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ST The relationship between Finn and Rey. SEE FIRST POST WARNING

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Devizz, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. JabbatheHumanBeing

    JabbatheHumanBeing Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jul 14, 2015
  2. Obiwan10

    Obiwan10 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 6, 2015
    True, let's get back to the topic at hand that is Rey and Finn.

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  3. Tharionn

    Tharionn Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 24, 2015

    I just don't see it.
  4. StormScavenger

    StormScavenger Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 28, 2015

    Oh, God...


    Thank you! :D
  5. Nanosoft

    Nanosoft Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 15, 2015
  6. thescavenger

    thescavenger Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 13, 2016
    I've been reading this thread in and out, so I might have missed the points which I want to mention again - sorry about that.

    But I just went to see the movie again, and I felt that the chemistry between Finn and Rey is more than just friends. Hear me out, it's not in a romantic way either.

    I felt that they have become family, particularly in Rey's sense of the word. Here are two kids, one who has been left by her family and told they would come back for her, and the other, stolen from his family since birth. I felt like when they found each other, they have developed their relationship into a familial bond.

    What strikes me the most was when Rey reacted after Finn came back for her. She had thought he abandoned her (when he wanted to leave for the Outer Rim), but he came back for her, something even her family couldn't do. So instead of wanting to go back to Jakku, as she had said to Finn/Han earlier in the movie, because of Finn and other force-related callings, she didn't. In my mind, she has found family in him, and she no longer has to wait for her original family's return.

    Whether or not, they develop anything romantic, we will have to see in the next films. But for now, I am completely emotionally satisfied by how their relationship is structured. And even more so in a platonic way.

    PS: I felt that the scene where Leia hugged Rey, that was sort of another image for family - as in she was adopting Rey into the Resistance family of which she is matriarch. It was another moment when I thought Rey have moved on from waiting for her family in Jakku, she found where she belonged and family in the Resistance.

    EDIT: Sorry I was typing the post out as you posted this. Same point as where I was aiming for
    Sgt. Carver, IamZam, Nanosoft and 2 others like this.
  7. Tharionn

    Tharionn Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 24, 2015
    I can see Rey's point if view being that, based on what you said. But what about Finn? It's obvious he see's her in a romantic way.
    Obiwan10 and Carl Rahl like this.
  8. Obiwan10

    Obiwan10 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 6, 2015
    Nice writeup! I agree, she does think of Finn as family at the moment, and that's fine, you can tell he is going to be really important to her going forward, whether romantic or not.

    Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
    Carl Rahl, thescavenger and Tharionn like this.
  9. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    This is a really good way of summing why, even if they don't get romantic, their bond is significant from here on out and the FinnRey relationship is not getting cast aside. This was the heart of TFA. Finn and Rey were children before they met, and together they started on paths of their own choosing. Part of Rey's happiness at Finn coming back, imo, stems from the fact that he left in the first place. She thought they had said goodbye for good, after she asked him not to leave, but he came back rather than leave her in danger. It was such a sweet moment and no matter what, I also see them as family. They have no one at such a deep, raw level the way they have each other.
    thescavenger, rhymecheat and Obiwan10 like this.
  10. thescavenger

    thescavenger Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 13, 2016
    Yeah, that's why I mentioned 'family' in Rey's sense of the word.

    I have had a thought about Finn as well, but maybe not as fully formed. I can definitely see how it is romantic, he had a crush on her from the beginning when they met, that's pretty hard to deny. He's also shown very protective gestures towards her (which I love - when he ran after Kylo's ship, sigh). But when someone who has been brought up with no concept of family or romance, it may be difficult for them to identify which category their strong feelings are in. It will be interesting to see how Finn navigates his feelings for Rey between family and romance. Luke and Leia had that problem. Obviously, it can go either way. But I don't think Finn has exactly been like "I love her, this is the girl I want to pursue" kind of way. The writers will have to develop Finn as someone who has found emotional attachment as a novel experience.
    Obiwan10 and AhsokaSolo like this.
  11. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    I don't really think Finn is that far ahead of Rey in that regard personally. I mean, yeah he had a little crush on her when he first met her, but he bonded with her on a much deeper level as the movie went on. It's not just a shallow attraction to him. He didn't tell the resistance that he needs to rescue the cute girl he met. He said he had to rescue his friend. I'm not friendzoning Rey on Finn's part. I find that expression so shallow. For a young man, I think the emotions toward a real friend are more important and deeper than the emotion toward some cute girl the young man wants to impress would be. And not for nothing, but at that point Rey is also Finn's only friend. The two of them have only each other, and risk everything for each other. In my book that makes them family, and that doesn't discount the possibility of them going romantic later.
  12. thescavenger

    thescavenger Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 13, 2016
    Also, sorry, but another note, guys. (I should just write a long post and not spam this thread)

    I wanted to say that when Finn left her, it was apparent that it was quite a big deal for Rey, emotionally. So much so, that you could say it ignited her force visions. Maybe they're not related, but I really believe they are.

