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Characters The OC Revolution | NEW! 4Q 2024 Challenge: OCs Inside Out (9/27, #1856, p. 75)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by OCDatabaseSock, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    So, the votes are in, and the OC Summer 2018 Challenge has a winner:

    Waterstories by @Ewok Poet

    Congratulations, EP! [face_party] This means you get the opportunity to come up with this thread's next challenge. Please PM your idea(s) to this sock, and we'll start the ball rolling. :)

    Many thanks and well done to all who took part! =D=
  2. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
  3. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Yes, congratulations, @Ewok Poet, and well done by both of my fellow submitters to this challenge! Thanks for keeping the OC fires burning. =D=
    Kahara, Ewok Poet and Raissa Baiard like this.
  4. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Congrats @Ewok Poet! [face_dancing] And kudos to the rest of you as well; this was a great little batch of stories and they were all very well done. :)
  5. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Thank you, all. :) About to PM my idea to da soxxxxx. :D
    Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  6. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Da soxxxxx awaits with great eagerness. :D
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  7. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    And now, I am pleased to announce that @Ewok Poet has provided our
    Fall/Winter 2018 Challenge!

    Write a story where one or more of your OCs are betrayed by other character(s). The betrayal must be justified from the latter's point of view, and it may be personal, professional (e.g., as in sports or politics), or a combination of both. Bonus points if the betrayal causes other characters to view the story’s events in more than one way.

    Challenge responses are due by 11:59pm on Monday, January 28, 2019. As before, you are welcome to post a link to your challenge entry in this thread, and I'll add it to the index (below).

    Looking forward, as always, to seeing what we'll get! :cool:

    Challenge Index So Far
    With Friends Like These by Vek Talis
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019
    Gamiel, Vek Talis, TheRynJedi and 2 others like this.
  8. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    My main OC is my author avatar. I would not say she is purposely based on me in any way, but is in some sense who I might like to be in the GFFA and is very purposely imbued with characteristics and personality-traits I would like to have. She is not me. As far as the picture/avatar of her goes though, I did not in any way design her to look like me but my few friends who know I have written SW say that the avatar does, in fact, somewhat resemble me. However subconsciously that ended up being.

    Yes everyone, I'm back for a pop-in.

    I recently decided that beating myself up over the time I've spent not writing (or should I say the years I have spent struggling with writing) was not helping me get anywhere or feel better about myself as either a person or a writer, so I've now switched tactics and decided that I will write when I feel like it and not worry about anything until then. My story is waiting for me when I'm ready and I don't need to feel I've failed anyone.

    I guess I felt like getting on today.

    The challenge is really good - very thought-provoking - but also a difficult one. I'm trying to figure out if I can work this in to my story somehow. I see possibilities, but...the parameters are very specific so it may be hard. ;)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2018
  9. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Oh, welcome back, @Viridian-Maiden! Great to see you again, and of course it would be fantastic to have you in the upcoming challenge, if things work out. Even if they don't, I wholeheartedly applaud the tactic of writing when you feel like it and just not worrying—something I try to tell myself, too! :p
  10. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018
    My answer to the challenge With Friends Like These is up and running. I greatly enjoyed this challenge and look forward to the next one. :D
  11. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Hello all! We haven’t had a discussion in a while, now—so, well, here is one. And since we have had several new folks join the fanfic boards recently, as well as some new OCs from some of the old folks, I thought we could go with a nice, basic “introduce your OC(s)” discussion. So: introduce your OC(s)! Tell us about them: basic vital statistics, likes, dislikes, where they are now in their story(ies)—anything you’d like to share. Both major and supporting OCs are welcome. Nor is this restricted to new users or new OCs—also totally cool is reintroducing older OCs who may not be known to some of the newer folk.

    So let the discussion begin, and have fun! :D
  12. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    And this is where I realise that I never introduced my OCs, I only made a post about their relationships while my loonyverse was still only a concept. [face_rofl]

    Given that I have a whole battalion of OCs, this freaks me out. I created only four in 2018, though. :p

    And I can't even spell the name of my newest Drall, which means that I did a perfect job. :D 10/10
    Kahara and Vek Talis like this.
  13. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    I have so many new OCs I hardly know where to begin! :D

