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Index The Rexoka Index/Discussion - New Topic: How did you get into Rexoka?

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Rexoka_Index, Jun 2, 2009.

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  1. Rexoka_Index

    Rexoka_Index Jedi Youngling

    Jun 1, 2009
    Welcome to the Rexoka Index and Discussion!

    This index contains a, well, index of Rexoka fics (whether they are Friendship-Rexoka or Romance-Rexoka), as well as the discussion of the controversial ship Rexoka.

    Current Indexer(s): KotORBF2Female_Revan

    If you would like for us to add something to the thread, or if you have questions, PM:

    [b]What is Rexoka?[/b]

    Rexoka is the pairing of Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano, whether the pairing is a friendship or romantic relationship.


    [b]Submission Guidelines[/b]

    [li]Story must be on the JC fanfic boards[/li]
    [li]Story MUST include Rexoka, whether it is friendship-Rexoka or romance-Rexoka[/li]
    [li]NO Bashing/Flaming/Baiting, etc. It's against the rules, and it's just plain mean.[/li]

    Use the following format to submit stories:

    [b]Title: [/b]
    [b]Link to fic:[/b]
    [b]Era:[/b] (during The Clone Wars or after The Clone Wars)
    [b]Chars: [/b]
    [b]Genre: [/b]
    [b]Warnings or Notes:[/b] (If you need them, but with this ship, I'm betting there'll be a warning XD)

    Also, I, [b]KotORBF2Female_Revan[/b], would prefer that you PMed story submissions to the sock.


    [b]REMINDER TO [u][i]ALL[/i][/u] AUTHORS!!!![/b]

    Stories depicting sex with minors are not allowed. For these forums, a minor is anyone below 18 years of age. Romantic pairings are fine, as is a minor holding a crush on an adult, but these may not cross into sexual relationships.

    References to anyone under the age of 16 being involved in sexual relationships are not allowed.

    Minors (16 and 17 year olds) can be referenced as being involved in consensual sexual relationships, but in no case are they to be involved with anyone over the age of 21.


    [b]Discussion topics:[/b]

    Old: [u]Do you support Rexoka? If so, why? If not, why?[/u]
    [u]Which is easier to write: friendship Rexoka or romance Rexoka?[/u]

    Current hot topic: [hl=orange][u]How did you get into Rexoka?[/u][/hl][/color]
  2. Rexoka_Index

    Rexoka_Index Jedi Youngling

    Jun 1, 2009
    The Index

    Sorted alphabetically by author.


    [b]Title: [/b] Reminders
    [b]Link to fic:[/b]
    [b]Era: [/b](during The Clone Wars or after The Clone Wars)During with conclusion after CW
    [b]Summary:[/b] Ahsoka and Rex exchange small tokens-reminders of their friendship just before Ahsoka's coronation.
    [b]Chars:[/b] Ahsoka, Rex
    [b]Genre:[/b] General, Friendship
    [b]Warnings or Notes:[/b] None that I know of. This is a G rated tale.

    [b]Title:[/b] Aftermath
    [b]Link: [/b]
    [b]Era:[/b] Post Clone Wars
    [b]Genre: [/b] Angst, Tragedy, Friendship
    [b]Characters: [/b] Captain Rex, Chopper, Ahsoka, Darth Vader, Jester, Slick, Waxer, Appo, Jek, Commander Cody
    [b]Warnings: [/b] PG for Dark Themes. Hints at Ahsoka/Rex friendship possibly more.
    [b]Summery: [/b] Order 66 changed everything. None of soldiers of 501st ever spoke of it, they did not need to; it was clear enough in their tired eyes. Orders were given; orders had to be followed. It did not make living with the awkward guilt or the haunting memories any easier. *drabble-centric*

    [b]Title:[/b] Is there life out there?
    [b]Characters: [/b] Ahsoka, Rex
    [b]Era:[/b] During the Clone Wars
    [b]Genre:[/b] War, tragedy, friendship, angst
    [b]Ratings & Warnings:[/b] PG *dark themes*
    [b]Summery:[/b] As the heady rush of battle wanes, Ahsoka contemplates the future and life beyond the war.

