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Social ~The RPF Hallowed Eve Cruise~ (Open to all)

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Corellian_Outrider, Oct 29, 2019.

  1. Corellian_Outrider

    Corellian_Outrider Former FanForce Admin star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 9, 2002


    You are hereby invited back to the RPF Halloween Spooktacular. This year, it shall be hosted onboard a Quasar Fire-class Cruiser Carrier, known as the "Intrepid"- in the spirit of Halloween and boosting morale, the ship has been given a ghost ship make over and renamed the "Hallowed Eve".

    Enclosed you shall find a token. This shall take you there and is also your proof of entry. Hold down the button and close your eyes and count to ten.

    The hangar deck has been set up for mingling with food and drink, music and dancing… and someone had set up a karaoke kit over by the corner.

    Attend as yourself or as one of your RP characters. Don't forget to sign the guest book and to indicate in which realm/RPG you reside from.

    All the best,
    The Corellian Outrider

    About The Intrepid


    Originating from Star Wars: Black Sheep. The Intrepid, formerly an Imperial owned Quasar Fire-class Cruiser Carrier, currently serves the Alliance. As of this point in time, the evacuation of Hoth had taken place a few weeks ago and the Intrepid operates as a command ship for squadrons:
    - Black Sheep
    - Intruder
    - Star Raider
    - Viper

    The Party

    To add some levity and boost morale amongst the crew during this dark period of the Galactic Civil War, a party has been secretly organised to be held in the main hangar. News filtered through the crew and everyone did their part to get ready.

    The cooks whipped up food. Fighters were shifted to clear space for the party. Tech crew set about decorating the hangar as their droids painted sections to help fit the theme: A ghost ship.

    For the duration of the event, the ship shall be renamed the "Hallowed Eve."

    How to participate:

    The aim is relaxation. For yourself (or your characters) to unwind.

    Open to everyone. No CS is required to participate. Come as one either yourself or IC as one of your RPG characters.

    If you pick your RPG Character just do a small guest book entry with your first post:
    Guestbook Entry
  2. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    Guestbook Entry
    Name: Amber Tehanis
    RPG: The Black Sheep.

    She'd sat quietly in the turret during the hyperspace jump and when they'd arrived she was more than relieved to see The Intrepid. Sitting forward Amber frowned, it for want of a better term. As they entered it reminded her of a spooky mansion or something similar. What was going on. She looked up. "Ianna? What is all this?"

    TAG @galactic_vagabond
  3. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Guestbook Entry
    Name: Ianna Mcear
    RPG: Black Sheep

    Ianna swayed back and forth in her chair watching the blue whirlwind pass her by. They were alive, they escaped from certain death and were heading home. Popping out of hyperspace she quirked her head to the side. It looked like the Intrepid but, something seemed a little different. "Not sure." She said in reply. The inside looked dark and a little spooky...not that she was scared she was a big girl...she didn't need Jeen next to her or anything...

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron
  4. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    Guestbook Entry
    Name: Jeen Talgana
    RPG: Black Sheep

    Leaning to look up the the ladder Jeen called. "You ok up there Ianna? What do you see?" He couldn't see anything from the Valkyria's common area. He looked down. "Amber?" One of them had to answer.

    TAG @galactic-vagabond422
  5. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Ianna Mcear

    "Nothing," Ianna replied, "a whole lot of nothing." She started climbing down the ladder suddenly blushing at the realization that she was still in her swimsuit and jersey, her flip flops slapping against the rungs as she made her way down. Part of her hoped Jeen wasn't looking up...another hoped just as much that he was. Everything happened so fast she didn't have time to change, not that she had a change of clothes here. She should be fine once they get on the Intrepid, she had a change in her locker. Once she reached the deck she leapt forward, landing and maybe purposefully falling into Jeen's arms.

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron
  6. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Jeen Talgana

    When Ianna started down, he respectfully stepped back as he was fully aware of her garments and it would be inappropriate. So when she stumbled he was there but not prepared and stumbled backward himself. "Whoa!" he said as he fell, dragging her with him.

    IC Amber

    She climbed up when she saw Ianna was nearly out and as she reached the deck she was greeted with a tangled mess of legs and arms. She grinned. "Accident huh?" She asked amused.

