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Library The Shearing Shed: The Black Sheep Library Thread

Discussion in 'Role Playing Resource' started by Bardan_Jusik, Sep 24, 2017.

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  1. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    Secondary (or NPC) Character Sheet: GM Restricted use

    General Information:

    Character's Name: Vonn Luger
    Callsign: None
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Commandant of SonTay Prisoner of War camp (Imperial Navy)
    Languages: Basic
    Residence: SonTay POW camp
    Home Planet: Chadrilla
    Age: 62
    Approved Special Features:

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Dislikes small talk. Curt and to the point.
    Habits/Mannerisms: A man of honor and high class. He believes in fulfilling any oath taken as a part of his duty.
    Likes/Dislikes: Likes an orderly camp, dislikes those who attempt escape.
    Racial Traits:
    Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: Physically fit, but not strong. He is an administrator, not a combatant.

    Appearance: Slightly below average height and of slender build.


    Brief Biography:

    Luger is a former commander in the Navy of the Republic where he took part in several major actions including the battle of Coruscant. He still believes very deeply in the oath he swore to the Republic, and through its transformation to the Empire. He is however disillusioned with what the Republic/Empire has become, but feels he is duty bound to carry out his orders. In recent years he has made no attempts to hide his personal feelings, though he is no agitator. This attitude has seen him removed from front line duty to command of the POW camp on the jungle world of SonTay.

    Weapons: RK-3
    Starship Qualifications (if any): None
  2. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    Secondary (or NPC) Character Sheet: GM Restricted use

    General Information:

    Character's Name: Colonel Ganho Krane
    Callsign: Crane
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Colonel, Alliance to Restore the Republic. Senior ranking Officer (SRO) of POWs at SonTay Prisoner of War camp
    Languages: basic/droidspeak
    Residence: SonTay Prisoner of War camp
    Home Planet: Corellia
    Age: 39
    Approved Special Features:

    Character Traits:
    Personality: fun loving and irreverent. A gamblers, typical Corellian.
    Habits/Mannerisms: Enjoys gambling and starting rhetorical conversations with the camp commandant.
    Likes/Dislikes: Enjoys freedom and women. Dislikes being a prisoner of war, though he keeps himself entertained the best he can
    Racial Traits:
    Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: Physically fit if not overly strong. Typical pilot.


    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair/Fur: Black
    Skin Color: Fair
    Clothing: Standard rebel flight suit, leather jacket.

    Circumstances of Capture: B-Wing shot down during a bombing raid on an Imperial shipyard on Kuat.

    Brief Biography:

    Your typical Corellian, Ganho joined the Rebellion straight off the streets of Corellia where his skills as a pilot were immediately put to good use. Originally a Y-Wing pilot, he rose through the ranks before eventually being given a squadron of his own. The squadron, made up of newly acquired B-Wings was decimated on their first mission, and Ganho was shot down. To his knowledge he is the only surviving member of his squadron, though he has hopes that some managed to make it back to their base alive.

    Having been a prisoner for the last year and a half, Ganho is the senior ranking Rebel officer in camp. He is aware of the escape plans made by "Big X" but does not partake in them in order to keep a sense of plausible deniability. He believes it is the duty of every rebel to escape, but as the commanding officer further believes that very rebel should be placed ahead of him in line to escape. He does what he can to distract the guards and works especially hard to keep the attention of the camp commandant off of the men and women under his command.

    Starship Qualifications (if any): Y-Wing, B-Wing
  3. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    Secondary (or NPC) Character Sheet: GM Restricted use

    General Information:

    Character's Name: Roger Hammond
    Callsign: "Big X"
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Major, Alliance to Restore the Republic
    Languages: Basic, droidspeak, some mando'a
    Residence: SonTay Prisoner of War camp
    Home Planet: Taris
    Age: 36
    Approved Special Features:

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Posessess a fierce will and determination.
    Habits/Mannerisms: Not prone to excitement and tends to extreme understatement.
    Likes/Dislikes: Has an extreme admiration for Mandalorians and an obsession with anything Mandalorian in nature, especially mythosaurs.
    Racial Traits:
    Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: Stronger than he looks he is a crack shot, which is of little use as a POW.

    Appearance: Short of stature


    Skin Color: Fair
    Clothing: Blue pilot's jumpsuit.

    Circumstances of Capture: Taken prisoner on a bomb damage assessment mission (as an observer in a Y-Wing) to Scariff following the battle there. The mission was to not only assess the damage done to the Imperial forces by the Rebellion, but assess the destructive firepower of the Death Star. The Y-Wing was shot down and Hammond was taken prisoner.

    Brief Biography:

    "Big X" was a commando cell leader taken prisoner just after Scariff. He professed to be a brand new bombardier so was assigned to camps holding mostly pilots. His true purpose in the rebellion unknown to the Empire, he has escaped (and been subsequently recaptured shortly thereafter) three other POW camps and is attempting to organize an escape here.

    Starship Qualifications (if any): None
  4. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    Secondary (or NPC) Character Sheet: GM Restricted use

    General Information:

    Character's Name: Steeph Stilts
    Callsign: Slammer
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Lieutenant, Alliance to Restore the Republic
    Languages: Basic, droidspeak
    Residence: SonTay Prisoner of War camp
    Home Planet: Corellia
    Age: 29
    Approved Special Features:

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Irreverent to an extreme, prone to bouts of being overly honest with his captors when caught in the act.
    Habits/Mannerisms: Enjoys Lightball, has a ball and glove which he bounces frequently, especially when in solitary confinement.
    Likes/Dislikes: Dislikes being in captivity. Likes strong booze, fast speeders and loose women. Not necessarily in that order. Also a lightball fan, especially the Kuat Starfighters
    Racial Traits:
    Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: Strong with keen eyesight.



    Eye Color: Blue
    Hair/Fur: Blond
    Skin Color: Fair
    Clothing: Flightsuit and bantha hide leather jacket

    Circumstances of Capture: A member of a Rebel squadron evacuating Hoth, Stilts was captured when he interposed his X-Wing between an Imperial Star Destroyer and the transport he was tasked to defend. He and his wingman shot down two TIEs before his wingman was shot down and killed. As the Star Destroyer tried to real in the transport on a tractor beam, Stilts put his X-Wing in the way, breaking the tractor lock. The transport then managed to escape as Stilt's X-Wing was instead hauled in and captured.

    Brief Biography:

    A recent arrival to the prison camp, Stilts is the first pilot from Hoth to be assigned to the SonTay camp. His time before the rebellion was spent on Corellia as a swoop racer. Joined the rebellion after Alderaan was destroyed and became an accomplished X-Wing pilot with over 25 kills to his name before he was captured at Hoth. Upon arriving at the SonTay POW camp he became an instant favorite of Colonel Ganho who has assigned him to help Big X with the escape plan. However, as something of a maverick, Stilts is often caught up in his own escape plans, none of which have borne fruit. He is an oft time resident of the solitary confinement wing of the camp, where his lightball can be heard bouncing against the walls to pass the time.

    Starship Qualifications (if any): Z-95, X-Wing
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2020
  5. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    General Information:

    Character's Name: Traer Lin
    Callsign: None, but Seppie has been one which has stuck in the camp.
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Formerly a Corporal in the 5th Confederate Gunnery Battalion; very formerly
    Languages: Basic, Mrlsstese, Herglese (passable for the latter, have you ever tried to make whale noises with a human mouth? It isn't easy.)
    Residence: POW Camp.
    Home Planet: Fondor, Tapani Sector
    Age: 44, born 39 ABY
    Approved Special Features (any force sensitivity would go here :p ): None per se, but he is pretty sure he has a Jedi bloodline somewhere in distant memory, killed during the Cleansing of the Nine Houses.

    Character Traits:

    Personality: I mean, he was a radical as a youth; lost a war as a radical; rejoined the war as a radical. He is not easy going.
    Habits/Mannerisms: He usually pounces on what anyone says around him, daring them to disagree.
    Likes/Dislikes: If he wasn't human, he'd hate humans. He despises clones.
    Racial Traits: He's human. Shrug.

