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The Official Legacy Series Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Literature' started by jfostrander, Feb 1, 2006.

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  1. KansasNavy

    KansasNavy Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 10, 2001
    I wish these things werent announced so far in advance. I wish it was like, "Legacy is brand new and crazy awesome" (or whatever the promo said), Issue 0 will be out in a couple of weeks.

    Hehe, Im a product of a fast-food nation. I want it yesterday!

    Im interested. It kind of reminds me of the KotOR II promo. A dark galaxy with new Sith, a faltering Jedi Order, and an ex-Jedi.

    I actually think Ill pick this series up from the beginning. I just bought the Clone Wars TPB, and never read it issue by issue. Might as well start with this. The Lotf and this have me more excited than the interim period of RotS and ANH. This is a whole new sandbox to play in.

    I hope this new empire has some benevolent aspects (ie, colonial empires of yore) where they may have been authoritarian rulers, but not necessarily evil. Also, for those who want a stable and democratic Galactic Alliance, read the trailer for Betrayal.
  2. wild_karrde

    wild_karrde Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Oct 8, 1999

    Hey, it worked for Spike!
  3. Queengodess

    Queengodess Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 18, 2000
    Too right it did!

    And he looks like he wouldn't say no to a spot of violence, either. Hey, this might still be good. :D
  4. wild_karrde

    wild_karrde Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Oct 8, 1999
    For those complaining that you want a period of peace in the GFFA, you really must hate the current books. Here's what our heroes have been thru since RotJ:

    4 ABY - Ssi-Ruuk Invasion
    5 ABY - Glove of Vader stuff
    6-7 ABY - Retaking Coruscant
    7 ABY - Warlord Zsinj
    9 ABY - Grand Admiral Thrawn
    10 ABY - Reborn Emperor
    11 ABY - Admiral Daala/Exar Kun
    12 ABY - Eye of Palpatine/Darksaber
    13 ABY - Nam Chorios incident
    14 ABY - Waru
    15 ABY
    16 ABY - Black Fleet Crisis
    17 ABY - The New Rebellion
    18 ABY - Corellian rebellion
    19 ABY - Camassi document/Hand of Thrawn
    20 ABY
    21 ABY
    22 ABY - Outbound Flight recovery
    23 ABY - Shadow Academy
    24 ABY - Diversity Alliance/Black Sun
    25-30 ABY - Yuuzhan Vong invasion
    31 ABY
    32 ABY
    33 ABY
    34 ABY
    35-36 ABY - Dark Nest crisis
    37 ABY
    38 ABY
    39 ABY
    40-42 ABY - Legacy of the Force

    So in the 38 years since RotJ, the only year that they didn't have some crisis (that we know of) were 15ABY, 20-21ABY, 31-34ABY, and 37-39 ABY. That's only 10 out of 38 years with no documented wars/incidents. And there is no reason why they couldn't put some books out that take place in between NJO-DN-LotF. So if there are even 10 consecutive years of pease after LotF it'll be amazing.
  5. Havac

    Havac Former Moderator star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 29, 2005
    Both 15 ABY and 18 ABY had renewed Imperial offensives. So scratch 15 from the peace years.
  6. Ulkesh2

    Ulkesh2 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 28, 2001
    Major Events One Might See...

    I. Legacy Of The Force (novel series)

    1. Darth Lumiya has made a deal with Thrackan Sal-Solo. He will have control of the Corellian star system and a new separatist movement. The plan is for Diktat Sal-Solo to declare war on the Galactic Alliance. She has had a new clone army created for Diktat Sal-Solo's use. This new clone army does not use the Jango Fett template. Further Lumiya supplies Diktat Sal-Solo with other superweapons.

    2. Darth Lumiya and her son confront Jacen, Ben, and Luke. Lumiya's son is revealed to be Luke's true first born. He was conceived prior to the fateful Rebel Alliance mission that put Shira Brie (Lumiya's real name) in harm's way and left her cybernetically altered by her master Darth Vader. Lumiya unleashes her son on his Solo cousin and half brother.

    3. Darth Lumiya has learned the secrets of Darth Plagueis. She can keep people from dying. She can generate life from the Force itself. Lumiya orders her son to kill Ben. Lumiya's son leaves Jacen comatose and moves in for the kill. When Jacen revives from his injuries he is given a choice. Lumiya offers to complete Vergere's lesson plan. Jacen says forget it. Lumiya then plays her wild card. She can bring young Ben back to life. If Jacen joins Lumiya and the dark side. She has found Jacen's weakness. The loss of Ben is too much like the loss of Anakin Solo. Jacen gives in to Lumiya.

    4. Luke and Mara feel the death and resurrection of Ben. They also feel Jacen complete his journey to the dark side. Luke leaves to confront Lumiya and instead meets her son. Luke comes to the realization that he must become one with the Force during the fight. Much as Obi-Wan did all those many years before. Luke allows his recently discovered first born to 'kill' him.

