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Lit The One Canon

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Sinrebirth , Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The One Canon - 2020 edition

    The current full and complete narrative is here, and as present.

    Until 4 ABY

    The tale of Star Wars continues as expected, in broad and concise strokes. The Je'daii lead to the first Jedi, the Prime of which heads to Ach-To from Tython, before the Jedi settle on Ossus. The Sith arise in the manner we become used to seven millennia before the films, in the Hundred Years Darkness. The Jedi-Sith Wars between the Republic and Sith Empire continue off and on for five millennia, with even more battles in the Malachor system than we previously knew of, resulting in the rise of Darth Bane and restoration of the Rule of Two shortly after the Sith are ran off Coruscant.

    The Republic refers to that state before as the Old Republic, and faces down various threats during its Golden Age - the High Republic Era, including the Mandalorian Excision, which sees the New Mandalorians arise in primacy and the armoured Mandalorians exiled from their home sector. After the High Republic Era comes to an end the Force is unbalanced as the Sith grow stronger, ushering in the Mandalorian Civil Wars and Great Clan Wars, until the coming of Darth Plagueis. While Dooku Serenno vacillates between remaining a Jedi or not, Sidious arises as Palpatine, inspiring Dooku to abandon his surname and become just Dooku of House Dooku. The death of Qui-Gon Jinn finalises Dooku's desire to depart the Jedi Order and become a Sith Lord.

    While the Far Outsiders and Outbound Flight occupy this period of unrest, the Separatist Crisis begins and the first seven weeks of the Clone Wars are filled with a whirlwind of events for the Jedi Order as they rush to stop the Confederacy of Independent Systems seizing many, many more systems. The Republic's new clone army faces off against the droid army at Jabiim, joining a civil war that had been on-going since before the Battle of Geonosis. The Battle of Praesitlyn and Cestus Deception split the team of Anakin and Obi-Wan respectively, and after the former the Council knights Anakin in time for Grievous, revealed recently at the Battle of Hypori, to take the offensive. At the Battle of Christophsis this is opposed, with the addition of Anakin's Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, who serves with him for two more years until she departs the Order, leaving Anakin and Obi-Wan to pair up more and more frequently in pursuit of Sith threats such as Dooku, Asajj Ventress, Maul and Savage Oppress. The spy games that Quinlan Vos played on behalf of the Jedi Order early on in the wars eventually result in his complete fall to the dark side and induction into the Sith, and only the former Sith Asajj Ventress, initially playing her own game with him to the point of pretending to not recognise him, saves Vos from the dark side in time for him to head to the Siege of Saluecami and reunite with his former Master Tholme, fresh from another misreported death. The exiled Mandalorians overthrow the New Mandalorians towards the end of the Clone Wars, clans revolving around the Protectors aligned with the Republic, and then with the Separatists when Death Watch is repulsed, only to fall back under Maul's control after the Battle of Norval II - when he returns with a plan to kill Anakin Skywalker.

    Too little too late, as Anakin's former Padawan leads a detachment of the 501st to Mandalore to stop him - but the net result is as expected; the Empire triumphs thanks to Order 66, the Jedi and Republic are gone, and any who oppose them hide for some twenty years. Darth Vader himself founds an elite section of the Inquisitors in the forms of numbered sisters and brothers while in search of a secret apprentice, though Sidious, as a believer that he is the One Sith - the Sith'ari - cultivates many Dark Jedi servants and indeed separate Inquisitors, adepts and so forth, even incorporating lesser Sith factions in clear contravention of the Rule of Two.

    The end of the Dark Times sees Thrawn, a Chiss exile, rise up in ranks of the Empire until he becomes one of the Grand Admirals. This is in time with the creation of a unified Rebellion by Starkiller, the secret apprentice of Darth Vader, which launches numerous efforts to secure various parts of the plans to the Death Star - at Danuta, Toprawa, Scarif, and other worlds, though the attack on Scarif yields a complete set. Just prior to this a group of Rebels defeat Thrawn, resulting in the belief that he is dead, when in-fact he returns to the Empire, ostensibly removed to the Unknown Regions on a mapping expedition that he and then-Emperor Palpatine propose. Palpatine, sensing an ancient darkness in the Unknown, runs several such missions into the region, not all of which are reliant upon Chiss knowledge but instead Sith relics, so he may prepare a shadow empire not just in the Deep Core, but in the depths of the Unknown also. Thrawn's existence is scrubbed from the Empire's records even moreso than beforehand, and indeed his return to Known Space on various missions sees his rank often misreported over the years - though whether he was in-fact demoted for his grievous defeat at the Battle of Lothal is unclear, as is often the case.

