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ST The Romantic Future of Kylo Ren and Rey

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Sunbloom, Dec 19, 2015.

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  1. Sangha Ren

    Sangha Ren Jedi Knight star 1

    Feb 24, 2016
    The tree is back! Please LF make a damn toy out of it, it'll be a best seller. I'd buy one. And a Rey that screams "monstah!" and a Kylo that screams "Traiteeer!" So many possibilities.

    Regarding "it's just us now" in French, I saw the movie only once in French and I can't remember, but to me it would not mean anything. Believe me when I say that translators receive no hint on how to translate. Some translations are bad and once you see the movie or TV show in OV, you never want to hear the dubbed version again. But to the translators' defense, it's difficult in some cases to convey the full meaning in the timing needed. I guess I will have to watch the blu-ray in French at least once *sighs*. I hate dubbing.

    Me and my (head)canon good Kylo are leaving this thread alone tonight. Too much disturbance. Not in the mood for it. Enough of it at work already. Another 4 weeks until the blu-ray *sob* Good night.
    panki, TheLazySword, Force22 and 8 others like this.
  2. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    It was also a massive mistake!?
    Do you understand the term mistake?
    If you look up the deleted scene from ESB on YouTube the comments aren't praising this connection with Luke and Leia attempting to kiss, they are calling it cringe worthy, pathetic, thank God Han was her love interest etc..... They are saying these things because it was the biggest screw ball move in the Star Wars saga.

    People say also that maybe Maz isn't telling the truth to Rey or she is wrong like Yoda was with Luke and so many other ideas, like telling Anakin to escort Padme to Naboo, completely oblivious of the fact that they could fall in love which they did.

    What was it that Maz said?
    I'M NO JEDI but I know the force.

    Maz is introduced in this film as a voice of wisdom. She calls Finn out of his flaw just as much as she calls Rey out on what she is doing wrong. Maz isn't a Jedi as she says so her frame of mind isn't in the same dynamic as Yodas was. Yoda was introduced in ESB and it's obvious he said a lot of ridiculous things. Again it's the Jedi ways.
    panki, Zeralyos, BrehaSolo and 2 others like this.
  3. Darth Chiznuk

    Darth Chiznuk Superninja of Future Films star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 31, 2012
    The back and forth sniping at each other is going to end right now. We've already warned everyone to discuss the topic not each other.
    Jakku Sun Aesthetic and EHT like this.
  4. FrolickingFizzgig

    FrolickingFizzgig Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 1, 2016
    This is what we would have needed Kylo to do in the final battle in order for some people to realize what was so blatantly going on:


    Blastaar: I direct you here:

    Naruto and Hinata was the most obvious thing since Naruto being the son of the Fourth Hokage, but some didn't get it, and the above is is an archive of that. If you thought people took this thing seriously, you have no idea about NaruSaku fans xD I watched the drama unfold without getting involved while awaiting spoilers... it wasn't pretty.
    Zeralyos, BrehaSolo, Kessel89 and 6 others like this.
  5. AnneNeville

    AnneNeville Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 17, 2016
    People often struggle with acting, especially in situations when good acting can lead to unlikable characters. For example, I've always been impressed by how much more people love Colin Firth's Mr. Darcy than David Rintoul's (from the 1980 film). The reasons cited are often that Rintoul is stiff, cold, arrogant, and hard to like.

    Yeah, stiff, cold, arrogant, hard to like. Sounds exactly like Mr. Darcy. You only see the subtleties of Rintoul's performance if you look closely, but they are there. Firth can be read like a book. I love the 1996 movie, and Firth is iconic. But there is a certain irony in the fact that so many people dislike Rintoul's Darcy because . . . he is too Darcy-like.

    It's another situation where subtlety is a double-edged sword.
    old padawan, MissG, Mana and 3 others like this.
  6. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Rest assured. If Kylo Ren finds out Rey is his relative..... prepare for a tantrum to end all tantrums. He's gonna be pissed! That's an understatement.
  7. Reynak

    Reynak Jedi Knight star 1

    Feb 29, 2016

    And that's what Sandor Clegane does to Sansa Stark in ASoIaF, don't let the show ruin these pairing for you, because they are pure gold.

