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Official Info The Rise of Skywalker - Official Pictures [Now Discussing the Theatrical Poster]

Discussion in 'Star Wars: New Films - No Spoilers Allowed' started by TCF-1138 , May 22, 2019.

  1. TCF-1138

    TCF-1138 Anthology/Fan Films/NSA Mod & Ewok Enthusiast star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Sep 20, 2002
    As we saw the release of the traditional Vanity Fair covers and photos a few hours ago, I thought I'd might as well make a thread like the one we had for TLJ.

    Please note that this thread is not for posting leaked images or fan art. It is strictly for posting - and discussing - officially released pictures from Episode IX.

    So, let's get started, shall we? :D

    (I'll hide these pics in spoiler tags in case someone doesn't want to see them, but... why are you in this thread in that case? :p )















    Fantastic pictures as always by Annie Leibovitz. Quite a few intriguing things happening in them too. Especially in that last one... [face_thinking]
  2. Darth Buzz

    Darth Buzz Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    Really love the photo's!! I have to admit they are showing us more early on than I had anticipated for a JJ Abrams directed film.

    Couple quick thoughts (put in spoilers just in case someone hadn't seen the photos):

    - I had been wondering where R2 was in the teaser trailer, as the whole gang was together except him. Very interesting to see that he is with Luke in the photo?!? Very interested to find out what is going on here, intrigued to say the least
    - Very happy to see the Knights of Ren will be playing a role in the film based on the photo. Would have been a missed opportunity I feel for them to get mentioned in TFA and then never see them.
    - Sweet to see Fin and Jannah together on the horses.
    - Surprised that they are already teasing us with the Kylo vs Rey duel. While it seemed like a given that it will happen in the film, I figured we wouldn't see anything till either the final trailer or possibly not until December.

    Overall I am very pleased with the Vanity Fair shoot, and hope we can have some good Non-Spoiler Discussion in here about it.
    Last edited: May 22, 2019
    TheYodaPagoda and TCF-1138 like this.

    LAJ_FETT Tech Admin (2007-2023) - She Held Us Together star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 25, 2002
    Just a mention that if you don't want to see the pics then you should avoid the TFN Main page for now.
    TheYodaPagoda likes this.

    DARTH_BELO Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 25, 2003
    Man those are awesome. And I agree-much more "revealing" than I also thought they would be!! That last one though, I'm like.......

  5. TheYodaPagoda

    TheYodaPagoda Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 23, 2002
    CowMoo likes this.
  6. Strilo

    Strilo Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 6, 2001
    I am intrigued by what the photos reveal. I am particularly interested in the inclusion of:
    the Knights of Ren and Luke Skywalker
    I don't know anything really about their inclusion and I try not to think about it or analyze things too much... until I see the film and then all bets are off!
    TheYodaPagoda and Darth Buzz like this.
  7. Darth Buzz

    Darth Buzz Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    I also find it interesting that if you...
    put the VF covers side by side it appears that Kylo and Rey are in the same location, possibly even looking at each other.
  8. Darth Buzz

    Darth Buzz Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    Also something I thought was interesting was...

    In all the pictures and scene in the teaser, we see Kylo with no mask on. Yet we also see in the teaser that his mask is reconstructed. So I wonder what is going on there.

    I'm so glad that we have so many questions, that what makes the anticipation for December so fun.
  9. CowMoo

    CowMoo Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 12, 2001
    I read the article a few weeks ago. Besides the photos, which I found to be more enticing than spoiler-y, I found the following from the article interesting:

    In which case, the climax would have to be really, really good. :eek:[face_laugh]

    Also, the article states that:
    ... well, I think we shouldn't expect another trench run, or Death Star knockoff. I'm glad that JJ Abrams is finally making Star Wars his own. His own unique stamp on the saga. Heck, a sense of ownership one could say.
    TheYodaPagoda and Darth Buzz like this.
  10. TCF-1138

    TCF-1138 Anthology/Fan Films/NSA Mod & Ewok Enthusiast star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Sep 20, 2002
    Teaser poster from D23:

    Hello darkness, my old friend...
    CowMoo, smoothkaz and Darth Chiznuk like this.
  11. Darth Buzz

    Darth Buzz Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    Wow, what a poster!! HYPE!
    smoothkaz and TCF-1138 like this.
  12. TheVioletBurns

    TheVioletBurns Jedi Master star 4

    May 27, 2002
    Hmm ... I feel much the same way about this poster as I felt about the Vader-cloak teaser poster for ROTS. Cool idea, not the best execution. NBD, though. It's the final poster I'm most looking forward to.
  13. CowMoo

    CowMoo Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 12, 2001
    I hope the final poster doesn't emulate too much the current trend of the medusa posters. By this, I mean the posters with a bunch of heads of the characters. It got somewhat comical with the Avengers Infinity War and Endgame posters that basically all that it contained was a bunch of heads.

    I should add that I actually like the teaser poster. It gives more of an atmosphere, a feeling. There is a story there, of Palpatine looming over the dual between Rey and Kylo Ren
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2019
  14. CowMoo

    CowMoo Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 12, 2001
    Oops, I was thinking of the hydra or ghidorah for godzilla fans, but I think I got the point across. At least I was thinking of heads.

    DARTH_BELO Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 25, 2003
    Considering how large the Emperor looms in the background there, I'd be surprised if he were to simply appear towards the end as some kind of glorified cameo or other. Really gives the impression that he has a larger role in the storyline than that.
  16. Darth Maul Apprentice

    Darth Maul Apprentice Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 27, 2014
    I have the opposite opinion. I don't expect to see much of Palps, if there is that's cool. The poster just makes me think he's there looming in the background of the story.
    CowMoo likes this.
  17. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    Darkness: Hello! How's it goin?
  18. CowMoo

    CowMoo Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 12, 2001
    The official final poster is at, and it is also below.

    It still has the Hydra heads, although not as overdone as it was for Avenger's Infinity War and Endgame. Love the atmosphere though. I think I like this poster, though I wish for more X-Wings and more of a hint of the big space battle that is bound to be in the movie.

    Last edited: Oct 21, 2019
    Master_Rebado likes this.
  19. Darth Buzz

    Darth Buzz Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    Easily the best official/final poster for the ST.
    Master_Rebado and TCF-1138 like this.
  20. TCF-1138

    TCF-1138 Anthology/Fan Films/NSA Mod & Ewok Enthusiast star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Sep 20, 2002
    Title updated. [face_dancing]

    Lovely, lovely poster. [face_love]
    Master_Rebado and TheYodaPagoda like this.
  21. TheYodaPagoda

    TheYodaPagoda Force Ghost star 4

    Apr 23, 2002
    That poster will look amazing on my wall! I've had a tradition of putting the new film posters as wallpaper on my phone, and I realized...I hadn't changed it since Solo! Anyway, bring on The Rise of Skywalker!

    DARTH_BELO Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 25, 2003
    One thing I will say about the marketing this time around, is that there really seems to be an abundance of different posters released compared to the previous films-and all of them are great.

    I wonder if they basically had a bunch of great ones, couldn't decide on just one to release, so they just decided to periodically release all of them! :p
    TheYodaPagoda likes this.