    Strengths and Weaknesses:

    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: Not so much an athletic man as a stubborn one, with a higher pain threshold than most during to various old war wounds.
    Mental Strengths and Weaknesses: Stubborn. Did I mention he's stubborn? It also makes him particularly unbending, but to achieve his goal he is willing to take many routes, which translates to him being an innate tactician and strategist.
    Emotional Strengths and Weaknesses: Stubborn. Really terribly so. Most people gave up on the Separatist cause when the Clone Wars ended; he didn't. He hasn't ever. He probably won't.

    Picture: [​IMG]

    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair/Fur: Brown, but sandy like
    Skin Color: Pallid but not pale
    Clothing: POW clothing.

    Personal History:
    Immediate Family: Dead.
    Spouse/Children: None, been somewhat busy losing a war.

    Not much to say about Traer Lin apart from the typical 'I picked the wrong side and paid for it' life.

    Born to two affluent Techno Union workers, Traer came of age when the Clone Wars began, and, in a typical youthful moment of idealism that Separatism would make a difference, signed up to fight, notwithstanding the primarily droid army. He fought where droids could not, at worlds such as Moorja, Jabiim, Aargonar and he ended up serving at the front beside B1s and B2s at Duro, Humbarine and even Coruscant.

    You'll note that most of those battles were victories for the Separatists, and Traer spoke long and often about the need for more flesh-and-blood troops.

    He considered among his heroes Admiral Trench, Count Dooku, even General Grievous. He was even more vindicated when the droid army unceremoniously switched off, and he continued fighting battles against overwhelming Imperial forces in the Western Reaches for another two years. Another dozen Separatist defeats at the hands of the merciless Tarkin later at Ord Vaug, Halm and Ogoth Tiir, Traer gave up and fled into the Outer Rim.

    Fondor stayed out of the war for the most part, though nominally a Separatist supporter. In hindsight, that was because then-Chancellor Palpatine wanted the shipyards intact and Fondor to act as a counterbalance to Kuat, but hindsight is only 20/20 when the Imperial boot arrives and kills your parents, especially as his father was the Senator to the Separatist Parliament. Once upon a time, Traer had been groomed to take his fathers place in the Republic Senate - would you believe, practicing oratory skills which would be useful riling up the soldiers he became responsible for.

    Responsible for dying.

    Traer, unsurprisingly, didn't return home after the war and spent the next two decades bouncing around the Outer Rim, doing small jobs and generally pulling up sticks when the Empire arrived. This didn't become easy to do the longer the Empire continued, and, eventually, he knew he had to do something about it. While the Alliance to Restore the Republic drew the support of other unreconstructed Separatists, Traer still hated the Old Republic and he gathered old comrades to defend Bakura in the Outer Rim, one of the last Separatist bastions untouched by the Empire.

    A year ago, the Empire arrived with two Star Destroyers and as almost an afterthought annexed the planet, scooping up Traer and bringing him to a POW camp with other Rebels.

    Here he has stayed, waiting for his chance to strike back.
  6. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 15, 2019
    GM Approved CS

    General Information:

    Character's Name: Finnefrael Ordwgal
    Callsign: Feral - A play on the second half of his first name
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: former Captain in Razor Squadron, hard earned as he is not a clone trooper
    Languages: Basic, Droid
    Residence: POW Camp.
    Home Planet: Lexrul, Trax Sector
    Age: 46 Standard years
    Approved Special Features (any force sensitivity would go here :p ): He has only ever been tested for Force ability when he was brought to the camps and since he's still there chances are he has none but he can fly any craft he sits in, from the moment he does so.

    Character Traits:

    Personality: Highly intelligent, extremely fast learner, listens to all that goes on around him as he seeks a way to remove himself from the current situation he finds himself in to return to the fight.
    Habits/Mannerisms: Once you get to know him he’s friendly and tries to be your friend, but tends to be standoffish otherwise.
    Likes/Dislikes: Likes honest, intelligent people, Dislikes false people, people who pretend to not be as intelligent as he knows them to be.
    Racial Traits: Human, darker tan than most, which he realized after leaving the heavily industrialized Lexrul.

    Strengths and Weaknesses:

    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: Finds times and places to work out and train when the guards are out of sight so that he can maintain as much strength as possible. Has a slight rasp to his speech from the industrial pollution of his homeworld.
    Mental Strengths and Weaknesses: Highly intelligent to the point where it’s seen as arrogance. He doesn’t appreciate those who refuse to live up to their potential.
    Emotional Strengths and Weaknesses: Could be said to be empathic to people, but has been burned so many times he has a thick wall around his emotions.


    Appearance: Standing a little under 2 meters, with slicked back brown hair, and his piercing green eyes, he could appear an imposing figure if he wasn’t trying to stay off the radar of the camp guards as he was constantly planning how to escape.
    Eye Color: Green with black flecks and black bands around the iris
    Hair/Fur: Mid length brown hair and long brown lashes
    Skin Color: Olive tan
    Clothing: POW clothing.

    Personal History:

    Immediate Family: Dead.
    Spouse/Children: None

    Finnefrael grew up on Lexrul as the child of an upper middle class family. The family was one that owned a business that specialized in transport of materials from one business to another which was a godsend for him as he learned, at a very early age, that if he were put behind the controls of a flying craft he could pilot it, immediately.

    This turned out to be his ticket off of Lexrul. Before their business was absorbed, and his parents killed, in a hostile takeover they managed to secure him a spot at the Republic Military Academy. His skills at piloting were very quickly recognised and his intelligence allowed him to survive in the cutthroat competition of flight school. He graduated near the top of his class, high enough that he was able to pick what type of craft and squadron he would be a part of. He knew what he wanted and, as the Clone Wars had just started, he wanted to be at the tip of the spear.

    Because of his abilities, even though he was not a clone, he managed to finagle his way into Razor Squadron and fought alongside them throughout the course of the war. When Order 66 was enacted he happened to be the only member of his ARC-170 crew, besides the R4-C7 droid, by the craft. As he wasn’t a Jedi he was safe but he couldn’t stand by and watch his, now former, comrades slaughter the Jedi. Being alone by the craft he jumped inside and, with his droid’s aid, slipped off planet.

    Unwilling to go home as there was nothing left there for him to go back to he headed out toward the Outer Rim. Having used his pay during the Wars to invest and grow his wealth he managed to find an out of the way planet where he was able to modify and rearm his ARC-170. He acted as an independent contractor over the ensuing years, mostly defending Outer Rim natives from attacks from pirates, as the newly formed Empire rarely did so, especially with the humanocentric viewpoint of the leadership of the Empire.

    However, with the destruction of Alderaan, he eventually realized that his small efforts alone would never be enough and given the homeworlder guilt over the role of Director Krennic in the building of the weapon that destroyed that beautiful world, he knew he had to assist the budding rebellion. Leaving his beloved ship in a heavily secured, but remote hangar, he took transport to Coruscant, where he touched base with others he’d known from the Clone Wars period, which led him to the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

    He flew whatever craft they put him in, whether it be a starfighter, a bomber, or a transport, up until the Battle of Hoth. It was that battle that led to his capture and incarceration in the POW Camps. He’d been tasked as a ground speeder pilot and, after his craft was hit and his copilot/gunner killed, he survived the crash of the speeder only to wake in shackles with Snow Troopers surrounding him. Not much longer he found himself in the POW Camps, where he has been since.