    Swords and daggers have been traditionally used in fiction as a metaphor of male sexual drive. When a guy in a movie or a story does what Kylo did with that sword in the green wood, especially if they are in a wood, like Red Ridinghood and the wolf, LOL, the writers are suggesting something sexual. If the girl is not sexualized and is considered naive and innocent, somewhat childish, then the scene is a metaphor of sexual awakening for her. And this is not head canon,this is classis story telling and symbology.

    Of course this can't be applied to real life, it is just symbology. Nobody would believe a man drawing a dagger on a girl is anything but assault, but in the context o certain movies is a metaphor and has been used for hundreds of years. There are still poeple who don't get it, though.
  8. xyloren

    xyloren Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 19, 2016
  9. Darth Imbecillis

    Darth Imbecillis Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 20, 2016

    I've only seen a part of one episode of Outlander, but didn't that guy spank her? And it didn't look one bit consensual to me.

    I was really surprised by that because I know that's a very popular series. The books were already super popular a million years ago; my friend was nuts about them back in the day.
    panki, Airemyn and MissG like this.
  10. bela.mesecina

    bela.mesecina Jedi Padawan star 1

    Mar 12, 2016
    More and more people notice Rey/Kylo Ren as posabillity every day....I'm sure once the DVD is out, even more people will notice it :)

    panki, BrehaSolo and Maria Antonietta like this.
  11. Little_Boots

    Little_Boots Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 23, 2015
    Little children go and see him daily but wait he's a big bad right! I forgot!
    Disney is encouraging children to visit Disney land and try and bring Kylo back to the light. What are kids gonna do? Well beg their parents to take them to see Kylo Ren to try and save him. Of course.
    Queen Rey, MelBee, panki and 11 others like this.
  12. Search Your Feelings

    Search Your Feelings Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 6, 2016
    I saw this fanart in the amazing Fanart thread. I wonder if Kylo will undergo a costume change in Ep8/9? We have speculated that he no longer really needs to have all the layers, the mask (although I love his outfit and mask), but his character has now been "exposed" so to speak. I thought I liked his outfit in TFA but this one is pretty cool as well. I think he should keep the saber and mask. :cool:

    panki and Little_Boots like this.
  13. Reynak

    Reynak Jedi Knight star 1

    Feb 29, 2016

    You're righ, some people only get the most superficial part of the book/movies. the author makes fun of every single character including Lizzy but some screen versions have something to do with this because they show some characters in too good a light (like Mr Bennet) and others in a too negative and ridicule one (like his wife), when none of them are as smart and good or as superficial and stupid as they may seem. Austen is subtle and her sense of humour very clever but never too obvious, which is what many of us love, but this goes over the heads of many others.
  14. Berhan

    Berhan Jedi Knight star 2

    Jan 16, 2016
    I don't think he did, I've only watched a few scenes on YT. (Starz series are very explicit, not my type) | Yes, and Outlander's popularity has grown since the broadcast. I think I may read the books though... (Scotland's History kinda fascinates me)
  15. Matt's Solo Cousin

    Matt's Solo Cousin Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 12, 2016
    I agree with this. I think Kylo would have just let Finn be if he had stayed down. Kylo really has no time for Finn, and really does not show that Sithy bloodlust for killing people. I think it's when Finn got up and got a hit in that Ren got mad and the dark side that allowed him to kill Han flared up again with a heavy dose of "I'm sick of this ****!"
  16. xyloren

    xyloren Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 19, 2016
    Ugh I tried to get the actual picture in here! How'd you do it?
    And yes I agree, he's the worst, evilest, baddest that ever dare Disney want us to pull him back to the light?! How dare they want him to be "redeemed"? (funny they used that word...don't remember it being said in the movie:cool:)
    I mean they could've said "help him kill stormtroopers" or "help him interrogate prisoners" but I guess redemption is a lot more interesting and makes a better story ($$). Go figure. [face_cowboy]
  17. BastilaBey

    BastilaBey Jedi Knight star 1

    Feb 19, 2016
    thanks for posting this. What do people think is more likely: Ren will return to the light, and the love will be reciprocated? Or will it be one-sided and he'll sacrifice himself for Rey? I'm hoping for the former just because I'm not sure my heart can take the pain!
    Zeralyos, MissG and Maria Antonietta like this.
  18. Geminiwankenobi

    Geminiwankenobi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 10, 2016
    So I see people have differing opinions about the notion that Ren may have physical attraction to Rey. I understand why some people dont see it.