    TAG @galactic-vagabond422
  7. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Ianna Mcear

    She felt herself falling and couldn't do anything to stop it. She landed on top of him with a slight huff. her braided hair slipped off her shoulder almost reaching the deck. Her eyes were wide her breath a little short as she looked down on him. Either by instinct or something else she moved closer to him. Their lips almost touching when Amber spoke from behind them.

    "What...yeah I slipped." She said getting up, but part of her wanted to stay...he was so warm next to her. Her feet slipped from under her and she fell onto him again, with a giggle. She stayed there for a second longer than she should have. "See," she said looking over her shoulder at her friend as she finally got to her feet offering her hand to help Jeen up.

    TAg: @Adalia-Durron
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2019
  8. Corellian_Outrider

    Corellian_Outrider Former FanForce Admin star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 9, 2002
    Guestbook Entry
    Name: Cassell Wystari
    RPG: Star Wars: Black Sheep

    The Valkyria, a Corellian YT-2000 Freighter, reverted back to real space with a jolt. Sparks crackled from several damaged spots on the hull. Several warnings lit up on the flight console causing Captain Cassell Wystari to curse in his native Corellian tongue. Some beach vacation! They didn't leave unscathed. As he glanced out the cockpit viewport, he was relieved to see the Intrepid was there.

    At least the comms worked, Cassell thought as he transmitted their status and requested permission to land. Clearance was promptly granted although the voice on the other end came across as... a little unnerving…

    "Maybe they were bored…" Cassell remarked to his copilot as he brought the freighter around to Bay 4. As they approached, Cassell furrowed his brow as he saw the state of the hangar. Was he imagining things? It looked aged… like a derelict… ghost ship…

    Once the landing struts kissed the decking, Cassell stood up and powered off the engines and the rest of the systems. Movement outside the viewport caught his eye. He thought he saw something scurrying out of sight amongst the cargo crates. The corner of his mouth twitched. There was something unsettling going on here.

    "We better check on our passengers..." The Corellian said as he double checked the GL-77 blaster in his holster, "…to let them know we've landed."

    TAG: @The Real Kyp Durron, @Adalia-Durron, @galactic-vagabond422
  9. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    Guestbook Entry
    Name: Beskaryc Taab
    RPG: Black Sheep


    Beskaryc Taab removed his helmet and looked around the redecorated hanger with no small measure of confusion. In the blink of an eye the place had transformed from the utilitarian yet always busy hanger bay to...something else. It seemed to be a party of some sort. Taab hated parties. Still, it seemed there was an open bar over against the rear bulkhead and the Mandalorian found himself wandering over in that direction, mumbling to himself. "I need a drink."


    The bartender (one of many actually, but this is the one that approached him) giggled at the sight of him. "What'll it be big guy?" she said with a smirk. She looked strangely familiar to him, though it took him a moment to recognize her as his current wingman. He thought about asking her what was going on, but refrained. She was as likely to know as he was, and even if she did know, there was no way anything she said would make any sense to him. So instead he answered her query gruffly. "Tihaar".

    She giggled again as she poured him his drink replying as she handed it to him. "Popular spirit around here tonight," She winked at the quizzical look on Taab's face. "Two gents at the end of the should talk to them." Taab shrugged, he normally wouldn't have taken her advice, but he felt compelled to by his own curiosity. So he picked up his drink and sauntered over to the pair. He could see now that they were both Mandalorians as well, though their style of armor seemed more advanced than his own. Segmented and almost insectlike, they too had removed their helmets to partake of the evening's open bar...

    Guestbook Entry
    Name: Beskaryc Taab
    RPG: Legacy of the Guardians


    Beskaryc Taab raised his eyebrows in disbelief at the man in the red and gold colored armor sitting next to him, a look of near disgust on his face. "So you're telling me you're me...from the future?" His disgust was quick rising to anger, and the thought entered his mind to kill the man where he stood for daring to tell such a bald faced lie. The man seemed younger roughly his own age, but was much shorter and squatter. He was strong, there was no doubt about that, and perhaps a little crazy. A lot crazy actually if what he claimed was true.

    Before the man could respond thought the pair of mandalorians was approached by another, this one in light grey armor of the old style. He seemed confused but Taab considered him for a moment, thinking he looked familiar somehow. "Let me guess, you're Taab too?" The man looked even more confused now, finally responding. "I'm Beskaryc Taab, bounty hunter, mercenary and rebel." His eyes narrowed. "Who the shab are you?"