    Pets: None
    Weapons: All weapons confiscated at capture
    Starship Qualifications: Can fly any craft he’s put behind the controls of
    Droid: a R4-C7 he nicknamed Bones, which is with his ARC-170, a long long way away
  7. AgentViper007

    AgentViper007 Force Ghost star 7

    Mar 9, 2005
    GM Approved
    Character's Name: Artemis Deco
    Callsign: Artie
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Flight Officer, Rebel Alliance
    Languages:Basic, Droidspeak
    Residence: SonTay POW cam
    Home Planet: Commenor
    Age: 26
    Approved Special Features (any force sensitivity would go here :p ): None

    Character Traits: Can get nervous if gets into a serious situation, inexperienced so far in war,
    Personality:Honest, easy going, gets along with most people with his polite attitude, always has a smile on his face but can be a little shy when first meeting people due to being socially awkward
    Habits/Mannerisms: Can bounce his legs if he gets nervous
    Likes/Dislikes: Honesty most of all anyone who fancies a chat, dislikes anyone who is rude and standoffish
    Racial Traits: Usual human stuff

    Strengths and Weaknesses:

    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: Is quite skinny so is quite nimble but does not have a lot of muscle strength
    Mental Strengths and Weaknesses: Does not like to give up, always finds the best in people, but can be known to have bouts of nervousness if gets stuck in a bad situation.
    Emotional Strengths and Weaknesses: Tries to find goodness in people and empathic, can be naive at times due to his young age and inexperience

    Picture: [​IMG]

    Eye Color: Blue
    Skin Color: Fair
    Clothing:pOW clothing (usually wears Alliance fligtsuit)

    Personal History:
    Immediate Family: Mother and father both on Commenor
    Spouse/Children: None
    Biography: Born to a middle class family on Commenor young Artemis always dreamed of traveling the stars. He wanted to see the galaxy and perhaps travel it to see the spectacle that was the cosmos. He had very few friends at school due to his shy nature and being socially awkward. But he always fancied being a pilot and yearned to one day escape Commenor. His parents wished him to stay behind, for fear that he could easily hurt himself if he headed out into the wilder world.

    His father taught him how to fly and he found he had a talent for flying the family starship, practicing maneuvers and sometimes moves that were considered risky. He also enjoyed racing speeders with his friends on nights when he sometimes should be studying.

    Over time he became less socially awkward but watched as the galaxy fell under the iron fist of the Empire. And he wanted to do something about it. Watching on the HoloNet he despaired at seeing worlds and peoples being subjugated by the Empire including his home planet. And so to the despair of his parents, he decided to join the Rebel Alliance, feeling they would hopefully win the war against the tyrants.

    Earning the nickname “Artie” Artemis chose the Y Wing for his craft of choice for its strength in both speed and firepower. Despite his inexperience, Artemis took to piloting the workhorse of the Alliance and began to hone his skills as a starfighter pilot, using moves that were considered risky but effective and gaining experience as he went. His was still shy and socially awkward around his squadron mates but was known for being easy going once you got to know him. However he was known for being rather quiet. However his inexperience in war cost him during one battle. Trying to protect a transport he decided to try a risky move that ended up with his Y Wing being captured by the Empire. He was transferred to the POW came at SonTay hoping that one day he can escape and join the fight once more.

    Starship Qualifications: Y Wing
  8. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    Character's Name: Teranis Kellit
    Callsign: Prof
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Corporal, Rebel Alliance, Boraska’s Bandits
    Languages: speaks Basic, Ryl, Ithorian. Reads all the previous, plus Old Basic, Alderaanian, Corellian, Coruscanti and ancient Sharani
    Residence (current): SonTay POW camp
    Home Planet: Sharan, city of Pexhaven
    Age: 43
    Special Features: none

    Character Traits:

    Personality: quiet, scholarly, likes a good book, good wine, visits to museums.
    Habits/Mannerisms: see above, often sketches, doodles, makes sculpture
    Likes/Dislikes: books, wine, museums, music, gardening, time with family
    Racial Traits: normal for humans
    Strengths and Weaknesses: intelligent and widely read, also an artisan
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: average strength, although he is recovering from frostbite, having lost both legs below the knee on Hoth, and can no longer use his left hand very well

    Appearance: rugged, average. Light brown hair, brown eyes, olive tone skin
    Brief Biography:

    Kellit was the deputy art curator at the Pexhaven City Art Museum on the planet of Sharan, and holds a doctorate from Pexhaven University. He has an ex-wife and a teenage son name Pers, who is in her primary custody. Like many people his age, he remembers the Clone Wars, and was shocked by the aftermath of Order 66. He was also unhappy to hear that Palpatine had declared himself Emperor, feeling that it was illegal He had heard rumors of the Rebellion, but didn’t get actively involved until about 5 years ago, when Imperial soldiers garrisoning Sharan came to the Museum and confiscated whatever artworks took their fancy. Some were used to decorate their quarters and offices on Sharan, others were sent to Coruscant for the Imperial Palace and Museum.

    When the varying resistance groups on Sharan finally came together, under the leadership of Ikrim Boraska, he didn’t initially become involved, although he offered what assistance he could. The secure storage rooms of the Museum were ideal for hiding weapons and equipment, and the conservation workshops could be used to forge identity documents and other things needed by the Rebels on their covert ops. Finally, he became fully involved in the partisans’ activities, driving transports for getaways (under the guise of moving artworks), and doing whatever else was needed. He knows Max from the Bandits.

    He went to Yavin with the team, and then on to Hoth, where he served in the trenches. He was badly wounded, and the frostbite while he was lying waiting to be retrieve led to the loss of his legs below the knee. His left hand was also damaged, and while he has some use, it is very limited, as it is difficult for him to bend his fingers, which have no feeling in them.

    Weapons: currently disarmed, can use various side arms, blasters, and hand detonators
    Starship Qualifications (if any): he is certified to fly airspeeders, transports and shuttles in-atmosphere, but he isn’t able to do space travel. He has been off Sharan for occasional conferences and business trips, but always as a commercial passenger.
  9. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    Secondary (or NPC) Character Sheet: GM Restricted use

    General Information:

    Character's Name: Steppen Rouger
    Callsign: Captain Skarn
    Species: Human
    Gender: male
    Rank/Affiliation: Captain of the Marvelous Valley Avengers, Skarn resistance movement
    Languages: basic
    Residence: SonTay Prisoner of War camp
    Home Planet: Skarn
    Age: 28
    Approved Special Features:

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Bombastic and self assured, though ironically he is shy around women. Always of the belief that he is in the right, even when it is not the popular opinion. Never gives up in a fight
    Likes/Dislikes: Likes honesty and straight talk. Dislikes hidden agendas and bullies, no matter where they are from.
    Racial Traits: None
    Strengths and Weaknesses: Often has issues with seeing the obvious. Not a thinker.
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: Stronger physically than most baseline humans.



    Eye Color: Blue
    Hair/Fur: Blond
    Skin Color: Fair

    Circumstances of Capture: Captured when most of his resistance cell was wiped out during an Imperial raid on his resistance camp on Skarn just over a year ago.

    Brief Biography: Grew up on the streets of Skarn's primary city but moved away at age 18 to the Marvelous Valley as Imperial troops cracked down on the city. His time in the valley was spent farming, hard physical labor that shaped him into the man he is now. Eventually formed his own resistance cell on the planet of which he became the self appointed "Captain". The cell, one of many on planet, was called the Marvelous Valley Avengers and became the subject of a serious manhunt after a string of dramatically successful operations against local Imperial authorities. Eventually their luck ran out as they were tracked to their camp (Rouger believes they were betrayed by a spy) and most of the group was wiped out. Rouger himself was knocked unconscious and captured by the Imperials during the raid. Due to his rank, which the Imperials never quite understood was self appointed, he was assigned to the SonTay Prisoner of War camp

    Starship Qualifications (if any): None, crashed his only time trying to fly a stolen Imperial fighter.
  10. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    Secondary (or NPC) Character Sheet:

    General Information:

    Character's Name: Tanner Vic
    Callsign: None
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Sergeant Alliance to Restore the Republic
    Languages: Basic, droidspeak
    Residence: SonTay Prisoner of War camp
    Home Planet: Nar Shaddaa
    Age: 27
    Approved Special Features: None

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Gruff and uncaring. years of imprisonment have left him looking out only for himself.
    Habits/Mannerisms: Cruel towards incoming prisoners. He preys upon the weak in order to remain strong
    Likes/Dislikes: Dislikes almost everyone.
    Racial Traits:
    Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: Old war wounds have slowed Vic, especially a leg injury that never healed fully and leaves him with a pronounced limp



    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair/Fur: Brown
    Skin Color: Fair
    Clothing: Pieced together clothing "acquired" from other POWs.

