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Lit The One Canon

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Sinrebirth , Aug 18, 2015.

  1. SWpants

    SWpants Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 28, 2004
    Oh my yes
  2. DarthJaceus

    DarthJaceus Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 6, 2016
    Hello all, I have been away for a while - still inhaling Star Wars content of course, but haven't been using the forumns. Just logged in to say that you have been doing an astounding job of all the reconciliation of the lore, and I am really digging the solutions you're coming up with and think it jives well! Please keep it up, cannot stress that enough! I would offer to help but your knowledge far exceeds mine.

    May the Force be With You all, and I'm really looking forward to the next ideas and updates!

    I also have to say it cracks me up how every single time something comes out people come in here just to be like "Hah! Betcha can't make that work now! It's untenable!" every time and you make it work every time (with lots of love and retcons of course!) hahaha. Godspeed and don't ever change!
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2022
  3. QuinlanSolo

    QuinlanSolo Jedi Knight star 1

    Jun 17, 2019
  4. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    QuinlanSolo likes this.
  5. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Well... they can't outdo the greatness of Courtship ever. So I suspect, this either is retconned by OneCanon to be the failed marriage of the Jedi Prince series, lol, or another third one before that even. Would this in OneCanon be set after ROTJ... or after DE then though, eh?
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2022
    QuinlanSolo likes this.
  6. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    It's going to be madness, I can tell you that.

    Vow renewal? [face_laugh]
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2022
    QuinlanSolo and Golbolco like this.
  7. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Maybe some error lead to the marriage being not legal... or recognised officially outside of Endor? After all we know, what happened on Endor, stays on Endor ;)
    Iron_lord and Force Smuggler like this.
  8. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I mean we have a duplicate fart wedding in Canon, and two weddings for Leia and Han.

    Did we actually see Han and Leia exchange vows in Courtship? [face_laugh]
  9. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    Cackles madly [face_devil]
  10. Golbolco

    Golbolco Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 20, 2016
    This was my immediate thought.

    I guess it depends on how the novel is structured, too. If the story’s events can be cleanly parted out, you could put the proposal after Endor, the ceremony after DE, and the honeymoon whenever.

    Also, I need to reread COPL’s supporting materials, but if I recall there’s enough evidence that Han and Leia had essentially ended things before/during the X-Wing arc, isn’t there? They could have had an early marriage that fell apart because of the pressures of the war and the heat of things.
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  11. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Legends had their GoDV wedding interrupted in a seventh cancelled book, so it happens.

    And Canon hasn't taken the time to explain Snap's two weddings.
  12. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Well Courtship showed some, the rest though was rather explicit in WEGs expansion of Courtship in Cracken's Threat Dossier and I doubt you can have Cracken's intelligence be wrong on that account!

    TIMETRAVEL reset! Or the more mundane boring explanation: one was the spiritual, religious wedding, the other the official legal burocratic one?

    Actually, that could work for Han and Leia as well. They had their spiritual religious wedding on Endor as in upcoming canon, then planned to officiate that legally at a later time when the NR was set up, which failed in the Jedi Prince series due to interruption and then worked in COPL finally after some shenangians with the Hapans on Dathomir that threatened their religious marriage to become legal finally!
    Force Smuggler likes this.
  13. Fen_Bandit

    Fen_Bandit Jedi Padawan

    Nov 18, 2019
    Just got around to checking out Visions and was wondering if we have a consensus of where The Duel and Ronin novel, Akakiri, The Twins, and The Ninth Jedi would take place.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
    Golbolco likes this.
  14. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    My personal take from earlier in the thread was that Akakiri and The Twins both fit sometime in the post 30s-40s ABY/post-ST era, while The Ninth Jedi would be set during the New Sith Wars. I haven't actually read Ronin yet so I can't really speak to that era in any detail.
    MercenaryAce and Golbolco like this.
  15. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I placed The Duel after the Hundred Year Darkness. I also headcanon that Ronin IS Ajunta Pall.

