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Thriller The Reckoning

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by HanSolo29 , May 25, 2018.

  1. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Jane
    Blackrock, Nevada

    It was over, she put two rounds into Malcolm's chest and watched him die again. There was a sense of accomplishment of finanality in watching him fall. Jane ducked down feeling the force of the grenade closing her eyes and letting time tick by. One second, two seconds, time hadn't reset, Kawin was still alive. She moved from her hiding spot moving up to him and Chad. Checking them over for injuries a large dust cloud came pouring out, far more than a granade would generate.

    "HE IS HERE!" Anna's voice was heard from the corridor.

    "Oh no." Kawin muttered as Jane helped him to his feet. "That's not good. For any of us."

    "Nope." She checked her pistol checking the number of rounds she had left. "Looks like their god was stronger than ours." Looking to Kawin she smiled a little, always seemed to be them at the end. It was fitting. Bringing her pistol up she let out a breath. "I'm not running away this time."
    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto @DarkLordoftheFins
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  2. DarkLordoftheFins

    DarkLordoftheFins Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 2, 2007
    Black Rock, Underground, Mojave Desert, Nevada

    Command Center

    The door behind Jane opened and General Taylor stepped out it. "Try the knife. Bullets are not working on him." He gave Jane a sad smile. "Doubt knives will, but never got around to try those." He leaned against the frame and looked around. He was now in his full green uniform of an US Five Star General.

    Steps were heard from the dust cloud. Slowly, patiently coming closer.

    "There is also time to run." Taylor remarked. "Just in case you haven't realized, you ran into a trap. There is no nuclear bomb dropping here, no vaccine left and no Anna Talbott will save your day. The President is most likely dead by now and if not he won't life much longer. Alpha did this before. He is just rewinding events. And now he got what he needed to complete his endgame." Taylor looked at Kawin. "You."

    Chad readied his G36 assault rifle again and looked at the dust. "Bullets might not work, but we got infinite tries to find out what does." He said with grim determination.

    Taylor laughed. "No you don't. He ..." The man stopped talking and turned to the dust cloud.

    Tag: @galactic-vagabond422, @Mitth_Fisto, @RachelTyrell (after the others Update pls)
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2019
  3. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Kawin Muthurangu
    Black Rock, Mojave Desert - Nevada

    Listening to Taylor he felt a sense of dread as he reached up to push his glasses back into proper position. Those last words set his teeth on edge, "Chad." He simply sighed looking back, patting a hand on his hip. "Jane. Run." he simply sighed as he began shuffle drag - stepping forward behind the General. "General. Thank you." It was sad really, they had come for a vaccine, they had come for a traitor, and they had ended up with only dust and regret upon their hands. That had killed bad guys, they had acted instead of merely hiding and waiting out what was to come. In the end though, he had lost something in the journey. From call tech at an oil company whose biggest problem was legal issues with his divorce and trusting women and dreaming of next seasons hunting trip, to running scared for his life hoping and praying to just survive, to being a paralyzed secret agent whose biggest goal in life was to walk and not be a burden on others nor let them down, and now? Now he was just a man standing underground about to face someone labeled as the same tier as a friend, a friend that was troubled merely for being so.

    With that he pulled his .22 and squeezed the trigger twice where the man's heart should be before dropping his gun to the ground. It had hurt, but the man was a traitor, not just of the country but of morality and humanity to partake in genocide. "God have mercy on you, on us all." he simply whispered. Reaching back for his knife he closed his eyes. Focusing, finding that spot that was just off. Pushing for what he was able, he was no mastermind of the future, but if he strained he would know, should know the next five minutes. Not much, not much at all. Rarely mattered he had learned to do this, but now as he felt a bead of sweat that had nothing to do with temperature trickle down his forehead he knew he had to. Another rolled down his cheek, a delayed morning for what he had done, for the man he used to be. Only now he had to put away the past, and focus on what was coming. To see if he could see. See a way.

    TAG: @DarkLordoftheFins , @galactic-vagabond422 , @RachelTyrell
  4. RachelTyrell

    RachelTyrell Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 15, 2009
    Anna Talbott and a friend
    Black Rock Underground

    Anna leaned against the wall, looking at the cloud of dust with hollow eyes as it settled.

    A wave of pain went through her and she looked at the wound in her stomach. It was hard to endure the hollow feeling. Blood was making it's way through her fingers and slowly spread to made it's way down her shirt, creating a growing red stain.

    Then there was a man. She recognized him. She knew his face. LEGO looked down at her with a sympathetic smile.

    She looked back with tears in her eyes. "They are all dead." She whispered, fighting to control her voice. LEGO or Sebastian as the others had called him was slowly kneeling next to her giving her a smile of sympathy.

    "The world has fallen. Yes." He said.

    "So have I. I have failed and I have fallen." She now felt her tears running over her cheeks.

    "Have you?" Sebastian sighed.

    "Yes. Yes I dammit have! And don't you dare to tell me to get up! Don't you dare! I do not even feel my feet." She now grew angry. No it was really fear channeling into fury. All he gave her was a sad smile.

    "Can you save me?" She almost begged, but somehow she knew if he could he would have already.

    "What is this?" He pointed to her wound.

    "A deadly wound. Obviously." She hissed and wondered if he was serious. Did he wanted to waste her last moments playing games? No. No. He was not the kind of guy to play games.

    "The blood is flowing from a wound. It is blood moving through space and time. The blade that hurt you was metal moving through time and space into a body who did not wanted it to enter. The organs it sliced, that was nothing but a sharp blade rearranging forcefully your organs in a way that they could not function anymore. In space. Even if you die, that will be your brainwaves ending to move through space ... and time." He leaned forward. She did not understand.