    Circumstances of Capture: Captured during the evacuation of Yavin IV

    Brief Biography: Vic grew up an orphan on Nar Shadda. Learning at an early age that the only way to survive was to look out for yourself first and foremost he drifted from one odd criminal job to the next before getting caught up in the rebellion. It's a cause he didn't really believe much in but it was steady work and he got three hots and a cot. A "ground pounder" he found himself in a defensive role at Yavin IV and was captrued during the evacuation of that base following the destruction of the Death Star. He has been assigned to the SonTay Prisoner of war camp ever since, where his old bullying ways have again come to the surface as he does whatever he needs to do to survive another day.

    Starship Qualifications (if any): None
  11. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    Secondary (or NPC) Character Sheet:

    General Information:

    Character's Name: Fud Kenim
    Callsign: Top
    Species: Duros
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: First sergeant, Alliance to Restore the Republic
    Languages: basic, Durese, droid speak
    Residence: SonTay Prisoner of War camp
    Home Planet: Duro (well one of the Orbital cities anyway)
    Age: 42
    Approved Special Features:

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Gruff exterior covering up a deep caring for the men and women under his command.
    Habits/Mannerisms: Hums a lot to pass the time.
    Likes/Dislikes: Dislikes the Empire to an extreme, and being held in one place. Likes to explore.
    Racial Traits:
    Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: Possess a wiry strength


    Eye Color: Red
    Hair/Fur: None
    Skin Color: Blue
    Clothing: Still wears his old combat fatigues, though they are now well worn.

    Circumstances of Capture: Captured during an abortive raid on the Imperial Intelligence installation known colloquially as Woodpecker.

    Brief Biography: Born in one of the orbital cities of Duro, Kenim had a typical Duros childhood. His wanderlust however brought him into the embrace of the Rebel Alliance when the Empire wouldn't let him go where he wanted, when he wanted and how he wanted. His skills as both a transport pilot and skilled combatant saw him rise quickly in the ranks of the Rebel Alliance. During the Imperial hunt for the location of the ever elusive Rebel base, Alliance command believed that the tracking station on Woodpecker was being used to intercept Alliance messages to determine the location of the rebel fleet. Kenim's team was dispatched to destroy the base as well as download whatever information they could from it's databanks. The mission failed and Kenim as well as a few of his troopers were captured.
    Starship Qualifications (if any): YT series of transports.
  12. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    Secondary (or NPC) Character Sheet: GM Restricted use

    General Information:

    Character's Name: Kalt Blut
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Agent of the Imperial Security Bureau/Second in command of SonTay Prisoner of War camp, head of ISB section of SonTay POW camp.
    Languages: Basic, Shyriiwook, mando'a, twi'lek, Huttese, among others.
    Residence: SonTay POW camp
    Home Planet: Coruscant
    Age: 32
    Approved Special Features:

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Ruthless, sadistic and cruel.
    Habits/Mannerisms: Enjoys torturing prisoners.
    Likes/Dislikes: Dislikes the current commandant believing he is too easy on the prisoners. Enjoys torturing prisoners, even after they have given him all they can.
    Racial Traits:
    Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: Not at all an imposing or strong individual. He uses the the fear of his position within the ISB to bully those around him, Imperial and prisoner alike.



    Clothing: ISB Agent's uniform

    Brief Biography: Not much is known of Agent Blut's life before he joined the ISB, and most of his life since then is classified. What is known is he has made a reputation for sadistic cruelty towards both prisoners in his "care" and for those Imperials under his command. However, he has also earned a reputation for getting results, regardless of the method. He has been assigned as the ISB's eyes and ears at the SonTay prison camp. His position there grants him a rank second only to the commandant within the prison camp's chain of command, though his own efforts are concentrated mostly on the political and high values camps within the complex. He disapproves heavily of Luger's administration of the camp and believes that all POWs should instead be held in solitary confinement cells at all times, tortured and "questioned" regularly and afforded none of the comforts of camp life. He further believes that when a prisoner's usefulness as a source is at an end the prisoner should be summarily executed. Thus far he has been unable to undermine the commandant's position, in no small part due to Luger's track record at the camp.

    Weapon: A-180 blaster pistol
    Starship Qualifications (if any): None
  13. The Real Kyp Durron

    The Real Kyp Durron Jedi Master star 2

    May 6, 2018
    Game Master approved

    Character's Name:
    Saxon Hollymander
    Callsign: none
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Imperial Lieutenant
    Languages: Basic
    Home Planet:
    Age: 21

    Approved Special Features: In Officer Training, aiming for somewhere his like of harming others can be satisfied. Is good with a vibroblade, very skilled and creative in torture.

    Character Traits: cold, calculating, psychopathic

    Personality: cold, distant, does not make personal friends, they are liabilities. Concerned for himself alone. Cares little for his past, makes allies to help him achieve his goals.

    Habits/Mannerisms never smiles for joy, never feels true happiness, only smiles when something bad happens or he feels ‘cocky’ or ‘arrogant'

    Likes/Dislikes: Likes to watch others suffer, likes to feel power and powerful.

    Racial Traits: Bakuran Accent

    Strengths and Weaknesses: Creative with torture. Believes he has no weakness, which is his weakness.

    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: Physically strong, works out a lot!

    Mental Strengths and Weaknesses: Creatively intelligent, manipulative, liar and cheat

    Emotional Strengths and Weaknesses: Cold and cruel, gets pleasure from that, he has no heart and no love for anyone, that is his weakness. He will underestimate those emotions. He won’t fight for anything he doesn't deem beneficial.

    Looks: Brown hair, hazel eyes.

    Appearance: Brown hair, worn short, hazel eyes, 180cm tall, broad shoulders, muscular.


    Raised on Bakura, second son of Shannon Hollymander and first son to his father Sydney Hollymander. Raised in an average home where the division was very clear. His older half brother was the outcast. His father mentally and physically tortured his mother and her first child on an almost daily basis. Saxon learned very quickly that pain and suffering often resulted in what he wanted. Soon enough he followed his father and would abuse his mother and brother similarly. Sydney made sure Saxon had all he needed sacrificing his wife and adopted sons needs. As Saxon grew up with the benefit of his fathers love and was afforded the health and physical advancements his brother never received. He soon he was able to beat his older brother with ease. The day Sydney came home drunk and pushed their mother down the stairs killing her, he felt nothing. He knew then he was stronger than his father. He stood silently as his brother held his mothers dead body and his father began to panic. It was his idea to blame his brother. What better gift to give him for his 16th life day? What better way to rid himself of the burden? His brother disappeared that day. Took his few possessions from the run down lean-to at the back of the home and left. It wasn't till years later after he'd faked his own death after his wedding he found his brother was part of the Imperial Navy.
  14. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    GM Approved.

    Character's Names: Riki & Tiki twins
    Species: Squibs
    Gender: male
    Rank/Affiliation: Rebel quartermaster corps
    Role: Scroungers
    Languages: Standard, Squib, Huttese, Duros, Twi'lek, Devaronian, Bith, Wookiee, Chiss (Not particularly fluent at most of them, but good enough to barter)
    Residence: Son Tay prison camp
    Home Planet: born on a Squib free trading ship
    Age: 23

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Good natured wheeler-dealers, rival siblings
    Habits/Mannerisms: They'll grab anything that's not welded down and haggle for anything that is. They're aggressively friendly with most people, but bicker constantly between themselves.
    Likes/Dislikes: Love to barter and dicker, like building stuff, hate prison food

    Racial Traits: sharp teeth, excellent sense of smell and hearing
    Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: small and relatively weak, but quick and agile

    Appearance: 1 meter tall, blue furred, vaguely mouse-like
    Eye Color: amber
    Hair/Fur: blue
    Skin Color: pink
    Clothing: threadbare overalls with lots of pockets

    Personal History:
    Immediate Family: free traders, unless they've been captured
    Spouse/Children: none
    Former Occupation: general repair techs, jury riggers, and scroungers

    Biography: Riki and Tiki were running a trading booth in a marketplace outside an Imperial supply depot when rebels swooped in to raid a warehouse. In the confusion, Riki and Tiki took a wrong turn, got separated from their tribe, and escaped with the rebels. Landing on their feet, they quickly negotiated a working contract with the rebel cell and proved their worth in acquisitions and supply. Eventually they were captured by Imperial forces. Accounts differ as to exactly how that happened, and who is to blame for it.

