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Discussion The Scribble Pad (Fanfic Writing Discussions)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Briannakin , Jun 18, 2017.

  1. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    What Nyota said. I've often got replies to my reviews where the author said "I didn't even realise I'd put that in there", and my answer is always the above. I'm on the essay end of the review spectrum (understatement of the century) because I like to look at patterns and underlying themes in people's writing, and when your brain is wired that way you tend to spot the subconscious layer of writing and you see how alive a character is in the author's mind. Characters that are alive make for good stories, and good stories are a pleasure to read and review!

    With that being said, I don't think that there's any such thing as good and bad reviews, or even good and better reviews. A review is just what the reader took away from the story they read, and different readers will take away different things. For some it's the pleasure of emotions, for others it's the pleasure of the plot, for others yet it's the pleasure of analysis, etc. etc. and all of that is good. In the end it all boils down to the absolute joy of interaction between a reader and a writer, and that's what we're here for.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2024
  2. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    It's the last day of 2024, which means it's time to look back on what we achieved in the last twelve months and make hyperambitious resolutions that we can't keep up with for 2025! 8-}

    So: given the way 2024 went for me, I had to downsize my goals considerably in September, but the good news is that I achieved pretty much all of what I said then [face_dancing] I wrote a detailed outline of Outsiders and even several chapters that I started posting; I added stories to three of my on-going collection threads (I actually finished The Secret Life of Droids thanks to the Word Race, which was an unexpected bonus); I managed to keep up with the UDC XI so far and there's only two weeks to go (crossing fingers that I'm not jinxing it as I type); and I caught up with the vast majority of reviews I had pending for 2024 fics. I also had a goal of writing at least one NSWFF story this year, which I'd already achieved with the Kessel Run before I downsized my goals.

    For 2025, my primary writing goal is to bring three of my on-going threads to a close, namely Outsiders, which is a multi-chapter, and Outcast and The Family Holos, which are one-shot collections. My secondary goal is to add to the rest of my one-shot collections, plus participate in the KR and Fanfic Olympics with at least one NSWFF story.

    Then, as a reader, my resolution is to not let a mountain of pending reviews pile up for the Review Race. To that end, I'm setting myself a goal of writing at least two reviews every week, and I’ll go without cookies if I don’t (which would be good for my silhouette, but I digress).

    That's it for me, what about everybody else?
  3. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Excellent balance @Chyntuck of realistic and ambitiousness. ;)

    I'm going to do a year long Dear Diary and participate in the Fanfiction Olympics and Monday Mush and OTP challenges.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  4. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    I'm on track to finish A Shattered Mind's Eye early next year, most of the writings actually already done I just need to get the Epilogue just right.
    At my current publishing rate of one chapter per week I'm likely to end it early March or so, and in the meantime as I edit and fiddle with the little things I'm going to start my own yearlong diary challenge with one of the secondary characters from that story whose perspective I find rather interesting.

    I've got a rather ambitious goal with that, hoping to cover years of that character's life in months, but if done right I think I can do it.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  5. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    I'm focusing heavily on some RL goals in 2025, and while I'm obviously pursuing those for RL reasons, I'm hoping it will indirectly help me with fanfic and other hobbies as well by reducing some of the stress in my life and leaving more time and energy for the things I enjoy. That's the theory, at least. We'll see how it actually goes. :p

    For fanfic-specific goals, I didn't achieve any of my 2024 goals so I'm trying something a little different this year. The actual goals are still basically the same, though. :p

    1. Leave at least 1 review every month. I know that's not very much but I often end up going months at a time without commenting. I want to do better about showing my admiration and appreciation for the stories I enjoy!
    2. Finish a oneshot for the Obscure Sorrows Mini-Games Challenge.
    Sometimes I'll be in the mood to write but have no ideas, so I'll go through my hundreds of docs looking for something to work on and can't choose anything, so I end up writing nothing at all. I've worked on this particular vignette on and off for a while, and I keep coming back to it, so I want to focus on that and finish it.
    3. Complete the Kessel Run. It honestly helps me so much with perfectionism. Plus it's just such a fun time and a wonderful celebration of creativity!

    Wishing everyone all the best in 2025, in writing and in life! [:D]
    Happy Sando, Kahara, Tarsier and 6 others like this.
  6. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    Happy New Year!
    I planned on starting the diary challenge ASAP, but my dad probably cracked a rib when he fell trying to pack the car, so here's hoping things can only go up from here. [face_plain]
  7. Mechalich

    Mechalich Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 2, 2010
    I confess I've been moving away from fanfiction lately to focus much more heavily on original work (links in signature), and I hope to average 1,000 words per day over the course of the year on that project.

    I'll still try to do a diary though, since I've had lots of luck with that project and owe it a huge developmental debt.
  8. Happy Sando

    Happy Sando Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 23, 2023
    Ouch! Hope he's doing okay, and that he's just getting his year's bad luck out of the way early.

    I'm always loathe to set my own goals. First sign I might miss one and I'm guaranteed to assume the worst and end up missing 'em all. But thanks to the great community here and its wide array of challenges throughout the year, I'm gonna continue to try new things whenever possible, all while working on my next standalone project in the background. I also need to get better at leaving reviews, too!

    Good luck, everybody! [face_praying] :) Looking forward to reading all the awesome stuff you're gonna share!
  9. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    He's stubborn, slept it off, says he feels better this morning. At least well enough to spend his time cleaning up me and my mom's messes. :p
    Hopefully that's good news.
  10. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_laugh] [face_dancing] That reminds me of more than one of my favorite teams' athletes. It takes a lot to get them out of commission. [face_love]
  11. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Good luck to everyone in meeting their fanfic resolutions for 2025!

    My fanfic resolutions for 2025 are as follows:

    1. Continue to experiment with different tenses and storytelling techniques since that was super rewarding for me last year.
    2. Continue to chip away at my longer works in progress and also start some more multi-chapter, longer length stories.
    3. Write with more OC's.
    4. Write for a variety of fandoms and Star Wars eras.
    5. Be a more consistent reviewer for my fellow fanfic authors.
  12. TherenAdarni

    TherenAdarni Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 4, 2020
    Going through a new year's slump lately. Might have to finish off the rest of the drabble challenge in the coming months.

    Trying not to stress myself out to much about fic writing, so I'm going to avoid putting too much on my plate challenge-wise.

    Goals are:
    - Stick with the longfic, hopefully getting to a point where I can post a chapter per week
    - Finish UDC XI, then maybe work my way through the UDC X prompts. They're a fun challenge!
    - Work my way through the Angstmongers challenges
    - Make a To-Read-and-Review list and work my way through it!
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025
  13. GregMcP

    GregMcP Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 7, 2015

    Honestly my writing and reading are pretty intermittent nowadays. So I won't set goals or deadlines. A couple of stories in the pipeline. One that has accidentally turned into something mushy and heartfelt, and the other a rather silly attempt at big screen Star Wars action.

    That's all I will promise. I don't have the mental power to commit to competitions right now.
  14. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Okay, I thought I did worse on this than I actually did. I wrote a week for the UDC, so that is something posted. And though I didn't make it here to review something every week, the amount of reviews that I left over the year seems pretty close to or even over 52. So, not too shabby. :p

    This year's goals:
    1. Write something that I post (if it ain't broke don't fix it? :p )
    2. Leave at least 5 reviews for 5 different authors per month.

    There we go, that seems like enough to start with!
  15. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    Loving the weekend. (Especially a long weekend!)
    Over the last 24 hours I'm in the process of writing chapters in both of my currently active fics that are in a class of their own, very near the top of my all-time favorite chapters/entries I have ever written. [face_mischief]