    Well, first of all, there's the next generation of characters in my Marzra-verse continuity, notably Ronen Syndulla-Jarrus and Noemi Bridger. Ronen is 17 years old, the youngest of Hera and Kanan's three children. Ronen likes to say that he lost the genetic crapshoot between his parents' species, because unlike most Twi'lek/Human hybrids he has both unruly brown hair and short, blunt lekku. He was made fun of for his appearance as a young child and grew up believing that he looks like a freak. He also considers himself "the lamest padawan in the Galaxy" despite the fact that he has the rare talent of being able to make himself invisible in the Force. Fortunately, he has a true friend in Noemi, Ezra and Mara's 16 year old daughter. Noemi has auburn hair and blue green eyes; she inherited the beast-warden talent from Ezra and is bonded with a Loth-cat named Spots. She is very much a go-getter and frequently is involved in volunteer projects. Noemi is Ronen's staunch supporter; her latest project is to find Ronen a date for the Life Day fete, which has led to complications in both their lives :D

    As well as Ronen and Noemi, I also have Ronen's older sister, Ayelet (his older brother, Jacen, is not quite an OC) and Noemi's older brother, Caleb. Ayelet has green skin and Lekku, just like Hera. At 19, she's the sensitive, artistic middle child. Caleb, who looks like a younger version of his father, is a natural athlete, both with his lightsaber and as the star grav-ball kicker at school. He also plays quetarra--mostly loud Core-Drive/ quenk jazz fusion.

    I have a whole cast of OCs living on the Unknown Regions planet Giaca in my story "All Our Yesterdays". Nanda Vertti is a wildlife biologist, 50-ish, with gray-brown hair and brown eyes. Helpful and kind, she's a real mother avian, and she takes the story's protagonist Dev Morgan, under her wing when his escape pod crashes on Giaca, leaving him with no memory of his past. She's well-known and well-respected in Station 3Z3.

    Jaq Bonduna is the Twi'lek owner of the Station's cantina, the "Heads and Tails". Jaq has orange skin and a nose that has been broken several times. A former explorer, the cantina is filled with mementos of his earlier adventures. He's cranky and rough around the edges, but has a genuine fondness for Nanda, who convinces him to take in Dev. Jaq owns a tooka named Pouncer, who takes a liking to Dev.

    Akaela Ranulf is a near-Human Shorak, around 20 years old, with copper eyes and flame jewel red hair that shades to indigo and purple at the ends. She is a recent arrival on Giaca, pack-master to a group of fenwolves (large canids used as riding beasts). She's more comfortable in the company of her wolves than she is with other people. Akaela has a talent for communicating with animals, an ability she shares with Dev. The two of them strike up a friendship after he forms a connection with the unnamed male wolf cub in her care.

    Dev Morgan is not quite an OC (even though he hasn't figured that out yet) ;)

    And last, but not least, is Aliza Bridger, the 6 and 3/4 year old younger sister to one of the Infinite Ezras whose parents weren't arrested. Aliza has blue-black curls and big blue eyes, a Loth-kitten of a girl with boundless energy and a kitten's ability to get underfoot at all times. She's very fond of Ezra, though she annoys him by wanting to play with him when he has homework and chores to do. The two of them find an unexpected bond when Aliza confesses to Ezra that she sometimes knows things just by looking at people, and he tells her that he's able to do it as well. Aliza is from my short story "Sometimes I Just Know", but I think she may appear in future stories, too. :D
  14. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018
    Vek Talis – He's human and stands 1.825 meters, has light brown hair, green eyes and came to the GFFA after his death, pulled by the Force. Due to this, he's somewhat immortal, though he doesn't think it's such a wonderful thing. Not only was he denied release from the universe, he has regressed in age and doesn't know it yet, but his DNA has pretty much been put into a kind of limbo: he won't age, thanks to the Force. That doesn't mean he can't be hurt or is perfect or unbeatable: he's still just a dude, stuck in his own, endless self-deprecating turmoil. Just more endlessly now, thanks to the Force. He's currently starring in "Learning to Fly" in Before Legends, but in the New Year, I'm about to begin posting another story in Beyond with Vek as one of the main characters.

    Vizif Krat – Also a main player in "Learning to Fly" she's twenty-three, and stands 1.676 meters tall. She's a Miraluka with strawberry-blonde, short hair. She was raised between the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and the small enclave on Dantooine. Her master, an Umbaran, disappeared on a mission shortly after Vizif was knighted, though this information has been withheld from Vizif thus far. On her last mission with her master, Vizif fell into a nest of young Tuk'atas, her lightsaber broken in the process. Later, the Council determined her trial had been escaping this nest, having to slay the most aggressive beast with her bare hands, as a Tuk'ata is a Force resistant beast, bred in part by the Sith of old. She was knighted after the mission and spent several months on Dantooine before being drawn to a Kinrath cave and meeting Vek.