    [b]Title:[/b] Small Act of Defiance
    [b]Characters:[/b] Rex, Anakin Skywalker/Vader, Torrent Company Ahsoka (mentioned)
    [b]Era: [/b] End of Clone Wars (Order 66)
    [b]Genre:[/b] War, tragedy, friendship, angst
    [b]Ratings & Warnings:[/b] PG *dark themes*
    [b]Summery:[/b] Captain Rex storms the temple on the night of Order 66 and discovers the fine line between following orders and listening to one's conscience.

    [b]Title:[/b] Lessons Learned
    [b]Link: [/b]
    [b]Characters:[/b] Ahsoka, Sian Jeisal, Rex (mentioned)
    [b]Era:[/b] End of Clone Wars (Order 66)
    [b]Genre:[/b] War, tragedy, friendship, angst
    [b]Ratings & Warnings:[/b] PG *dark themes*
    [b]Summery:[/b] Ahsoka struggles to survive Order 66 and learns along the way just who her friends truly are.
    [b]Side note:[/b] This tale is the flip side to 'Small act of Defiance'.



    [b]Title:[/b] Irony
    [b]Link to fic:[/b]
    [b]Era:[/b] During Clone Wars
    [b]Summary:[/b] An accident causes Asajj Ventress to have memory loss. And consequently, she falls madly in love with the first man she sets eyes on. Needless to say, the results are humorous. AU.
    [b]Chars:[/b] Asajj, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, Padme, others
    [b]Genre:[/b] Humor, romance, silliness, fluff, AU
    [b]Warnings or notes:[/b] Extreme randomness and OOCness



    [b]Title:[/b] Comfort
    [b]Link to fic:[/b]
    [b]Era:[/b] Clone Wars
    [b]Summary: [/b] During 'Storm over Ryloth,' a certain clone captain gets a certain Padawan after her squadron is destroyed.
    [b]Chars:[/b] Ahsoka, Rex, Anakin (mentioned only)
    [b]Genre:[/b] Hurt/Comfort/Friendship
    [b]Warnings or Notes:[/b] Spoilers if you haven't seen the episode.

    [b]Title:[/b] No More Words
    [b]Link to Fic:[/b]
    [b]Era:[/b] Clone Wars
    [b]Summary:[/b] Rex and Ahsoka's bond, mostly friendship.
    [b]Genre:[/b] Friendship, romance if you squint hard.
    [b]Warnings or Notes:[/b] None.

    [b]Title:[/b] Comfort
    [b]Link to fic:[/b]
    [b]Era:[/b] Clone Wars
    [b]Summary:[/b] During 'Storm over Ryloth,' a certai
  3. JediXManSerenaKenobi

    JediXManSerenaKenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 27, 2007
    I definitely love the pairing! I think they had a great dynamic in the series, and I hope they continue to show the friendship in the next season. :)
  4. GuNgAnFaN3090

    GuNgAnFaN3090 Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 16, 2008
    Yes, it's up! [face_dancing]

    I do love Rexoka, they have a great friendship and perhaps more as they age... @};-
  5. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    Yay, the index is up! [face_dancing]
  6. KotORBF2Female_Revan

    KotORBF2Female_Revan Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 21, 2009
    Hey guys! I think Rexoka is awesome (after all I started the Index, XD), and reason why is they are friends now, and boy/girl FRIENDSHIPS usually tend to evolve into romance-ness...

