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SWC The Official SWC Dueling Thread

Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by Qui-Gon_Reborn, Feb 25, 2010.

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  1. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    IC: Keskor Vunn The Escaping One
    The Beskar Just missed the ship, and Keskor was safe, he needed to go back to the temple of light to learn more, then, maybe he would return to have a rematch with Reiis, for now, he had to focus on his training.
    Tags: Anakin.Skywalker
    OOC: I think it is safe to assume the duel is finished
  2. Anakin.Skywalker

    Anakin.Skywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2016
    IC: Reiis Invadator


    She missed.

    TAGs: Master Vo'Un'Var
    OOC: Great duel. :)
    Master Vo'Un'Var likes this.
  3. E. L.Knight

    E. L.Knight Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 4, 2012
    Darth Hades

    Hades walked into the arena and felt the familiar flow of darkness that comes with combat and death. He was well aware of the history of these places, of gladiators and arena fighters that were worshipped and revered as much as they were kept a slave. Now most of these places were for those who were free and wanted to test their meddle.

    And that is what brought him here, to this arena. Reiss Invadator had wanted a challenge, and he had decided to provide her with one.

    He waited calmly and began moving through various poses and forms, moving fluidly as he had been trained to do. ​

    He had yet to activate his lightsabers, or even reach for them. He felt no need to when he was as much a weapon as the crimson blades of light were. ​

    TAG: Anakin.Skywalker
    Anakin.Skywalker likes this.
  4. Anakin.Skywalker

    Anakin.Skywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2016
    IC: Reiis Invadator

    Reiis watched the Sith Lord before leaving the shadows to approach him. As in any duel Reiis partook in, she did her best to get a feel for her enemy before she stopped a few meters away. She paused, observing his exercises. Clearly, he'd been doing this a while, and Reiis expected nothing less.

    Her darksaber flew to her right hand as she fell into a defensive position. Even if she was going to make the first move, it never hurt to start out on guard. She had never seen Lord Hades fight, and honestly didn't know what to expect.

    Two lightsabers were attached to his person. While Reiis didn't panic or worry at this realization, she did begin to prepare herself mentally for dueling two sabers. She had dueled such opponents before, and it wasn't too terribly difficult once you got used to it, but it was important to keep them both in mind to avoid being lopped in half.

    Reiis waited for his next move.

    TAGs: E. L.Knight
    OOC: Thanks!
  5. E. L.Knight

    E. L.Knight Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 4, 2012
    Darth Hades

    Hades had felt her arrive. He had learned early in life that knowing ones surroundings and using your senses could save your life. With the Force his senses were even more attuned to his surroundings. So much so that he could close his eyes and navigate using just the Force. ​

    He did not move to acknowledge her, however. This was a test for her. She had asked for the challenge and Hades already knew what he was capable of. He didn't need to straight out attack her, because if he felt the need or the desire, he could end this fight even before it ever began. ​

    He looked towards her and a predatory grin crossed his face. He knew what it was like to be prey and predator.​

    He wanted to draw this confrontation out, and truly test her.

    "Welcome, Lady Invadator. Are you truly prepared to fight me?"

    TAG: Anakin.Skywalker
    Anakin.Skywalker likes this.
  6. Rainbow Knight Star

    Rainbow Knight Star Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 18, 2005
    **Master Tunaqua waits for her chance to duel in this awsome place**
    Anakin.Skywalker likes this.
  7. Anakin.Skywalker

    Anakin.Skywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2016
    IC: Reiis Invadator

    Reiis watched Lord Hades and the creepy grin as it spread across his face. She paused before answering, unmoved by his question. Of course she was ready. She was always ready.

    "I do not begin fights unprepared," she said flatly. And she meant no disrespect by her tone; her duels with others had made her cautious of possible attempts and psychological manipulation. True, some Sith could induce fear in others, but that wasn't was Hades was the moment.

    It's always hard to tell if it's best to strike first or best to wait and draw your opponent out and let them make the first move. Reiis couldn't tell which was better, so she just chose that which was easiest at the moment.

    Reiis leaped towards the Sith Lord, darksaber stretched out and set into a rapid, flashing spin with her prosthetic arm.