    Dun Zlan – From Uta'pau, Dun is 1.93 meters tall, and is 42 years old. He's a pilot and freelances with a galaxy spanning corporation called Proton Intelligence. For most of two decades, he's been trying to move from freelance pilot into the corporation's vaunted list of employees, with all the benefits of full employment. He's had two relationships in his life: one with a fellow Pau'an male named Ferenc Dea'c (Yes, I'm aware that Ferenc is Hungarian for 'Frank', but I thought it was cool for a SW name) and a Twi'lek man named Guzleko. Most of his life is consumed with his boyfriend and his job. Together, he and Guzleko are Plasma Bridge partners, enjoying the card game immensely. Dun rarely drinks or goes out to cantinas, always focused on moving forward in life. He's the star of "With Friends Like These...", my OC challenge response.

    Miria Qel Afar – She is human, 1.7 meters tall with long, golden-blonde hair and eyes which alternately appear green or hazel, depending on the light. Miria came to the Jedi at the relatively old age of almost five. She still remembers her family vividly, at age twenty-two. Her master, a 48 year old Togruta male named Kazyk Dek Kem, chose her based solely on her Force signature. They clash often, as their personalities are similar: both are prone to bouts of brashness and are easily agitated. It was Miria who discovered a Sith plot within the administration of the neutral zone the Jedi of Coruscant own (a small fifty kilometer in diameter area taking in the Temple and the old, unused Senate building), before her master and she believes he's jealous of this fact. She will appear at some point in a Beyond epic I've been writing for some time, to begin posting after the New Year, called "The Force Divided", though she won't appear until Act II of said story.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2018
  15. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    @Vek Talis - Thank you for explaining Ferenc. I had no idea, and it features in the Necroscope books that I write about.
    Vek Talis likes this.
  16. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Hello everyone! First, just a reminder that our currently running Fall/Winter Challenge comes due on Monday, January 28—just over ten days from now. Looking forward to seeing what will come in! :)

    Second, how about a new discussion? :D I found this meme shared elsewhere by @TrakNar (thanks, Trak!) and thought it would be interesting to see it tackled by regulars of this thread:


    So, obviously, the "1 like = 1 answer" part of things doesn't really apply on this platform so much, but I thought it could be interesting to see people's answers to these, and a good way for us to further get to know each others' ocedaria. You're welcome to tackle as many or as few of these as you like depending on what applies, what you feel comfortable with, etc. Have at it, and have fun! [face_dancing]
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019
    Kahara, Anedon and Vek Talis like this.
  17. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Pic isn't showing up.
  18. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018
    1. "Oldest OC" That would be Vek Talis, though he's had many names in his career :p, he is, by and large, the same 'character' as the one I first conceived of nearly ... *checks watch* ... oh, wow, nearly 17 years ago, actually. [face_blush]

    6. "Describe your character creation process" I generally take traits of myself and people I know well, along with a few traits I'm not all that familiar with, toss them in a bag, shake 'em up and see what comes out. That's all done on a subconscious level, though. I generally start thinking of a character in terms of the story s/he is in. I generally get my gender/age from the character her or his own self.

    7. "Do you 'ship your OCs with someone else's" Well, I haven't yet had the opportunity to introduce my OCs around. [face_mischief]

    11. "Would you consider yourself nice to your OCs" No. Not at all. [face_devil] [face_devil] [face_devil] [face_devil] [face_devil]

    17. "Oldest and youngest OCs" Oldest would have to be Vek Talis, as he's been in the GFFA for a VERY long time. Youngest would be Zena Bako, a Togruta from Sleheyron who is eleven.

    18. "Do you dislike any of your OCs" I can't say as I do. They all deserve torture, and torture I aim to give 'em. [face_mischief]

    19. "Have you ever made a self insert" Not really. Vek has the most amount of traits I share with my OCs, but he's also more than a little different than I am. I'm not exactly like any of them, though a part of me is in all of them.

    22. "An OC you didn't expect to love" Well, Britmar Seclu has grown on me a bit, to be honest. Everybody loves a scoundrel, right? ;) I suppose she might find herself on some other adventures, at some point.

