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The Movie and Television Character Draft 2: Census and Games' Bogus Journey [Shadow_of_Durron wins!]

Discussion in 'Archive: Census and Games' started by DarthIntegral, Apr 20, 2007.

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  1. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball/SWC Jedi Commish/SOS Cultural expert star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    We managed to scrape through a first successful Movie and TV Draft.

    There were a few kinks in the system. We?ve tweaked the special effects, we?ve upped the budget on the judges, and we think we?ve got a slightly better cast of characters.

    Now, all we need is the rest of you to step up and cement the Movie and TV Draft into its place among the elite drafts on the JC.

    Before we move forward, we look back. The first draft I available for you viewing pleasure. Or your viewing displeasure. Probably a little bit of both. We were also able to induct the first member of the Movie and TV Draft Hall of Fame, EmpireForever, who won the first draft.

    And now, we move forward, looking to add another name to that list.

    For those of you familiar with the Draft Game, feel free to skip reading the rest of this post, and just sign up. For those of you unfamiliar, we?ll provide a quick synopsis of how to participate and all that jazz.

    The Participants

    There are three types of participants in this draft: The Commissioner, The Judges, and the GMs.

    The Commish: That?s me! It?s my job to make sure the draft runs smoothly. I take care of the draft list, randomize the draft order, call the matches, and keep track of the winners. I also have an open PM box for questions, complaints, and bad jokes.

    The Judges: There are three of these. It?s their job to decide who wins the matches. They (sometimes) listen to arguments from GMs, and (sometimes) provide breakdowns on their reactions to picks during the drafting process.

    The GMs: There will be between 16 and 20 of these. It?s their job to assemble a good team. It?s also their job to send in numbers (which we?ll talk about in a bit), and to ?pimp? their team in the eyes of the judges.

    Assembling a Team

    The bulk of the job of a GM, and the bulk of this game, is assembling the teams. This is done, mainly, through a drafting process. Once sign-ups are finished, a draft order will be published, alongside two character lists. When it is a GM?s turn to pick, they should post in this thread the character they wish to select for their team. Be warned, however, that you only have 24-hours to select a character, so it is often a good idea to send a PM to the commish with a selection or two that you would like to make if your turn to pick is coming up soon and you might not be on. If your time expires, you will be ?bumped? to the end of the round. If you are bumped twice during the process, you can be removed from the game.

    The draft order is reversed at the end of each round. So, if it begins this way:

    Team A
    Team B
    Team C
    Team D

    Then the next round, it will go

    Team D
    Team C
    Team B
    Team A

    And, we do that for ten rounds.

    The other ways to fill rosters for teams is through free agency and trades. Free agency occurs only in periods specified by the commish. During these times, you post in the thread a player you are dropping from your team, and a player you are dropping from the available list. To complete a trade, two GMs must agree to the deal, and then both must PM the commish for approval. If the trade is approved, the Commish will post so in the thread. Trades must be x-for-x in terms of draft picks and characters (i.e. no 3-for-2 trades or anything of the like are allowed).

    Now, I mentioned that there are two character lists. There is the regular list, and there is the ?beast? list. The regular list is composed of characters who apparently eat enough fiber. You can pick as many characters from this list as you want. The other list is composed of great beasts from movies. You can pick a maximum of one character from this list.


    Once the draft is complete, the teams will be divided into two conferences. The teams in these conferences will play round robin, with the top teams advancing to the playoffs. The playoffs then continue in single-elimination until a champion is crowned.
  2. KiwiRogue

    KiwiRogue Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 4, 2005
    GM #2. KiwiRogue
    GM #3.
    GM #4.
    GM #5.
    GM #6.
    GM #7.
    GM #8.
    GM #9.
    GM #10:
    GM #11.
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14:
    GM #15:
    GM #16:
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: **

    Hoping for a better draft position by putting my name down ASAP.

    WAVES @ Shurron.

    EDIT2: Indeed, Excellent! ::air-guitar::
  3. Shadow_of_Durron

    Shadow_of_Durron Jedi Knight star 6

    May 2, 2003
    GM #2: Kiwi
    GM #3. Shurron
    GM #4.
    GM #5.
    GM #6.
    GM #7.
    GM #8.
    GM #9.
    GM #10:
    GM #11.
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14:
    GM #15:
    GM #16:
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: **

    Yeah, yeah, I really probably shouldn't. But hey, what can I say? I like building teams. I don't expect to be able to be around and stick up for this team (whatever it ends up being) near as much as last time, if at all once June and July roll around, but... yeah. Whatever. I should be good to send in numbers at least.

    EDIT: Mexcellent draft name, btw.

    EDIT #2: Waves @ Kyp
  4. Kyptastic

    Kyptastic VIP star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    GM #2. Kyptastic
    GM #3.
    GM #4.
    GM #5.
    GM #6.
    GM #7.
    GM #8.
    GM #9.
    GM #10:
    GM #11.
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14:
    GM #15:
    GM #16:
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: **
  5. JediKnight20043

    JediKnight20043 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 18, 2004
    GM #2: Kiwi
    GM #3. Shurron
    GM #4. JK20043
    GM #5.
    GM #6.
    GM #7.
    GM #8.
    GM #9.
    GM #10:
    GM #11.
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14:
    GM #15:
    GM #16:
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: **
  6. KiwiRogue

    KiwiRogue Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 4, 2005
    Right, I'm going to fix this once and for all... and if anyone posts at exactly the same time... :mad:

    GM #2: Kiwi
    GM #3. Shurron
    GM #4. Kyptastic
    GM #5. JK20043
    GM #6.
    GM #7.
    GM #8.
    GM #9.
    GM #10:
    GM #11.
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14:
    GM #15:
    GM #16:
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: **
  7. JediVegeta