    "Yes. But ..." Sebastian raised his hand to silence her.

    "Have you been good at chemistry? Or physics in school?" He asked. She shook her head.

    "A shame, because then you would know everything, really everything in existence consists of protons, electrons and neutrons and their movement through space and ... TIME." He looked at her.

    Anna opened her eyes. "I don't understand." She gasped in pain. Sebastian smiled and nodded. He leaned closer in like a man flirting with you in a club. She took in his smell. He smelled like death.

    "It is only time, Anna. Only time." Sebastian finally whispered.

    And she ... finally ... understood.

    She controlled time. Did he imply ...

    Looking down at her wound she closed her eyes and gasped out. She felt the blood reverse the flood, felt the organs move, attach themselves to each other. It was not even hard. It was only time. The wound closed. She almost collapsed forward as she felt the pain of the attack and then this one also vanished. Sebastian had grabbed her in time and she looked up to him, touching her belly and finding nothing but a dry t-shirt there.

    "That is incredible." She gasped. Sebastian gave her a dry laughter.

    "If you find that one incredible, I can't wait to see what you say about what you are gonna do next." He smiled down at her. "You do not think it stops there, do you?"

    "Time." She looked at him and he nodded.

    "Only time." Sebastian nodded back.

    Tag: @DarkLordoftheFins
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  5. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Jane
    Blackrock, Nevada

    "Jane. Run." Kawin said looking to her, the scar on her back began to itch something it didn't do often she knew she should follow his instructions, that she should just get out of there. There was nothing here, no vaccine, no nuke on it's way there was nothing to be gained. They would be throwing their lives away, for nothing. But what would running away get them? What would her fleeing for her life accomplish? They would just live in a wasteland, a world on fire. While on the outside she pretended not to care where the world went...she couldn't see a place for herself in those ashes. She wouldn't rule over them...he would Alpha would.

    There was no where for her to go, nothing for her to do. They had already lost and she wasn't going to runaway again. She did that once, at the time it was what she always did. Leave a mess and walk away without consequences. This felt different. This was it, the last chances they had to end this threat. She might as well be here to finish it.

    "No, I won't run...not this time." She drew her knife and took a place near to Kawin. It was stupid and sentimental, and she knew it but she couldn't see another way...and deep down she didn't want to leave Kawin to die...again.

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto @DarkLordoftheFins @RachelTyrell
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  6. DarkLordoftheFins

    DarkLordoftheFins Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 2, 2007
    Black Rock, Underground, Mojave Desert, Nevada

    Command Center

    The General collapsed dead to the ground and his final look had been surprise.

    Chad sighed at this, still a cop inside. He had to accept he was not anymore. "Okay, I disagree. Fight another day. I take lead." He raised his G36, the probably most deadly of their weapons and was about to enter the dust when he suddenly collapsed. Kawin saw blood coming from his nose. He was obviously dead.

    "My time machine!" The voice laughed as a blonde man in simple black combat closing and a beige trenchcoat left the cloud of dust and grinned at Kawin.

    "I know for you this is our first meeting, but for me it is like meeting an old friend so forgive me my sentimentalism. We spend so much time together. Also most of it you were barely able to speak. Not very responsive anyway. More like a rotting brain in a loop imprisoned in a crippled body. Well at least until we hit 2017. Afterwards you were healthy. Your body was. Your brain ... never got anything out of our long talks really." He laughed. Then he turned to Jane.

    "Usually you try to kill me now and then I kill him. For the first time." Alpha, that was clearly the identity of the new arrival turned to Kawin again and his smile froze.

    "Shall we begin?" He waited for Jane to make her move obviously.

    @galactic-vagabond422, @Mitth_Fisto, @RachelTyrell
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2020
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  7. RachelTyrell

    RachelTyrell Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 15, 2009
    Anna Talbott and Sebastian LEGO Stein
    Black Rock Underground

    Anna looked at her hands and then at LEGO. Alpha was still here, but with LEGO they would have a chance to beat him.

    "But what would that be good for? Hm? The vaccine is gone, the virus out there ... it would have mutated anyway. Even with the vaccine you would just have saved some more but not that many." It was as if he knew what she wanted to tell him.

    "So he won?" Anna was not ready to accept it. She had just returned from the dead, there was no way she would accept defeat. No. "There is a way is there?"

    LEGO smiled at her and sighed. "There is. He won three years ago. Three years ago before I got my powers and could see him he destroyed a lab in Nevada and stole the Black Doctor." He stepped back. "It took me a while to figure it out. He travels back in time. He travels back in time to the point I cannot go. There he sets everything in motion. Hidden under the surface of all our conflicts he waited three years for his Reckoning to take shape."

    Anna closed her eyes. Three years ago. Only time ...

    "My powers are older than that. I had them from birth he told me. But you already knew that did you?" Anna asked. LEGO nodded with an unbearable sadness in his eyes.

    "That is why you send me the message ... the streetart wishing me luck. You knew I could stop him." She realized he had known all of this. He confirmed only with a nod.

    "What about the others?" She asked and looked into their direction.

    "I will make sure Alpha does not do anymore harm." LEGO calmly said. "At least I will make it a fair fight." He took out an USB drive and handed it to Jane. "Some useful info. Use it as you see fit. But for this I demand one thing of you ..."

    Anna took the USB and looked at him. "Anything."

    LEGO smiled. "There are two of him in that time. One at Antville Alaska and one in Nevada. Kill both. He cannot be contained."