    Thanks hosting sock person. :p This was a fun little exercise and I look forward to seeing how other people answer these questions. :)
    Kahara, Anedon and Findswoman like this.
  19. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    Intresting Idea @OCDatabaseSock. Will limit this to fanfiction though and leave my original fiction characters out.

    1. My oldest major OC would probably be Holden Sarlic, in a Hunger Games fanfic. he is the male tribute of District 7 during the 69th Hunger games and eventually suffers a truly tragic fate.

    2. My newest OC is kinda hard to say, given that I think of new character ideas quite regulary. The last one I used was probably Firmus Hayes in my Jacen Solo story who is a civilian turned survivor on a lost world in the outer rim.

    3. Changes actually quite a lot from time to time. Recently I invested quite a bit of time in my Black Sheep character Ethan Malek, a rebel pilot from Eriadu. Others I really like are Gaven, Nev and Kay Dervan.

    4. Haven´t really created any clear cut designs for any of my OCs in therms of looks(though I of course I have an idea how they look like) so I can´t really say it.

    5. Mainly to fill in gaps in the lore or when I need a character for a specific role a canon character can´t really play. For example Gaven was orginial born out of the desire for a Jedi character who wouldn´t have a personal grudge against Jacen.

    6. One way I create OCs is that I sometimes make them foils to exsiting canon characters. Gaven is in many ways a foil to Vergere, Ethan one to Wilhuf Tarkin. Others are initihially bit characters who later grew beyond their initial role and get more developed.

    7. Not really, not nessesary with canon characters either.

    8. Gaven and Nev, from my Jacen Solo series.

    9. Hard to say but possibly Romulus and Remus, twins from the capitol in my Hunger Games fic and the prep team of the protagonist. They are dressed as opposittes of each other in therms of colours but act as one individual, finishing each other sentences and copying each others gestures.

    10. Kay Dervan is the major one. A Jedi padawan from the old order who after being tortured by separatist allies during the clone wars and being "saved" by Darth Vader became an Imperial Inquistor and something of the empires "mouth of Sauron", as he uses diplomacy and spies as his main tools. He eventually becomes a wild card, and in some timelines even finds redemption, after the fall of the empire. I´ve played him in several RPGs throught the years so he is something of (anti)villian protagonist.

    11. Sometimes I guess, sometimes not, I´ve killed several of them, some in pretty brutal ways, while others went to horrific physical and/or mental pain. Though I also try to give them moments of geniune happiness and those who survive usually get a at least somewhat happy ending.

    12. Many, some bit characters some where more developed. In my Hunger games fic, I killed off the protagonists prep team, his stylist, all other tributes(naturally), all of his remaining family as well as several others over the course of the story. Haven´t been as bloodthirsty in SW... yet.

    13. Actually really none of my major ones are, except Gaven and Nev if takeing care for a teenager in a semi adoptive way counts.

    14. All of my(suviving) Hunger games OCs certianly, really need to get back to work on that third part of the story.

    15. Several, Kay Dervan and Mako Thorne are not that easy as its sometimes hard to balance them between being too likeable and unlikeable, as well as the knowlegde about certian things either of them could realistically posses.

    16. Hard to say as I haven´t really thought about this much. Give talles to Holden from my Hunger Games fic, as he is described as nearly two meters tall, with the shortest being Kate from that same fic on the simple fact that she is a twelve year old.

    17. Youngest would be Kate mentioned above, oldest Mako Thorne a surviving Jedi master from the old republic who is in his hundrettwenties when he shows up.

    18. Not really, there are certianly traits on many of them I don´t like but there isn´t an OCs I really dislike completly.

    19. I think every fanfic writer does this to some extend, so I guess there is something of me in most of my OCs. Also sometimes write my flaws, into some of them, for example Gaven shares my tendency to brood over almost everything and carry around a lot of depressing guilt over past mistakes.

    20. Can´t really think of one from the top of my head, usually if I later dislike certian traits about an OC I tend to change these traits at least to some extend, to make the charcater usable again.

    21. Gaven and Nev, it really supprised me that several of my readers pointed out that they really like those two, as I was inithially very unsure if the story would work with only Jacen as a major canon character.