    Personally, I'm becoming more and more convinced that J J is making the "force" a real discovery of the force but also a sexual metaphor in the scenes between Rey and Ren. Its an awakening of powers but also an awakening of sexual desire, and love when it comes to these two.

    The term seduction to the light and seduction to the darkness has double meanings. It's a literal seduction to an opposing side of the force, but also a literal seduction with the opposite sex. How do I know this? Well Ren has attraction towards Rey in every single scene. Rey represents a pull to the light and a physical desire..the light and her body are intertwined in his mind and yes I believe it is the same with her, his body and his darkness are intertwined, a good chunk of her hatred towards him comes because she is attracted to him.Yes I think she is attracted to him, Thats why she slashes his face in an attempt to make him ugly and a monster, in the hopes that it will end her inner conflict about him. It was so much easier for her to hate him and want to kill him when she didn't see his face. Seeing his face caused a problem for her, the problem that not only is he a man, he's a man she is attracted to.

    You can say I'm imagining things but I'll take a line from the actual scene:

    Kylo Ren, to Rey when he is inside her mind, looking at her feelings and thoughts - "Dont be afraid, I feel it too"

    There you have your canon, they are feeling a huge pull towards each other. The difference is that he is Ok with it But Rey, oh boy, Rey? She is not Ok with it and the fact that she is not OK with it bothers him to no end but I wont be talking about that too much here. That's a whole other kettle of fish. The fact that she does not like him, bothers him to no end, so much so that the "mission" goes out the window every single time when he's around her.. He sees her as a potential mate and he cant have her until she likes him, having Rey reciprocate his attraction and compassion is stronger than his desire to be evil (DING DONG). He thinks he can just chain her up and then he has her, but that's not how it works Kylo. The sooner he learns, the better.

    J J has said that there were sexual undertones in the interrogation scene and he then recently made some very interesting comments about the moment on the cliff edge, which could naturally lead people to see the double meaning in what he's saying. " you see him staring at her, she closes her eyes and just sort of lets it in" When she gets in touch with the force and discovers her powers, both times he is present and both times he is a catalyst for these things happening.

    The way the cliff moment is shot strongly suggests sexual undertones, unlike the interrogation scene, what is happening on the cliff is a mutual feeling between them both. People may disagree but please hear out my reasoning:

    They use choker shots, these are used mainly in romance movies. These kinds of shots are a rarity in most films apart from romances. The film Romeo and Juliet uses these kinds of shots all the time. They use them when Romeo and Juliet fall in love, they use them when Romeo and Juliet make love and also when they kiss. Many other romance films use them too but I'm using one a film which is one of the most famous romance stories of all time for my analysis.The choice of shot is rare in a normal film which is not a romance, its only really used in these films when there is an actual romantic moment.

    Also just to add, the way her arm is positioned in her shot and his shot? it cocoons them even more. Almost like an embrace.

    Moment between Ren and Rey:

    Moments between Romeo and Juliet:

    If you look at the moment on the cliff in essence what you have is Ren and Rey sharing an intimate moment, all sound is blocked out apart from her heavy breathing and his grunt when he moves forwards at her. Not only do we have a visual cue that something is passing between them, we also have an audio cue that wants you to pull focus to the fact that its all just about the pair of them in this moment.

    It plays out like this:

    1. "You need a teacher, I could show you the ways of the force" (could be seen as a sexual metaphor considering what happens next)
    2. She looks at him "force?"
    3. Closes her eyes
    4. He stares at her
    5. According to JJ this is the moment she "lets it in"(he felt it was important to mention that it happens as he's staring at her)
    6 Cut to her heavy breathing
    7. Cut to him staring and pushing forward
    8. Cut to her reacting to this thrust then she opens her eyes, the look can be seen as lust
    9. Cut to his face again, that face she is attracted to
    10. Cut back to her and her face only now fills with absolute rage.