    The Taab wearing the olive drab armor chuckled slightly, as things suddenly began to make sense for him, though perhaps it was just the drink. "I'm...Beskaryc Taab," his chuckle grew into course laughter at the other man's deepening confusion, but he could only shake his head in wonderment as he pointed to the third man sitting there, the mandalorian in the red and gold armor.

    "And so is he."

    Guestbook Entry
    Name: Beskaryc Taab,
    RPG: Elite League Limmie


    Beskaryc Taab, mand'alor and former owner of the Mando'ade Mercs, sat at the bar swirling his drink in front of him in a sort of bored fascination with what was transpiring around him. "So you're telling me you're me...from the future?" He was asked by the man in the older style olive drab armor sitting next him as he nursed his third glass of tihaar. Taab was about to answer, when they were interrupted by yet another mandalorian, this one wearing the old, some would say obsolete, style armor favored by Mandalorians during the Clone Wars through the Galactic Civil War, the first one. He regarded his glass with a smile as he was introduced to the incredulous newcomer, another man calling himself Beskaryc Taab.


    "No, to answer your question." he spoke to the man in the olive drab armor. "I'm not a future you, I'm just another named Beskaryc Taab...a descendant of yours." Both of the other mandalorians looked at him as if he had sprouted wings. He shook his head, wondering how anyone so stupid could ever be related to him. No wonder he was the first Taab in a long line of Taab's to rise to the throne. "Look, I'm from way in the future...latter half of the third century ABY." He paused, wondering why he couldn't narrow that down farther before deciding that was the least weird thing about all of this. "The exact year doesn't matter. What matters is I'm a different Taab that both of you, but related see?"

    The two other mandalorians looked to each other, and then back to him. "Which means that I'm one of your descendants," the Taab in the olive drab armor said to the one in the grey. "It's a few decades past the Sith-Imperial war where I'm from, I've been hired to help look after a Jedi Temple in the Unknown Regions..." he paused, wondering if he should have said that. The Guardians of Light were supposed to be a secret after all, even from other Jedi. Somehow he knew now though that anything that transpired here wouldn't affect him, or the others, elsewhere.

    "3rd century? Sith-Imperial war?" The "eldest" of the Taab's was dumbfounded. "I'm part of a rebel squadron, one based on this very ship. One fighting the Empire." The other two looked at him before asking in unison. "Which one?" They laughed at Taab's expense as he answered. "Palpatine's Galactic Empire. My son was fighting with the rebels and I...I took on his oath to them." That wasn't the whole story, but it was enough. They pair nodded at that, before Taab asked. "You''re my grandson, but you were just born..." he said to the one in the olive drab armor as understanding dawned on his face. His grandson smiled at him as the pair embraced. "The question is," mand'alor Taab spoke to the others. "What are we all doing here?"

    "Don't ask that, you'll never get an answer". The woman who was sitting nearby listening in on the conversation finally chimed in. The trio turned to her, a similar menace in all of their eyes. though her voice was familiar to the mand'alor. "And why not?" he asked, his voice threatening. "Lazy writing on Bardan's part, there is no answer because he hasn't made one up." the trio of Mandalorians looked to one another and asked in unison. "Who the shab is Bardan?"

    Guestbook Entry
    Name: Kad'taab
    Dreaming in the Dark

    The Taung scanned the hanger, his war pike at the ready. He didn't like this place. Some sort of trickery was afoot, and trickery to his simple mind meant treachery. The last thing he had remembered before going to sleep was being warned of nightmares... perhaps this was one of those nightmares. He grimaced, and nearly growled as he narrowed his yellow colored eyes, his gaze resting on a trio of human men speaking at the end of the bar with a frail human human. The males were obviously warriors from the way they carried themselves, the female was not, though it seemed the female knew something they didn't as they all yelled out in unison

    "Who the shab is Bardan?"

    "shab?" The Taung briefly considered their word choice. That was the mother tongue these humans were speaking. His anger began to rise further though it subsided into confusion as he looked at them more closely. Each had a similar emblem on their armor, aliit'aliik, a clan sigil. And it bore his own clan name, Taab.

    TAG: Any/all.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2019
  10. The Real Kyp Durron

    The Real Kyp Durron Jedi Master star 2

    May 6, 2018
    Guestbook Entry
    Name: MacKenzie 'Fox' Hollymander
    RPG: The Black Sheep.

    There was damage. The Valkyria was hurting and the sight of The Intrpid was a welcome one. As they approached it looked strange to MacKenzie and he frowned. "What's going on?" he asked the 'Skipper' in a hushed tone.

