kenobi and Yoda at the end of ROTJ was the emperor. I thought the line "You'll never get this bucket of bolts past that blockade," in ESB was "You'll never get this bucket of bolts past that block of hay." And I thought the silver droid in the Jawa sandcrawler was C-3PO's evil twin
  15. Jedi-Finney

    Jedi-Finney Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 22, 2001
    i remember way back when i first saw a new hope... and hearing about the clone wars, i thought it was obi 1 kenobi, and that he was number 1 of the clones, and all the clones were of him, because he was obi 1... but now that i have seen attack of the clones, i know for sure that wasnt true...
  16. Darth_Maximus

    Darth_Maximus Jedi Youngling

    Nov 23, 2001
    In ANH, i thought it was Dark Vader, not Darth.
    In ESB, i thought that Luke had killed Vader in the swamp, and i could not figure out why he was alive for the rest of the movie.
    In ROTJ, i thought that luke had chopped off vaders head and put it in the fire (i didnt see the rest of the body at first), i argued about this with my brother for days.

  17. jimbofett72

    jimbofett72 Jedi Youngling

    May 20, 2002
    I used to call Jabba "Pizza" the Hut. I saw ESB first when I was four so when I saw ANH on video for the first time around 1982 I thought that Luke was drowned by the trash compactor monster. I remember jumping up and crying "Luke can't die. How is he in ESB when he dies in the first one" Suddenly Luke emgerges from the water and my fears were answered.
  18. Pimpleyone

    Pimpleyone Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 2, 2002
    When I was a little kid(before the SE)I thought when Oola drops into the Rancor cage she got turned into the frog-creature that Jabba eats right after. I don't know why I thought this, but I did.
  19. Darkside_Spirit

    Darkside_Spirit Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 9, 2001
    ""I remember thinking that Oola - the dancer at Jabba's palace - fell into the hole in the floor, and then was turned into a frog. Then Jabba ate her."

    :D Me too. :D
  20. MadMardigan

    MadMardigan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2001
    Wow. What memories. I had all the variations on Vader's name as well. Light Saver. Life Saver. Life Saber. All those. The ROTJ death star is from ANH.

    But my biggie was this. I always thought the head in Vader's helmet in the cave on degobah was a GIRL! I think my rationalization was something that if Luke turned to the Dark Side he would kill innocent women.

    To be honest (I'm 23) I didn't realize it was Luke's head until a few years ago...maybe when I was about 14 or so.
  21. lucassot

    lucassot Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2002
    When I was young, for some reason or another I thought the Super Star Destroyer was called the Jedi, therefore ROTJ meant that the Super Star Destroyer returned in the movie!! WT*!

    Wierd mind of a child!
  22. skippy35000

    skippy35000 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 20, 2002
    "jedi knight = jet-eye knight"

    YES! i always remember hearing about "return of the jet eye" when i was a kid.

    i really only got into star wars during the special editions, when i was in 8th grade. i don't really think i had any major misconceptions except for the popular oola/bug thing. but i can remember some of my friends' misconceptions:

    -one said he thought the movies took place in the future. he must have ignored the blue letters that open each movie!

    -another said he thought the empire were the good guys, and darth vader led the rebellion. man, that must have been confusing.
  23. skippy35000

    skippy35000 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 20, 2002
    "Whenever I was playing with my friends, I'd be like:

    "Quick, now's our chance to escape, the stormtroopers need more oil". "

    that story is so cute!!
    your name, however, is not.
  24. skippy35000

    skippy35000 Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 20, 2002
    "actually, han DID shoot first. it's only in the special edition that greedo shoots first. it's a huge thing that a lot of people have a problem with this change. there's a bunch of threads on this board about it....somewhere."

    you, sir, are an ass.
  25. Cantina-Busboy

    Cantina-Busboy Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 12, 1999
    I used to think:

    The Death Star Explosion in ANH was soooooo bright, it hurt your eyes to look at it.

    Yoda's stick was called a Gimer Stick.

    The Tusken Raider popping up into Luke's Macrobinoculars was a scary thing.

    The funniest thing was when I brought several of my action figures to a re-release of ANH in 1979 and sat them down on the seat beside me so they could see the movie too!

    Pre-ROTJ, I thought Harrison Ford wouldn't want to return and Han Solo was never going to survive the thawing process from carbonite.

    I used to call Aunt Beru's drink "Aunt Beru's Blue Brew".

    I thought the Empire Strikes Back would only be called "Star Wars 2".

    Lucas was trying to outdo himself with cute creatures. ANH had R2-D2 and the Jawas, ESB had Yoda and ROTJ had the cutest creatures of them all -- Ewoks.

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