    Come the Battle of Yavin, Hoth and Endor, there have been many attempts on personalities of this era, including Jan Dodonna and Moff Panaka, who survive these efforts and continue onwards in limited roles - though Dodonna is in-fact kidnapped and taken to the Lusankya, one of thirteen Super Star Destroyers constructed by Kuat, much as Fondor constructed its own thirteen, and indeed its own Executor and its own Annihilator.

    After 4 ABY

    The Emperor is defeated at Endor and his spirit retreats to Byss to recover, with warlordism splitting his Empire wholesale. For five years the New Republic experiences triumph after triumph, defeating various dark side adepts and capturing Coruscant as they go. The return of Thrawn to unite the New Republic against him in preparation of the coming of the Far Outsiders - the Yuuzhan Vong - fails, leaving his protege Pellaeon holding the reins of the Imperial Fleet, but the Reborn Emperor leads his Dark Empire out of the Deep Core in a bloody and horrible year of violence which sees the New Republic referred to as the Rebellion again almost overnight. During the years of Thrawn and the Reborn Emperor three lights are born; Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo, to Han and Leia. A conspiracy of Imperials undoes Palpatines clone stock and sabotage his DNA, forcing him to relocate his cloning facilities to Exegol, the dim and distant world in the Unknown Regions that his use of Sith wayfinders eventually discovered.

    The project to restore his clone source is not yet complete as his final body degrades, and he is forced into a confrontation with the Jedi to seize baby Anakin Solo's form - a battle he loses, precipitously forcing him to take an incomplete clone as his vessel - it is a form he is trapped in for the next thirty years as he rebuilds on Exegol, constructing a Final Order from worlds colonised in the depths, hidden from Thrawn's successors in the Empire of the Hand and Chiss Ascendancy, fresh from recovering with war with Nuvo Evsa and the Grysk respectively.

    The year after his death on Onderon sees the Contingency enacted, increasing the pace which his Galactic Empire collapses as it enacts Operation Cinder across the galaxy - cutting loose a gestating core of radical Imperials from the remaining bureaucracy of the Old Empire. Within a year, a variety of factions of risen and fallen; the Crimson Empire, the attempted reunification of the Empire at Akiva, the recaptured Coruscant collapsing into civil war... the New Republic defeats much of the remaining Imperial Fleet at the Battle of Jakku, leaving no central Imperial authority and some twenty factions in the place of a unified Empire - and the birth of Ben Solo, the fourth child of the Solo family. The Coruscanti Imperials sign formal documents of surrender, giving the New Republic wide powers to enforce against the remaining Imperials - though the New Republic will be busy rebuilding, and maintain a considerably smaller membership than the combined but diffuse territories of the Empire.

    In the intervening year, the Jedi praxeum is founded by Luke, and confronts threats such as Admiral Daala, Exar Kun, Ambassador Furgan, the Ismaren plot, and the Eye of Palpatine. During much of this time, owing in part by the kidnap attempt on Anakin Solo by Furgan, the four Solo children are often kept apart, with Ben especially isolated from his family in the coming years - all the moreso by a persistent voice which chides him and shapes his development from afar; Palpatine, masquerading as White Eyes as he encourages the shape of various Dark Jedi projects; the Shadowtroopers, the Disciples of Ragnos, and the Shadow Academy, by way of his Second Imperium. We also see the gravitation of the New Republic back towards Coruscant, when they had previously, after the Emperor's death, had a rotating capital world; first Chandrila, and then Nakadia.