    JediVegeta Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 20, 2000
    Actually, I was fixing it to include you, but checked again to see if someone corrected it. It was like the Video Game draft all over again, huh? :p :)

    GM #2: Kiwi
    GM #3. Shurron
    GM #4. Kyptastic
    GM #5. JK20043
    GM #6. JediVegeta
    GM #7.
    GM #8.
    GM #9.
    GM #10:
    GM #11.
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14:
    GM #15:
    GM #16:
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: **

    What can I say? I want to try it one more time before RL really sucks all my time away! :D
  8. BartSimpson-SithLord

    BartSimpson-SithLord Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 24, 2002
    GM #2: Kiwi
    GM #3. Shurron
    GM #4. Kyptastic
    GM #5. JK20043
    GM #6. JediVegeta
    GM #7.
    GM #8.
    GM #9.
    GM #10:
    GM #11.
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14:
    GM #15: BaSSiL
    GM #16:
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: **
  9. Mikaboshi

    Mikaboshi Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 12, 2005
    GM #2: Kiwi
    GM #3. Shurron
    GM #4. Kyptastic
    GM #5. JK20043
    GM #6. JediVegeta
    GM #7.
    GM #8.
    GM #9.
    GM #10:
    GM #11.
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14:
    GM #15: BaSSiL
    GM #16: Despised1
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: ***

    PRENNTACULAR VIP star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 21, 2005
    Good to see this up.
  11. Tyi-Maet_Nefer

    Tyi-Maet_Nefer Jedi Master star 6

    Jun 17, 2005
    GM #2: Kiwi
    GM #3. Shurron
    GM #4. Kyptastic
    GM #5. JK20043
    GM #6. JediVegeta
    GM #7. Tyi
    GM #8.
    GM #9.
    GM #10:
    GM #11.
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14:
    GM #15: BaSSiL
    GM #16: Despised1
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: ***
  12. whiteeagle

    whiteeagle Jedi Master star 6

    Dec 24, 2004
    GM #2: Kiwi
    GM #3. Shurron
    GM #4. Kyptastic
    GM #5. JK20043
    GM #6. JediVegeta
    GM #7. Tyi
    GM #8.
    GM #9.
    GM #10:
    GM #11.
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14: Eagle
    GM #15: BaSSiL
    GM #16: Despised1
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: ***

    PRENNTACULAR VIP star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 21, 2005
  14. The_Chim

    The_Chim Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jul 16, 2001
    I kinda wanna do this, but I kinda don't. Hmmm.
  15. Shadow_of_Durron

    Shadow_of_Durron Jedi Knight star 6

    May 2, 2003
    Yeah, I'd be scared of me, too. Good call.
  16. Yodaminch

    Yodaminch Chosen One star 6

    Mar 6, 2002
    GM #2: Kiwi
    GM #3. Shurron
    GM #4. Kyptastic
    GM #5. JK20043
    GM #6. JediVegeta
    GM #7. Tyi
    GM #8.
    GM #9.
    GM #10: yodaminch
    GM #11.
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14: Eagle
    GM #15: BaSSiL
    GM #16: Despised1
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: ***

    PRENNTACULAR VIP star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 21, 2005
    You both know it's me he's scared of.

    Nice try though.
  18. Talon_Kenobi

    Talon_Kenobi Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 3, 2003
    GM #2: Kiwi
    GM #3. Shurron
    GM #4. Kyptastic
    GM #5. JK20043
    GM #6. JediVegeta
    GM #7. Tyi
    GM #8. Talon_Kenobi
    GM #9.
    GM #10: yodaminch
    GM #11.
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14: Eagle
    GM #15: BaSSiL
    GM #16: Despised1
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: ***
  19. Darthsuperbatpooh

    Darthsuperbatpooh Jedi Knight star 5

    Nov 29, 2002
    can i sign up with a sock :p
  20. StarWarsIsForever444

    StarWarsIsForever444 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 29, 2006
    GM #2: Kiwi
    GM #3. Shurron
    GM #4. Kyptastic
    GM #5. JK20043
    GM #6. JediVegeta
    GM #7. Tyi
    GM #8. Talon_Kenobi
    GM #9.
    GM #10: yodaminch
    GM #11. StarWarsIsForever444
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14: Eagle
    GM #15: BaSSiL
    GM #16: Despised1
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: ***

    you can pooh, I am :p
  21. Drac39

    Drac39 Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 9, 2002
    GM #2: Kiwi
    GM #3. Shurron
    GM #4. Kyptastic
    GM #5. JK20043
    GM #6. JediVegeta
    GM #7. Tyi
    GM #8. Talon_Kenobi
    GM #9. Drac39
    GM #10: yodaminch
    GM #11. StarWarsIsForever444
    GM #12:
    GM #13.
    GM #14: Eagle
    GM #15: BaSSiL
    GM #16: Despised1
    GM #17: *
    GM #18: *
    GM #19: **
    GM #20: ***

    You haven't seen the last of me
  22. Shadow_of_Durron

    Shadow_of_Durron Jedi Knight star 6

    May 2, 2003
    Now, now, don't get cocky.
  23. EmpireForever

    EmpireForever Force Ghost star 8

    Mar 15, 2004
    Shurron loses. How's that for a judgement?
  24. Shadow_of_Durron

    Shadow_of_Durron Jedi Knight star 6

    May 2, 2003
  25. EmpireForever

    EmpireForever Force Ghost star 8

    Mar 15, 2004
    I thought as much.
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