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PT The PT Social Thread - RYL AWARD VOTING CLOSED - check announcment on page 1218

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by Seagoat, Oct 3, 2019.


What did you think about The Rise of Skywalker?

  1. I hated it

  2. I did not like it

  3. It was okay

  4. I liked it

  5. I loved it

  6. MACLUNKEY (I didn't see it)

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  1. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    No problem, i still love Koalario, it was fun photoshopping the other ones as well.
  2. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
    Guys I have a sock now [face_mischief]
  3. darskpine10

    darskpine10 Jedi Knight

    Oct 20, 2016
    Tell us all about it.
  4. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
    I have to wait for it to get approved and it might take a while because the email I used for it is low-key broken so it's complicated to get to it :p
  5. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
    Also why is milk so disgusting but lowkey soothing at the same time like I hate it but on some level it's kinda nice
  6. darskpine10

    darskpine10 Jedi Knight

    Oct 20, 2016
  7. s_heffley

    s_heffley Chosen One star 7

    Jun 7, 2015
    Finally caught up, my body decided to sleep in until ten again so I didn’t have time to catch up before church :p

    Hope you stay safe @Emperor Ferus ;)
  8. Phil Swift

    Phil Swift Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 18, 2018
    You know I might have something for that [face_mischief]
  9. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
  10. darskpine10

    darskpine10 Jedi Knight

    Oct 20, 2016
    @FLEX TAPE, Phil's cheating on you again!
  11. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
  12. Phil Swift

    Phil Swift Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 18, 2018
    Cheating? :eek: What is Flex Tape if reserved for only one person?
  13. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
  14. Bill Cipher

    Bill Cipher Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 18, 2018
    I like your moxie kid! Care about becoming one of my acolytes? I could use a new body sometime before Halloween comes around...
  15. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
  16. Bill Cipher

    Bill Cipher Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 18, 2018
  17. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    Ey, nice, done 3000 words today and my chapter is done! Writing a very sad discussion scene was kind of tough, but then I got to write the shorter framing sequences for my flashbacks, which were more upbeat to balance it out a little :)

    Next chapter I have planned is rather a mashup of lots of different elements, so I'll have to make sure that none of the various characters get too lost in it ;)
  18. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
    Tough because it was sad or just because it was hard to write? :p

    Fun fact I have made myself cry with my own writing once :p
  19. s_heffley

    s_heffley Chosen One star 7

    Jun 7, 2015
    I’ve probably done that by reading my awful school papers :p
  20. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    Little of both, I did tear up a tiny bit at one point ;)

    Usually though the hardest part I find is figuring out how to frame long sections of dialogue - like, what to do in the filler between two people talking for instance. I always feel like my vocabulary is too limited to describe moments like that, so it always feels kinda samey (though I'm sure a lot of people might not even notice :p)
  21. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
    Yeah that's always kinda tough :p One time though I was writing a fic about Clint Barton and his family and stuff and I had this long, serious dialogue over phone call between he and his wife while he's in the car. At one point in the dialogue I was totally stuck and I had no idea how to advance the scene, so I had Clint's GPS cut him off while he was talking, like just to add some narration to the dialogue, but when Ellie read it she freaked out for like a full minute over how realistic and relatable that was :p I guess it's just like mundane stuff like that that makes it flow kinda :p
  22. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
    No but like the scene was so sad though :p I was writing it about like Poe's childhood (well for part of it) and his mom dies when he's nine years old and it was just the saddest scene ever.

    It's so sad :_|
  23. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
  24. Mr. Forest

    Mr. Forest Chosen One star 6

    Nov 1, 2012
  25. ThisIsMe1138

    ThisIsMe1138 Chosen One star 6

    Jun 26, 2018
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