    TAGs: @E. L.Knight
    Rainbow Knight Star likes this.
  8. E. L.Knight

    E. L.Knight Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 4, 2012
    Darth Hades

    She charged in, just as he figured she would. ​

    He stepped aside and turned as she flew past him, he then called on the Force and pushed at her back, hard.​

    He knew from experience that untested, truly untested, combatants, would rush into the fight without even thinking about their moves or what they wanted to achieve. Reiss was young and inexperienced, and her rush to attack Hades showed that. He was old and powerful and he had killed hundreds in his time. He could have easily done the same here, but then, that would be a true waste of a teaching experience for her.​

    "You need to be more controlled, less sloppy."​

    TAG: Anakin.Skywalker
    Anakin.Skywalker likes this.
  9. Anakin.Skywalker

    Anakin.Skywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2016
    IC: Reiis Invadator

    Her opponent dodged to the side. She had expected him to block her with his saber, but it didn't really matter. End product: failed strike. How it happened didn't matter so much.

    What did matter was when he shoved her forward, but such a move had happened to her in previous duels, so she was ready for it. She caught her fall with her right leg, using the Force and the strength of the prosthetic to push back toward Hades, swinging her Darksaber at....

    Whoa whoa whoa.....

    Sloppy?!?!? He called her sloppy?! Reiis wasn't sloppy! Or at least she didn't see herself as such. Her attack failed, but how did that make her sloppy.

    The mental pause didn't stop her from swinging at his neck. If anything, she hoped it would hit him that much more.

    But still....perhaps she was missing something.

    OOC: No worries on time. A filled my plate plenty. :)
    TAGs: @E. L.Knight
  10. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    IC: Kyr'am Galaar
    The read armored Mandalorian Warrior storms into the arena, Shooting into the air to draw attention.
    "A duel! Who will duel me! For Mandalore!"
    Kyr'am immediately sits cross-legged waiting for an oponent
  11. The Vanguard

    The Vanguard Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2016
    IC: Shuk'la Ruus
    Dueling Arena

    Ruus crossed the entrance threshold of the arena and spotted the source. "So this is why my ears are ringing," he muttered to himself.

    Answering the challenge without a word, the Galacian ignited his jetbox and formed his body into a spearhead to achieve maximum flight speed. Acquiring his target, the red-clad Mando Kyr'am, he fired his pulsating whipcord aimed at one of his limbs.

    TAG: Master Vo'Un'Var
    Master Vo'Un'Var likes this.
  12. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    IC: Kyr'am Galaar
    Dueling Arena

    "For Mandalore!"
    Kyr'am dodged the whipcord barely, he sent a miniature homing missile to tail Shuk'la. He leapt into the air, Igniting his Jetpack to then pull out his two blaster pistols and begin firing.
    TAGS- The Vanguard
    OOC: Do I get points for the other task on the Fanclub thread?
  13. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    *Watches with interest.*
  14. The Vanguard

    The Vanguard Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2016
    IC: Shuk'la Ruus
    Dueling Arena

    Watching Kyr'am roll dodge from the mark where his whipcord struck, Shuk'la cursed before veering his flight path into a left arc. Just then he heard the *pop* of a homing missile, the loud noise of the rocket propelled ordnance was hard not to notice. Shuk'la belted out a cackling laugh from beneath his buy'ce, "Child's play!"

    Flying near one of the balcony ledges, Ruus cut the power to his jetbox and using the momentum, landed hard behind stony cover that was the balcony wall.
    The subsequent explosion sent Shuk'la into the nearest stepped 'seats' with a loud *thud.* Rocky debris and dust filled the air, much of it clanking off Shuk'la's beskar'gam.

    "Not bad!" he shouted as he recovered, taking cover behind the wall that was still in-tact.

    Shuk'la swung his rifle from it's secure position behind his shoulder, into ready position. His hands greeted the weapon like a familiar friend. Setting his rate of fire to burst, he popped up from cover and rained down a storm of 3-round bursts toward Kyr'am.

    TAG: Master Vo'Un'Var
  15. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    IC: Kyr'am Galaar
    Dueling Arena

    "Well, Look at you, Dodging my fire."

    Kyr'am ducked behind cover, Hearing the pounding of bullets against the thick metal witch protected him.