    Miscellaneous gear: Odd bits of just about anything that most people would throw away, which makes it easier to hide the occasional valuable that they manage to grab.
  15. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    GM Approved!

    Character's Name:
    Aryan Graul
    Callsign: Squints (from his time in the Republic Navy)
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Previously reached the rank of ‘Commander’ during the Clone Wars before being medically discharged; most recently served as the Senator of Nubia in the Galactic Senate
    Languages: Basic, knows a few phrases in Huttese (mostly expletives), reads and understands Corellian and Coruscanti
    Residence: Imperial POW camp
    Home Planet: Nubia
    Age: 46
    Approved Special Features (any force sensitivity would go here): None

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Aryan is a bright and cunning politician with a youthful disposition. He is tenacious, ambitious, and exhibits an overwhelming sense of pride. As a public servant, he relies on his charisma and charm to network amongst his peers and to win favor with the people he serves. He is also a competent speaker and can easily influence a crowd through his choice of words. Throughout the years, he has maintained a strong public persona and is generally well-liked by the people. To his constituents, he is compassionate and cordial.

    However, before the dissolution of the Senate, there was another side to Aryan that was less than desirable – and which he kept hidden from the public view. He had become masterful at hiding his true intentions and utilizing unorthodox techniques, such as manipulation and blackmail, to achieve his long-term goals. To some, he was cruel and deceptive, especially when it came to his lust for power and indulging in his controlling nature. But since becoming a fugitive on the run, and his subsequent capture by the Empire, he has mellowed out quite a bit and has begun to reform and rethink his dishonest ways.
    Habits/Mannerisms: He tends to have an impish smirk etched over his features, which makes it appear as if he is always squinting, or perhaps assessing a situation through a sidelong glance; he is also quite a flirt with the ladies, despite his marital status
    Likes/Dislikes: Honesty (from others), testing people to see how far he can push the limits, the sound of his own voice, piloting, and redheads. On the flip side, he dislikes obvious bids for attention, being upstaged by people who are less qualified than himself, and droids – he hates droids.

    Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: While he’s not the most athletic, especially after he lost his left leg and now utilizes a prosthetic, he certainly makes up for it with the power of words. He is an eloquent speaker and can easily persuade a crowd. His low, gravelly voice is soothing to an audience – and also quite effective in attracting female attention.
    Mental Strengths and Weaknesses: He is inherently confident in himself and his abilities. This allows him to charge into most situations undeterred, however, if he stops to consider the moment, he has a tendency to overthink. He is also afraid of failure and of leaving himself vulnerable; he likes to maintain control.
    Emotional Strengths and Weaknesses: He is a master at hiding his emotions and expressing a strong, positive persona to the public. While he falls victim to his temper on occasion, he is generally well-mannered and affable. His pride can also become an issue in certain situations; he can come across as arrogant or obnoxious.


    Eye Color: Blue-gray
    Hair/Fur: Brown with some graying around the temples
    Skin Color: Fair
    Clothing: Aryan prefers a more conservative style of dress, typically a smart suit or a military-cut uniform. They are usually fairly simple with no additional adornments, aside from the occasional cape draped over one shoulder. Under the current circumstances, he now dresses in beat-up fatigues or a prison-issue uniform.

    Personal History:
    Immediate Family: Norin Graul (father); Ashaiya Graul-Kinth (mother)
    Spouse/Children: Lyzia Graul (wife); Arek Graul (son – 21 standard years)
    Biography: Aryan was born on Nubia as the only child to Norin and Ashaiya Graul. His parents were the proprietors of a rather large mining corporation and shipping company, which included several bronzium processing plants in the capital region of Rordis. As the sole heir, Aryan would one day have a stake in the company for his namesake alone, but his dreams and aspirations remained elsewhere...among the stars.

    While he abided by his father’s wishes and enrolled at the University of Coruscant after completing secondary school, he was again tempted by his passions and joined the Republic Navy to become a pilot shortly after graduation.

    His military career was littered with excellence, and he eventually rose to the rank of Commander, becoming a hometown hero in the process. With each passing achievement, he became more and more convinced that a career as a fully commissioned officer was the way to go, but that all came to a crashing end when he was seriously wounded in a scuffle in the Mid Rim. His injuries were extensive enough that he ended up losing his left leg, and he was medically retired from the military at the age of 28.

    During his tenure in the Navy, he met his wife, Lyzia Eross; the two were married in 20 BBY, with their only son, Arek, being born two years later. It was Lyzia who served as Aryan’s lifeline and moral support during the intervening months following his injury. As a philanthropist, she actively traveled around to various worlds stricken by the war to offer assistance and provide for those people in need. She also held rallies on notable Republic worlds to garner support for her cause. Aryan often accompanied her, and it was soon discovered that he had a real knack for interacting with the public and charming a crowd. His speeches were often engaging, and he soon gained the attention of a prominent politician working within the Imperial Senate – Garrit Pilleu, a member of the Nubian Ruling Council and aide to the current Senator of Nubia.

    The bureaucrat was infatuated by the young man’s passion and took him under his wing to help him learn the ropes. With Pilleu’s help, Aryan’s influence over the people remained strong. When the time was right, it was the old man who ultimately pushed Graul to seek elected office in the Senate, where he felt he would have the most impact. Against all odds, and helped along by a sympathy vote due to his injury, Aryan won the election by a landslide and became the next Senator of Nubia in 8 BBY.

    Aryan during a live HoloNet interview shortly after getting elected to the Senate

    Aryan spent the following years building clout and networking among his peers and beyond to establish long-standing connections. He gained several big-name proponents, which quickly pushed him into the limelight. He had become the Senate’s newest ‘superstar,’ and he basked in the glory...

    And then Emperor Palpatine decided to disband the Senate.

    Aryan soon found himself a wanted man. He could not return home to Nubia out of fear of being arrested...or worse, and so he fled for his life – a fugitive of the Empire.

    The intervening years were a true test to his vitality and strength of will. He did not stay in one place for very long and often hopped between various mining and trade ports within the Outer Rim, acquiring odd jobs such as a cargo pilot or deckhand in an effort to avoid the Empire’s watchful eye. Every time he arrived at a new destination, he reached out to Lyz and Arek and remained with them for as long as possible.

    It was through these semi-regular meetings that Aryan learned of Arek volunteering to fight in the war against the Empire as an Alliance soldier. He was proud of his boy for standing up for his ideals, but often worried about his well being. Fortunately, he had Lyz to provide frequent updates on where their son was stationed and what he was doing – details that weren’t readily available in the daily HoloNet broadcasts. Despite Aryan’s precarious situation, things were going fairly well.

    This arrangement carried on for two years until Aryan abruptly cut off all contact and vanished several months before the Battle of Hoth. Lyz could only assume the worst as the weeks stretched on without a single word from her husband; even Arek volunteered to drop everything to find his father. It was terrible not knowing the circumstances surrounding his disappearance, but they had an inkling that the Empire had finally found their reckoning.

    Unfortunately, that would be an accurate assessment.

    Unbeknownst to Aryan, his former Chief of Staff, Sentan Moor, had intercepted one of his transmissions and pinpointed his location to Nar Haaska. Moor handed these coordinates over to the Empire and cashed in on the hefty bounty when the troopers finally arrived to arrest the Senator. Aryan found himself incarcerated and eventually assigned to the SonTay Prisoner of War camp, where he has remained a resident for the past several months.