    Akakiri I believe fits well in the NSW.

    The Twins really fits best before the Battle of Jakku. Republic and Empire and PT and OT references; no ST.

    The Ninth Jedi could be very distant past but it’s placed post-IX so it’s very distant future.
    MercenaryAce likes this.
  16. CosmoHender

    CosmoHender Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 2, 2016
    Wait, you headcanon that the Ronin is Ajunta Pall? How does that work?
  17. Dylan24601x

    Dylan24601x Jedi Knight

    Feb 5, 2021
    It is crazy to me that this novel would be, to some people, a bigger detriment to 'One Canon,' than the couple in question having TWO DISCRETE SETS OF KIDS that never interact in the material!

    I'm telling you - a 'foggy lens' approach to Legends that lops off everything from 'Thrawn Trilogy,' forward is such a satisfying solution.
    QuinlanSolo and MercenaryAce like this.
  18. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    I'm curious what your thought process here was, because since these are (obviously) fairly continuity-independent I figured the best strategy was to just go with the relationship to existing aspects of Star Wars. So Tsubaki in "Akakiri" is a NJO member because he flies a B-Wing derivative, and I treat "The Twins" as post ST because it has concepts - like the Force-powered, apparently FTL hypercannon and outcast Imperials growing their own Dark Lords from scratch - that seem like follow-ons from the First Order.

    Edit: Also, what places "The Ninth Jedi" post-IX? Like I said at the time, that one immediately 'felt' VERY New Sith Wars to me.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2022
    MercenaryAce and Chrissonofpear2 like this.
  19. Chrissonofpear2

    Chrissonofpear2 Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 25, 2020
    Yes, how does that work? Lot's of open space in those eras, though. Although I was thinking Ronin might fit better in the late Pius Dea era, with the Republic having basically become 'an empire' by that point, even if not literally in name. And the talk of splits among the Jedi during this time - say 12,000 to 11,018 BBY - tracking fairly well with some new splinter order arising, or errant knights, if you will.
    And some day we'll get the Sith schism/Hundred Years Darkness filled out, I guess, though may be wildly at odds with prior hints.
    MercenaryAce likes this.
  20. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Star page placed Twins and Ninth Jedi post-XI, as I recall.

    Not sure about the others that aren't obviously OT.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2022
    Dream-Thinker and MercenaryAce like this.
  21. MercenaryAce

    MercenaryAce Chosen One star 6

    Aug 10, 2005
    Personally Ronin seemed the most obviously AU - though if I had to place it in a regular timeline: based on the technology, clothing, and species involved, I would make it post-XI, with the bandits being first order remnants and the sith in question being force sensitive members of the sith eternal (based purely on the short itself of course, the novel doesn't work with that)

    Specifically, both are said to be post-XI by their creators iirc, but hey, One Canon involves a lot of death of the author in the first place.
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  22. Darth Corydon

    Darth Corydon Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 2018
    the creators of ninth jedi menitoned them meeting up with Rey , Ezra and Ahsoka so yeah post ix
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2022
  23. Darth Corydon

    Darth Corydon Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 2018
    @Sinrebirth For Onecanon I know this is a bit of a fanfic question but are we to assume before Luke's Jedi know abeloth is causing the force psychosis that they ruled out the return of some form of the nameless or is there a bit of time where they think its the return of the Nameless until the first encounter with abeloth (seeing how the effects are similar enough )
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  24. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Interesting question. I think it depends how much about them Luke's Jedi do know.

    Would be fun though if they mistake her for a Nameless at first... or if they mistake a Neti for a Drengir lol!
    Sinrebirth and MercenaryAce like this.
  25. Darth Corydon

    Darth Corydon Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 2018
    the neti for drengir would be funny cause of Life Day's final panel hinting their going to have a bit of a outbreak of them during the post ROTJ Era