    He pulled out his sniper blaster rifle and aimed, There he was...
    BAM, Reload, BAM, Reload, BAM, needs some ammo.
    Kyr'am tossed 2 thermal detonators in Shuk'la's direction.
    TAGS- The Vanguard
  16. The Vanguard

    The Vanguard Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2016
    IC: Shuk'la Ruus
    Dueling Arena

    The red-clad Mando took cover from the barrage of fire. Shuk'la paused before his weapon overheated. During his pause, Kyr'am fired a long-range rifle with several missed shots. "This guy," he muttered.

    Once again Shuk'la fired up his jetbox and took off. It was a good thing too, seeing the two thermal detonators bounding into his former position of cover...

    Taking flight again he coasted around the arena's edge until he had a clear line of sight of his opponent. "Death from above!" he raged as he began a strafing run, a deluge of blaster fire showering from his DC-17.

    TAG: Master Vo'Un'Var
    Master Vo'Un'Var likes this.
  17. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    IC: Kyr'am Galaar
    Kyr'am ran from the shots as they rained from above, He rolled and turned onto his backside to face Shuk'la. He fired 4 darts to then activate his Jetpack, He reavealed his retractable blades and made slashing movements towards Shuk'la, Then backing off and sending his Jetpack's rocket towards Shuk'la.

    TAGS- The Vanguard
    The Vanguard likes this.
  18. The Vanguard

    The Vanguard Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2016
    IC: Shuk'la Ruus
    Dueling Arena

    Shuk'la took in the moment as time seemed to slow and sounds became mute. He loved when his enemies ran, he also loved having a high vantage point. Snapping back into real-time, Kyr'am flopped and brought to bear his melee weapons while going airborne.

    Ruus used his rifle to bat away the shallow flurry offered by Galaar, before having to evade more rocket fire.

    "Alright that's it." he spitefully said, wondering just how many rockets Galaar had on him.

    Shuk'la steadied himself into a hover and gave extra effort to controlling his breathing pattern. Quickly flicking his RoF switch to single fire as his rangefinder lowered into play, he aimed his DC-17 and fired a single shot in the flight path of the incoming rocket.


    The ordnance exploded halfway to it's destination, causing a small billow of smoke and shrapnel to fly in all directions. The debris found it's way in between Shuk'las armor plates, causing multiple small lacerations.

    He looked down at his wounds, then looked back to his opponent.

    "Time to dance, rocketboy," he said with menace in his tone. With full thrust ahead he flew directly at Galaar hoping to tackle him from the air into the ground.

    TAG: Master Vo'Un'Var
    Master Vo'Un'Var likes this.
  19. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    IC: Kyr'am Galaar
    Dueling Arena

    "I don't think so!"
    Kyr'am flew out of the way just in time, But as he dodged, He sent a burst of flames from his flamethrower at Shuk'la, The Mandalorian surely could not dodge All Kyr'am's weapons. Kyr'am span around, Sending a whipcord and several shots from his pistol at Shuk'la, He then threw a Thermal Detonator.
    "You can't dodge forever!"

    TAGS- The Vanguard
  20. E. L.Knight

    E. L.Knight Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 4, 2012
    Darth Hades

    Hades bent forward as her blade passed over him harmlessly. ​

    He smiled as he felt a small flare from her as his words hit home. He knew this would happen. His small sentence had already flamed her and she was ready to double her efforts to prove she wasn't sloppy.​

    If she was this easily goaded, he would be able to break her with hardly any effort.​

    Her swing for his neck had remained controlled. So perhaps she could control herself. He'd have to turn up the heat, then.​

    As the blade passed above him, he punched with his right fist right towards her gut.​

    "Come now Reiss, have you not become accustomed to your new limbs, yet? You need to try harder to hurt me."​

    TAG: Anakin.Skywalker

    Anakin.Skywalker likes this.
  21. The Vanguard

    The Vanguard Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2016
    IC: Shuk'la Ruus
    Dueling Arena

    Kyr'am proved to be a slippery fellow. Even at top burst speeds that Shuk'la was maneuvering towards him, he managed to get out of the way. As the Galacian flew passed him, the red-clad Mando let out a burst of flame from his vambrace, to which Shuk'la flew through unscathed. He was moving too fast for fire to take hold.