    Weapons: While he is currently disarmed, Aryan usually carries a holdout blaster concealed within his tunic and a vibroknife sheathed to the inside of his boot.
    Starship Qualifications: He can fly almost anything, though he is most familiar with the Z-95 Headhunter, which he has flown as a member of the Republic Navy.
  16. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    GM Approved:

    Character's Name: K’Rill Sunwalker
    Nickname: the other inmates call him Admi
    Species: Human
    Rank/Affiliation: former Imperial Admiral
    Languages: Basic
    Residence: SonTay POW camp
    Home Planet: Coruscant
    Age: 63



    Brief Biography:
    Born in an affluent family K’Rill was always interested in the military and dreamed of roaming the Galaxy to fight the enemies of the Republic. After graduating from the Coruscant Academy he refused his father’s offer to use the family’s connections to land him a better posting. He wanted to build his own career. During his tour of duty he met a young and beautiful medic from Naboo, called Dennii. They quickly fell in love and got the permission to marry. A daughter was born, they called her Jocelyn after K’Rill’s grandmother. They had to move around the Galaxy due to him being posted on different planets. His wife continued her medical practice as a civilian.

    He rose to the position of an Admiral during the Clone Wars. He was assigned to the Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi’s forces. K’rill was reserved towards the Jedi and was not surprised when Order 66 was issued while he was fighting over Mygeeto. He remained loyal to the Empire. As the years passed and his daughter grew and joined the Navy he started questioning what was going on with the Empire. He could see the corruption and unnecessary injustices being done to the regular people. He refused to carry out Base Delta Zero on a population center on an Outer Rim world. The ISB soon visited him with an arrest warrant as they had gathered “evidence” against him. He managed to strike a bargain with them to leave Jocelyn and his wife out of it, but was successful only in regards to his daughter.

    He and his wife were sent to SonTay in the political prisoners camp. He gained the respect of the other inmates and was treated relatively fairly by the camp administration.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2020
  17. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    GM Approved:

    Character's Name: Dennii Ordonnen Sunwalker
    Nickname: the other inmates call her Doc
    Species: Human
    Rank/Affiliation: former Chief Medical Officer
    Languages: Basic
    Residence: currently SonTay POW camp
    Home Planet: Naboo
    Age: 57


    Brief Biography:
    born in a middle class family on Naboo Dennii dreamed of helping others. She found her calling in medicine where she excelled. She helped the Naboo militia during the Trade Federation invasion.

    Afterwards she decided to join the Judicials where she met her future husband. They married and had a daughter and moved around the Galaxy. She started her own private practice during the Clone Wars, helping refugees on Coruscant. After the war’s end she remained loyal to her husband but wary of the Empire. Given his position she kept her opinions to herself, but was not that careful so when her husband was arrested they came for her too.

    Currently is helping to treat the other inmates in the political prisoners camp.
  18. Vehn

    Vehn Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 14, 2009
    Character's Name: Lawrence Clark
    Nickname: "Law"
    Species: Human
    Rank/Affiliation: Corporal
    Languages: Basic
    Residence: TBD
    Home Planet: High River, Roon
    Age: 25


    Brief Biography:

    Lawrence, "Law", Clark is one of many military members of the Clark family serving in the Rebel Alliance. Born in the rugged hills of High River, Roon, Lawrence is a hard working, rough raised, young man. He possesses a great sense of humor coupled with an equally powerful sense of duty and work. Nothing can keep him down.

    He enlisted in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and was, for a brief moment, trained by his uncle Gunnery Sergeant Tyrone Clark at the Rebel training grounds. Lawrence soaked in everything his uncle taught him. Unfortunately, fearing nepotism, Alliance High Command had Tyrone transferred out of the training unit. Lawrence last saw his uncle Tyrone heading for the Rebel capital ship Intrepid and just received his own orders a short time ago and followed suit.

    He dreams of one day fighting alongside his uncle Tyrone and hopes to make that a reality.
  19. Bodhran777

    Bodhran777 Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 1, 2019
    GM Approved

    Ven Tarin
    Callsign: “Crow”
    Species: Mandalorian Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Lieutenant/Rebel Alliance, Mandalorian
    Languages : Basic, Binary, Mando’a, Verpine
    Residence: Whatever bunk he’s assigned to
    Home Planet: Onderon
    Age: 35

    Character Traits:
    Outgoing and personable, Ven doesn’t mind to chit chat away from the cockpit and a battle. He enjoys company over a pint of ne’tra gal, loves music, and fancies himself a bit of an artist when he manages to get a hold of some proper supplies. Once in his ship, he tends to be very focused on what he’s doing, no-nonsense, and straight to the point.
    Habits/Mannerisms: Ven is meticulous about his workspace and likes to keep his things neat and organized, especially his ship. Clutter is a bit of an annoyance to him but will let it slide as long as it’s not in his space.
    Likes/Dislikes: Likes order, practicing his flying and shooting, and the thrill of a fight. Dislikes losing people in his squadron, clutter, and slobs.
    Racial Traits: Typical human under the beskar’gam, physically fit, and good with a ship and a blaster
    Strengths/Weaknesses: Very competent pilot and even better shot with a blaster. Arguably more comfortable on the ground than in the cockpit, but his skills aren’t lacking in either.
    Physical Strengths/Weaknesses: Strong and tough, great with fighters and troop carriers
    Mental Strengths/Weaknesses: Disciplined and by-the-books. Ven can sometimes be impatient, especially when stationed on cruisers. He likes to get to the action.
    Emotional Strengths/Weaknesses: Very composed in battle, but hates losing teammates. He finds his own way of mourning when he can, which can range from simply being alone for a bit to think to giving the nearest Imperial a piece of his mind, depending on the situation.

    Looks: You’ll never see him remove the helmet, but underneath it’s rumored he has red hair and a beard.
    Clothing: Grey pilot beskar’gam made of durasteel (wishes it was actual beskar, but that stuff’s hard to find these days), green flight suit with orange accents, flight harness

    Immediate Family: None, parents deceased (casualties of Imperial occupation of Onderon)
    Biography: When he was around 10 years old, Ven’s parents were caught up in a firefight between Imperial troops and Partisan ambushers. In the fight, stormtroopers mistook Ven’s parents for Partisans and opened fire, killing them and orphaning Ven, who watched his parents’ demise. After fleeing and wandering alone for some time, a Mandalorian found the orphan and took him in as a foundling to learn the ways of the Mandalorians.

    Over time, Ven’s skills grew, along with his aversion to the Empire and the actions of its military. When he was old enough to set out on his own, Ven found the Rebels and joined up as a pilot. Swapping his small ship for an old Belbullab-22, Ven worked hard to rise up the ranks, doing whatever he could to improve his skills, even taking assignments away from the cockpit and on the ground when necessary.

    Prior to the events on Hoth, Ven was involved in a skirmish with Imperial fighters in which his Belbullab-22 was heavily damaged. Despite this, Ven was able to limp the ship back to the hangar, ending in an emergency landing that ultimately marked the end of the battle-worn fighter. He was one of the lucky few that returned to the main ship, and he begrudgingly had to scrap the starfighter. Since then, he has taken assignments paired with either a BTS-A2 Strike Fighter/Bomber, or more commonly a standard BTL Y-Wing.

    Weapons/Equipment: Westar-35, A280C Blaster Rifle or DP-23 Shotgun (depending on the assignment and need), retractable wrist blades, survival rations, medkit/IFAK, grappling hook and microbraid line, chemlights, commlink, survival kit
    Starship Qualifications: Belbullab-22, BTL Y-Wing Starfighter, T-65 X-Wing Starfighter, RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor, YT-1930 Light Freighter, BTS-A2 Long-Range Strike Fighter/Bomber, Alpha-3 Nimbus-Class V-Wing, assorted others, can manage a TIE fighter when needed, but hates the lack of shielding.
    Droid: R2-series astromech droid, R2-E6, named “Zen”. Painted light grey with cyan striping and accents.
  20. Corellian_Outrider

    Corellian_Outrider Former FanForce Admin star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Mar 9, 2002
    Secondary (or NPC) Character Sheet: GM Approved

    General Information:

    Character's Name: Alaina Diamé
    Species: Alderaanian (Human)
    Gender: Female
    Rank/Affiliation: Lieutenant - Intrepid MarDet - Alliance to Restore the Republic
    Languages: Basic,
    Residence: Alliance Affiliated Quasar Fire Carrier 'Intrepid'
    Home Planet: Alderaan
    Age: 37
    Approved Special Features:

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Focuses on the task at hand. Open to suggestions though doesn't necessary take them. Wary of strangers and gives the impression of being 'closed' off. Opens up once she gets to know them.