    Entering the hangar he was bewildered. It reminded of the old house at the edge of town when he was a kid. It was said it was haunted. As the ship touched down the saw something out of the corner of his eye move outside the ship, on the ground. "Ok, that was not a deck officer." he muttered.

    Tag @Corellian_Outrider
    Sarge and Corellian_Outrider like this.
  11. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Jeen Talgana

    She got off him, he'd missed his chance to hold her in his stumbling. It hadn't been planned but if he'd thought fast enough,.......but Jeen hadn't. He'd been startled and his reaction time slow and the opportunity to kiss her was gone............again. She stood and offered him her hand and he took it allowing her to help him up. "Accident, that's all. Been a bit of a busy day." He turned to the cockpit. "I think we've landed."

    IC Amber Tehanis

    Stepping up on the deck she grinned. "Accident, right. You both ok? Or should I go back down there?" She pointed to the turret ladder before looking around, the Jedi and his lady were gone. 'Probably in the cockpit' she thought. "Yeah, we've landed on the Intrepid, but it looks strange. Kinda reminds me of something from home." She said absently.

    TAG @galactic-vagabond422 @Corellian_Outrider @The Real Kyp Durron
    Corellian_Outrider likes this.
  12. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Ianna Mcear

    She smiled helping him to his feet, his hand warm in her grasp. Though she had to remind herself that there were other things going on besides her being close to him. "Yeah it looks a little weird outside." She said still holding Jeen's hand. Moving to the exit she nearly dragged Jeen behind her as she started to lower the ramp. Her bare legs felt cold as the outside air brushed over her. She pulled herself close to Jeen for a little warmth.

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron @Corellian_Outrider @The Real Kyp Durron
  13. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    Mel Calrissian is too much of a party girl for this, but my RPG character is definitely the superstitious type who would wander around with a PKE meter while trying to take EVPs…

    IC: Maxime “Max” Pallas
    On board the Intrepid, with the zombie droid…

    Max yawned and stretched, glancing at the chronometer. She’d come back from patrol, made her report, then gone for a nap. She’d been down for about an hour and a half, long enough, and now she was hungry. She changed into her duty uniform, pulling her boots on. The room was freezing. She made up the bed, and looked at the atmospheric readouts. According to the monitor, the room temperature was normal, but it didn’t feel that way. Strange.

    It was cold in the corridor outside, and Max felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. The hall was dim, the light cold and blue, not at all how it was normally. Some light panels were out and a few others were flickering, as if there was something wrong with the electrical connection. What was stranger was that there was no one around. No matter what time of day or night, there was usually someone walking past. Max shook her head and headed towards the mess hall. As she walked along, feeling more and more uneasy, she noticed an unfamiliar astromech bumping into a bulkhead. It was trying to move forward, as if it didn’t realize there was an obstacle in the way. The shock of contact knocked it back, and it rolled forward, trying again.

    “Hey, little guy, you have a problem there?” she asked. Problem with the photoreceptors or the spatial sensors, maybe. The droid froze, and its dome rotated towards her. For a moment, it looked towards her without response. Then, to her shock, the lights of its photoreceptors turned bright red and it extended the electroshock arm from its chassis and turned to roll towards her.

    “Hey, hey, I’m trying to help!” she said, backing away. The little droid increased its speed, charging at her. Max turned and ran, with the droid after her.

    The corridors were all empty, with only a few other astromechs, frozen and out of commission. Where is everyone? What happened while I was asleep? There was a storage room up ahead and she dived inside. She couldn’t hid there long, that droid could probably get in as quickly as Digger could. Frantically, she glanced over the shelves. Droid caller…yes! She didn’t know if the droid had a restraining bolt (her own didn’t, after all), but she was desperate. And if that didn’t work…well, she could beat it over the head with a spanner, maybe.

    The door opened and the droid blocked it, with its photoreceptors glowing an angry red. Max exhaled as she spotted the restraining bolt on its chassis. It extended the shock probe…Max hit the droid caller deactivation button. The shock probe dropped to its side and the red glow flickered out of its eyes. Max’s shoulders slumped in relief. The little droid would stay powered down until it could be repaired.

    She pushed the droid ahead of her in the direction of the droid repair workshop near the hangar. Surely one of the techs could help her. She plugged it into a diagnostic socket and looked around. No sign of Digger. He must be helping Sparky. And there was still no one around.