    Anna looked up at him and nodded.

    "And Anna, keep me from meeting the others. Keep me from coming to the US. Keep me from becoming ... this. Kill me if you have to, but please do not allow this to happen." He looked at her seriously.

    "Okay." She said and also she had just met him, she wondered if that was a wise choice. He would know better. She had to trust him. "I promise."

    LEGO, Sebastian smiled at her. "Good luck Anna Talbott!" He smiled and she was gone ... just like this. He sighed. He knew what it meant to be a lonely God in a world and he knew he had doomed her to find out herself. She was a better person than him. A better choice. So he had done what he had promised Maria. He had given the world a chance.

    Anna opened her eyes and stood in the desert ...

    Tag: @DarkLordoftheFins
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  8. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Jane
    Blackrock, Nevada

    Her heart rang in her ears as the dust thickened, it jumped as Chad fell to the ground. She gripped her knife tighter letting out a breath she could almost feel something coming. This would be it the last fight for her and Kawin, unless something changed. She was confident that she could fight, that was never in doubt. The question was could she fight this. Their ace was out, though she doubted Chad would have been able to stop Alpha. Thought it was curious that Alpha just killed him on the spot and left her alive. There was a chance. She guessed that was maybe why the dust. To block his sight, it only works once he sees someone. Alpha was smart enough not to let the one man would could stop him see him. Jane's eyes don't move from the encroaching dust. As it almost coalesced into a being there was no question as to who it was.

    This was Alpha...this was the end. It took all her control not to let her blade waver to shake in her hands as she stared down the most powerful man in the world.

    "Shall we begin?" He asked her heart was nearly in her throat. She knew what she was going to do, or at the very least try. And it pained her...what she was planning. Though it was the only least the only way she saw…

    In a flash she stepped behind Kawin and moved to slash his throat. The window would be tight but she might be able to pull it off...she only hoped he would let her...and that he could forgive her…

    "It'll be quick…" She whispered into his ear as she drew her blade across his neck.

    TAG: @DarkLordoftheFins @Mitth_Fisto (Jane's actions approved by player.)
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  9. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Kawin Muthurangu
    Black Rock, Mojave Desert - Nevada

    Jane didn't run. Alpha came. Chad died. The threats and implications of the enemies words haunted his mind. He was resolved to fight, surely there had to be a way. Maybe if he reset and shielded Chad? Or reset and they ran to choose a better spot to stand and fight at? There had to be another way. There had to be. Only the horror of it was gripping his mind, the terror of the moment and the cold dread that was settling within him, whispering that this guy was right.

    Only then he felt the cold steel on his damp skin as Jane spoke to him. She wasn't running. Thank the Lord, she wasn't running. On his own he knew he likely never could beat this thing that was Alpha. With her help though, with her help. . .maybe. Surely there was a way. Surely?

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422 , @DarkLordoftheFins
  10. DarkLordoftheFins

    DarkLordoftheFins Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 2, 2007
    Black Rock, Underground, Mojave Desert, Nevada

    Command Center

    Alpha smiled and then vanished in a blur. It happened so fast, Kawin barely could perceive it and the attacking Jane slid his throat and just as his ability to breath was taken from him she vanished in a cloud of blood and shattered bones as Alpha bended time and space to move right through her. There was not even pain for her. She never felt or perceived anything.

    Before any thought of reset could be processed by Kawin he felt a slight pressure inside his head ... and died.


    Five seconds earlier Chad stared at Kawin in shock and then collapsed right away. Alpha stepped again out of the dust cloud. Basically four seconds earlier than last time. He looked at Jane. "We did that quite a few times. I can tell you that you are much better with a knife ... and much worse at the whole space time continuum crap." He smiled and spread his arms. "Again?"

    He enjoyed it. A powerful superhuman and tactical mastermind this grin betrayed his true nature. He was a sadist at heart.

    @galactic-vagabond422, @Mitth-Fisto, @RachelTyrell
  11. RachelTyrell

    RachelTyrell Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 15, 2009
    Combined with Fins

    Anna Talbott

    Anna opened her eyes and looked around. She was on the surface of the Black Rock installation and it was a ruin now. No work had been put into rearranging the pieces into a functioning facility.

    Not yet.

    She looked at her hands and smiled.

    Only time ...

    Sebastian was not there. Neither was Jane or Kawin or Chad or Alpha ... well Alpha was not that far away probably.

    She took out her mobile and sighed with a smile. It worked, but the contract obviously did not. No reception obviously.

    So she needed to get money, a phone, a ride and prepare. Anna had a time and date and she had a place.

    With a sigh she began to walk and realized she would never go back. Her presence here alone had made the world she came from an impossibility.


    A day later she had got a prepaid sim-card and she made the call Sebastian had told her to make.

    She was standing on the Main Street of Enterprise, Nevada and dialed a landline number in Alaska. It rang a few times until someone picked up.

    "Hello, you do not know who I am, but I know who you are. So I give you a number of facts you don't have and then I need your help with something. The reason why you can't see the future beyond the year 2020 is it does not exist. The reason why you can look beyond 2017 is because you won't exist. Alpha has managed to escape in the future and uses another Gifted to travel back in time all the way to this year. If he is not stopped there is no future. None at all. He called it his Reckoning I believe? So are you gonna help or what?"

    Tag: @SirakRomar, @DarkLordoftheFins
    DarkLordoftheFins likes this.
  12. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Jane
    Blackrock, Nevada

    Jane had nothing left, no plans no theories no thoughts other than just attack. She wasn't going to let herself be broken, if it was her fate to die over and over again than so be it. She wasn't going to let this man win, not without a fight. Part of her knew she couldn't win, knew she wouldn't win. She just didn't want to give him the satisfaction of watching her give up.