    5. Luke tries to contact Mara and Leia from the realm of the Force, but Lumiya's Sith Lord knowledge blocks the contact. Mara and Leia form a Force strong strike team to rescue Ben and if possible Jacen. If they get help from the Galactic Alliance Jaina Solo will be in command of the donated fleet battle group. Lumiya has Sal-Solo fire the Corellian superweapon on this battle group. Much of it is lost. Mara manages to find her son. Han and Boba Fett arrive with Mandalorian Protectors to substitute for the GA losses.

    II. Legacy (comic book series)

    Did the Galactic Alliance win?

    Did the new separatist movement win?

    Or did these two forms of government collapse and leave anarchy?

    If so what is the state of the Jedi Order?

    How did the Sith Order survive the events of LOTF?

    What is the nature of this 'New Empire'?

    Why did Cade Skywalker reject his Jedi Knighthood and become a space pirate?

    So many questions. So many issues to explore. Come on Summer hurry!

  7. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    Come on, now...
  8. Ive_Got_Two_Legs

    Ive_Got_Two_Legs Jedi Youngling star 4

    Jul 18, 2005
    15 ABY didn't have renewed offensives, it was part of the 900 days without a shot as established in Black Fleet.
  9. Fingolfin_Noldor

    Fingolfin_Noldor Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 10, 2004
    Those are rather far fetched ideas. Not to mention, Lucas said "nay" to Luke's killing.
  10. Zorrixor

    Zorrixor Chosen One star 6

    Sep 8, 2004
    While I expect there to be some tie-ins and possible loose ends (Sith unaccounted for etc.) I doubt LOTF would end in such a state of disarray. LOTF will most likely be self-contained and reach its happy-enough conclusion the same way TUF did for the NJO.

    I seriously doubt the LFL has ruled out further book series after LOTF, obviously they also haven't made any promises either as it will entirely depend on the popularity of Star Wars in 2010. I imagine though that if Star Wars is still going and they do continue to release books that there will just end up being more books about Luke, Han and Leia set in 50-60 ABY or so.

    I can't see them just jumping from LOTF to LEGACY without any plans to fill in the middle.
  11. jfostrander

    jfostrander Writer: -Legacy -Republic/Jedi/Purge star 4 VIP

    Jul 16, 2001
    KansasNavy asked why these things were announced "so far in advance". It has to do with how comics are ordered. This month, comic shop owners (retailers) are placing their orders for books that ship in May. They order through Diamond Distributors who publish a big catalog that is also available for customers to buy. (Lots of people do to keep up with what's new.) See, we have to convince the retailer to ORDER the book even before we try to convince you to buy it. One way to do it is to announce it to the fans so they can tell their local shop that they want it. Since the word was going out ANYWAY, might as well make an official announcement. The goal is to say enough to get people interested without spilling everything. Why? Because you want them to actually BUY the book to find out.

    And you thought we did it by throwing darts at a calendar.<g>

    -- John
  12. quad_gun_jinn

    quad_gun_jinn Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 13, 2002
    That would be a fun way to do it though
  13. DarthVengeant

    DarthVengeant Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 14, 2004
    I guess you could say I just don't like this directio
  14. DarthSparhawk

    DarthSparhawk Jedi Youngling

    Jan 6, 2006
    Well, as a die hard fan of the Sith I'm very happy about this new series. i hope that the Dark Lords has wiped the Jedi again and I hope that once more they rule the Galaxy.
  15. Prequel_Dreamer

    Prequel_Dreamer Jedi Youngling star 3

    Mar 28, 2004
    I like the idea of this series. I've always thought it would be interesting if they went back and did a Star Wars saga seperated from the Fall and Redemption of Anakin with new but related characters as a means of getting back to the original Star Wars spirit without being encumbered by so much back story. This looks potentially excellent. I've really been digging on Ostranders Clone Wars stuff so I'm willing to cut him some slack. He is a skilled wordslinger and knows his stuff.

    I just wish that Cade didn't look like Billy Idol and didn't have such a pretentious sounding name.
  16. Jedi Merkurian

    Jedi Merkurian Future Films Rumor Naysayer star 7 Staff Member Manager

    May 25, 2000
    [rant]Actually, that's one of the major gripes I've had with the saga in the aftermath of RotJ, namely The Galaxy-Spanning Threat of the Week(tm), along with The Dark Jedi of the Week, and Imperial Warlord of the Week.[/rant]

    Overall, I'm not terribly impressed with the storylines post-RotJ so far, and a blurb about a new Empire, new Sith, and images of Han Fettwalker and Darth Aayla do little to dispel my concerns. OTOH, I'm a HUGE fan of Jan & John's work (I've been a fan of Jan's since her days penning Dungeons & Dragons for DC Comics, was it? AFAIC, her Khelben is the Khelben!) so I'll say that overall, I'm skeptical but not dismissive.
  17. LeeKenobi

    LeeKenobi Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 13, 2002
    Okay, though...but just WHO is Cade's father?