    Puzzled and more than a little freaked out, she walked into the squadron’s hangar…

    TAG: Anyone
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2019
  14. Cerberus66

    Cerberus66 Jedi Master

    Oct 27, 2010
    IC: Cerberus
    Location: 'The Hallowed Eve'

    Cerberus rose onto his haunches, with his front paws up upon the table and stared at the book lying there intently, trying to divine its meaning. Cautiously, he sniffed. Evidently, from the scents left on it by the others, he was supposed to leave his own scent here too, so visitors would know he had passed through this territory. The problem was that, from what he understood of human and near-human culture, he didn't think the bipedals would appreciate his species' method of scent-marking.

    He considered the problem a while more, turning his head first to one side and then the other, before making a decision. He grabbed what he hoped was just one page of the guest book in his mouth and chewed it. It tasted bland and he spat it out, tongue lolling out of his mouth, trying to get rid of the taste.

    Job done, he returned all four paws to the metal floor. He couldn't shake an unsettling feeling. Fur kept rising involuntarily on the back of his neck. Was it possible that he, the great leader of the last pack, felt nervous? Cross with himself, he scratched the back of his ears with a hind leg and yawned. Finally a shake of his enormous frame from head to tail and he huffed a sigh. That was better.

    His nose suddenly alerted him to the presence of food near by and he trotted off towards the main hangar to find it.

    Tags: anyone aboard
  15. The Real Kyp Durron

    The Real Kyp Durron Jedi Master star 2

    May 6, 2018
    Ic MacKenzie Hollymander, Amber Tehanis (many thanks to @Adalia-Durron )
    Common Area - Valkyria

    Slipping out of the co-pilots seat he followed Cassell. The ramp was down and he saw Ianna and Jeen making their way there. He frowned, was Amber still in the lower turret? Stepping over to the ladder he looked down, empty.

    "Looking for someone?" Amber had gotten herself some water, shooting Imperials was hard work. She'd crept up behind him without any difficulty at all, and the sight of him had given her cause to do so.

    Her soft voice caught him off guard. He spun to face her. "I was, but not now." He glanced to the ramp. "I don't want to ask, but have too. Do your......abilities 'feel' anything strange out there?"

    Amber turned to the ramp with a nod. "Yeah, I do, but I can't say what. It just feels really strange out there. Like its The Intrepid, but it's not all in the same sentence. Does that make sense?" She explained. Taking a few steps in the ramps direction she bent slightly to look out. "It looks like it's been abandoned for years," she scowled, "Is there such thing as space arachnids?" She honestly had no idea.

    He thought for a moment. "Well if the arachnids were on board the ship already." he moved up beside her and bent to look. "They'd take over if no one stopped them, I suspect." He frowned. "But there are a lot of webs out there."

    Amber nodded. "And big ones, like how big are they?" She didn't like arachnids, not even a little bit. So a large one was going to cause her some concern if not a whole lot of freaking out.

    MacKenzie glanced behind him. He recalled from their childhood how much she hated arachnids. He doubted that had changed. "Wait here." He went to his quarters and retrieved the blaster Cassell had gifted him. Upon return he set it to 'kill'. "Ok, no matter how big they are I'm pretty sure I've got this."

    Amber felt a wave of affection wash over her, he was attempting to protect her. Her, a fighter pilot, a force user and as far as the squadron was concerned, a cold hearted space witch. That warmed her heart and she reached out and slipped her hand into his empty one.
    "Lead the way."

    He looked down at his hand as he fingers slipped in and curled around it. It was a step in the right direction despite the unusual circumstances. He gave a nod and began to lead he down the ramp.

    Tag @Corellian_Outrider (for Cassell) @galactic-vagabond422 (for Ianna) @Adalia-Durron (for Jeen)

  16. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Jeen Talgana
    Valkyria down Ramp on board The Intrepid

    Ianna was holding his hand and he had no intentions of letting her hand nor her go at this stage. She led, and he was fine with this, as it had become obvious early on, she was the guts in this pairing, he was, well he wasn't even sure of that right now but it didn't matter. She'd pulled him close to her and he was content to stay there, not even caring what they were about to encounter. A movement caught his eye and he saw that the co-pilot had hold of Amber's hand and he smiled slightly. He'd sensed there was something there between them, but now when it looked like trouble, they'd teamed up like he and Ianna had. He looked across and smiled at his pilot, glancing at the man she was with and giving a nod. It wasn't for him to approve them, but he did it anyway.