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto @DarkLordoftheFins @RachelTyrell
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  13. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Kawin Muthurangu
    Black Rock, Mojave Desert - Nevada

    Jane killed him. Had killed him. Honestly as he caught his breath and saw Chad be vaporized again, he felt like it probably was the right move. Albeit one he could never bring himself to do. Only it hadn't worked. They were all still here. He focused now, as far back as he could, focused on five minutes. Five minutes back. As far back as he ever could.

    Focused, as he stabbed himself in the heart. Planning to do so again, and again. Five minutes. Five more minutes. Five more minutes. He had to get far enough back. To run or to end it. Just to Chad, when Chad had life. Five minutes more.

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422 , @DarkLordoftheFins , @RachelTyrell
  14. DarkLordoftheFins

    DarkLordoftheFins Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 2, 2007
    Black Rock, Underground, Mojave Desert, Nevada

    Command Center

    Alpha grinned as he saw the blade of Kawin move towards his heart and then everything went silent. The dust remained unmoving in the air and Kawin felt a tough grip on his hand and looked into the eyes of Sebastian Klein, better known as LEGO.

    "That is how he travels back in time Kawin. He uses you." Sebastian said and looked at Jane, nodding.

    "Oh wow, now you show up? After all is said and done?" Alpha laughed at Sebastian and shook his head.

    "How often did you have to kill him to go back three years?" Sebastian asked and Alpha laughed with a hint of despair.

    "About 1.7 million times." Alpha said and spread his arms.

    Sebastian nodded. "Madness." He just said and then turned to Jane. "He is just a man now and all yours." He said to her, knowing Alpha could not use his powers as long as time was stopped. Space/Time needed both space and time.

    Alpha hissed out air and eyed Jane. "I see." He said and in his hand his own shiny combat blade showed. "So I will need to kill all three of you and continue from there." He leaped forward at Sebastian with the blade to take down the one who kept his powers locked first.

    @galactic-vagabond422, @Mitth_Fisto, @RachelTyrell
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  15. DarkLordoftheFins

    DarkLordoftheFins Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 2, 2007
    Three years ago ...

    Simon aka Alpha
    Layola's Diner, Enterprise, Nevada

    Simon was still feeling the shaking of his hands. The tremor had yet vanished enough for him to leave the hotel room and enjoy a can of Red Bull in the diner down the street. Three years. He had gotten back three years. Sebastian Klein was having his first Vernissage in Berlin. He would become a millionaire through the sale of his LEGO pieces and remain incognito while doing it. Kawin was still answering the phone in his company. Another Kawin was lying somewhere in the desert, his brain fried and his power gone. He was probably dead by now. The woman called Jane was in ... probably Beirut. Taylor was in charge of the Security Council. Roland had just been elected. Ayshe was playing her games in Antville. His own current self was kept in an artificial coma there. The world knew nothing of the Gifted. The world had a lot less of them. The second reactor had just activated and most of his rivals were ordinary people. The world belonged to him. In this age? He was a God! An unknown, hidden God. How wonderful.

    He smiled. The virus was in a facility twenty minutes from this diner. "Anything to eat?" Sharon the waitress asked and Simon smiled at her. "The Loyola Burger with fries and Mayonnaise please. I am actually starving." He laughed. Technically he had not eaten in three years. "Sure thing." Sharon moved away.

    He looked after her and almost did not recognize the young woman sliding opposite of him into the booth. A dark haired girl sat there and smiled at him. He looked around and found several other tables free and ready. He gave her an arrogant smile.

    "They do not teach your kind manners nowadays, do they?" He asked and looked at the girl.

    Tag: @RachelTyrell
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2020
  16. RachelTyrell

    RachelTyrell Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 15, 2009
    Anna Talbott
    Layola's Diner, Nevada

    "My name is Anna." She simply said and folded her hands.

    "Are you? Get lost Anna." Simon simply replied. But he felt something was odd about her. Anna smiled at him. Here he was. The greatest monster of all times. The man who actually killed the world to satisfy his anger and create his own Empire of terror and pain. This girl should not smile at him like this. This girl should not smile at him as of she knew!

    "I am from the future. The same future you are from." Anna simply replied. Simon raised his brow. It was impossible. There was no other Gifted left who could travel time. They could only go back to the point of the reactor activation and only three Gifted remained in that age who were linked to the Mali Reactor. One of them twice actually. Yet, she was obviously here. A fourth Gifted. One he had not known about.

    "Not exactly the one you come from I guess, but a future close enough. My parents did charity work in Mali when they got me and I seem to have picked up some ... abilities." She said. "You told me." It was almost as if she had read his mind. They had never met so this girl had probably never had a Crossing. Or had she? Had she lived through this before? Was that why she knew what to answer to questions he had never asked?

    Anna gave him a nod. She saw he understood. Slowly. He was weakened. Having killed Kawin a couple of million times had not exhausted his body, but his mind. His body refreshed every time. His mind stayed the same. She saw it in his eyes. Concentration issues. Unfocused gaze. Widened pupils. Headache maybe.

    "In the future?" He asked and leaned back. He had indeed exhausted himself, but still had enough power to rip this girl to pieces he assumed. A small bending of space where she sat. He looked around and wondered how to actually do it without alarming everyone around. He was not yet in shape to fend off an army if anybody alarmed the US forces. Taylor of this time would know it was him. Ayshe would. He had to do this in a subtle way. A tiny change to Anna's brain, a bending of space within her synapses was probably all he needed. He smiled at her.