    Daala and Pellaeon reunify the Imperials by gassing thirteen warlords, and promptly creating a True Empire in the Outer Rim. This bloodies itself against the New Republic in a few months of violence, but settles in nearly four years of a cold war, the Galactic Concordance signed at Jakku largely prevailing. After a short and brief attempt to restart the war when Daala unifies the next generation of warlords in the Deep Core, both Imperial factions are defeated and an extension of the accords signed at Bastion, where Pellaeon and his remaining eight sectors surrender - and the galaxy wholesale joins the New Republic, swelling its strength to heights not enjoyed since the (first) return of Thrawn. For his part, Palpatine takes direct control of the Deep Core via his Second Imperium, maintaining a hologram of himself as a 'fake' ruler. The attempt ends in failure, and he abandons any further attempt to re-take the galaxy; focusing on his efforts in the Unknown Regions and the growth of a Dark Jedi order in the shadows of Korriban.

    For the Yuuzhan Vong are here.

    The Wars of the New Jedi Order

    While the New Republic busied itself with what was left of the Empire, the First Order came out from the remaining Imperials that fled the Battle of Jakku. Palpatine creates Snoke to take control of the First Order, as a first wave to his Final Order shaping up on Exegol. As Snoke builds the Starkiller superweapon and an essentially disposable first wave, Palpatine works on the Sith fleet, perfecting his Dark Empire concept with new superlaser-equipped Star Destroyers... even if his efforts to create a new clone fail regularly. Snoke, as a genetically impaired tool, can die as many times as necessary to fulfil his ultimate goal. Carefully, he builds both regimes and avoids the eye of the Empire of the Hand, which prepares for the coming invasion. The Supremacy, the capital and shipyard of the First Order, maintains a position near suns to avoid detection, even as Exegol is shielded by its isolation. He manages to undermine the Sinister Triumvirate attempt to take control of the Empire of the Hand with an ersatz Thrawn by turning the pirates that once served them against Nirauan and the Chiss, having had the Intimidator, a fleeing Super Star Destroyer, smashed before it can entreaty Imperials in the Unknown Regions to assist the Empire.

    And so, when the New Republic is distracted by the Yuuzhan Vong capture of Coruscant two years into the invasion, he makes his move, sabotaging Chiss controls of the Killiks and pushing them towards Civil War, even as he crushes the Empire of the Hand and takes the centre of the Unknown Regions - his focus being Ilum, the perfect site for the Starkiller Base. Indeed, with the Chiss neutered he can move forward more confidently, especially with the Yuuzhan Vong defeated two years later. He merely need avoid the rise of the Killiks and allow them to bloody the Chiss and the Jedi to deal with the fallout of the Swarm War; a simple use of his multiple enemies to defeat each other.

    His project on Korriban is reshaped into the One Sith by the arrival of Krayt, who Palpatine anoints Darth to lead them in his absence, and indeed Amedda as Wyyrlok to act as Voice when Krayt goes into stasis - though he returns on occasion to Korriban, keeping his identity a closely guarded secret - at least until he can no longer, and he has to remain in an ancient Ommin cage at all points. His eventual intent with the One Sith is to create the cyborg Sith Troopers, as an evolution of the absolute loyalty his new Empire will require, a project Darth Krayt eventually took as his own.

    The Coming Second Civil War

    The only negative aspect of the Yuuzhan Vong War was the formation of the Galactic Alliance between the New Republic, Hapans, Imperial Remnant and Hutts, which added a militant edge to the forces defending the Known Galaxy. The division of the New Republic Senate into Populist and Centrist factions had enabled Palpatine to influence the New Republic, though the Centrist element was manipulated by the Sinister Triumvirate to force an early start to the civil war during the Caamas Crisis. However, Palpatine found it easier to repeat the Imperialisation of the Galactic Alliance Senate, what with its military bent, and Senator Treen of Kuat was all too happy to assist. The New Republic, as the largest member of the Galactic Alliance, remained the most important of the allied nations to target, and the First Senator issue allowed the First Order operatives in the Senate to discredit Leia and force her from the capital of Hosnian Prime; she simply relied upon the Insiders network she and others had founded in the Yuuzhan Vong War to create a Resistance to whatever monster existed within the Centrist party. As it was, Leia rapidly became drawn into the Jedi efforts to stabilise the Galactic Alliance, even to the point of returning to her Jedi training.