    Turning back to Ianna he leaned in. "Are those arachnid webs?" He shivered slightly. "Don't like them."

    TAG @galactic-vagabond422
  17. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Ianna Mcear

    She looked at the webs nodding her head holding his hand tighter. "It'll be ok." She said to Jeen looking up to the webs, she squinted a little in the low light to see if there were any spiders in the webs. While she didn't see any the low light could be hiding them. "Just don't get near them." Looking over to Amber and Holly she gave a slight thumbs up to them, Amber had told her of her history and her attraction to the other man.

    As they reached the lockers she opened hers up and pulled out the flightsuit she kept there. She slipped out of her flip-flops and stepped into the lower half of her suit and tied off the sleeves, That would be better than running around in her swimsuit.

    "So were are we going next?" She asked pulling her boots on.

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron @The Real Kyp Durron @Corellian_Outrider
  18. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Jeen Talgana

    He'd stayed close to Ianna, she had a courage he only ever dreamed of. Sure, when it came to sitting about and bragging, he was a hero of sorts, but in reality Jeen didn't like being scared and the act of being afraid did not instill instant courage. After leaving the Valkyria, he noted Amber and the new guy going a different direction, he wasn't sure where they were going till they got to the lockers. He'd stood looking around while she'd dressed, despite the fact she was putting more on it still felt strange watching a woman, in his mind, his woman put garments on. So he averted his eyes and began to take in the dim lighted surroundings. There seemed to be lights, not normal hangar lights but those you'd see at a party. Was this a party? "Hey, Ianna? Could this be a party of some kind? I know in some cultures they celebrate a day for the deceased. Do you think....?" he trailed off. He could smell food, and Jeen liked food! His stomach growled as he took a deep smell, it was hot food too. "I smell something good, should we follow that?"

    TAG @galactic-vagabond422
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
  19. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Ianna Mcear

    She looked to Jeen as she finished putting on her pants and saw him looking away. Why was he being shy, he'd seen her in just her swimsuit, why was putting on pants any different? It felt a little...disappointing? If only just a little. Pulling down her shirt she sniffed the air, it smelled sweet, like fruit, though it reminded her of home, of fall, though not harvest day it was too early for that.

    "Yeah it smells good." She said again taking his hand. "Well, we'll see what there is."

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron
  20. Sarge

    Sarge 3x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    Guest Book Entry
    Name: Kayn "Speed Demon of Devaron" Balzroth [face_devil]
    Black Sheep. VERY black sheep. The blackest of all. Mmmwwaaahahahaaa!

    Kayn slipped out of the shadows, moving close into the personal space of Captain Cassell. His horns gleamed glossy ebon tonight, decorated for the occasion with crimson sigils and golden hexes.

    "You, sir, seem to me, a man of culture, a gentleman of proper upbringing and education. Are you a musician, by chance? Will you strike a tune with me?"

    He set aside his pitchfork and stroked the omnibox that hadn't been there a moment ago.

    "Perhaps a simple contest between musicians would amuse you? Of course, such contests are so much more amusing when played for stakes. Do you have anything to stake, sir? What do you possess that is of some value to you?"

    Kayn smiled slyly at the older man, "accidentally" letting his fangs show for just a moment.

    TAG: @Corellian_Outrider
  21. The Real Kyp Durron

    The Real Kyp Durron Jedi Master star 2

    May 6, 2018
    Ic MacKenzie Hollymander
    Deck of the Intrepid.

    Holding the blaster pointed to the ground he surveyed the area. "Are they party lights?" He asked looking up and through the webs. Looking closer he decided the webbing was fake. "Its not real, I don't think there are any arachnids at all." Nearby he could hear people talking. Without letting go of her hand he turned to Amber. "You know, I think this is some sort of party. Although it reminds me of the old house at the edge of town, you know the one?" He turned back to the dimly lit hangar deck. "They say that place was haunted." he muttered.