    ..............Anakin + Padme
    ..................| .......... |
    ......Mara + Luke.........Leia + Han
    ......??? + Ben.........|.........|..........|
    ..............|..........Anakin...Jaina.....Jacen + Tenel Ka
    .....??? + ???........................................|

    Or is Cade really Ben's great-grandson?
  18. Ulkesh2

    Ulkesh2 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 28, 2001
    I hardly think any of my speculations are far fetched. Why? Because in writing them I paid attention to what has been said about the book and comic storyline arcs. One thing that was said is that LOTF will bring SW back to the mythic hero's path. Also it has been said that the new projects would bring SW full circle in terms of issues addressed.

    One of those basic issues is fathers and sons. Their rise, fall, and redemption. It makes perfect sense to have Luke fight a son he had no knowledge of. Lumiya kept this boy a secret from his father. To turn the son into a proper weapon. Lumiya raised her son to be the true heir of Darth Vader's legacy.

    On the issue of Luke dying. Lucas will not just come right out and spill the plan of allowing Luke to join the Force. Besides Luke's 'death' will allow for him and the reader to explore the ability to be a Force 'ghost'. So in a way Luke remains alive.

    The 'unholy' resurrection of Ben Skywalker echoes the creation of Vader. It also sets up alarming drama for the reader. What is the nature of the resurrected boy? Is he to be a new threat down the road or new kind of Jedi Knight?

    So of course Lucas and the companies that work on his properties are not going to give away the heart stopping plot twists. They will deny that Luke will in a manner of speaking...die and so on. Drastic changes to character are a must in storytelling. It adds a sense of dire consequences and dramatic layering to the conflicts.

    I hope both LOTF and Legacy are written with mittens off. I don't require a completely happy ending as a reader. Those who do miss the point of meaningful story development.

    Remember SW is the kind of epic that is built on the repeating of basic patterns with variations to the patterns. That is the root of SW. It's like classical symphony music in that regard.
  19. Jedi Merkurian

    Jedi Merkurian Future Films Rumor Naysayer star 7 Staff Member Manager

    May 25, 2000
    "One of those basic issues is fathers and sons. Their rise, fall, and redemption. It makes perfect sense to have Luke fight a son he had no knowledge of. Lumiya kept this boy a secret from his father. To turn the son into a proper weapon. Lumiya raised her son to be the true heir of Darth Vader's legacy."

    Also very "Arthurian," the son of Lumiya being Mordred to Luke's King Arthur. It's an intriguing idea, but I don't like the idea of Lumiya being able to accomplish what Plagueis and Sidious could not. It would be another case of elevating an EU character at the expense of movie characters [face_shame_on_you] And I, for one, have had enough of that!
  20. wild_karrde

    wild_karrde Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Oct 8, 1999
    Here's the best I can figure it would go:

    32 BBY - Anakin Skywalker
    19 BBY - Luke Skywalker
    27 ABY - Ben Skywalker
    55 ABY - Ben Skywalker Jr.
    83 ABY - Cade Skywalker Sr.
    111 ABY - Cade Skywalker

    This would make Cade approx 29-30 years old in 140 ABY. It's based on approx 28 yrs for each generation from Ben to Cade. Of course, if they have kids at an earlier or later age you could add or subtract a whole generation.
  21. sabarte

    sabarte Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 8, 2005
    Never said he was Ben's though. Actually, explicitly did not confirm his descent came from Ben IIRC
  22. Ulkesh2

    Ulkesh2 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 28, 2001
    Third time is a charm in regards to the lineage of dark side accomplishments. Somebody said they do not like EU characters 'upstaging' the film characters. If I'm right and Darth Lumiya does discover the secrets of Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious then indeed she will be at the very least on equal footing with those two Sith Masters. So is that really 'upstaging' or is it just a logical progression of evil rediscovery?

    See Lucasfilm by and large has indicated that the EU is not an alternative what if stunt. The EU and the films are organic extensions of one another. Lumiya is going to be an on going iconic threat. She is the very proof that Vergere and Jacen are wrong. What makes her dangerous is her character arc is open ended. Where as the film villians are a bit more limited to their on screen fates. Granted Palpatine's clones allowed his return, but that strengthens the parallels between Dark Empire, DE2, Empire's End and ROTS.

    I can not count how many gripes I've heard fans voice over the lack of a truly iconic villian in the EU. Personally I think such gripes are invalid. But Lumiya I think will be to SW what Khan was to Trek. She will help bring conflict between the Solo clan and the Skywalker clan. The two connected clans will in time become bitter enemies. Much as what happened to the Atreides and Harkonnens of the Dune saga. Maybe in Cade's time the Solos and the Skywalkers will bury the hatchet or maybe not until later on.

  23. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    I was just thinking about this...ten people seem awfully small for something this far along. I wonder who the others are?

    1. Randy Stradley
    2. John Ostrander
    3. Jan Duursema
    4. Sue Rostoni
    5. Shelly Shapiro?
    6. Aaron Allston
    7. Karen Traviss
    8. Troy Denning
    9. Paul Ens
    10. Leland Chee?
  24. Rogue_Follower

    Rogue_Follower Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 12, 2003
    Don't forget the artists who do the inks, colors, and lettering (though they might not know the whole story.)

    Or is the "only ten" comment just for #0, which probably wouldn't have all those people? [face_thinking]
  25. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    I assume he meant the whole story. Or at least all the big stuff.
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