    "So why are you here?" He asked. At least he could find out all he could about the future before taking her life. About her future. Which was different from his obviously.

    "I came here to kill you before you get your hands on the Black Doctor. That is why you are here, are you? To get the virus and destroy the facility they are breeding it in. Everybody will think it was an accident, until you release the virus. You had to travel back in time where Sebastian could not go. Brilliant plan. But I could go here and you did not know I existed. So I am here to cancel the Reckoning." She said calmly. He took the Red Bull, took a sip and looked at her. She smiled. He smiled back.

    "Impressive. Looks like you guys have developed a bit of a resistance. But I guess you don't know me very well. Or you ..." Simon started concentrating as he felt something was wrong. Had she been doing this before? She smiled back.

    "I know you. You killed me before. I know your power and I know you are weak now. Folding time and space so badly you jump back three years using poor Kawin ... it must have ripped you apart. Was much easier for me I gotta say." She winked at him and unfolded her hands. Her index finger raised. The sign!

    "I see." He said and felt his organs tightening. Was this her? "So how do you wanna kill me?" He asked and ...

    Tag: @DarkLordoftheFins (combined with), @Mitth_Fisto, @SirakRomar, @galactic-vagabond422
  17. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Kawin Muthurangu
    Black Rock, Mojave Desert - Nevada

    Alpha grinned as he saw the blade of Kawin move towards his heart and then everything went silent. The dust remained unmoving in the air and Kawin felt a tough grip on his hand, staying and sure. It was then this moment of nightmare seemed to fade as he looked into the eyes of Sebastian Klein, better known as LEGO.

    "That is how he travels back in time Kawin. He uses you." Sebastian said and looked at Jane, nodding. Kawin stammered at that.

    "I know, I needed Chad." Kawin replied weekly. Meekly. The truth of it spilling out, the need to die, utterly, completely. The darkest light he had striven for to end this madness.

    "Oh wow, now you show up? After all is said and done?" Alpha laughed at Sebastian and shook his head.

    "How often did you have to kill him to go back three years?" Sebastian asked and Alpha laughed with a hint of despair.

    "About 1.7 million times." Alpha said and spread his arms.

    Sebastian nodded. "Madness." He just said and then turned to Jane. "He is just a man now and all yours." He said to her, the floating dust in the air lending credence to his words.

    Kawin meanwhile could merely mutter, "1.7 million? 1.7. . ." it was hallowing and shakingly painful to think of that. He had lost track of his death number before now, and now to hear that number as what he would have to endure. . .endure to unleash madness. He felt so empty with that revelation echoing within him.

    Alpha hissed out air and eyed Jane. "I see." He said and in his hand his own shiny combat blade showed. "So I will need to kill all three of you and continue from there." He leaped forward at Sebastian with the blade to take down the one who kept his powers locked first.

    Even despondent, even in this - whatever one wanted to call it as a state. Kawin knew he couldn't let LEGO die, he couldn't let his friend die. He ignored his hand holding the knife, he wasn't an expert like Jane and he knew if he went in when she had been the one singled to, he likely would just get in the way as a liability. Instead he tried steady himself on his feet as he whipped up and pushed forward with the tip of his polio cane. Jabbing to knock under the leading arm and punch into Alpha's shoulder. His only goal was to keep the man at bay, and maybe, just hopefully, give Jane the opening that she needed.

    @galactic-vagabond422 , @DarkLordoftheFins , @RachelTyrell
  18. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Jane
    Blackrock, Nevada

    Jane was ready to keep fighting, to keep dying until something changed until Alpha gave up or died for good. It might be the definition of insanity but it was all she had. Before she could move she saw Kawin move to stab himself in the heart, giving them another chance. She would take it and the next if it lead them to some sort of solution. Readying herself for the snap back she locked eyes with Alpha anger just barely contained in her eyes. She took a breath tightening her muscles prepared to strike first this time…

    That moment never came, the dust hung in the air around her the air felt still around her.

    "That is how he travels back in time Kawin. He uses you." A familiar voice called out. Looking to the left she locked eyes with a man she hated, Sabastian Klein, LEGO. The man that eluded her, that made her look like a fool, and the only thing that can save them now.

    Only a god can kill a god.

    "Oh wow, now you show up? After all is said and done?" Alpha shot back. Jane couldn't help but agree mentally, it was awful convient the recluse just showing up right when they needed him. However if this was the only way out then she would take it.

    "How often did you have to kill him to go back three years?" LEGO asked keeping Alpha distracted, Jane used this to move to get into position behind, hopeful to use this to get the jump on him.

    "About 1.7 million times." Her stomach turned hearing that number, knowing how many times Kawin had to die for this man's plan to work. She wondered if she died just as many times trying to defend him.

    "Madness" LEGO retorted, "He is just a man now and all yours." There was a cruel smile on Jane's lips. Finally she would get a chance to face her enemy no tricks no powers just skill against skill. It was something she'd been missing, her fight against Malcolm had not been an annoyance powers stymying things this time it would be different.

    Alpha lunged forward and Jane was right behind him. Kawin put up his canes hoping to ward the monster off just tagging the other man in the shoulder. It slowed Alpha a step letting Jane catch up to him wrapping an arm around his shoulders she plunged her knife towards his kidneys.

    Feeling the attack coming Alpha turned his body, throwing Jane off and leaving her blade cutting through his shirt and leaving a small scratch on his skin. Turning to face her the former god held his knife up ready to fight.