    Tag @Adalia-Durron
    Corellian_Outrider and Sarge like this.
  22. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Amber Tehanis
    Beside 'Fox' on the Deck of the Intrepid

    She wasn't letting go, she wasn't scared either but nothing was going to make her let go of a hand she'd wanted to hold for so long now. She followed his gaze. "They look like the things mum used to call Fairy lights. She put them up at parties, so yeah, I guess." When he said he didn't think there were any arachnids she was relieved. Then he mentioned the old house she'd thought of when she'd first seen all this. "You mean the old abandoned house where old Mrs Veyer lived......and died?" She shrugged. "They say her husband haunted the place before and she talked to him like he was still there, then she died and joined him." She shivered involuntarily. "Imagine haunting a house with the same person for all eternity, what would they talk about?" She frowned, it sounded horribly morbid to her. "Wouldn't it be boring?" she frowned, "Do ghosts get bored? I'd get bored! Being a ghost has to be boring." She realised she was talking to much, like she always did when she was nervous, so she shut up.

    TAG @The Real Kyp Durron
    Corellian_Outrider and Sarge like this.
  23. The Real Kyp Durron

    The Real Kyp Durron Jedi Master star 2

    May 6, 2018
    Ic MacKenzie 'Fox' Hollymander
    Intrepid - deck

    He turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. She was babbling, and it was something he'd never seen before. "Are you ok? And I imagine depending on who you are spending eternity with would decide how you felt about it." He began to lead her toward the sound of people. "I don't think an eternity with....say you, would be boring, you're so unpredictable and would manage to keep it very interesting." He smiled to himself waiting for her reaction.

    Tag @Adalia-Durron
    Corellian_Outrider likes this.
  24. Adalia-Durron

    Adalia-Durron WNU/Costume/Props/EUC Mod. star 10 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 3, 2003
    IC Amber 'Vixen' Tehanis
    Intrepid - Deck.

    Walking slightly behind she could hardly believe what he'd just said. He implied spending eternity with her would be .... interesting? She smirked. "Yes I am unpredictable, can't argue there. Where are we going?" At this point she was just happy to be where she was, where ever he was. As she followed she felt something was watching them and she slowed as she gazed down a corridor, stopping in front of it. "Something coming." she muttered. "It's big.......and hungry."

    TAG @Cerberus66 @The Real Kyp Durron
    OOC Is this Cerberus the one with three heads?
  25. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    IC Titus Fenton
    RPG: Guardians of the Light
    Intrepid Deck

    "This again," Titus muttered as he opened his eyes again. He was still in his X-Wing, and the token was still in his hands, but what he saw outside had changed. Instead of the emptyness of the void and the satelite galaxy itching closer and closer, he was surrounded by stars again. So I´m apparently back in the main galaxy, but force knows where and maybe even more importantly when. He scolded himself for playing around so readly with the mysterious token he had found in his poket, together with the note. You above anyone else in the galaxy should know not to play around with mysterious things like this. And yet the boredom of his long travel through the void and the hope of some excitement and a few good stories had convinced him to take the risk. He wondered who this Corellian Outrider was who had send him the note, someone like me, a traveler between space and time? At least they seemed to be from the same home planet. Running his hand through his sort brown hair Titus projected his gaze ahead again. A spaceship was ahead and Titus recognized it as an old Quasar class cruiser, didn´t dad severe aboard on such thing for a time? Yeah he had, the Intrepid if Titus remembered correctly. "Nat can you give me a brief scan?" he asked and the little droid behind him gave him an approving bleep. Titus brought his ship closer to the mysterious vessel. It didn´t seem to be in active military use anymore as in that case he would have long since been greeted by a squadron of fighters for approaching so closely, but it could still be a trap, who knew what was on board waiting for him, he was just a single Jedi after all. In my fathers novles the reader would at this point scream at the protagonist not to land his or her craft there. And that was certianly the most sensible choice, and yet the one thing in the universe stronger than even the force, as Titus knew very well at this point, curiosity drew him closer and closer. Reaching out in the force for a moment Titus could sense several people anboard the ship, but no imminent danger towards himself. Nat´s report came in and deducted that the ship was still operational and with working life support, apparently flagged as the Hallowed Eve, but Nat had also discovered(and Titus would see to give his little friend a fresh oil bath for this) that it up until recently been known as The Intrepid. Titus pulse began to race, things are getting intresting. Now fully convinced that even a Sith Lords presence wouldn´t stop him from exploring this mystery he brought his ship into the hangar and landed the old X-Wing next to some of the other ships already waiting there. "Stay with the ship Nat, we might be forced to get out of here rather quickly," he told his droid before jumping outside of the cockpit and down to the hangar floor. What he saw suprised him to say the least...

    Tag: Anyone