    The remainder loose ends in Palpatine's existence came together neatly as the Centrist agenda in the Galactic Alliance pushed independent worlds into a Confederation, especially with Lumiya, of her own accord, completing her own plan to turn Jacen Solo into Darth Caedus - an affair which crippled the respective Galactic Alliance and Confederation militaries - and had the surprise twist of leaving Daala in command of the Alliance. She had been preparing her own war against democracy from within the Maw, as ever merely a cannon that could be fired by Palpatine rather than directly commanded, especially with Daala's disdain of Force users. This had its own advantages, as Daala kept the Alliance, Confederation, Hapans and even Imperial Remnant separated until they could patch it up two years after Caedus was killed by his twin, Jaina - and with Luke having lost his wife and killed Lumiya. Pellaeon was dead at last, leaving a less experienced Jagged Fel in-charge and the Confederation also led by a former Imperial - indeed, three Imperials now ruled the galaxy save for Hapes!

    A round of positives for Palpatine, with Starkiller Base a few years from completion, and his Sith Fleet a year after. During this time Ben Skywalker had also been born, named in a fiat from the Force, adding to the continued isolation of Ben Solo. Too young to go to Myrkr, too old to stay in the Maw, but not a household name like his elder twins, Leia had Luke dedicate more one-on-one time to her youngest sons training, and the five years between the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War and the resignation of Leia from the Senate saw just that... but by then Palpatine, in his guise as Snoke, had sunk his claws into Ben, and the revelation of his grandfathers heritage to him last out of the other Solo children, and the whirlwind deaths of Aunt Mara and his elder brother drove the young man further into a dark embrace.

    All it would take was a spark to light a coming confrontation between Ben and Luke.

    There were setbacks, of course. Jacen released Abeloth, the Celestial of Chaos, from her slumber, and also caused the Lost Tribe of the Sith to escape from Kesh. Their combined efforts consumed Treen's quiet faction in the Galactic Alliance, and saw the Imperial Remnant have a general election of their next Head of State, of all things. Abeloth's defeat but continued survival, the Tribe diaspora after the crippling of their Circle of Lords in a disastrous seizure of Coruscant, and the Ten Knights hunting for the fabled Mortis Dagger caused the Jedi to relocate their base of operations, but the Galactic Alliance failed to reunify with the Imperial Remnant and Hapans - and not all parts of the Confederation returned to the embrace of the galactic union, leaving it as a rump state essentially representing just the New Republic, which remained gridlocked. Even the re-emergence of the Empire of the Hand to foil a Daala led coup attempt in the Imperial Remnant was a minor inconvenience, notwithstanding that Abeloth managed to co-opt many of Palpatine's pet Moffs, including Quillan, who was a longstanding mole in the Moff Council from the times it had led Pellaeon's True Empire.

    The Grand Design Fulfilled

    When Ben and a retiring Luke came to blows, and the Jedi Academy and its hundreds of students and supervising Masters was destroyed, Palpatine made his move, triggering a secession from the New Republic which took with it the heart of the Imperial Remnant, forming a First Order which did not recognise the Galactic Alliance and indeed referred to the treaties of the Battle of Jakku as its founding point. The Alliance was no longer connecting any faction - not isolated Bastion, and not Hapes, which had opted to remain separate to pursue its own war against the Lost Tribe. The New Republic refused to deal directly with the Hutts, allowing the First Order's public persona to harass Hutt Space, and strike up its own deals with the Corporate Sector - and with the Confederation fresh off dedicated campaign by the Lost Tribe against the Hutts, Eriadu and again the Corporate Sector, it was finished as its own galactic entity.

    With a year until Starkiller Base was finished, Ben Solo seized control of the Knights of Ren as Kylo Ren, while Leia headed to take direct control of the Resistance - fresh off a separation from Han, who had committed to their retirement plans and exhausted by the fall of a second son. Chewbacca's return assisted in soothing the hole in Han's heart, and they restarted their smuggling as if nothing had intervened... to the chagrin of Jaina, who had committed to supporting her husband, Jagged Fel, in defending isolated Bastion. With the Jedi divided by Luke's decision to exile himself - a blow which crippled the surviving members of the Order - the Jedi split, falling prey to a year of depredations from Kylo Ren and his Knights of Ren, the Tribe, and indeed the One Sith.