    They locked eyes muscles twitching waiting to make the first move. Alpha moved first bringing his knife up in a thrust that was aimed at Jane's chest. Stepping to the inside the mercenary batted the strike away with a stiff swing of her arm. Her own attack was blocked by a hand gripping tight to her wrist. With only one arm to work with Alpha pressed his advantage driving his blade towards Jane's neck. She just stopped the point with a desperate hand reaching out and grabbing at his arm. The cold steel pricked the pale skin, letting a small trickle of blood to flow down. Gritting her teeth she tried to free her hand to wrench it out of his grasp but, his strength held it fast.

    Alpha pressed harder pushing the knife in deeper, it wouldn't take much more before he hit an artery, leaving Jane to bleed out. His figure loomed over her, his grip on her wrist nearly cutting off the circulation. As he pushed a little more leaning more of his weight against her frame the hint of a smile came to her. She carefully stepped toward him suddenly pulling her captive arm toward herself. With his balance shifted she kicked his legs out from under him turning her body just enough to where he would land on his back.

    They crash to the floor with a heavy thud. Jane quickly takes advantage of her position, legs on either side of his chest. her better leverage forcing the once deadly blade away from her and pinning it to the floor. It was a stalemate neither side able to change the situation until Alpha tried to throw Jane off inadvertently weakening the grip on her wrist. She only had a moment and she took it, finally wrenching her hand free. As Alpha's weight slammed her into the floor she felt her blade slip right between his ribs.

    His eyes went wide, Jane smiled as she stabbed him three more times. With a wet cough he spat up blood staining Jane's face; she was unfazed continuing to drive her point into the man's exposed chest until he finally collapsed. Rolling him off her she let out a breath…

    It was over...The god was dead.

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto @DarkLordoftheFins

    (OOC: Fight scene was approved by @DarkLordoftheFins )
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  19. SirakRomar

    SirakRomar Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 30, 2007
    Laura Changte
    A dune, near a diner ...

    "Got you." Laura whispered and pulled the trigger. She still felt this was all very confusing. A young girl turned up at her door and explaining the world was about to end from a virus a man was stealing in Nevada. She wanted to grab her and drag her to an interrogation cell. Then the girl had displayed why this was impossible. Her powers ...

    That had not been the worst part. The worst part had been reading her own messages to this Anna. Final messages, as Laura was about to die. Messages send three years in the future. The girl had claimed to be a time Traveller. That appeared so impossible. Until she made her call the other Anna Talbott. Laura checked, Anna had no twin sister.

    The last words her future self had written had been that she believed in her. That was nothing she would say öligste like to anyone. Anna also had files. She showed her who the target was. Falluja. Antville. All of it. Alpha. Simon Breen.

    So Laura had agreed to the blackest of all black ops. An off the record assassination of a known terrorist. No paper trail, no nothing. If this man was indeed in Nevada as Anna predicted, near the Mansfield Research Lab, she would end him.

    And now ...

    Here he was. Sitting opposite of Anna in a diner. Laura was good enough at lip reading to confirm he did not even deny the impossible. He confirmed having travelled back in time and planning to release a virus. It was the beginning and the end of a future war. He was arrogant and dangerous and aware of both. Even through the lens of a scope he had psychopath written all over himself.

    Laura kept her promise to the girl. She could say they were close in her future. A strange trust was there and instinctively Laura appreciated it.

    She pulled the trigger. A movement of a finger. A millimeter. That was all.

    Tag: @DarkLordoftheFins, @RachelTyrell

    ooc: Fin approved obviously.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2020
  20. DarkLordoftheFins

    DarkLordoftheFins Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 2, 2007
    Black Rock Site, Nevada

    Sebastian watched as Kawin deflected Alpha's attack and Jane went after him. The two fought intensely for a second and when it looked as if Alpha was winning he smiled. He knew every move and every breath the two took. Finally he sighed as Alpha was slain.

    "Just a man." He said and it was probably the last thing the man's mind perceived before it stopped working. He turned to Kawin and then looked around.

    "Again I come to late." He said and then looked at Jane. Time resumed again as he turned to leave. "You two did good. Your price is in his jacket. The Vaccine. The last portion of it." He said and put his hands into the jacket.

    Anna would create a split timeline, but they were stranded in this one. Kawin and Jane were at least, he had exiled himself here consciously. "Anna won't come back." She could never return to this world. Yet, she would create a better one. One where no virus was released and Alpha was stopped. A world where the three of them would be able to never fight this war.

    A world where all these people did not die violent deaths.

    Three years ago ...

    Layola's Diner, Enterprise, Nevada

    The bullet hit his head, penetrated the skull and reached his brain. The silenced rifle made no sound. There was simply a hole in the window and then blood flowing from the palm of Alpha's head. It was almost ironic how unspectacular saving the world was.

    He stared at Anna still, probably his brain had just concentrated to kill her as it ceased to function. Life vanished from his eyes and left them hollow. Alpha never realized what hit him. He just ended as suddenly and unexpected as so many had been ended by him.

    Then his head crushed on the table. Blood flowed from his head and quickly began to create a pool.

    The last thought his damaged brain was able to process was the realization he had failed.

    Tag: @RachelTyrell, @Mitth_Fisto, @galactic-vagabond422
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  21. RachelTyrell

    RachelTyrell Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 15, 2009
    Anna Talbott
    Layola's Diner

    Anna watched the man's death in slow motion. His brain was hit by the bullet and spread from his head in a red cloud. She had felt remorse for every life she had taken, but this time there was none.