    22. Again Gaven and Nev I think. Both were initihally concieved as minor character, Gaven was to die early, with his death becoming a motivating factor for Jacen, while Nev was just planned to give some exposition and then stay behind, but in both cases I eventually decided to keep them along for the entirity of the journey and they became two of my favourite OCs.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
    Vek Talis, Kahara and Findswoman like this.
  20. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    See if it works for you now—I moved it to a different image hosting site. (If anyone else isn't seeing it either, please let me know! Thanks. :) )

    EDIT: Fixed yet again; hopefully will be showing up for everyone now. Thanks for bearing with me!
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019
    Vek Talis likes this.
  21. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    And me again. Just a reminder that there is one week left in the Fall/Winter Challenge, with stories coming due on January 28. So far only one entry has come in (and yes, I finally did manage to update the index, sorry about that)—can we get any more? :D
    Kahara and Vek Talis like this.
  22. Cowgirl Jedi 1701

    Cowgirl Jedi 1701 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Works now.


    1. My oldest OC is Lila O'Donnell, who appears in a few of my older Star Trek fanfics.

    2. My newest OC is Merida Antilles, from my DDC story.

    3. I don't really have a favorite. I love all my babies.

    4. I think probably half of my OCs are redheaded, 20-something, females, with green or blue eyes, and most of those are of Irish extraction.

    5. I get plot bunnies and can't think of a canon character who can fill a particular role, so I make somebody up.

    6. It's kind of like meeting somebody. They pop up pretty much fully formed, but as I spend more time with them, I get to know them better.

    7. Not right now, but I guess it could happen.

    8. Noemi Bridger and Ronen Syndulla-Jarrus.

    9. I don't think I have any OCs that would qualify as "weird".

    10. No, but to quote Yoda, "difficult to see, the future is".

    11. Usually I'm pretty nice to my babies, but sometimes I make myself be mean to them, because majority happy endings are one thing, but 100% happy-happy-joy-joy makes for boring writing.

    12. I've killed 3 OCs. Roan McCarthy died in what could be most simply described as a Borg-related incident. Jack Fahey was the victim of a car accident caused by a drunk driver. A'asha Vendara died from some sort of complications after the birth of her third child.

    13. A'asha Vendara, (deceased) has three daughters.

    14. Definitely any of my Star Trek OCs, as I haven't written any Star Trek fanfic in a long time.

    15. I can't think of any specific OCs that are particularly hard to write, but I find males to be a little more challenging in general.

    16. My shortest OC is K'ahliyah. My tallest OC is Idris Vendara. He's 5'11", and he hasn't actually appeared in any stories yet, but he's in the OC Index.

    17. My youngest OC is K'ahliyah. My oldest is, again, Idris Vendara, who is 40-something.

    18. No.

    19. Definitely guilty.

    20. Sometimes I regret killing Roan McCarthy. I really liked her, and I killed her. Sometimes I toy with the idea of writing an AU so I can bring her back.

    21. I don't think that any of my OCs stand out as being more popular than the rest.

    22. Roan McCarthy. She was intended to be just a one-off, so I didn't expect to love her as much as I did.
  23. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018
    Yay! I win. By default. :p

    I want to start by thanking the little people, who helped make this all possible. Keebler, the 7 Dwarves, Larry, Curly, Moe, (they were pretty short), all the dwarves/elves in Tolkien and the various knock-offs of Tolkien's work.

    And then, there's the one I really want to thank for this one sided victory: ME!!! mi-mi-mi! Oh, me! I really noticed my greatness setting in, somewhere around the time I got out of diapers. That was, oh, around age 30, also when I began dressing myself, too. :p

    But really, let's talk more about ME!

    *ushers come to shove Vek out the nearest airlock*

    Bye-bye, buy bonds!

    Anyway, it was a fun challenge to write and I'm looking forward to the next one. :D
  24. OCDatabaseSock

    OCDatabaseSock Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Dec 17, 2004
    Ohwhatagoose this sock is! :oops: With the insanely subarcticpolar temperatures in my corner of the galaxy (presently -26ºF, wind chill of -51ºF) and my other sock duties and all, this deadline completely slipped my mind. Really, really sorry about that, everyone.

    Yes, you are right, @Vek Talis, you absolutely do win by default, and congrats on a fun and enjoyable story. =D= And that means that you get to come up with this thread's next challenge! I shall be PMing you about that anon. :)
    Kahara and Vek Talis like this.
  25. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    Yay! Congratulations @Vek Talis =D=[face_party]^:)^ A win by default is still a win (says someone who has also won by default :p) It was a tough challenge so completing it (and completing it well!) is no small thing. Can't wait to see your challenge idea!
    Kahara, Vek Talis and Findswoman like this.