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ST The New Definitely Not Improved Even More Horrible Than The Last Two Rumors Thread

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Darth Chiznuk, Dec 12, 2017.

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  1. Daxon101

    Daxon101 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 7, 2016
    It probably was anakins story when there were just 6 movies. now its more family driven by the generation.

    Personally i think they will want the ST characters to take down Palpatine. justify their own trilogy.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
    TadoFett likes this.
  2. Alliyah Skywalker

    Alliyah Skywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 18, 2017
    Right now the OT doesn't have any justification anymore either for existing because Palpatine is still around and apparently still the power behind everything. So that doesn't appear to be a big concern.
  3. The Regular Mustache

    The Regular Mustache Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 22, 2015
    I think shortly after we find out that Palpatine was the puppet master behind Snoke we're then going to find out that Darth Plagueis is alive and he's been pulling the strings! But then we're going to learn that Darth Bane is alive and he's the real puppet master pulling the strings of all the other puppet masters.
  4. Ricardo Funes

    Ricardo Funes Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    So there would be no justification to win WW1 because WW2 would happen.

    There is plenty of justification, the Galaxy was free for several decades from the Empire regime.
  5. The Deuteragonist

    The Deuteragonist Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    Yeah, I mean after all it is called Star Wars so...
  6. Alliyah Skywalker

    Alliyah Skywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 18, 2017
    They were apparently as "free" as Palpatine allowed while still calling all the shots. Free like rats in a maze. Yes, every now and then they stumble onto the pleasure button and push it, in this case celebrated their "victory" after Endor. Joke's on them now.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
  7. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Wars among the starts from beginning of time to the end. Skywalker or no it goes on.
  8. Alliyah Skywalker

    Alliyah Skywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 18, 2017
    If another war nullified the ST, count me in. But since this is the final episode of the Saga, that particular victory will stand. I highly doubt Disney will do that to the characters created under its own banner.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
  9. Darth Corydon

    Darth Corydon Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 2018
    oh yes cause there wasnt 3 or so wars after the OT in legends No war after the OT Nullifies the OT Galaxy landscapes change Threats reappear or appear. the Cycle continues as it does in real life Does WW2 invalue the heroes of WW1 No Does the Cold war Invaule WW2 no Does any of the other Wars invaulate the Progress that happend in the cold war no
    TadoFett likes this.
  10. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    There will be more Star wars after the Sequels not named episode 10, wether t's when Rey is old or 100 years after it will happen and it could go either way. The jedi will be rebuild but might not grow large and remian smaller then in PT and a weakened repulbic battling other forces. For all we know she coun't rebuild the jedi until show was as old as Luke and republic took 30 years to recover after Starkiller attack.
  11. Alliyah Skywalker

    Alliyah Skywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 18, 2017
    The wars in Legends were fine because a functioning Republic and Jedi Order was still established. And make no mistakes, these things will happen, they will just be given to the ST characters so they look good. Because, conversely, if they failed at that, they would look bad. Now this goes for the OT folks as well.

    Rebuild Jedi of whatever number already makes Rey superior. An existing Republic after a 100 years would be more than superior. Which is the entire point of the ST pretty much, to end with superior accomplishments by the new characters.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
  12. Paro

    Paro Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 11, 2017
    Unless these bunch of Darths are just one evil entity, that has been "jumping bodies" for a really long time. Hence the rule of two.
    Or, Plapy is just plapy. Who knows.
  13. lawton

    lawton Jedi Master star 4

    May 12, 2015
    I think the best way to handle it would be Kylo gets killed helping trying to take Palpatine out but it allows Rey to finish Palpatine. No ending like in Ep 6 - just let Kylo go out a bad guy wanting more power.
  14. lawton

    lawton Jedi Master star 4

    May 12, 2015
    More likely Snoke was literally Palps that had took over the corpse of Plagueis that he had threw on ice when needed in case of an untimely death. Plagueis probably regrets letting Palps learn how to cheat death.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
    TadoFett likes this.
  15. Paro

    Paro Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 11, 2017
    So basically he is Palpatine, in Plagueis body, but was known as Snoke?
    He really is the puppet master!
  16. Psycho Weiner

    Psycho Weiner Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 5, 2017
    Not necesdarily. Just because Palpatine is back (and we still don't know how or to what extent he's back) it doesn't mean he's been there, controlling everything, since the end of ROTJ. It could well be that he's only recently (or within the last few years) found a way to come back.
  17. zackm

    zackm Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 22, 2015
    Every new war nullifies the results of all previous wars. Simple math.
    Ricardo Funes likes this.
  18. PimpBacca

    PimpBacca Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 4, 2015
    they do, but I’m sure they could be genetically engineered to live on the bear Minimum. As for how long they have been out in the unknown regions ward says they are loyal to Palpatine witch would make me think they where around before episode 6
  19. ChildOfWinds

    ChildOfWinds Chosen One star 6

    Apr 7, 2001
    Every new war doesn’t make everything worse than it was before the last war, as is the case with the ST. And a NEW conflict with a new enemy should have been created instead of just using the Empire with a new name and a new Darth Vader. The old republic and the old Jedi order lasted for over a thousand generations . The new republic lasted about two dozen years at the most. The new Jedi order lasted about six years. Both were completely destroyed, leaving Luke, Han, and leia with absolutely nothing. All of that is Profoundly unsatisfying, and not very respectful of the OT characters or the OT films.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
    RP McMurphy, KSennia, Oryx-I and 3 others like this.
  20. Pro Scoundrel

    Pro Scoundrel New Films Expert At Modding Casual star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 20, 2012
    This is a story, not real life. Repetitive beats in a story is bad storytelling. We've seen this story before, and it was better the first time. TROS needs to bring something really new to the saga, or this may end up being remembered as the "poor imitation" trilogy.
  21. Darth Buzz

    Darth Buzz Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    TFA is the reason we are in the situation of this being so similar in the first place. TLJ took it in new directions that make it very different from the OT, yet people get made at TLJ and not TFA LOL.
  22. Jid123Sheeve

    Jid123Sheeve Guest

    Honestly I think people should be just as mad of TFA ...TLJ just doubled down on what TFA was doing. Blame the root of the "Problem" not the continuation.

    (To be fair I'm cool with it but still)
  23. Pro Scoundrel

    Pro Scoundrel New Films Expert At Modding Casual star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 20, 2012
    TLJ still copied plenty, and the ST as a whole is still the same basic story as the OT, so far. TLJ even officially brought back the rebellion. It's not even trying to trick people with rebranding anymore.
  24. Darth Silliness

    Darth Silliness Jedi Padawan

    Jun 12, 2017
    Harry Potter is the story of a boy born with a magical gift, raised in obscurity by his aunt and uncle, who under the guidance of a wise old wizard, and with the help of a loyal male friend and a resourceful female one, learns how to harness his ability so as to defeat a dark lord. Is it bad storytelling? Because we’ve certainly seen this story before.
    cwustudent and Darthur C. Clarke like this.
  25. zackm

    zackm Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 22, 2015
    If this is your starting point, then the entire premise is flawed. The galaxy at large is definitely not in a worse place than it was with the Empire ruling. The Empire's reach and numbers combined with its tenacious cruelty subjected the galaxy to a hell that absolutely has not been, and can not be, matched by the First Order.
    Ricardo Funes likes this.
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