    Time resumed to normal as he slides from his seat, his body lifeless. She gave him a smile and stood up as people began to scream. Calmly she walked out and send Laura a message from her mobile.


    Anna sighed and then remembered what Sebastian had told her.


    She threw the mobile into the trash and walked over to her Kawasaki bike. Taking the helmet from the seat she sat on it and smiled.

    They would not die. All of the people inside the Diner would not die. Laura would not die. TARC would not die. The Gifted would not die. Millions would not die.

    There would be no Reckoning.

    She knew she could not go back and thank Sebastian or tell them she had won. The future she had come from did not exist anymore and she was now a living anachronism in a time that had a chance.

    Alpha was dead.

    The world would never know what it had escaped from.

    The Reckoning would never happen.

    Tag: @Mitth_Fisto, @galactic-vagabond422, @DarkLordoftheFins
    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  22. DarkLordoftheFins

    DarkLordoftheFins Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 2, 2007
    GM Note:

    Unusual times, unusual circumstances. Usually I would have relaxed and given you a few more days to post your final replies. You still can do it if you feel like it. But a game about a deadly virus spreading around the world makes me a little itchy nowadays. It honestly makes me a bit too uncomfortable. So I wanted to end the game now with the
    final post which takes place in the alternate past Anna has created. Here it is ...

    Three years ago ... sort of ...

    Around the world, another world

    Sebastian Stein was in the background as his agent explained a particularly spectacular piece of critical art dealing with American elections. He had an idea of soon beginning a tour in the US to actually "reflect" on the results of this election. Kurt Roland would be his target.

    He received a message on his mobile and turned away from the crowd of art junkies and experts who were all having no idea who he was.


    He raised his brow and wondered who had written this. The number was unknown. A second message arrived.


    The woman known as Jane was probably pleased to see the payment for her latest job had arrived on her account. She was probably even more pleased Uncle Owen invited her over for dinner. What was probably less comfortable was an unknown source using her number, a number nobody in the world should know she did not know ... and this somebody send a message.


    That was all. No name or monicker. Just the message.

    Anna Talbott was updating her Instagram account as the message arrived. Taking her mobile she was not expecting someone to write. Probably a friend planning for the evening.


    The words were strangely pushy. A second message showed a picture. It was her with a leather jacket and winking at her.


    Kawin had a slow afternoon. Few calls even for the time of the year. Mike Dawson leaned over the desk of his and sighed. "Actually might be a good day to get rid of some of these extra hours you accumulated, hm? Maybe try out a little life for a change." He winked at Kawin and turned around to leave without awaiting an answer.

    The mobile of Kawin vibrated signaling a message.


    It was all. It made no sense. Also it felt like it should.

    Matt Andrews looked at his mobile and raised his brows. The messages coming in made little sense.

    "Sorry to disturb you, but does anyone knows what Antville is?" He asked, looked at President Kurt Roland and then at the present General Taylor, who was just about to give the newly elected President Kurt Roland a briefing on security operations.

    "Never heard of it." Taylor said and looked at Matt.

    "Really? Because I just got send a file saying otherwise." Matt held up his mobile.


    Elena Rustovich was lying in bed still, as the message reached her phone. She got half up, grabbed it and expected to have an update on her latest Instagram post. It was an iMessage though.


    She raised her brow. Who was this? She asked that question but her message was neither delivered nor read by the sender.

    Maria Liang was sitting at her computer and going through the Lybia files as she received an email. It was impossible, as nobody had this email address. It was just for the purpose of registering to some services within the shadow network and had been deactivated recently for security purposes. Had she been hacked?


    There was a file attached. It was called ANTVILLE.

    Laura Changte received the message in the evening. She was on her way home, dodging CCTV and police to leave no trace of ever having been at the murder site. The rifle was buried in the desert.


    The link was leading to an Instagram profile. Anna Talbott. A girl promoting clothes over Instagram.

    Ayshe had no mobile to receive a message. The more disturbing it was she received a message on her phone. The landline which served as the only possible line of communication.

    The message was one word. Spoken by an electronic delivery service for text messages.


    It was all it said and Ayshe felt how the future changed in every aspect because of it.

    Steven Alden was getting his first coffee. The machine just boiled the water as he yawned, still tired of the night before.

    A message arrived on his mobile and he picked it up. He had to smile, also it was a little confused smile.


    The message said nothing else. He answered who this was.


    He laughed. Then he answered with a simple.


    There was a moment where he wondered if this was some kind of scam.


    He raised his brows. He returned the message.


    The other party answered right away.


    "Okay." He laughed and had nothing else to do, so why not find it what this was about?

    Tag: @LordTroepfchen, @HanSolo29, @SirakRomar, @RachelTyrell, @Mitth_Fisto, @Iteration, @galactic-vagabond422 , @TheSithGirly and @MySelf
    HanSolo29 likes this.
  23. DarkLordoftheFins

    DarkLordoftheFins Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 2, 2007

    Chicago, three years later ...

    They say you can't change the world. Surprisingly it was not that hard, once you acquired the right set of skills. Being able to travel back in time certainly helped. Anna Talbott had changed the world with a little help from Sebastian Stein, Kawin and Jane.

    There never was a Reckoning.

    Probably there never even was a Crossing. The Generals Taylor and Mayers were soon revealed as the traitors they were. The Black Doctor was secured and stored away in a Nevada facility until it had served it's scientific purpose and was finally destroyed.

    Not everything was to be solved with a few messages though. Ayshe remained as a spider in her web, but a very different web it would be. Also someone knew about her.

    The world had turned out to be a better place.

    Just as Sebastian had promised the dying Maria Liang.