    At Maz's, you see Rey traumatised by Finn leaving, and the very moment he left, she started to hear the young version of herself crying and repeating 'don't go', and that when the vision all began. Imagine that, if her force powers were ignited by her emotions, how strong were her feelings for Finn? I felt like, cinematically, it was also a smooth transition.
  13. Obiwan10

    Obiwan10 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 6, 2015
    Oh wow, never thought of that, good observation!

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    IamZam likes this.

    DARTH_BELO Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 25, 2003
    I did get a slight impression that Rey and Finn may end up romantically involved by Episode IX.

    And I'm totally fine with that-in fact, given how everything went for them in TFA I would quite enjoy that arc.
  15. Sith_Smuggler

    Sith_Smuggler Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 9, 2016
    I'm pretty sure Rey has no feelings for Finn, but that Finn likes Rey more than a friend. I have no problems whatsoever if they end up together - they'd be pretty adorable as a couple, if you ask me.

    On the other hand, I don't mind the whole Kylo/Rey thing. I definitely felt a "dark energy" emitting from their scenes together, but I highly doubt SW has the balls to fashion a love story between the two of them. I think they would go for the far more traditional, safe (but still sweet) pair of Finn/Rey.

    I also don't think SW is going to go the popular Poe/Finn direction. SW is ready for an interracial romance, not a gay one though I wouldn't have a problem with the aforementioned either since Poe seemed rather...into Finn. Lol.

    Or it might go into entirely new territory and have Rey not end up with anyone.

    I think people should calm down about the shipping though. At the end of the day, there will always be fanfiction to soothe your needs. Plenty of series I've enjoyed did not end up with a couple I've wanted. It's not the end of the world. I read fanfiction when I'm in the mood.

    You'll live, I assure you.
    zero_point_zero and Obiwan10 like this.
  16. turnip white

    turnip white Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 3, 2014
    She was having force dreams albiet not knowing what they were before Finn so I don't think Finn was causing a trigger. However, they did bond and I hope its stays and gets stronger and blossoms. I really don't want them going down reylo or whatever its getting called. That is so nauseating and unpleasant [face_sick]
  17. Obiwan10

    Obiwan10 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 6, 2015
    I mean, I don't think its a matter of debate now, that Rey has feelings for Finn, she obviously does, look at the scene when he left her, look at the scene when he came to rescue her, look at the scene was she is literally crying over him when he is unconscious. She is thinking of him when she is getting interrogated by ren. She deff has feelings for him, is it romantic? We have yet to see.

    Kylo and Rey won't happen. Period. Poe/Finn also won't happen, john shot that theory down kinda quickly.

    Your right, we should all just relax on the shipping stuff. Although I won't if she gets with kylo, no way.

    Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
    Blastaar likes this.
  18. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    That's right, she was standing there shell shocked at Finn leaving and was jolted out of it by the crying that led her downstairs. Really great point. The saber didn't call for her any other point that they were hanging out in the castle.
  19. Deerborne

    Deerborne Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 15, 2015
    This, basically. I'll be cool with whatever as long as it isn't Reylo. I'll have some fighting words for JJ/Rian/Colin.
    StormScavenger and Obiwan10 like this.
  20. Sith_Smuggler

    Sith_Smuggler Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 9, 2016
    Obviously, she has feelings for Finn - just not the romantic kind, in my opinion. She cares for him very much as a friend. I don't want to say what will happen, as the script is not in my hands; the ball is in the court of the writers.

    Like I said, there is always fanfiction to soothe people.
  21. Obiwan10

    Obiwan10 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 6, 2015
    Well, if she does not end up being his li, then she will not just have feelings for him as a friend, but as a brother, as family. But she isn't getting with kylo, that ik will be a fact.

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  22. frail47

    frail47 Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 11, 2016
    Given the mountain of evidence presented in this thread from multiple sources, I'm confident there will be romance between Rey and Finn. It won't be overt, it won't be in our face, but it'll be there and I imagine it'll play an important part in each of their arcs. Considering each other friends and perhaps family is a great start and doesn't preclude romance. My wife is my friend, and she's my family and she's my lover. And it took us a while to get to those places. Rey and Finn have much of it after just a couple/few days.

    J.J. himself said this about the possibility of romance: ''No doubt, even if I already know I want to approach this project in a different way..."

    Based on J.J's quote and what was presented in TFA, there's going to be some kind of future romance and I just can't see it happening between anyone else. Rey and Kylo seems too dark and twisty for a Saga film (and they very well could be related), Finn falling for a character yet to be introduced would seem like an odd choice given everything that transpired between him and Rey (his feelings for her that developed over an entire film's worth of interactions would need to be addressed first), and the same could be said for Rey and Poe.

    But hey, Rian could surprise us...
    StormScavenger, Obiwan10 and Nanosoft like this.
  23. Carl Rahl

    Carl Rahl Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 6, 2016

    Yeah Rain still has a story group to answer too.
  24. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
  25. frail47

    frail47 Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 11, 2016
    Yep. I just wanted to caveat my post with the fact that I don't know exactly what the future will hold. Despite my best efforts, sometimes I need to be hit over the head with something before I'll believe it.