    The New Republic, its forces commanded by General Bel Iblis, withdrew the combined fleets to Hosnian Prime even as the former forces of the Galactic Alliance returned to their homeworlds, along with their Admirals and officers. The Resistance under Leia spend its year with limited resources attempting to stop the First Order bullying in the New Territories - freshly abandoned by the collapsed Remnant not assisted by the New Republic - and gather enough evidence to force the New Republic Senate to act, notwithstanding the gridlock.

    The Finale

    The pursuit of the map to Luke's location inspired the Hosnian Cataclysm, crippling the New Republic and ushering in the First Order invasion. The Resistance managed to strike a lucky blow and destroy Starkiller Base, at the cost of a newly returned Han's life - but also the discovery of Rey, who was unaware of her fate as the grandchild of Palpatine - by way of a strandcast clone which had ended up Force mute and indeed not even resembling the Emperor by virtue of the experiments with Palpatine's genome. But even then, Palpatine had no idea that Rey formed a rare Force Dyad with Kylo Ren, the apprentice of Palpatine by way of Snoke, who took every opportunity to brutalise him and prepare him for his role as Palpatine's eventual new host.

    With no New Republic, Imperial Remnant, Confederation or Galactic Alliance connecting them all, the First Order was able to launch their first strikes with aplomb, completing an occupation of Corellia early on, and ushering in a wave of surrenders. Mon Calamari, formerly an alarmingly public supporter of the Resistance, declared immediate neutrality, even as worlds as remote as Akiva overthrew their governments and installed First Order-friendly ones - all within days of the destruction of the Hosnian System.

    The only organised opposition was along the salient that Kylo Ren had led from Jakku through Takodona in the Western Reaches - as the First Order reached Resistance base on D'Qar. During a sixteen hour pursuit to Crait, the Supremacy was destroyed and Snoke killed by Kylo Ren with the assistance of Rey, who had found and abandoned an emotionally wounded and scarred Luke Skywalker. The old Jedi Master nonetheless intervened as an illusion across impossible galactic distances, tricking Kylo Ren into allowing the Resistance survivors to escape. But with the death of Snoke, Kylo Ren had finally proven his worth of the Sith mantle, to the glee of Palpatine, now completely confined to his Ommin cage.

    The drumbeat of First Order successes continued; Fondor, Mon Calamari, Ryloth, Lothal, Coruscant, Naboo, Bespin, Endor, Jakku, Dantooine, Kashyyyk; all fell under First Order occupation. There were bruising defeats at Batuu and raids that cost them badly, and eventually the First Order settled into a blockade of the Colonies to cut off the remaining Free Systems and ruled by fear alone; their strength was in-fact limited across such a galactic front, even a year after Hosnian Prime - though by the time the galaxy realised the First Order could not in-fact repeat the feat it was too late for many star systems.

    But by this point... the Final Order was complete.

    Sith Victory

    In the next twenty-four hours another whirlwind of events occurred. Palpatine announced to the galaxy his pending return, and gave them sixteen hours to surrender. In that time, Kylo Ren tracked him to Exegol, and agreed to assist him in killing Rey, who had spent a year being trained by Leia in the Jedi path. The galaxy recoiled against the danger, but it was a different situation to a year ago; the galaxy was prepared, armed, and afraid, yes, but it wasn't in shock at the destruction of the Hosnian system, nor divided by the actions of Snoke and the First Order. All it would take was a unifying act to forge them into an armada, and, as it was, the Final Order's destruction of Kijimi was that act - the galaxy came together behind the Resistance, now including Lando, and led a wholesale charge to Exegol in simultaneity to a galactic uprising. Rey and a now-redeemed Ben Solo, having been saved by the efforts of Leia before her death, confronted Palpatine and defeated him with the power of their Dyad and indeed the assistance of all the Jedi who went before - destroying his final clone body and his entire gathered fleet and Sith Eternal worshippers... but at the cost of Ben Solo's life, given to save Rey.


    The return of Palpatine first divided and then reunified the galaxy in whole, ending with a tremendous showing of galactic strength. While yes, Han, Luke and Leia had died, Rey had risen up and taken the mantle of Skywalker, and when a singular target appeared before them, Jaina, Ben Skywalker and the other Jedi could rise again, joined by other Jedi who had been hiding since Order 66 led by K'Kruhk and other Jedi Masters. With the allied powers so impossibly powerful, Krayt simply took control of the One Sith in all aspects and prepared for his return.