    Or had it?

    In a park in Chicago a man sat on a bench three years later and watched the kids play in front of him. The mom's and daddus. They all seemed so unimportant suddenly. They all seemed so ignorant. They all seemed so ... powerless.

    It had been fate. It had been his destiny to meet his old friend. It had changed both of them. The Crossing of their path had been meant to happen. They had been meant to happen.

    He closed his eyes and smiled.

    Gifts given to Gods ... that was what this was. The Lord had chosen him. Of all mortal beings he had been chosen to change the world. He would make the boy see. In time. Together they would change the world as they saw fit.

    "So what does this mean?" The dark haired man next to him asked and the man stroked his shaven head and smiled before placing his cap back in place.

    "War, my boy. It means the last Great War is upon us." He said this and watched the world slow down around him as he opened his eyes. "And they won't be able to do a thing to stop us!"

    Adrian Simmons of the CIA watched the two men on their bench and smiled. He was sitting on the opposite side of the park with the plug in his ear hearing how his men positioned himself. Lip-reading was useful in these kinda

    Funny how these guys always felt unstoppable. Almost as funny as how they always turned out to be wrong. Putting his silenced 9mm on his newspaper and then folding it to not reveal the gun he stood up and began walking over to his targets like any civilian would have.

    The target had been right about one thing at least. This was war.

    Tag: @Nobody

    Mitth_Fisto likes this.
  24. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Jane (The world ravaged)
    Blackrock, Nevada

    She let out a breath cleaning her knife on her pants, the parts that weren't already covered in gore. Checking his jacket she round a vial, a cure, for a disease that had already taken its toll. What were they to do now, rule the ashes? They were the ones with power, they could try and take over with the world in disarray, or parlay the vaccine into a cushy lifestyle. They could have it all in the world gone mad.

    The mercenary turned hero looked to Kawin. She walked up to him putting the vaccine into his chest.

    "You should hold on to this." She said looking up at him. "I don't think it would be too safe in my hands...might get broken, while I fight by your side." She wasn't convinced that violence was gone, that peace could be brought with the cure. There would be those that would seek to better themselves, or just let millions die. Kawin needed protection, and she was the only person that could provide it.

    She ran away once...she wouldn't again.

    "Let's get that to someone that can make something of it." She said reloading her glock and readying to use her powers again.

    TAG: @DarkLordoftheFins @Mitth_Fisto

    Jane (A world Saved)
    An Undisclosed Location

    The fixer snarled looking at her phone. Someone was going to pay dearly for giving away her number. It was a closely guarded secret, something only certain people should have. She was about to destroy her phone, when a message came in, from her Uncle, one of the people that was allowed to have the number.

    A slight smile came to her lips. It'd been too long since she'd had a beer with him, shared a meal with his family. She sent a text to him.


    While she waited for his reply she finished cleaning up her hide for the job she was on, removing every trace of herself from the abandoned apartment building. It was almost fate that Owen reached out to her today. Any other time she would have needed to reschedule. This night, she was in the neighborhood.

    Stepping out of the building she walked towards the subway mentally recalling the stops she would have to take to make it to Owen's house before dinner.

    Things had gone well, very well. Jane might just call this the best day ever...if it wasn't for that strange text...which reminded her. Finding a dumpster she shattered her phone before tossing the remnants away.

    The hunt for the leak could start tomorrow. Tonight she had a date. She whistled a jaunty tune as she walked with her hands in her jacket pockets, head looking up to the starless sky of NYC.

    TAG: @DarkLordoftheFins
  25. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Kawin Muthurangu
    Black Rock, Mojave Desert - Nevada

    Alpha was dead. Looking at Jane whose face was a war paint of blood and gore he had little to say as he put away his own knife and steadied himself on his crutch. He didn't know what to say as he looked at her rummaging the body and then to Sebastian.

    "Again I come to late." He said and then looked at Jane. Time resumed again as he turned to leave. "You two did good. Your price is in his jacket. The Vaccine. The last portion of it." He said and put his hands into his jacket.

    "Anna won't come back." was Sebastian's answer to Kawin's own unasked question. Nodding solemnly he looked at Jane as she stood. She was the breathtaking and intimidating warrior. If only he knew she wasn't going to vanish into the mists and leave him behind again.

    Talking to Sebastian he said what he felt he had to. "Thank you. You might of been too late for some, but you weren't too late for us." he added, hoping his friend would come around just to come around. Apocalypse or no, perhaps the man could find some solace with him and the others that survived. Who knows, with a cure? Perhaps the world in a hundred years would be better than the last one.

    The mercenary turned hero looked to Kawin. Jane walked up to him putting the vaccine into his chest.

    "You should hold on to this." She said looking up at him. "I don't think it would be too safe in my hands...might get broken, while I fight by your side." A sad train of thought that probably would prove more real than his own. Still he had to hope, and those words of by his side made his heart race with unreasonable glee. He wasn't really sure why or even if he could trust that feeling, but it at least sounded good. "Let's get that to someone that can make something of it." She said reloading her glock and readying to use her powers again.

    "Sounds like a plan." he simply responded with a smile as he began looking for where his missing polio cane was in all the chaos this little mission had been. "Just need to get my other cane and we can go." He said as he looked up at the other two. "You'll come with? Have to admit at this point I think we all are leaving friendship as a label behind. And, well families have to stick together right?" He said with a bit of hope as he adjusted his glasses that were haphazardly nearly falling off his nose.

    TAG: @DarkLordoftheFins @galactic-vagabond422
    galactic-vagabond422 likes this.