    Habits/Mannerisms: A private person. Plays things close to the chest at times.
    Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses:



    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair/Fur: Brown
    Skin Color: Olive tanned

    Clothing: Combat kit depends on mission requirements.

    Brief Biography: Loyal to the Royal House of Alderaan. Recruited during the early years of the Empire to assist with mercy missions, providing aid to systems in need. As the Alliance formed and grew in strength, the missions she took became more proactive in the fight against the Empire.

    The lost of Alderaan was a blow. It showed how ruthless those the Emperor favoured with power can be and what they are willing to do to achieve their goal. She dived into her work and resolved to fight back. Finds herself questioning the motives of others as the galaxy grows darker. Does what she can to give some compassion back to those in need and conscious of the impact her team makes on affected worlds.

    Currently stationed aboard the Intrepid as the commandeering officer of the Marine Detachment.

    Pets: None
    Weapons: Depends on the mission requirements.

    Starship Qualifications: Variety of ground and atmospheric vehicles

    Character's Name: Zephyr Trillo
    Callsign: Alchemist
    Species: Nosaurian
    Gender: Female
    Languages: Basic, Nosaurian
    Residence: Currently on the Valkyria
    Home Planet: New Plompto
    Age: Not polite to ask a lady their age
    Approved Special Features:

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Sarcastic, blunt, to the point, honest from a certain point of view .

    Habits/Mannerisms: Can be blunt, known for her wisecracks, impish nature and random pearls of wisdom.
    Racial Traits: Sturdy horns that can impale. Has the ability to light up the lining of the mouth at will. Produces a flash that can illuminate, even blind. Can last only a short duration.
    Strengths and Weaknesses: has the ability to like or dislike someone on sight
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses:

    Appearance: Thick scale hide, sharp claws. Crest of six bony horns on top of head. Bird like 'beak' mouth, sharp teeth.

    (Old image from Zephyr's days on New Plompto)

    Eye Color: Amber
    Skin Color: Blue/green with flecks of yellow and creamy undertones


    Brief Biography: "Picture this! The Clone Wars! Three years before the start of the Empire. The beautiful daughter of a well respected family from a not so well to do province of New Plompto… Drafted to fight for our world and to bring honour to our family- What do you mean you've heard this story before? Bah! Not like this you haven't! Anyhow, I was very skilled at the sciences, chemistry. I was good at making various things from basic ingredients… word seem to get out about that too. Need to sleep? I can fix that… can't wake up? Eh… depends on the symptoms. I'm no miracle worker. I made my mark during the war. Let's just say that one thing is for sure, I caused a few fires in my time.

    What happened after the war? I can tell you that things were not pretty to us survivors. Came back to nothing, even our own families didn't want anything to do with us and that's why I left. Or maybe we didn't want anything to do with them… It can be a bit of both really. It got boring and my parents wouldn't lay off about wanting some new hatchlings in the house. Weren't they not content enough with my sister? But I've digressed. One day I said to myself "Zephyr? May as well live your life to the fullest, why not run a bar?" Why not? There is the lure of men coming to see me every day. Unfortunately, it ain't what it is all cracked up to be, pussycat. They are a needy lot though since I am practically the only mixologist with any talent they have in those parts, may as well part them from a few coin while they drown their sorrows. Everybody wins! More or less. Enough about me, where's my slice of cheesecake?"

    Pets: None

    Starship Qualifications:
  21. adaml83

    adaml83 Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 8, 2004
    GM Approved

    Character's Name: Baniss Vermillion
    Callsign: Emgeeelltee
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Intelligence
    Languages: Basic
    Home Planet:
    Age: 22
    Approved Special Features (any force sensitivity would go here [​IMG] ):

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Can be a bit chameleon-like, pretty reserved. He can cause trouble, though generally through official channels if he disapproves of methods that are used. He can affect a droning, pedantic voice when he really doesn’t want to do something. (Sounds like Mr. Thomas Walters, Eric Idle, from the Interesting people sketch) Stubborn, almost always convinced he’s right, and a massive pain when annoyed.
    Habits/Mannerisms: He is usually disguised, even among allies. The only person he really trusts is his new wife, also the only one he drops all his mental defenses around is his wife.
    Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Mind games, Intelligence work Dislikes: Ad-libbed plans and squadrons that are formed from down and out people.
    Racial Traits:

    Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses:
    Mental Strengths and Weaknesses: Observant and quick-witted, though he is too quick to judge.
    Emotional Strengths and Weaknesses: He will defend those he cares about, but is quick to cast those he doesn’t aside.


    Picture: [​IMG]
    Eye Color: Naturally Brown but he does wear disguises
    Hair/Fur: Brown, but does wear wigs
    Skin Color: A little pale
    Clothing: Intelligence uniform, civilian clothes

    Personal History:
    Immediate Family:
    Spouse/Children: Spouse: Elara
    Biography: Baniss joined the Rebellion shortly before Yavin in the Intelligence Division and specialized in starfighter capabilities. He met Elara roughly between the times of Yavin and Hoth and married her shortly after Hoth. An early mission that went awry affected him when most of the members of his team tried to improvise something to improve their information haul and Baniss was the only one to get away unharmed. Hasn’t liked improvisation since.

    Weapons: Small but powerful blaster pistol
    Starship Qualifications: Shuttles, freighters of various kinds
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
  22. Bodhran777

    Bodhran777 Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 1, 2019
    Finally jumping back in and GM approved.

    Aden Corso
    Callsign: Torch
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: No rank, sympathetic to the Rebellion
    Languages: Basic, Binary, Durese
    Residence: Nowhere specific yet
    Homeworld: Naboo
    Age: 28
    Approved Special Features: N/A
    Personality: Aden is very much a people-person and loves chatting with others when not on duty. Loves to play Sabacc and loves flying. Despite being talkative, he also is very leery of Imperial troops or anyone he feels may be an agent. However, he has found he can occasionally get such people to give up more information than they mean to after a few drinks or some rapport-building. He’s generally very approachable, and cares for his coworkers and crew members.
    Habits/Mannerisms: Absent-mindedly pops his knuckles and neck randomly, possibly in an effort to stay loose in case of a scramble to the ships (most of the time he doesn’t realize he’s doing it)
    Likes/Dislikes: Enjoys flying “pretty” ships, such as those from Naboo, but doesn’t mind a junker that can perform well. He does NOT like deep water, and his worst nightmare is an emergency water landing in an ocean by himself (have you seen a Colo Claw Fish???).
    Racial Traits: Standard human, but strong and lean

    Skilled pilot of many different ships. He’s not particularly skilled with Imperial ships but can manage with a Lambda-class shuttle. Average human physique
    Mental: Misses his home world of Naboo but is committed to helping end the fight with the Empire. Has some mild PTSD, but can generally work through a flare up. He has a strong grasp on space navigation and star charts and does very well under pressure.
    Emotional: Very people-oriented and social. He doesn’t love being alone.



    Eye Color: Green
    Hair Color: Auburn
    Skin Color: Lightly tan
    Clothing: Standard tan Naboo pilot outfit with red overcoat that once belonged to his father, though a bit worn now

    Personal History
    While born on Naboo, Aden Corso did not spend a long time there, thanks to rising conflicts between the Empire and Rebellion. His father, a pilot with the Royal Naboo Space Fighter Corp, was a part of Victor Flight prior to the demilitarization of Naboo by Imperial forces. His father taught Aden to fly ships, and the young boy became very proficient in an N-1 trainer ship before everything went sideways.

    After the Imperial takeover, Aden’s father became involved in the resistance movement on Naboo, helping Queen Apialana protect surviving Jedi and ultimately staying to help fight off the 501st Legion. In the end, Aden and his mother were forced to escape the planet, while his father was killing escorting their transport ship off the planet in a Z-95 Headhunter. After watching his father’s ship go down, Aden decided he hated the Empire, and was determined to undermine them where he could.