    Why? its because of what he's done, its because he's on the dark side but its also because she let him in during that moment, the good feeling, was something he was triggering in her, when she opens her eyes, she knows exactly what he wants and this infuriates her especially after what has happened. Proceed to her kicking his wounds, toying with him, slashing his face to make him ugly and a monster. Its all very personal.
  19. laugh-it-up-fuzzball

    laugh-it-up-fuzzball Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 22, 2016
    Yup. I work in software development for a large company that has a lot of things (software, web content, and documentation) translated. We typically work with vendors who typically do "string translation" (i.e. they translate word-for-word without a lot of consideration for context). It's the folks who do the quality check on the translated content who often need to make corrections for context. A lot of stuff can slip through this way. I can't imagine that film translation works much differently.
    panki likes this.
  20. moonjump05

    moonjump05 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 14, 2013
    Star Wars is ultimately hopeful- and having a dead, infatuated with his cousin, irredeemable monster Kylo Ren is not happening. Not if we want to cheer on Han and Leia's love story. Not if we want to have Han's love and sacrifice not be in vain. Not if we want Leia to be completely wrong about the light still inside him.

    Even Vader gets to be redeemed after his fall and he is an older character with a legacy of his own- Luke and Leia. No, Ben will get to have a legacy too.
  21. xyloren

    xyloren Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 19, 2016
    If Ren was unrelated to anyone I'd say he's going to die. Yet the fact that he is the legacy of all the mains, the very son of Han and Leia, makes me more inclined to believe that they have good reason to keep him alive. I also don't think it's impossible to have the feelings reciprocated and believable, but it rests on the force bond imo. Through the force bond, Rey would feel his emotions, maybe see memories and visions. It would make it a lot more believable for her to feel compassion for him. Also the fact that character development is essential to any good story, indicates that Rey's opinion of Kylo Ren will most likely change. If they want to tell an interesting story, that is.
  22. Darth Imbecillis

    Darth Imbecillis Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 20, 2016

    Apparently my memory wasn't wrong after all! He did:

    (I didn't actually read the entire article so I don't know if it makes any good points or if it's a bad one; I was just looking for info about that particular scene.)

    Sorry, this is off-topic! Or maybe it isn't - I know this is a hugely popular fictional (canon!) couple, and I would argue the dynamic I witnessed in that scene was a thousand times more "problematic" and "abusive" (a husband exerting power and using violence against his wife) than anything in Reylo. Even when you take the different target audience into account.
    panki and Zeralyos like this.
  23. AnneNeville

    AnneNeville Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 17, 2016
    Yep, that Outlander scene is pretty darn controversial. People will argue back and forth for ages about whether it is abusive, or not abusive, or an inevitable clash of people from two vastly different time periods. I think it shows that the first novel was published in 1991, because mores have changed in romance a bit since then.
    Zeralyos, Berhan and Darth Imbecillis like this.
  24. xyloren

    xyloren Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 19, 2016
    I agree with what Geminiwankenobi said about the fight being personal. I remember watching it and thinking that it wasn't the typical hero/villain fight like in a Marvel movie. They literally grab each other's wrists and wrestle it out. I've watched that scene several times and it's hard to tell who grabs whose wrist first but I think it's him;) Anyway, it's so similar to Obi Wan/Anakin's fight as far as raging emotions go, and these two just met. You can't call it an impersonal duel, you just can't. That's what I saw, anyway. And when you put that much emotion into both parties of the duel, you know whatever relationship these two are going to have will be essential to the plot of the movies...not just some batman vs. penguin scenario.
  25. Search Your Feelings

    Search Your Feelings Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 6, 2016
    Agree, it'll be horribly depressing and cynical if Han's death means nothing, Kylo is not redeemed but just goes on mass killing, and Leia will have to put down her own son. SW is not the Godfather. It will forever change the dynamic of Han and Leia's relationship in the OT. There was a funny image of when Threepio was interrupting Han and Leia kissing on the MF (can't find it). Threepio was trying to stop them from producing a monster like Kylo as their son. Threepio would be seen as a HERO for trying to stop them [face_laugh].

    SW will just be another movie that ruins its own characters and their relationships. Matrix anyone? :oops:
    panki, Zeralyos, BrehaSolo and 5 others like this.
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