    Turning back around to face Kyr'am, who was now firing his whipcord, along with more shots that missed.
    An idea struck him as he hovered there. Moving his firing arm to intercept, he let the whipcord catch and wrap. *Snap*

    (He wasn't sure why Kyr'am would throw a thermal detonator while they were still in the matter.)

    Using the whipcord as a contact point, Shuk'la turned his thruster to maximum and dove towards the ground. Hoping to tow Kyr'am, he would let gravity and jetfuel pull this slippery bird right out of the air.

    TAG: Master Vo'Un'Var
    Master Vo'Un'Var and Sarge like this.
  22. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    IC: Kyr'am Galaar
    Dueling Arena

    Keskor reacted quickly, Using his retractable blades he escaped the pull, He then rose higher, Aiming with his two blaster pistols sending a volley of fire, He also sent two homing missiles from his gauntlet in an attempt to hit Shuk'la's Jetpack. He then sped down to the ground, Continuing to fire at Shuk'la

    TAGS- The Vanguard

    OOC: Sorry for the Wait!
    The Vanguard likes this.
  23. Anakin.Skywalker

    Anakin.Skywalker Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2016
    IC: Reiis Invadator

    Reiis seethed as the blade passed harmlessly over him. If she didn't start fighting better, he'd wear her out to defeat before he even used his sabers.

    A punch sailed towards her gut, and she very much wanted to cut it off. But his comment about her discomfort with her new limbs ticked her off enough to quickly toss the Darksaber to her left hand. Her own arm -- the metal arm of course -- shot out towards his own, hopefully to catch his fist and crush it.

    And just for the hell of it, Reiis swiped down at his outstretched forearm.

    TAGs: @E. L.Knight
    E. L.Knight likes this.
  24. The Vanguard

    The Vanguard Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2016
    IC: Shuk'la Ruus

    Shuk'la could feel the pull working as he held his forearm forward, whipcord still wrapped. As he dove down, Kyr'am (not Keskor :p ) released his cord lock to escape, sending Shuk'la barreling for the ground. Flying too fast, the Galacian only had enough time to rotate his body upright and fire a bracing blast just before hitting the ground.

    "I'm gonna feel that one later.." he grunted as he crash landed on the dirt.

    The previous dive-drag attempt left Shuk'la with low fuel, so he decided to stay on the ground and reserve his remaining thrust for when it counted. Two more wrist rockets were launched towards him as he took cover. Hearing the whining sound of the incoming pair of projectiles, he readied his left gauntlet and fired his only shard detonator several meters in front of him. *pop* the grenade had a relatively quiet sound. The detonator hardly had a blast radius, it wasn't meant for destruction, after all.

    Shuk'la watched as hundreds of small strips of lightweight aluminum filled the air, forming into a screen that would confuse the guidance system of a homing missile.


    The missiles exploded in the metallic dust cloud within safe range and Shuk'la smiled beneath his buy'ce.
    "Time to make things interesting."

    Turning up the sounds of his favorite ambient tempo band within his helmet, Ruus rolled out from behind his cover and launched two smoke grenades in sequence. *Thoomp, thoomp* One sailed higher in the air while the other was aimed towards the ground, in between the two combatants.

    Seconds went by as the arena filled with a thick cloud of smoke. Visibility was terrible past two meters.

    Fixing his dagger to the side of his rifle like a giant bayonet, Shuk'la mimic'd the sound of a bird, whistling as he mocked his flying opponent.

    TAG: Master Vo'Un'Var
    OOC: No problem, I was swamped the last couple days anyway!
    Master Vo'Un'Var likes this.
  25. Master Vo

    Master Vo Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 19, 2017
    IC: Kyr'am Galaar
    Dueling Arena


    Kyr'am could not see a thing, The smoke practically separated the Arena in half, Then when he hear the bird- Wait a minute, A Bird? In an Arena? I think not!
    Kyr'am tossed the rest of his detonators (10) In random areas past the curtain of smoke, He then sent a massive wave of blaster fire, He stopped as the Blaster almost burnt his gauntlet, He threw the pistols down, Grabbed his blaster rifle and unattached most of the sniper equipment, He could now shoot a lot faster, He grabbed one of the bigger clips, Attached it and began to fire.

    "Now ya trapped, Birdy!"

    TAGS- The Vanguard
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