    Years later, Aden’s mother passed from sickness, leaving the 18-year-old boy alone with few credits, and his dad’s Naboo flight suit as a memento. After much job hunting, he took up a position as a pilot for a shipping company to make ends meet. However, he was gradually exposed to more and more ships and training, becoming an accomplished pilot in his own right and becoming recognizable by the red pilot coat he wore.

    On a particular transport route, however, his emotion got the better of him during a run-in with an Imperial frigate. While carrying a cargo of tibana gas canisters, a CC-7700 Imperial frigate stopped him for inspection. Not forgetting his hate for the Empire, Aden rigged a tibana gas bomb and jettisoned it toward the frigate. The detonation ripped a sizeable hole in the side of the ship and effectively crippled it. However, TIE fighters soon caught up to him and disabled his ship, and Aden was taken prisoner. After a lengthy punishment, he was transferred to SonTay Prison Camp to serve the remainder of his sentence.

    Pets: None
    Weapons: Typically a DT-15 blaster pistol, but also prefers a DP-23 shotgun for close quarters
    Starship Qualifications: N-1 Naboo Starfighter, G-1 Starfighter, T-65 X-Wing Starfighter, Z-95 Headhunter, G1-M4-C Dunelizard Fighter, Firespray-31-Class Patrol Craft, various transport ships
    Droid: R2 series astromech droid, designated R2-A8. Paint job is white with dark green accents and a bronze dome.
  23. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    GM Approved

    General Information:

    Character's Name: Tala Ashe
    Callsign: Merc
    Species: Human
    Gender: Female
    Rank/Affiliation: Rebel Alliance
    Languages: Huttese, Mando'a
    Residence: reassigned to the Intrepid
    Home Planet: Alderaan
    Age: 34
    Approved Special Features (any force sensitivity would go here :p ):

    Character Traits:
    Personality: despite her imposing looks she is easy going, friendly and adventurous, can be insubordinate and stubborn
    Likes/Dislikes: Likes - alcohol, partying, brawls, combat; Dislikes - the Empire, cruelty, dishonesty
    Racial Traits: standard human, with cybernetic implants improving her aim and reflexes

    Strengths and Weaknesses:

    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses: physically strong and resilient, but rather slow
    Mental Strengths and Weaknesses: can be impatient, loyal, not too bookish, can be reckless
    Emotional Strengths and Weaknesses: friendly and easy going, but with a temper

    Looks: tall, muscular, tough looking


    Eye Color: Green
    Hair/Fur: Light brown, shaved on the side
    Skin Color: Caucasian
    Clothing: wears heavy armor in combat from her mercenary days, casual clothes during the down time

    Personal History:
    Immediate Family: None
    Spouse/Children: None
    Biography: born on Alderaan it was clear from a young age that she would not be pursuing scientific, artistic or political career. Tala trained in Teras Kasi and became a master. Being too hot-tempered to be part of the Alderaani royal guard she decided to travel the Galaxy. Fought in underground Teras Kasi tournaments and became a champion and somewhat of a legend among the fans. As a supplement to her income she became a mercenary and saw combat among the backwater worlds where different criminal organizations fought for control. After the Death Star destroyed Alderaan and wiping out her family she joined the Rebellion. Flying her trusty StarViper Tala was a force to be reckoned with, but her insubordinate streak shaped her destiny again and got reassigned to the Intrepid and the now infamous Black Sheep Squadron...


    Pets: None
    Weapons: E-11D blaster carbine
    Starship Qualifications: flies her own StarViper, but is qualified to fly a X-wing and a B-wing
    Droid: None
  24. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    GM Approved

    Character's Name: Liam Qel-Droma
    Callsign: “Crash”
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male
    Rank/Affiliation: Flight Officer, Black Sheep Squadron, Rebels
    Languages: Galactic Basic
    Residence: Black SheepBarracks
    Home Planet: Alderaan
    Age: 19
    Approved Special Features: N/A

    Character Traits:
    Personality: Insecure, Passionate, Genial, Encouraging,Kind, and Hardworking.
    Habits/Mannerisms: Has anervous tremor in his voice when feeling insecure that turns into a stutter.
    Likes/Dislikes: He likes being part of a community, He dislikes being alone for prolonged periods of time.
    Racial Traits: Caucasian

    Strengths and Weaknesses:

    Devotion, Loyalty, Follows Orders, Impetuous,Unyielding, Stubborn, Self Deprecating, and Insecure.

    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses:

    Liam is tall which makes him barely in regs to fly. He is very strong because of broadshoulders.

    Liam has stutter that acts upwhen he is nervous and makes sound like he’s speaking through his nose.

    Mental Strengths andWeaknesses:

    Liam is able to bypass his painreceptors, and stop feeling aninjury long enough to act.Because he is insecure he tends to have negative mental state,always criticizing himself.

    Emotional Strengths andWeaknesses:

    Liam can rallying himself with inspiration, he chants “I can doall things,” and get any job done.

    He gets feeling of futility and depression when not cleaning a ship, flying, or doing some chore.



    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair/Fur: Brown
    Skin Color: White
    Clothing: flightjacket (white), grey tanktop, and grey flight pants.

    Personal History: See Bio

    Immediate Family: Telios QelDroma (Father, Deceased) Xena Qel-Droma (Mother, Deceased),and Val Qel-Droma (Sister,Presumed Alive)
    Spouse/Children: None
    Laim lost his entire family onAlderaan when the Death Starused its super weapon on it.Liam was aboard his family'smerchant ship, running supplies for his father when his world was destroyed. Inresponse to the loss of his home and most of his family, hejoined the Rebels and went to flightschool. Liam showed promise as T-Wing Interceptorpilot, and with potential as a A-Wing Pilot, but his frequency ofcrashing in water landings, and earned him a reputation forbeing clumsy. Liam graduated Flight school by the skin of his teeth, that is he didn’t crash in water on his assessment, giving him the go ahead to join BlackSheep Squadron.


    Pets: None
    Weapons: NN-14 Blaster Pistol,Combat Knife, Standard Issue
    Starship Qualifications: R60 T-Wing, Interceptor, 500hrs of flight time, A-Wing 25hrs of flight time.
    Droid: R7 Astro Droid

    Liam’s stand out quality is he tends crash land his ship overwater. He becomes nervous and is unable to sink the landing.
    Last edited: May 13, 2021
  25. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    Secondary (or NPC) Character Sheet:

    General Information:

    Character's Name: Dug Masterson
    Callsign: Bluebird
    Species: Human
    Gender: male
    Rank/Affiliation: Flight Officer, Alliance to Restore the Republic
    Languages: basic
    Residence: Intrepid
    Home Planet: Corellia
    Age: 19
    Approved Special Features:

    Character Traits:
    Likes/Dislikes: Loves to fly and hates anything that gets in the way of that.
    Racial Traits:
    Strengths and Weaknesses: Quick thinking and adaptable he is however impulsive and inexperienced.
    Physical Strengths and Weaknesses:



    Clothing: Standard flight suit usually.

    Brief Biography: The son of a fighter pilot, Dug learned at an early age his own aptitude and love of flying. As he grew older he wanted nothing more than to attend Skystrike Academy and earn his wings, though his lack of academic credentials (he was a poor student) made that a nearly impossible dream to achieve. His goal was made even more difficult when his father defected from the Imperial Navy and brought his skills to the Rebel Alliance. Hoping to join with him there and perhaps hoping the rebels would accept him as a pilot Dug arrived at the rebel base his father called home only to learn he had been shot down and captured by pirates who were holding him hostage. Unable to come to terms with the fact that the rebels were not only unwilling to pay the rnasom to free him, nor were they willing to mount a rescue operation Dug (along with another pilot, a long time friend of the family) stole a pair of Rebel fighters and launched their own rescue operation, one that was ultimately successful, though at the cost of one of the rebel fighters. Dug was arrested upon his return and placed into the fighter program for four years to work off his sentence.

    Pets: None
    Weapons: As a condition of his release into the fighter program he is not allowed to carry a sidearm
    Starship Qualifications: A-Wing
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