    Oh and don't forget to send in your Rexoka stories!
  7. GuNgAnFaN3090

    GuNgAnFaN3090 Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 16, 2008
    I sent the sock 4 I found. ;)
  8. BloodRaven77

    BloodRaven77 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 19, 2005
    YES!!! Its official Rexoka has its own archive!! *high5* Thank you so much guys! <3
  9. Takianna

    Takianna Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2005
    I support the Rexoka thing as a friendship, but I just don't see the romance thing, although sometimes war makes people do some really strange things. So for the friendship, I'm all for it! Of course I'm also writing a clone wars story where I make it pretty clear that they are good friends.
  10. MsLanna

    MsLanna Jedi Master star 6

    Jul 8, 2005
    I'm with you Takianna. I can see them as real good friends with Rex slipping into a big brother/father role but as long as Ahsoka's so young, I don't see her romantically involved with anybody.
  11. ObiWanJedi93

    ObiWanJedi93 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 29, 2008
    Rex and Ahsoka FTW! [face_dancing]
  12. BloodRaven77

    BloodRaven77 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 19, 2005
    I prefer them as friends when she's still a kid...I like them as a romantic pairing when both are adults myself :blushes:
  13. GuNgAnFaN3090

    GuNgAnFaN3090 Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 16, 2008
    So, any other Rexoka topics and/or Stories?
  14. Rexoka_Index

    Rexoka_Index Jedi Youngling

    Jun 1, 2009
    Geez, sorry. This indexing stuff isn't as easy as it sounded.

    New discussion topic:

    Which do you think is easier to write: friendship Rexoka or romance Rexoka?

    And remember: Submit your Rexoka stories! And please make sure to use the correct submission format.
  15. BloodRaven77

    BloodRaven77 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 19, 2005
    For me writing friendship!Rexoka is so much more easier than Romance. It's canon you don't have to explain or spell it out that she's and adult (as I would if it were a romance fic) and I love the undertones that comes with their friendship, how neither are aware of the feelings that is forming between them...
  16. Takianna

    Takianna Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2005
    I'm going with friendship because it is easy to write. You can give hints of future things, but the friendship, which is the basis for most romantic relationships, has to be there. I also operate on the fact that the clones would not live to be old enough to have a romantic relationship with an older Ahsoka. Rexoka is fun to write. I always try to include her in anything I'm writing about Rex, just works out for the best.
  17. KotORBF2Female_Revan

    KotORBF2Female_Revan Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 21, 2009
    I haven't tried to write Rexoka friendship...I attempted at romance. I failed. Especially in charecterization.
  18. JediXManSerenaKenobi

    JediXManSerenaKenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 27, 2007
    I haven't tried writing official romance, just an odd "friendship" if you could call it that. I think it's going pretty well so far.

    KotORBF2Female_Revan, would Irony be considered a Rexoka fic? I was going to send it to the index, but technically it's an Asajj/Obi-Wan fic with Rexoka mixed in. Oh, and I changed Ahsoka's age in the story to eighteen, and Rex is twenty-two.
  19. Rexoka_Index

    Rexoka_Index Jedi Youngling

    Jun 1, 2009
    As long as Rexoka's in the fic, you can submit it to the sock. :D

    Just remember to use the correct format. :)
  20. BloodRaven77

    BloodRaven77 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 19, 2005
    JediXManSerenaKenobi you wrote a Ventrobi fic with undertones of RExoka!? OMG where's the link I must read this!! *begs*
  21. JediXManSerenaKenobi

    JediXManSerenaKenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 27, 2007
    Ventrobi... lol, I like that.

    Yes, I did! Or am doing - I'm still writing it. Here's the link:


    - Serena

  22. BloodRaven77

    BloodRaven77 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 19, 2005
    Sadly I didn't come up with the term I saw it on LJ capslock_cw community uses it alot XD and of course Rexoka ^^

    *runs off to read* yeah!
  23. Takianna

    Takianna Jedi Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2005
    We are getting quite a catalog of stories here! I'm super excited. I'm glad everyone else is so into this!
  24. GuNgAnFaN3090

    GuNgAnFaN3090 Jedi Knight star 5

    Oct 16, 2008
    I love Ventrobi almost as much as Rexoka. I have to read this, probably tonight is when I'll get around to it. :D
  25. KotORBF2Female_Revan

    KotORBF2Female_Revan Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 21, 2009
    Er...on topic, guys!
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