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Memph, TN The SMT Costume Help Thread

Discussion in 'SouthEast Regional Discussion' started by Qui-Gon Tim, Sep 9, 2003.

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  1. Obi_J_Kenobi

    Obi_J_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 15, 2002
    Glad to hear the "serger" deal is going through Gina ! :) Joe, I hope your getting better dude, once again, I don't think I'll be making this costuming meeting, due to work reasons. Which chaps me because I need to work on so many things. (Still trying to figure out how to do my Han pants without pulling my hair out with frustration..)
  2. StarBlazerM31

    StarBlazerM31 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 8, 2005
    And I don't have to say why I'm not coming. ;_;

    -Darth Grace [face_skull]
  3. Timewalker

    Timewalker Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tim, I don't think anyone will be offended if you cancel. We understand that the library likes to reserve the room for a certain number of people. And no one wants anyone's time to be wasted.

    Hopefully things will work out better in August for Tim (both of you) and J and Grace.

  4. Valeska

    Valeska Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 30, 2004
    J-Are you still deciding on which ones to make or how to do them?
  5. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    I know J too well.... He'll think of 8 more costumes he wants this week! :p
  6. kellrob

    kellrob Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 15, 2004
    I am leaving work for the day. Southaven Tim and I will be at the Southaven library tomorrow from 11-3. If anyone is interested in attending with us, please come on down!

  7. Echo7Solo

    Echo7Solo Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 10, 2005
    yeah, Kelly and I will still be there tomorrow but I personally won't be offended if nobody else shows up. I'm just happy to get something done with mine. Also if anybody wants to try to do something on a weekday I'm fine with it. We might be able to get together somewhere like somebody's house or something. Just let me know.
  8. StarBlazerM31

    StarBlazerM31 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 8, 2005

    Like me. There's already another costume I'm wanting. [face_worried]
    But this one (like the Asajj) can wait.

    -Darth Grace [face_skull]
  9. Obi_J_Kenobi

    Obi_J_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 15, 2002
    I think I'm gonna do the Dark Blue pants with golden stripes with the full shirt and vest. The look from Empire strikes back. but, the dude who was gonna make me my belt hasn't gotten back in contact with me yet...and yes Tim :) I always think of costumes I'd like to make...though some I know I'd look crappy this Han one..*grumbles*
  10. Echo7Solo

    Echo7Solo Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 10, 2005
    hey, I just wanted to say thanks to Kelly for coming down to help me out with my costume. Thank you so much for the help. I have it cut out and almost ready to sew so that is a start. Again I would like to reach out to anybody who would like to try to get a costume session on a week night or something. I know there are a lot of people who want to work on it but can't do it on weekends. Let me know when and where to do this. I can even book the Southaven library on a week night if I need to. Please, just keep the communication open.
  11. Valeska

    Valeska Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 30, 2004
    Got the new serger yesterday and made my first tunic. It turned out SO BEAUTIFULLY. I am totally psyched.

    Tim, PM me the number of people who have paid dues and I will make them each one this week. We can distribute them at drive-in night if you want.
  12. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    Are you sure about that, Gina? I think we are at around 14 people. That's a heck of a lot of fabric, and cost!
  13. Valeska

    Valeska Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 30, 2004
    4 yds a tunic X 14 people - Joe and I = 48 yds. Yeah, I have that much. Not all in the same color. In fact some tunics might be multicolored.

    And I have 2 weeks until Drive in night. I think I accept that challenge. Its only one a day and I can finish on in around 3 hours.
  14. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    You're good! I'm slower than frozen molasses!
  15. Valeska

    Valeska Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 30, 2004
    Do you realize I have made close to ten of these things by now?

    Seriously, I need the practice, I love to make them, and I'm channeling my grandmother when I sew.

    What I need is you to show me (but let me sew it) how to make a patternless robe when you have the time. I want to make one for myself and and a Jedi one for Joe.

    On a side note, I picked up some fantastic black material but its probably just enough for a Luke EP6 cape. I'll bring it Drive-in night for you to see.
  16. Qui-Gon Tim

    Qui-Gon Tim Memphis, TN FanForce Chapter Rep star 5

    Apr 1, 2000
    No prob on the cape. It's a lot like doing a tunic.
  17. Valeska

    Valeska Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 30, 2004
  18. StarBlazerM31

    StarBlazerM31 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 8, 2005
    Does anyone else here have an account at

    -Darth Grace [face_skull]
  19. Valeska

    Valeska Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 30, 2004
    what is

    I think I was a little ambitious on the drive in night deadline. Especially considering the storms in our area are doing funky things with our lights. But I plan to have them done by Masqerade.

    Grace - picked up some more of that purple fabric your tunic's made out of, in case you are interested.

  20. StarBlazerM31

    StarBlazerM31 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 8, 2005
    Cosplaylab is a place where people can show off their costumes. They post a picture (if they have one) and talk about how they made the costume (or who made it for them) how long it took, how much the matierials cost, etc.
    Example: Here's my cosplaylab.

    I would suggest that some of the members here set up user ids. It's a great place to show off your hard work.

    And just to inform, I just bought around 11-12 yards of that homespun, 9 yards of blue/black satin, and 8 yards of black satin from Wal-Mart. All for around $56.

    The satin will be for the costume for the Masquarade. ^_^

    -Darth Grace [face_skull]
  21. Schmootika

    Schmootika Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 20, 2005
    fer the Masquerade, eh.o_O You have my interest peaked.

    I can no longer stand it. I cashed in a few Coke stock shares and by golly, there WILL be a shiny new black outfit at my house soon. [face_dancing] I know I will have to modify a few things, but I just wanna walk around in the outfit and feel the beast within. [face_skull]
  22. StarBlazerM31

    StarBlazerM31 Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jan 8, 2005

    You'll see it then.

    As for the Vader...*shudder* That will be odd. Someone in the group who has a Vader costume. Well...looks like the hicks who want us to come out with a Vader won't be complaining anymore.

    Was I the only person severely offended when Tim was call Darth Vader by that idiot with the mic on stage? ROAR!!! [face_frustrated]

    -Darth Grace [face_skull]
  23. Valeska

    Valeska Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 30, 2004
    Some people really should read up on characters before they get on stage.

    How can you confuse Vader with the Emporer?

  24. Valeska

    Valeska Jedi Youngling star 2

    Oct 30, 2004
    I have picked up some wonderful nagahide to make lekku out of. Now I just have to figure out exactly how to do it. I know, sew a cone and stuff it with batting, I still have to figure the dimensions of the cones. I have a yard of (I believe) 60". So I have plenty, I think.

  25. gooshy

    gooshy Jedi Knight star 1

    Apr 27, 2005
    Not really part of star wars.. but finished the pistol I'm bringing to Dragoncon. It is Oburi's pistol from an anime movie called "Kite". Has a two working Yellow/Blue LED's under the cartridge selector (white thing on top of the gun). Don't have it on because of the flash though. I plan on making a costume for my Oburi character and I was planning on making a Spike Speigel, but I'm not very good at sewing (my dad is pretty good, my grandmother was a sewer).

    Anyway, here is the finshed product on my lightsaber stand:


    Reference Photos:

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