    There is not much which can be said about the continuing adventures of Rey and her friends, but it can be said that eighty years after Palpatine's final defeat the One Sith emerged en masse to join the redeemed Empire in fighting the Galactic Alliance, facing the successors to the names of Skywalker, Solo, Fel and so forth. Their inevitable defeat after eight years of One Sith rule was based upon the triumphs of Luke, Han and Leia, through and through, and indeed, in a true cycle, the One Sith were eventually completed outdone a year after that by Sith again seeking to impose the Rule of Two.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2024
  2. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    I think Heir's supposed to be set a month or so after ANH ends.
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  3. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    FWIW a major thread is his learning telekinesis for the first time--so if we see him do it anywhere pre-ESB, it's got to be before that.
  4. The Positive Fan

    The Positive Fan Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 19, 2015
    In the canon continuity, yes. In a combined canon/Legends continuity, that gets trickier. Ackbar's already an Admiral and the Rebels have already left Yavin so you're looking at a minimum of about six months into Legends' post-ANH timeframe...but there's also the reference to Han being out trying to pay off Jabba, something that happened very early in the Legends continuity. So that may be a tough one to reconcile.
  5. Jedi Ben

    Jedi Ben Chosen One star 10

    Jul 19, 1999
    One canon to rule them all
    One canon to find them
    One canon to bring them all
    And in Sinny's embrace bind them!
  6. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Luke does so in Splinter of the Mind's Eye - once consciously (in the prison breakout, with Halla's help) and once unconsciously.

    I'm not sure what the first oldcanon telekinesis scene for him was, chronologically.
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  7. StoryWorthTelling

    StoryWorthTelling Jedi Master star 2

    Jan 8, 2015
    HttJ would be right before SotME, in my estimation. Mostly because of the telekinesis stuff. He doesn't know if it's possible in the beginning of HttJ and starts to be able to do it by the end. In SotME, he has to learn more control. So I'd probably put them back-to-back, not very long after ANH.
  8. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Splinter is set 2 years after ANH - but moving it wouldn't necessarily mess things up.
  9. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I suspect certain details are going to end up being nudged along, for example we have details in Jedi Trial which needed nudging.

    Incidentally I moved Jedi Trial pre The Clone Wars.

    Sent from the World
  10. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    I think The Essential Atlas solved it by retconning out the "trial" bit - with Anakin going on a mission to Praestilyn, but already being a Knight at this point.
  11. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
  12. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    I'm pretty sure it's going to pale into comparison next to Chewbacca coming back from the dead. :p
    indydefense, cwustudent and ATimson like this.
  13. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    "How can you all be canon? We were taught there were never more than two, a Master and an apprentice."
    "You were taught the old ways. We are only one canon now."
  14. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Maybe The Official Fact File is roughly the "hybrid of oldcanon and newcanon" that we're describing?
  15. GrandAdmiralJello

    GrandAdmiralJello Comms Admin ❉ Moderator Communitatis Litterarumque star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 28, 2000
    Just wait until you have to reconcile the Empire winning the Battle of Endor.

    ...what? It could happen!

    Missa ab iPhona mea est.
  16. JediKnight75

    JediKnight75 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 15, 2011
    No it couldn't. That won't change. The glorious Rebellion, under the grand leader Mon Mothma triumphed at Endor. That cannot change.

  17. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The old canon made use of shuffling events along the timeline before. So I propose it may be useful here too.

    As a last silly note, I am placing Aftermath between Truce at Bakura and GoDV.

    Sent from the World
  18. Darth_Henning

    Darth_Henning Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 1, 2007
    Aftermath, by the look of it, would also fall after the original Marvel series (the whole Nagi-Tof stuff).

    Probably at some point in the middle of the X-wing comic series before Phantom Affair, but after Rogue Leader as best I can figure right now.

    Ill pm you. I've been trying to do the same.
  19. jamminjedi23

    jamminjedi23 Jedi Master star 5

    Feb 19, 2015
    Sinrebirth how do you plan on trying to fit the ST into the same timeline as the NJO, LOTF, and FOTJ? There will be main characters in each that will never be mentioned in the other and at the same time characters like Han, Luke, and Leia will be interacting with all of them all around the same time all these events are supposedly happening.
  20. DigitalMessiah

    DigitalMessiah Chosen One star 6

    Feb 17, 2004
    we shall see

    but likely, timeline shifts like he is proposing for these other stories. although, if say, hypothetically, Han dies in Episode VII, and Chewie survives, how is the one canon going to get out of that one?

    I suspect it will be that Chewie survived Vector Prime.

    Even moreso than character deaths or absentee Solo children or any of that, I think the biggest disparity will be a potential absence of a Jedi order in Episode VII.

    I mean, that would probably require a purge between Crucible and SW: Legacy or something.
    VaderBoyee likes this.
  21. Darth_Henning

    Darth_Henning Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 1, 2007
    I suspect there's a bit of pragmatism involved.

    Thus far all the Canon stuff actually would have fit in the Classic EU without (or with minor) contradictions.

    When it becomes blatantly contradictory, I think that those have to be considered separately, but I assume the point is to integrate as much as possible (one way or the other)

    You can either go about it as:

    - Everything that fits into the Canon timeline that is technically Legends (which will be an ever shrinking list)


    - Everything that fits into the Legends timeline that is technically Canon (which will be a list that continue to grow, albeit more slowly, basically forever.

    Personally I'm working with option 2.
  22. DigitalMessiah

    DigitalMessiah Chosen One star 6

    Feb 17, 2004
    Another thing to look at is how Dark Horse handled the Alien Expanded universe when their EU after Aliens was contradicted by Alien 3, and they made fixes which required renaming characters that died and giving them similar backstories, and then it was again contracted by what some would say was an unnecessary, single line in Alien Resurrection, thus requiring a retcon of a computer virus wiping records, and thus knowledge of the history of the prior Alien EU, which was easier to accomplish since Alien Resurrection was 200 years later.

    But the Aliens sequel comics starred Newt, Hicks, and Ripley, and since all three characters died in Alien 3, and the EU was set sometime after Alien 3, they had to rename the Hicks and Newt characters, and make Ripley into an android that believed she was Ripley, which they did when they had Steve Perry novelize the comics. The story itself still occurred, and had major ramifications in the sense that Earth became infested by aliens, which was a major event, much like the Yuuzhan Vong War and the second Galactic Civil War were in Star Wars. One might suppose in following that example, that the Solo children might have to become other characters altogether, and the villains of the ST took control of the remnant after Apocalypse/Crucible and started an aggressive campaign to retake the galaxy, collapsing the GFFA (which I don't think is difficult to believe).

    And in the resolution of the ST (of course, a decade down the line there might be Episodes X, XI, and XII to deal with), the status quo is restored and I guess the GFFA is restored the same way that the New Republic was in a sense the restoration of the Galactic Republic, with the First Order being reduced back to a remnant. It would put a twist on the Imperial Knights, giving them a completely different origin than the one supposed, which may have been the case in the EU anyway. And the lack of this history being acknowledged by SW Legacy can be explained similar to the virus, in the sense that the EU already used the explanation of Palpatine destroying or censoring the historical record concerning the Jedi, where people like Han Solo were skeptical of the Force entirely, despite being alive during the Clone Wars.
  23. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    It's actually fairly easy to plot the leadership of the Empire as only being confirmed between LotF and Crucible - otherwise we don't know when Pellaeon retired.

    Minor contradictions canon smoothes out. Major we will need to deal with as we hit them, much as we did with Ventress and Maul and Vos.

    Sent from the World
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  24. StarLorrd

    StarLorrd Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 18, 2014
    Don't think putting Dark Disciple after Labyrinth of Evil could make any sense - Labyrinth of evil leads straight into ROTS?

    It's hard to imagine the months long story of DD fitting in the minutes while Palpatine is being transferred as a prisoner from Coruscant to the Invisible Hand
    VaderBoyee likes this.
  25. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    After Y:DR but before LoE, I meant. Though everyone knows Dooku is Tyranus by this stage so there is some overlap at some point no doubt.

    EDIT: As my friend put it; it's Schrödinger's canon - until things are out, they're neither in nor out.

    Sent from the World
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